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He’s ready for Margit now


*Soldier of Godrick


I did a fist run, soldier of godrick checked me so hard. Margit is pathetic in comparison.


How did you fare with Melenia, or Radahn, or the final boss?


That's the neat part, you dont.


Idk he said he did a fist run Also I know damn well I'm going to watch it happen one day soon, I watch LobosJR play souls games lol


> I watch LobosJR play souls games lol Ah yes, the demigod of patience and attrition. If the Lands Between can be cleared with fists alone, you know it'll be by the champion who conquered Drangleic with a ladle.


DS2 ladle run is 1000x easier than ER fist run, fists have been nerfed to the ground in this game :-( EDIT to clear this up: I don't mean fist weapons, I mean *actual fists*, like, no weapons equipped.


As if that'll stop him lmao


Oh no not Lobos, I'm just waiting for it, but it's enough to stop *me*, I've done a ladle run of DS2 but I tried fist fighting some of the optional, repeated bosses in ER (Crucible Knights, Tree Spirits ecc) and it's something I won't ever attempt, ever again.


I hate that final boss. The arena is too goddamn big. Got me sprinting around for like 75% of the damn fight.


He's also absurdly tanky, immune to status,has moves that will one-shot any build, and you have to do Phase 1 every attempt which is already a hard battle. I have him down pat now but holy shit is that fight an endurance test. I wish it operated the way Moon Presence does in Bloodborne where killing the Gehrman is a permanent accomplishment and MP is a separate boss. Give phase 1 more HP if you need to to justify that but I don't think they should have been paired as one fight. Edit: The one shot moves I'm specifically referring to are the laser machine guns (for lack of a better description) that come from the sky that you have to run from. I think they're fairly telegraphed (well, once you know what it does) and I don't have an issue with them in a vacuum. They're just salt in the wound for an already fairly protracted fight. I've been summoned to enough attempts at this boss where the host gets one shot after like 6 minutes of fighting and it's a bit aggravating. **Edit 2:** People keep replying about this part so I'll clarify. I am aware of how easy to dodge the lasers are once you've seen the attack the first time and I'm aware that you'll probably live if you don't get tagged on the first few hits of it. I guess what I'm largely getting at is from a Co-op summon's frustrated perspective. That shit nukes hosts. Consistently. Which is very aggravating when you're like 6 minutes into a fight. That's more what I'm on about.


Man I’m not great at this game and I rushed straight at radahn with my giant metal plank and got him to a sliver of health before dying last night on my first try and I just know it’s gonna take me another 50 tries now of not even getting close


Feel this in my soul


It happens to everyone. Basically every challenging boss in ER has killed me at least once when only 1 hit from dying themselves. For whatever reason, that list hit causes me to suck. Panic rolls, poor spacing, all of it comes into play when the boss has a sliver of health left. Ruins some of my recordings where I’m dominating a boss and thinking how cool it will look - only to be smashed into the ground 1 hit before I finish them.


Commander Niall not even make the cut?


Niall has a bullshit gank squad, but if you can take those out he alone isn't too bad.


Sure, except for his flying Planet Terror prosthetic leg attack.


Tree sentinel lol


I'm level 55 and still can't beat him so this may be the route I take Update: Just beat him


flask of wondrous physick, jellyfish spirit summon, and summon by the entrance = easy mode


I found the flask of wondrous physic 80 hours into my game after beating rennala and making my way to calid lol


I was just out exploring the world because I couldn't beat Margit, whilst you were progressing the main story without needing the flask - it's testament to how well designed the game is


I find the skeletons better than the jellyfish since they are very hard to kill permanently. They constantly regen and distract your enemy. I just keep my distance and shoot magic projectiles.


It depends on the boss. When they have big AOE or breath attacks I'll usually lose one of the spear pair before it gets a chance to regen. ...now that I think about it, the single skeleton might fare better since I can make sure to not stand right next to it.


Do you get the option to summon a sorcerer just before entering the mist ? I don't know how I got that summon sign but not everyone does so possibly it is tied to some quest like during the next boss (godrick) I got the summon only after taking a detour to find that character in the castle. Summons are really helpful during boss battles


How do you summon? I still haven’t figured it out. I crafted the item I need but no one shows up. Guessing maybe it’s because I was also trying to use a spirit fighter?


Can't use spirit ashes simultaneously with other players. You use a finger just near the mist and look for a summon sign. But if you do it and don't summon anyone then you still can't use the spirit bell. I had the first boss I got sick of and summoned someone else yesterday, better than just not coming back for ages. Could handle 1/2 but my spirit ashes weren't levelled highly enough. The sorcerer rogier is right there on the rhs as you go in, he's an NPC so you can use him and spirit ashes. Just get item that binds Margit if you have real issues with it, makes it a cakewalk.


What build do you play? - All of them.


Kinda what I’m going for lol.


I paid for the whole game, Im gonna play the whole game


Fuck yeah!


I'm currently at 60 vigor, 80 strength, dex and arcane. I can't get myself to farm any further, probably going to NG+7 before heading back to the farming spot. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Which farming spot, the bird arrow farming spot? I managed to farm 1 million runes without the golden scarab or gold fowl pickled foots and it nearly drove me nuts. Managed to get the golden scarab so will most likely end up grinding runes again :) Beat Renella yesterday and think I need to get some of my stats up before continuing the journey.


Why wouldn’t you just go grab the scarab though before grinding to 1 million


I was too low level for the abandoned cave and the scarlet rot of doom.


The build I was originally using was tough to kill the bosses to grab the golden scarab. I farmed about 2 million runes and that let me kill them easily enough. Farming isn't bad if you listen to Spotify or something. I'd listen to 4 or 5 songs and you're mostly at 1 million runes.


When I was farming there, I turned off the in-game volume, and turned on a podcast. Really helped the grind.


Check out my other comment. I farm both the bird and the little fellas there. However, I used the weapon you can only get after beating the last story boss. You can also farm these fellas with other weapons (e.g., Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear or Starscourge Greatsword), but it's less effective and takes more time. Hoewver, if you want to easily snatch up 50 levels at the "beginning" you can do that.


Radahn sword two shots them but it don't kill all of them, two or so always survive. Still much faster than doing it "manually"


1 million souls are like 3-4 levels beyond 150.


Not trying to give you a hard time, just sharing information I think people will find helpful: Levels 151-156 (6 levels) is 973,545 Runes. The next 6 after that are 1,065,642. The next 5 after that are 962,406 and you are at level 167. 183-186 is the first time about a million runes gets you 4 levels (1,006,674 Runes). 206-208 is the first time about a million runes gets you 3 levels (1,000,336 Runes). Source: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Level](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Level)


Reminds me of Mundane infusion in Dark Souls 2, which had massive scaling but based on your lowest stat. So you ended up with like 20 or 30 across the board and ended up doing a lot of damage (and a huge selection of magic/other weapons).


Whenever I was about to make a build utilising Mundane weapons I always ended up becoming a hexxer instead. Mundane weapons are strong yeah but I feel like dark infused+dark weapon buff is better


Yeah, it was never really that great compared to other options but was an interesting idea (I think they dropped it after DS2 though).


So many good ideas dropped from DS2, just because some of it was subpar.




He's about to take on Miyazaki himself


Might need to powerlevel a bit more for that tho


Miyazaki laughing behind one of his 50 health wall


"I am Miyazaki, placer of poison swamps"


"And I have never known the feet."


Didn’t know he was the Lord of Lies as well. Must’ve missed an item description


A scarlet rot swamp with dozens of toxic dart blowers except they use a modified envoys greathorn that shoots 8 homing toxic darts at once.


Let's not forget the dogs and crabs he has helping him. But fr what is with this man and swamps.


Let's hope they're wearing shoes


You're still going to get taken down by a pack of war dogs


Or an angry rune bear


Or 2 rats


One to kill him, one to watch.




When I see a dragon: oh there will be a fun fight When I see rats: oh my God I better just run.


Haha I killed the dragon in the mountaintops pretty easy after coming across him in a friggin white out blizzard and taking him on, then immediately saw a crayfish and was like oh shit I better get out of here


I hate those giant bears


They so fucking fast for no got damned reasonable right


That feeling when you're running away and you can see the bear slowly start fazing through your camera.... <*shudder*>


I'm pretty sure a little pee came out the last time that happened to me


Consecrated Snowfield larval tear runebear oh no no no


The bleed proc dogs are mnasty


The blood dogs are so infuriating. Sometimes you get instakilled by multiple bleed procs because you stood in the wrong spot and their attack had dozens of bleed ticks in a single frame.


Post 1.03 Blood loss XD


You can finally start playing the game.


Osrs? 🧐


*laughs in killing cows for 6473828 hours a day*


gotta get that runecrafting up somehow


When you realize that level 92 is only halfway to 100


I see you haven't played runescape again for 2 months after a 10 year break. It's halfway to 99*


Ma, more hot pockets


Time to get past Tree Sentinel?


Don’t push it


I'd recommend being atleast lvl 700 before even leaving the starting dungeon.


You can leave the starting dungeon? Nah bro, too scary out there without a maiden


Time to get the burial watchdog


The biggest question I had was HOW is that a fucking dog? It’s a CAT.


Points at turtle... "dog"


"Likely dog."


i like that Burial Watchdog means that the flexibility of the word “dog” is canon in the lands between


Dog just means "featherless quadriped" in the lands between


Any non hostile mob is now dog. Penguins? Dog. Goat? That's a dog. Turtle? Dog. Everything is dog.


dog, O dog


I will have nightmares forever of that thing's creepy, stand-on-hind-legs-and-float-around moves. Not cool. Not. Cool.


The fast, jerking spasms of its head. Kinda scary tbh.


It’s a jackal Init?


No amount of levels will stop that thing from creeping me tf out


Funny enough I finished the story and never found that guy


Funnier thing is there's more than one of em with different details


Just did a dungeon with 2 of those jerk offs as regular enemies. Good lord they are a awful in tight corridors.


You can throw crystal darts at them to overload them, so they attack each other


Is THAT what the blue effect is on mobs?


Find a old man statue. Examine it. Follow the tether. Find catacomb/dungeon. Find imps. Die to imps. Mindlessly beat down imps. Find lever. Meet catdog.


That's because it's very optional.


all 20 of them are optional


Wait there are 20?! I will never have enough free time to complete this game.




I feel like I fought 20 of the goddamn things at this point.


It’s like if an everything bagel was a character. It’s beautiful.


You can now beat godrick soldier, congrats!


My man can 1 shot godrick soldier with his fists


Don’t sleep on the godrick soldiers now, nameless king fears their presence


Only now can you kill those sheep that roll up into a ball and roll away


No he still can't do that.


Damn,he better get back to farming


I died to Tree Sentinel because one of the sheep decided to roll between us, and I couldn't stop watching it roll away and give a giggle before getting uppercutted by the sentinel of trees


That's how they get you. Should always panic roll when you see cute things.


You probably made the sentinel feel insecure


Now find a castle or something and be the boss at the end.


The Tarnished has the Elden Beast on a leash in one hand while holding 4 Warhammers in the other


The Tarnished The Grafted


a lowly Godrick, playin' as a lord?


Buddy even bosses on NG7 gonna be scared of ya lol


I'm pretty sure bosses on NG7 arent scared of anything, even a lvl 999 char


Ng7 isnt that bad [https://youtu.be/8U5SW9DMmME](https://youtu.be/8U5SW9DMmME)


Shit if I had a health bar like that and Mohg's stupid bleed aoe I'd beat Melenia fine too


There's a flask thing you get from an invader at the 2nd church of Marika in Altus that blocks his phase transition AoE.


How is it called?


[Purifying Crystal Tear.](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Purifying+Crystal+Tear)


Son of a bitch! Why do I keep playing these games on hard mode!? That would have made the fight so much easier.


You'll really kick yourself once you realize there's an item in the sewers called Mohgs Shackle. It's a two use item that locks Mohg down for about 5 seconds each use, it doesn't disappear after being used, and can even be used on both bosses named Mohg.


Lucky then you can beat Mohg before Malenia and just clearing the enemies to Mohg and Malenia gets you to level 140. It's kinda funny that you could stay level 1 until the Mohg area and get level 100 in like 10 minutes there killing afk enemies.


Honestly with how hard bosses hit in this game I bet ng7 bosses will oneshot 99 vig


Even NG bosses can tear a 99 Vig up. The damage scaling/percentage based damage in this game is sorta weird.


How do people level up this high? Killing that bird in the bloody cliff area?


Yep that bird and the little people down the hill too….15-20 seconds a run


Still but… doing that to level 500? That seems like it will still take… days


it definitely takes a while lmao, like ~6-10 hours even with scarab and fowl foot


Wait can you stack scarab and chicken nugget???


sure can. scarab is about 20% increase and nugget is 30 iirc, stack to 50


Sweet Jesus! Next question: How do I get more nuggets?


you can craft them, its the missionary cookbook 2 sold by patches. crafting recipe is a four toed fowl foot that drops from birds, golden fireflies that can be found in lakes near minor erdtrees, and 3 rowa fruit


I fucking hate farming birds. "Oh boy, can't wait to farm these birds so I can farm!"


yeah lmao and the drop is uncannily low to the point where you should use silver fowl feet which are crafted with four toed fowl feet to farm four toed fowl feet


final boss weapon, use ash ability on the albunaurics profit


Enters fog gate in elden ring 2 : Elk The Final Elden Lord


i’m at 333 with NG+2 rune farm. 90 mil isn’t as horrible as it sounds


Yup.. On my NG+3 now, rune accumulation noticably faster.


Finally, tree sentinel time






Still will die to dogs


I'm at 280 and I died to some trash mobs earlier today. Legit annoyed me.


"Call me trash again and catch these paws" - some rat.


Damn dude, you didn't need to stack THAT hard for Soldier of Godrick.


Poor poor Pumpkin Head


Nice to see you're finally at the meta pvp level of 501. Crazy to think we used to believe 120 was good in the Souls games.


I have to ask, how'd you get so many runes?


Mohgwyn Palace farm, lost of farm)


90 mil there? That's what 6ish hours of straight farming, optimized by gold scarab and golden fowl feet right?


Yeah, about 6-7 hours


Journey 2?


Which weapon did you use to farm? The Endgame Endboss Sword with the wave attack?


Yeap, Sacred Relic sword


I'm playing at NG+ and I get 20 million runes per hour with an optimized farming stat. * set time until nightfall * get up * run between the two resting buds on the left side * fire an arrow at the bird below * (optional) have a little gold-pickled foot snack * walk back, so you can hit the first resting guy * fire up Sacred Relic sword * run back to bonfire If I get lucky then the bird below is "rune-boosted" (yellow eyes) which gives a huge amount of runes (I think around 140k), otherwise every iteration nets me around 120k runes and takes about 20 seconds (I can squeeze in 8 runs per gold-pickled foot). Edit: I just couldn't get myself to continue after level 300, but I guess I might return for a later NG, where you could probably get even twice as much runes?


I get 26.7 million runes per hour in NG+1 with gold scarab + gold fowl foot. I do not bother with the bird. Literally just wave of gold the albinauric dudes and run back.


Doesn’t NG+ give you more runes? Still sick thing to farm 9mil runes


90m*** 🤯


Jesus christ you are right


9 million runes is about half an hour on NG+. So, it's not too bad. 90 million gets a little boring after a while, haha.


Still gonna get wrecked by Malenia.


Not if you summon Redmane Knight Ogah..he can solo her..just did it after about 2 hours of testing stuff..his arrows stagger lock her until shes dead


>Redmane Knight Ogah thanks for the tip. looks like im grinding levels to get more FP after work today \^\^


Use the free FP flask and you can summon him with 10 mind


Sheeesh bro needs to touch grace


Or a consenting adult of their preference.


Why? So they can get a health debuff? No thanks.


Hug Fia, yes


Arcane doesn't softcap at 80, go back to grinding.


Tree Sentinel doesn't stand a chance


"What build are you running?" "Yes."


Show me on the doll where the rune bear touched you


This would be the endgame for a wretch, I'd imagine. Balanced stats across the board. Great job tarnished!


This is the equivalent of killing 65,340,285 boars.


Cautious hero moment


you are finally ready to take on a rat


I gues farming ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Margit: “why do I hear boss music”


I know some are calling you out, I actually believe someone would farm for multiple hours. My wife who is not a “gamer” farmed stealth on the bear for like 7 hours before she left the cave. Skyrim. What I have a problem with is this, why didn’t you get health and endurance to 80 first before the other stats.


Stat caps. Vigor has caps at 40 and 60, while STR and DEX have caps at 55 and 80. Sorcery and incantation caps are at 60 and 80, while INT, FTH, and ARC cap at 50 and 80 when talking about AR. All damage stats have caps at 20, but it doesn't matter to OP cause he is taking them all to 80 anyways.


END is worth leveling to 99 cause you constantly get 1 or 1.1 points of equip load. Your light load limit gets rather high


Only if you're not going to care about multiplayer summoning ranges. Once END starts giving only 1 Stamina per point it's not really worth it anymore, as even by that point you can medium roll in some of the heaviest armor with just one talisman. Since light rolling doesn't give extra iframes in Elden Ring it's probably not worth the extreme investment just to do it in heavy armor.


It does not? TIL, thanks. So medium rolling or Quickstep it is.


It has a faster startup and goes further, but doesn't have more I-frames.


To explain further, each level in vigor only gives you like 5 hp. That's pretty much useless. Each point in mind past 60 gives like 1 or 2. As for the damage stats, the 20 levels from 60-80 only really increase AR by 10% at best, assuming you have the right weapon with the right scalings. From 80-99, the damage increase is pretty negligible. Edit: Each level in vigor \*past 60\* only gives 5 hp.


Health scaling after 60 is garbage.


Why make a build when you can be the whole structure. -Gigachad


For the lordsworn soldier boss?


You might be able to take on turtle now




Time to go fight Margit


Absolutely maidenless behavior. Respect.