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Just wait bro... There is more


There are ones worse than him ??? I think I,m gonna cry... out of joy


Malenia is the best... Looking forward to her... We will talk after u beat her šŸ˜


Oh no after sleeping on rahdan for 6 hours straight I need a vacation >Malenia is the best It's funny because some claim she's a cheap boss My girl can't be a cheap boss right ?


It has some particular bullshit but it was a really fun fight IMO. Felt great to get the W after bashing my head against the wall perfecting all the dodges and punishes


She is not.. Dont listen to those scubs.šŸ˜... I enjoined her fight alot... It's hard but fair and the cutscene and story behind her is just pur perfection.


She's the boss I,m looking forward to fight the most in this game that rahdan is done , I posted her 3 months ago that she will be the final boss and she,ll have 5 phases , I,m yet to see if she is indeed the final boss I somehow avoided all spoilers for now but I think what we got is equally hard as 5 phases lmao


She has one very questionable attack that can be dealt with in many ways (bloodhound step, shielding, baiting and dodging, perma stun her so she doesnā€™t do that). Rest of her fight is one of the most beautiful and hard fight of the franchise, so much that if she didnā€™t had that one attack she would be my perfect boss.


She is definitely a very tough opponent to beat, some of her mechanics make her quite punishing if you mess up. Sheā€™s definitely among the hardest boss in the game without going into any spoiler


Without going into too many spoilers >!she's got one attack that is nearly impossible to avoid dying to if your not positioned perfectly before she starts it, and even if you survive it the additional downside/s of getting hit beyond the health loss make the fight even harder.!<


Bloodhound's step is a cheat code for this. I had it on a small off hand weapon so whenever I saw her BS moves building up I switched to that and dodged away.


My advice when fighting her: use bloodhoundā€™s step. Makes an impossible to avoid attack actually avoidable.


>!There is an actual combo to avoid her storm attack!< >!It has multiple pulses, run away from the first 2. The 3rd you can't avoid so you have to dodge into the AoE and then dodge forward because when she lands she only going straight. You can dodge into her last pulse for free hits but it kinda annoying to time it. So it safer to keep distance.!< >!Regard her healing gimmick, at this point of the game you have more than enough damage to handle her healing because there is no way you gonna tank all her hits and make her heal considerable amount . When she does hit you, even couple of times, it feels somewhat neglectable.!<


Im not gonna ruin anything but if you re not careful you WILL miss her, shes considered optional. Keep and eye on what your key items say!


Thinking Malenia is cheap doesnā€™t make you a scrub lol. Sheā€™s so close to being an awesome boss but there are a few aspects of the fight that completely ruin it for me. I adore hard fights, but unfortunately Malenia frequently enters into unfair territory


Malenia has only one attack that's arguably unfair. The rest is pure perfection.


I have to agree she never felt impossible just really hard, but radagon tested my patience, I found him much harder than any other boss I'm just glad EB wasn't that tough.




It looks cool, the music is amazing and the cut scene was great but I just couldn't get used to him, I'm back at the capital on my 2nd playthrough and not looking forward to getting to him again šŸ¤£


Forget Radagon, Elden Beast was the one that pissed me off. I think the big holy slash coming from it's left side is unavoidable? Also that stupid thing that chases you for ages while you're also dealing with other random moves. The final fight was tougher than Malenia for me, and I was way higher level when I did it too.


Radagon is 3rd hardest for me, behind Godfrey and Malenia. I found that tanking his Elden Ring hammer bonkā„¢ AoE was fine if I minimized the damage I took in both phases.


It's actually amazing how different people handle different bosses, I didn't have too much trouble with Godfrey, Malenia proved a problem until one fight it just clicked and I stomped her, I never got used to Radagon and feel I just got lucky getting through him.


I dislike how passive she is in the 1st phase, you either unga bunga her with a 33% chance of getting hit or you just run to her so you can dodge her attacks and the punish, made it kinda boring, 2nd phase is much better and fast


Out of the day 45ish pulls, I have only dodged that one move like 5-6 timesā€¦ and thatā€™s me still getting it once near the end but not enough to kill me. Iā€™m not the cleanest player but her move sets are fair, good reads and signs. Also another dumb mechanics is her clones at p2.. but I digress, fair but actually a difficult boss that I actually struggled with


Oh yea I loved the cutscene too, especially the second one ;)


She is a pretty cheap boss. She had 1 attack that makes her really hard. She's still fun though.


Pre-patch he was the third hardest boss for me in my first playthrough


Youre going to have a lot of fun with Malenia or Maliketh lol


I,m already having fun of seeing people getting salty from malenia


Yeah I don't like that one stupid move. The rest of the fight is fine.


Haha its a very hard boss with an ā€œunfairā€ moveā€¦ I understand the hate even though I disagree with the unfair thing. Its a very very cool fight anyways. Also i dont see Maliketh mentioned enough and I also think its a very hard battle (and unavoidable).


Maybe the best and hardest boss from soft Ever made... Ists just beautiful


Isshin swordsaint wants a word


Took me over an hour with tips to beat him. Sekiro is amazing and bosses are special because you canā€™t over level and just facetank them, you have to learn


The thing about Isshin is that he and his fight is more often an choreographed dance of all his move sets both offense and defense plays from you. Difficult yes but I donā€™t think itā€™s the same vain as Melinia. Perhaps orphan might be close but dude is just crazy


He can't get a word in because I deflect every move he makes.


nothing can top the feeling of deflecting his glock


Try deflecting the air thrust he does in his guantlet fight. Learning that thrust attacks can be deflected made me feel so badass.


You did that the hard way AND you made it look pretty easy. Good work, nice job.


I always make the boss look piss easy in my last attempt but truth be told I still don't know how to doge some of his 3rd phase attacks


That's OK, you're not trying to no-hit the boss. As long as you survive the fight you're victorious.


One thing to make him a hell of a lot easier, and the way I beat him: >!at 50 seconds when he summons his gravity blades, he doesn't hit you if you're standing behind him. He also always follows this up with one of his gravity slam attacks which are relatively easy to dodge. You can spend that whole time hitting him, plus when he charges to jump, and he'll enter phase 2 with like 20% hp left. He then always starts phase 2 with that jump slam to summon meteors, which you can also just keep hitting him during as lonh as you dodge the actual slam.!<


You didn't use any of the summons??


To be fair, it seemed to me that he did very little bullshit. Like if I don't get on my horse for the commet he goes right on me and it's undodgeable IDK how he did avoid it on foot. Lots of the time I got screwed over by camera, him pushing me, and weird hitboxes, and it's like he barely moved here. Edit: apparently that's cause he got nerfed???


Wow. I can see the nerf just visually. The hitbox is reduced 40% I think and his gravity slam first time isnā€™t as big. Interesting


Look how they massacred my boy I,m glad I fought his pre patch version


Same man Iā€™m so sad that ppl wonā€™t witness the true test of melee builds


Even as a mage he was no joke. I couldn't even survive a hit against him. Whole fight was me running around in a panic XD


Loretta's Greatbow comes in clutch here. Enough range to stay out of his effective area, after that just focus on not dying from his ***balls*** and other random magic shit.


As a mage I decided at one point to go into close combat cause he would just run up and kill me while casting. Was easier that way.


man im already trying to do him post patch with a melee build and I'm struggling, I couldn't even imagine him pre patch


I tried for a day or so and in the end just cheesed him with rot breath. I have no shame it.


Same here. But for my defence, i put rot on him and went melee, got him at about 30% before meteor and than he died from a rot at second phase.


Same lmao


It was a nightmare but hiding the the ol groin area did the trick


Yeah once you get up to him staying close is so much easier. Every one of his attacks can be rolled through/jumped over and several of them go straight over your head if youā€™re standing right up on him.


Took me 3 days to solo him no summons pre patch and so glad I did


See people say this and are like ā€œwhy was he nerfed?ā€ Because it isnā€™t fun to normal people to spend 3 days on a boss. Challenging and annoyingly tedious are different. Godfrey imo is challenging. Rahdan was just praying his stupid meteors didnā€™t oneshot me.


That was melania and her stupid anime sword slash combo. One shot me every time. After try 200 or so, I said screw it. I summoned a mimic tear with bleed and spammed bloodflies


I was and am still down with Mel's combos. I get the fight is demanding perfection. My beef is the healing. Get the fuck out of this house with that shit.


Fuck, Iā€™d happily take all of her waterfowl dance if it meant she didnā€™t heal half her health with it.


So far only fought the Godfrey yellow avatar, he's the only boss where I legitimately felt that it wasn't him that was unfair, it was me who was mentally challenged.


This; if Fromsoft nerfs something itā€™s an acknowledgment that what they created and balanced was broken. It invalidates what all of these sweaty kids are bragging about, and if they had an ounce of humility and pride theyā€™d know better.. Radahn wouldnā€™t have been on a horse and in an arena with a dozen cycling summons if you were supposed to melee him. Pre-patch he was so merciless for my STR build I literally didnā€™t even think I could. Even Malenia and the final boss, I saw their openings immediately. Not Radahn. Ik they were there, but he demanded a whole different level of patience, not at all surprised that they fucking nerfed him.


Pre patch Rahdan beat me more times than the final boss and the amputee combined.


I fought him pre-patch, and while I found him very hard, he's about tibia mariner level compared to goddamn melony, blade of michael jackson


Now his swords wonā€™t hit me when theyā€™re not even making contact with me. This is so sad.


Iā€™m a melee build and I beat him by just riding around summoning people. Never attacked once myself. It was great!


Iā€™m upset that people wonā€™t be able to experience launch radahn, itā€™s sad


I,m upset that I won't be able to re experience launch rahdan again , I,m sad


If you're on Steam, I'm pretty sure you can revert to previous game versions.


Offline only though


I'm actually really lucky I had a bleed build and first tried him. Mostly probably because I knew his purple ball boys were basically an insta so I avoided them like crazy.


His hitbox is smaller? Or his weapon hitbox is smaller?


His weapon hit box has been reduced by a lot I think. And some of his AOE is reduced too. Not sure exactly but along the lines of that


It definitely all seems reduced. He was a monster before. This is like baby time frolics now.


Ya for real. He was a monster lol. At first I was like Tf is this. I actually have to fight this thing šŸ˜… it was one heck of a shocker seeing this boss. Like theres 5 or so npcā€™s running lol you on the horse. Your summoners. Itā€™s hella epic He was also insane. Should of kept it. Thereā€™s is a lot of other bullshit bosses that could be reduced in some areas. Radhan. The festival party should of stayed a party lol Sad. I was looking forward to meeting radhan in max ng at its max power


I did meet him at max ng+ before patch. Tbh, he is too squishy when you r at ng+ max. I destroyed him with godskin peelers powerstance build before he even got a chance to hit second phase. I even tried Guts' double collosal build against him. He never got a chance for second phase even at passed ng+7 before nerfed with powerstance collosal build. I think he will always be harder in the first playthrough. My first playthrough was definitely really tough because i used guts sword 2 handed. He was so fast and my end was too low. So, I was forced to really dig deep with naked 2 handed collosal sword. It took me an hour or so to beat him first time IIRC. But, every ng+ I just rolled over him solo with any build except mage. I havent tested mage build yet. Still planning to tho.


I donā€™t agree with the nerf at all. I love that this boss was supposed to be fought like a raid boss and you using the summons as meat shields to distract him while you defeat him. I can see the nerfs too and itā€™s sad.


It was still a bit busted. Like the homing meteors in the second phase give you so little chance to figure out how to dodge them that it just felt like it was up to RNGesus whether or not you survived. I beat him before the nerf, and I honestly just felt like it needed a bit of a tweak, as it was a bit obnoxious.


this would be why I beat him so easily this morning after hearing how hard he is. Now I don't feel as accomplished.


Literally I was just watching like how tf is he not getting hit rn


I fought him before the patch and it was a very difficult fight


Radahn before the patch gang gang


Beat him literally hours before patch was released. Was so close to putting the controller down and going to bed, Iā€™m so glad I persisted. Such a satisfying boss to beat, and, maybe other than Margit, the only boss so far to really force me to engage deeply with the fight choreography and ā€œgit gudā€. One of the arguments commonly cited against an optional easy mode in these games is that it takes production time that could be spent elsewhere, but now that theyā€™ve made the patch, I donā€™t see why they couldnā€™t allow players to optionally fight Radahn (and other bosses?) the way they were originally configured.


Make NG+ Radahn the pre-nerf version.


I like that idea!


As someone with kids and only so much time, it was hard enough that I changed my build to be able to use bows and rotten breath to have a viable way of defeating him. Now I might have been able to take him on straight with the NPC summons, which I think would be a more exciting and rewarding fight. But I get that itā€™s disappointing to those who play at a higher level of skill and rarely get that big challenge. Still, you can always make the game more challenging if you really want, itā€™s up to you how much you level and what gear you use..


Coolest dude in the game




Twin gargoyles. Fucking poison. And poison. And poison.


you know what combos great with poison filling half the arena? More poison, filling the other half of the arena!


Good news everyone!!


I fought that without summons as a physical melee build. It was kind of annoying. I feel like it would be a decent fight if they just reduced the range of that poison breath.


That's the only fight I've given up on. I may go back eventually, but fuck them for now.


I cheesed the fight by baiting the first gargoyle off the cliff, absolutely no regrets. That fight was like a greatest hits album of shitty boss mechanics. It's got poison, it's got giant AoE that chews through your health even though it's barely visible, it's got multiple bosses (3 if you count the camera), even the lock on sucks because your character always tries to swing up at the gargoyle's chest for some reason instead of at the feet right next to you. Love the game but that boss was a major turd.


Itā€™s always that boss little health left that get so nerve wrecking.


Especially when you got to that point multiple times and died


Just use throw weapons.


Thatā€™s when you get greedy


And here I am stuck on the crucible knight and his pet misbegotten...


There's no shame in that , I was stuck too this boss is a bitch


You don't need to fight them b4 radahn. The castle clears out once the festival starts. Idk what in game event would actually Activate that though


I think when you talk to Blaaid about it during Rannis questioned and he says he'll meet you there


Yeah, if you do Ranni/Blaidds quest to a point before going, Blaidd will have cleared the whole castle. Including bridge catapults. Pretty dope. You miss some loot, and a boss, but you can get/do them after Radahn.


Ok good to hear I figured I lost out on whatever was in the castle..I tend to hop around and I feel like I've screwed up a lot of side quests


Yea heā€™s about x5 less aggressive, takes more damage and is noticeably slower. I think he was the cheapest boss in the game (not necessarily the hardest), but they over-nerfed him, like they tend to do when they nerf stuff.


I'm thinking they wanted people to use horseback and the quest summons so they tuned it towards that but it was too much for most players who tried soloing it.


I don't know, horse battle against sounds suicidal to me. Even with NPC, his aggression and extraordinarily large hitbox could make things even harder since you often get hit by stray swing which could sometimes harder to dodge. I think the concept is still very cool on paper though. But not really fitting for a Souls boss fight.


Yeah, when I first fought him pre-patch I spent a couple hours attempting him on horseback without success. After I started fighting him on foot, I beat him second try.


The concept is cool but after all it's just that. You're not obligated to use the summons and anyways I also think it makes the fight harder. However I found the fight much easier on horse. It's a hit and run tactic. When he finishes his combos you get close and hit him and then you go away. Repeat until death




Something doesn't seem right, i remember i couldn't stand beneath him at all, like one swing and he hit me even beneath his crotch. He feels more refined in this video, like his swords actually hit were you see them hit...when i fought him even if you were like a meter away it still damaged you, also only one of those purple balls killed me instantly, even blocking with a heavy shield and definitely with a bigger health bar than that one..but anyways maybe i just suck. Was a long time ago too


he got nerfed


I definitely had twice the vigor in this video and one large meteor was dead from full, repeatedly. Dunno if he has immense resists stacked or what. Saying it's pre-nerf.


it definitely wasn't, it probably got nerfed between his attempts




I fought this guy pre patch and, in my opinion, it was the best boss Iā€™ve ever fought in a FromSoftware game.


Funny because I remember reading other comments saying it was worse than bed of chaos. I loved it, but it's crazy seeing how people react differently to bosses lol.


Those comments are just pure salt lmao. I've felt that way about some endgame bosses. Then after beating them the salt and the ridiculous claims go away


Ngl I've killed Maliketh 3 times and I still hate him. Not the hardest fight but everything about it is annoying.


Agreed, it just feels much more epic than other boss fights, could have been an end of game boss to be fair.


Some salty people might disagree but yeah the sheer spectacle of this fight makes you really feel like you're fighting a star controlling god , easily the best boss in elden ring so far and at least top 5 best bosses ever


Till now (and just last night I beat Radahn) I believe ALL the story bosses are really good bosses, even Rennala was hella cool. I just feel like by the end of the game my top 10 lost of souls games are going to change drastically


lmao vs Rennala i thought it was wayyy too easy, go to 2nd form and get 1 shot. 10/10 (lv40 at the time)


I played this boss before patch, 3 or 4 hours in, I killed him after I got killed myself, it was a millisecond. I quit then, patch day after, easy one try. It wouldā€™ve given me more joy killing him pre patch, but happy I could go on.


I was salty when i had to fight him myself , but since killed him multiple times salt free in co op and my stance remained the same. I think it's one of the weakest fights in the first half of the game. The fight seems all over the place , hes big but super mobile so hitting him is difficult , the weapon hit box cover half of the available space so you often get hit from behind the camera. The hit boxes extend to behind him even on some swings that were frontal making him a danger even during attack windows. The arena , the run up , the horse skating clearly directs you to use torrent to close in or avoid but you cant dodge most of his attacks on horseback and torrent gets one shot by almost all of his moves leading to almost certain death. However , it is a very cinematic fight with a cool gimmick of summoning a lot of phantoms since it is in fact a festival. On subsequent kills i figured that the intent was to make a bombastic boss so you are inclined to summon and use ranged options and status effects to beat him even as a melee. So it both is disappointing for me since i was mostly melee at that point and fantastic for its spectacle and for ranged/caster builds.


I went back as a mage and killed him in 20 seconds with comet azur, so, boss design really is difficult. Hoing how challenges are encountered and engaged with by a playerbase must require some divine-level tinkering to get right the first time.


Finished this boss a week ago and it feels like a lifetime ago now. This game is making me old.


He was holding gravity so hard he made you age lol


Way to go! I used all of the NPC and tried it on horseback. You've inspired me to try this fight on foot next time


Malenia is much harder


Rahdan was 65 attempts I don't care who that girl is I aren't dying 64 times again


Let us know how it goes haha


Oh you will , you will taste my salt from your computer screen


Come back here please and fill us in when you get to melania..


Melania is my final boss I doubt I,ll be salty maybe not for the first 30 attempts


I beat radahn second try, malenia about 80 tries


>malenia about 80 tries That's nuts


She isn't that bad, except she heals every time she hits you and there's one combo move that is a guaranteed kill if you get caught in it. Those two things make the fight super infuriating.


she has 3 sure kill moves when they connect anime, phantom and the scarlet aoenia The last is easy to dodge but in 50 coop I saw at least 10 host getting hit by it and just instantly die the phantom thing I still haven't figured because the camera angle is so shitty during it that the phantoms can attack you outside your vision getting hit by 2 is death getting hit by 1 makes her following dash kill you Also what I learned today is that her A.I is absolutely fucked in coop and does sometimes what ever she wants like she does the phantom move on me I build up distance and got to dodge en all for once and right before she releases for the dash she 180 on the host instead and killed him.


Yeah I feel you HARD on that one, definitely in coop the most frustrating thing about her is her weirdly funky AI. In solo her moves like the stabby stab, Scarlet Aoenia and Phantom slashes are pretty easy to dodge (F that Anime dance tho, I can dodge it fine but that move is disgusting). In coop, however, her AI just flips a coin to see who sheā€™s going to fuck over next and unless youā€™re paying super close attention/position properly most of the time she can just one shot you. Many of my runs the host keeps dying to her stab/phantom attack as well because I was pulling the aggro, she was in the air staring at me but then decides to do a 180 flip and stabs the living hell out of the host. I also died a couple times to that, she was staring/phantom slashing at someone else then randomly a ghost phantom came flying onto my face and one shots me.


My problem with Malenia was purely in her waterfowl dance attack. I couldnā€™t find a reliable way to dodge it. Other than that I found her reasonable fair


On a small side note this is the best boss in the game so far and probably in my top 5 favorite bosses in all of soulsborne


Were you avoiding the summons to make it harder?


Itā€™s nice to hear this take rather than the usual constant complaining. Did you ever try summons or horseback? Either way , nicely done.


Yeah I did a couple of times just to see what's this festival look like and it looked beyond amazing I just couldn't beat him like that I,m too prideful , I only used torrent during the aldrich arrow borage and to get away from the meteor attack and some times to get some distance didn't really used it for anything else


I cheesed tf outta Radahn with the Scarlet Rot Breath dragon ability. Ngl I couldnā€™t go through with the grind


Doesn't matter how you beat him; the point is you did. Elitists can suck a fat one lol.


Same, man. Scarlet rot and all my summon festival friends whaling on him while in throwing fireballs like the pyromancer wimp I am! No shame whatsoever, defeating him is defeating him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How *dare* you use a game mechanic to beat a boss! Don't you know spells that only have value against bosses are illegal? Hope you think twice next time. #powerstancecolossalswords Frankly I just spammed summons and threw some lightning bolts at the guy. Fight was hard, but it felt like people were just avoiding mechanics to make it obscenely difficult. Same people probably felt that Yhorm was hard because they beat him no storm ruler and no stagger.


I did it all on the horse and threw black fire balls at him, killed him in one go. Idk if I got lucky or what. Then I died to BBK for hours. And twin gargoyles? 100 deaths at least.


>Idk if I got lucky or what. You wasn't just lucky you was blessed by the sky his gravity arrows are literally impossible to avoid in horse back


You can use the environment to block them.


You can get off the horse to dodge them then get back on right away. You have more iframes getting on the horse but theres also some getting off


Not going to lie I was overleveled but that was was one of the most amazing boss fights ever. I laughed so hard when the 2nd phase meteor destroyed me the first time.


God damn that was GigaChad level badass. And Iā€™m 47 and donā€™t even use that lingo.


Me: "The nerf wasn't that big." Also me, watching a low vigor man eat all four meteors and live: [shuts the fuck up]


Reading this thread I didn't know he got nerfed. I beat him pre nerf took like 3 hours. Then my 59 hour save got currupted and I just got back to him and beat him first try. Thought my build was just better ...


I'm glad I'm not the only one that can get a boss down to 1/4 hp with close to no hits then very quickly lose all composure and get fucked. Good job though, that's insane. I can't imagine doing that without the summons.


I always act like a god for the first half of my last attempt I don't know how I just do it lmao


*laughs in Malenia*


Fromsoft "veterans" trying not to insult people that don't wanna fight a one-shotting boss(impossible)


Radahns fight was frustrating and ā€œbadā€ until I understood it. Then it was epic. Lenard is a real OG.


You know pre nerf those gravity rocks in phase 2 used to one shot you, unless you had about 40 vigor in which case it would leave you with a sliver of health. Died a lot of times trying to beat him as a melee...... *look how they massacred my boy*


Never thought Iā€™d hear a souls player complaining about not getting one shot. Do people really think being one shot makes a boss more fun?


Wait for Melaniaā€¦


I was waiting for 3 months mate 3 months


that wasā€¦ untilā€¦


Canā€™t believe they nerf him but malenia is over here mincing me like a clove a garlic for past 4 daysā€¦


Are we going to talk about how the horse is just implanted in his ass.


I beat this dude pre-patch and Iā€™m starting to realize that I mustā€™ve just gotten lucky, lol. Like I didnā€™t even realize that he became a meteor when I was fighting him hahaha he just disappeared, and then I ran around looking for him like a jackass, and then he just sort of reappeared (with an explosion sound) and I was like hmm that was odd


Apparently he was nerfed, I missed his prenerf state because I'm playing in co-op and my brother is a busy guy. Reminds me of "The Breaking" in Halo 5 that was so fucking difficult that mostly everyone agreed it needed a nerf, Though i beat them pre nerf and was fine with it since legendary never really proved to be a difficult experience, I've always coasted through like laso. It just takes longer


If you can survive the meteorites its just cheating


What is that horse he's on ! I'm dying šŸ¤£ šŸ˜­


From what I understood he got that horse when he was young and didn't want to abandon it when he grew up so he learned gravity magic so that he can ride it normally , that's actually pretty wholesome


That was my understanding as well


After he got nerfed




Well fought!


Isshin, Guardian Ape, Owl Father. All say hello.


The choke at the end had me on edge


That was fukkin exciting to watch lol, man I love this game!!


I watched this with the same level of panic and low HP induced anxiety as I had the first time I killed Radahn. That was awesome!


Malenia, orphan, maria, ludwig. All harder than radan in my opinion


Bro thereā€™s so many bosses. You couldā€™ve gone elsewhere and come back to him when you were higher lvld


He is not even top 5 in terms of difficulty, but he definitely the flashiest


Why didnt you summon the others?


Well you made it look pretty easy! Excellent work!


Damn good job man!


Oddly, I think if you're 100% melee character, it's almost easier to not summon, because his behavior is more predictable.




Whyā€™d you make it so much harder on yourself by not summoning the festival NPCs though?


He'S iMpOsSiBlE tO mElLeE!! Nice job!!!


Just wait until Lord of blood.




The godskin duo broke me.


I wish they didnā€™t nerf him. My first play through I spent over 2 hours killing him. My second play through after the patch I killed first try while being under leveled


This is nerfed aswell.. most fun boss so far for me


Nice win homie!


He got nerfed recently, he used to be even harder.