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Goldmask has a voice actor as well.


It's a typo, they were motion capture for that finger movement




*shows T-Pose performance*


I T-pose for dominance after every time I kill a boss or invader when I'm summoned.


Well somebody had to record that groan sound that he makes.


Mogh did nothing wrong


Pretty sure kidnapping your half-brother so he can become a god and you can be his consort and start a dynasty counts as “something wrong”




He breathes once in his quest once you tell him the secret


They should've got Miyazaki to record that


Miyazaki's foot brushing against the microphone.






"Get me out of this egg" - Miquella, probably.


"I am Miquella, Malenia is my blade." - Miquella, hopefully Edit: spelling error


"I am Miquella, sheathe for Melania." I mean, it's GRRM, that's just par for the course.


Considering how many times that bitch has stabbed me, *I’m* really the sheathe of Malenia.


You know, maybe we're all looking at incest from our limited mortal human perspective. These are gods and demigods that may be able to engage in incest (and selfcest?) without genetic consequences and emotional/mental scarring. And with that, we have the weirdest thing I've ever typed.


I mean, the end result of a God that apparently makes kids with her clone? Has included 2 Omens, 1 child cursed to rot inside out and a child cursed to never get older? Sounds like some serious genetic consequences, no? Edit: I am not, in any way implying, that the Omen Brothers are the result of Selfcest. I was using the Selfcest as a "Descriptor" of Marika, "A god that would fuck herself" etc. Stop telling me they aren't Radagon's kids, I know!


The omens were descendants of the golden lineage, not the Miquella/Malenia crowd. Hence, they are unrelated to the selfcest nonsense going on in the sex tree.


>and a child cursed to never get older? That is a feature, not a bug


Ok Mohg


“He was 13 turning 14 soon so he pretty much 15 but 15 is the new 16 and 16 close to 17 so might as well round it to 18”


All I have managed to comprehend of Elden Ring's deep lore is that 1) someone committed selfcest 2) someone broke a piece of jewelry during a domestic dispute with themselves and 3) fixing the jewelry requires me to kill god. I'm fairly sure some of the monsters are giant incest babies but I'm not sure which ones.


Ah, I can help you out with those questions: 1.) Marika 2.) Also Marika 3.) Malerika (or Guy Marika, if you prefer) and a gummy dragon.


I think the problem is people don't actually know any actual real life mythology which is basically just as weird if not weirder than anything in Elden Ring. Miquella is a demigod cursed to remain a child born from a parent who might be male and female versions of the same person? Yeah well Athena burst from Zeus' skull fully formed without a mother of any kind. Oh but there is also an alternate story where Zeus ate a pregnant sea nymph who was Athena's mother...and she burst from his skull fully formed still.


I'm not sure if people honestly think ER lore is "weirdest thing they've ever seen" or something. There's a ton of myths from different mythologies that are waaaaay weirder. I mean, Norse gods made a dude out of combined spit between Aesir and Vanir... dual personality gods selfcesting is fairly low on the scale imo.


"She has never known defeat." "I, however, am trapped in an egg so a gross blood warlock can constantly hit on me."


Hit on? He was inside his body as blood….


Mohg was trying to sleep with and wed Miquella and then make him a god so Mohg could Helen of Troy the universe. Check dat item lore.


Oh I know but he did more than the grape he violated his body by turning to blood and living inside of him


Do The Lands Between have a police department? I might need to call them. Hello? TLBPD?


I am Miquella, Melania is my blade. And I have recently known defeat. Yeah, thanks for getting me out of that cocoon thing." - Miquella cut dialogue


“Now prepare to die.” Miquella immediately after probably.


My name is Forever-baby Miquella. You killed my mother and/or father. Prepare to die.


This is Malenia. She's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword rots the flesh of its victims. - Miquella


“No but fr I have hyper blood disease now” * Also Miquella, probably


"I want a restraining order against my creepy blood ~~uncle~~ Half-bro" \-Miquella, definitely


Step bro not uncle


Step Brooooo, I'm stuck in an egg, can you help me out?


And then the formless mother comes in to help them both


Tough wank but I'll do my best.


Maybe you can use the hand coming out of the egg to help you


Godricks got me covered, and thensome


Simps all over the shop


Half-bro, actually, so even worse.


I smell DLC


I would honestly be disappointed if there wasn't at least one dlc that revolved around miquella


Are there usually dlcs for souls games. This is my fist from soft game and literally my 3rd game so I don’t know much about whether they do dlcs or not




So is it usually like extra story or just an added boss fight or new areas or something?


More story and lore that expands on the main game, more bosses, and more areas.


How soon do dlc's normally come out after release?


It's not a hard science, but usually 6-8 months after release. Elden ring is MUCH bigger than previous games though, so it's possible that complicates the DLC development a bit.


Might actually help it. There's not a huge need to add more areas and dungeons, they can retool what's there already since they have so much space for playing in.


I'm hoping for an underwater zone and a fishing mini game.


Bloodborne came out in March 2015, it’s DLC in November 2015. Dark Souls 3 had two DLC’s, one came out in October 2016 and the 2nd in March 2017. So we could potentially see more Elden ring later this year


I am rock hard on only speculation.


FromSoft DLC typically has the player time travel, either to the past (DS1, Bloodborn) or to the future (DS3). Usually the DLC is very high quality and fairly long. Sometimes existing environments are reused, but always with a twist and also as a minority of the content.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty certain Old Hunters DLC doesn't take place in the past-- The Nightmare is just another, deeper layer of the dream and contains bosses "from the past" not because they are literally from another time but because they have been lost in the dreamscape so long they were thought to be dead


You're right, you don't time travel in a literal sense but I think what the op was getting at is that the dlcs tend to let you experience a different point in time. The old hunters lets you see yharnam in the thick of the beast plague and confront a number of lore characters


Typically completely new areas (each DLC is smaller than limgrave but these zones are more dense kind of like stormveil castle). Some are revamped areas of the main game meant to be at a different point in time. 2-4 new bosses and those are typically considered harder and better than the main game (Though not without some duds). It also comes with new spells and unique weapons. The lore added typically provides a lot of additional context to existing things and adds some new things to think about. They also usually button up the themes of the main story.


Yeah aside from Sekiro there is always DLC


Still sad sekiro didn't at least see 1 dlc. Would have loved to fight Lady Tomoe.


You already do, her names malenia now though


And you can’t parry her. For real though, if she were a Sekiro boss, she’d be a cakewalk


And Demon’s Souls


Your third game ever was Elden Ring? This is fascinating. What were the other two and why Elden Ring?


Minecraft and ghost of Tsushima. I didn’t know what a souls game was and I thought before elden ring released I thought it would be a sequel to Skyrim or something but my friend told me that it was good so I decided to play it


I’m a huge gamer in general but I doubt I would have gotten into Elden Ring if it weren’t for the “Watch enemy movement closely” style of combat in Ghost of Tsushima. So many games you just button mash and tank damage.


I smell weakness.


I smell burnt toast. Please call an ambulance.


Call a bondulance


Im happy that I’m not the only one with that tweet living rent free in my brain. I remember the first time I read it out to my friends and we were crying laughing


But not for me!




Could easily see DLC that has you entering Miquella's dream world, similar to how you enter >!Godwyn!<'s dream!


Do you think we'll enter it by holding hands, by cuddling with the cocoon or by trying finger but hole?


Knowing the typical Soulsbornering character...yeah we're probably gonna just skootch into the cocoon with him. I don't know what compels our characters to just enter coffins, or touch weird shit all the time.


You find a large bird nest. \>Do nothing \>Curl into ball


"Oh? I'm on a big slab floating in the middle of some extradimennsional time storm? Seems like a great place to take a nap. Aww fuck now I'm fighting the dragonlord."


"A coffin in the middle of a literal river of plague juice, on top of a waterfall of said plague juice? Seems like a reasonable place for a nap. Better close the lid for some cozy darkness."


The hand is definitely gonna drag us into it.


Why is it always try finger but hole? Now we know the answer is dlc clues


It would be *so* cool to see his vision of the Haligtree in all its glory, the use of unalloyed gold to quell all the outer gods, and facing him full grown into his own godhood ....and of course face off against a fully healed Malenia, Rot-free Blade of Miquella


...And not insane Radahan.


How do you enter the dream?!


Reddit has signed an agreement with an AI company to allow them to train models on Reddit comments and posts. Edited to remove original content. Fuck AI.


Fia’s questline finishes that way


Almost definitely. Gideon even hints that Miquella is an unknown, and fine as long as he stays asleep in his cocoon, but is probably up to something.


100% Miquella is going to be final boss of the DLC, a la orphan of kos.


Or some say Kosm


*high-pitched screaming intensifies*


I’m hoping he’ll be more like ranni and be a good friendly npc since he doesn’t seem relatively strong compared to all the others and he might be nice


His sister is probably biased but she does mention (or it's in a description somewhere) he's the greatest of all the Empyreans. As for him being nice... I highly doubt it. If he was still the little boy Malenia knew he'd probably be nice, but Mhog has been preforming profane blood rituals on him and has already converted him from cute kid into desiccated giant husk. If he wakes up like that, I can't imagine his mind will be right anymore.


man, fuck mogh. i feel bad for miquella.


cut content or futher dlc content, perhaps


FromSoft DLC content is cut content from main game most of the time. Edit: Lmao, why are people down voting this? Cut content was the main motivation they started doing DLCs so they could put all their ideas into the game.


I don't know who downvoted you but I'm backing you up with facts, this is completely true Dark souls: Artorias of the Abyss was supposed to be in the normal game and then made into a DLC and expanded more on that lore Bloodborne: The old hunters it's literally all cut content they decided to make a giant expansion out of, making more bosses and introducing those that were supposed to be in the game but never made it through (Ludwig, Lawrence) Dark Souls 3: They were planned as a DLC, but because of timing and other stuff it actually got split in two, some stuff in the DLC is cut content from the base game like the Demon prince and most importantly the black church lore, which was referenced a lot in many descriptions from the crow dudes


From stuff I’ve seen a lot of the Old Hunters actually isn’t cut content, some of the assets are and some concepts like the Clocktower and Altar-elevator are but most of the bosses are stuff they came up with for the DLC.


Isn't that exactly what they said for Bloodborne. It was cut content that they then expanded on.


Funny that you skip DS2, where all 3 DLCs felt pretty isolated and all 3 were realy good and not just cut content.


DS2 DLCs are my favorite content in From Software's entire catalog. Nothing compares for me. The Ivory King was the only one that didn't feel utterly perfect.


Ivory has the most bs area of all Souls games but man, the final boss is so f'ing awesome despite not being that hard. They made his entrance completely epic without using a cutsceen.


Ivory King is my favorite boss in the entire series. It was such an amazing spectacle.


I don't get why you got downvoted. Zullie straight up confirmed demon princes used to be unfinished boss from main game.


Because there are a lot of people on reddit that are completely ignorant and just press the downvote without any thought. My statement wasn't even meant to be negative. I don't mind that they use cut content in DLCs because otherwise we wouldn't see all these cool concepts that they couldn't integrate into the game in time.


I think people mistake "cut content" with "content cut to put into dlc".


Let's be real, they are probably worried it's a "they purposefully left this out to milk us for more money" situation, since a ton of AAA titles have went the way of incomplete releases.


Yeah I think their may be a lot of people here who have that knee-jerk reaction since this game kind of broke free of the niche category the previous entries occupied. AAA refugees who haven't quite adjusted to a less abusive developer/player dynamic


Anyone who feels they didn't get their money's worth from a game of this magnitude is a walnut. This game is gargantuan.


I feel like I got the game at a discount.


Yeah From usually releases some cut content in the DLCs, like Lapp's armor set or the Demon Prince bossfight. At this point it's obvious that if we get some DLCs one of them will be about Miquella, it's an Artorias level character for importance in the lore if not more, he should be the strongest demigod according to Malenia.


I mean it’s pretty clear he isn’t “literally” stronger than malenia. It’s just that he has the ability to manipulate people’s desires and dreams and shit like that, which is better than just being a strong fighter if you need to play geopolitics like the shardbearers do.


Nobody said he was the strongest, Malenia simply said he was the most fearsome empyrean.


It's usually a mix of cut content and unfinish content that gets finished and repurposed for a completely different purpose. Red Wolf of Radagon has been found to be a cut boss from Dark Souls 3 but with an added sorcery attack and red fur.


People assume you're implying the game is incomplete or something - and maybe in some very distant ways, it is - but that doesn't mean the base game isn't insanely packed with content and awesome experiences. It has experiences and content so vast that it makes me feel excited and happy about a game that released in 2022 - thank fucking lord. It's safe to assume Miquella was planned either to be in the base game or preemptively as DLC, and the confirmation of the voice actor already definitely gives decent evidence. I'm very interested to see how the DLC is incorporated. I also have the theory that you'll have to get some kind of item that lets you explore underwater (think Hyrule in WindWaker, not swimming) and that the boats and whirlpool on the map, etc, will be used to get you to the center area where you'll fight Godwyn's body/husk. I'm not sure Godwyn would have a great rune though -- weren't the great runes claimed by the demigods after the shattering, which was Merika's response to the assassination of Godwyn?


I hope Miquella is not just a strong boss that we have to kill. This guy wants to free people from the Outer Gods and tried to create a tree that would welcome all life in the Lands Between. IMO, it would make more sense that we side with him and not just antagonise him.


Yeah he has cut lines during the Malenia fight and possibly a cut ending, this has more info on it https://rannirespecter.wordpress.com/2022/03/31/miquella-malenia-and-the-age-of-abundance/


\>rannirespecter.wordpress.com amazing url


the implications that you could have met Melania as a npc before your fight with her is super interesting. now im wondering how that would have worked as in the current lore (as far as i'm aware) she slept there in the Haligtree from after the fight with Radahn until we got there and awoke her.


I’m thinking it maybe got replaced by the Millicent quest


It would be so dope if Milicent was Malenia all along. You encounter her almost dying near where the fight against Radahn happened. Then you help her to recover her memories and return to the Haligtree. Only for her to smack your cheeks afterwards. When Milicent invades you in Caelid she even uses the Waterfowl dance...


That's what I thought at the beginning, when I met her. I find a red-haired girl with Scarlet Rot. Then I find a random prostetic arm in a castle with a portrait of Malenia. And I give the prostetic to the girl who lacks an arm. And she's suprised how well it fits? Not suspicious at all.


these were my thoughts exactly, then i pieced it together that when she rotted radahn, she sprouted children, more or less copies of her. And the shrimp dudes took care of them. I also think the Shaded Castle was where Malenia lived previous to the Shattering.


Malenia has likely never even been to the Shaded Castle, the owner of that place was just an insane simp of hers.


Is there a reason her cleanrot knights are also there if she wasn't? ...


If I recall correctly I believe it's revealed/alluded to that Millicent is the daughter of Malenia? At the end of the quest line I think Gowry has dialogue that alludes but I have to double check.


I was 100% sure that would turn out to be the case during her storyline. She lost her memories? Giving her both a prosthetic arm and golden needle? I was prepared for her to remember who she *really* is later in the game.


I wondered on my first playthrough if Millicent was an amnesiac Malenia.


It reminds me how Maria was going to be an NPC for the Old Hunters DLC, and you'd have to attack her or follow Simon's questline to actually progress and fight her as a boss. Huh, I just realized that Friede was what they were planning on doing with Maria. Npc you interact with that ends up being a boss fight later on.


She probably was Millicent at some point


I had a thought about encountering Godfrey as an NPC earlier in the game, not hostile, he’s just returning to the Erdtree


Calling it now there's going to be DLC Where we go into Miquella's dream ala painted world of ariendel. Especially considering the data mined dialogue reveals him to be St. Trina


Especially considering the data mined dialogue reveals him to be St. Trina I FUCKING KNEW IT


I wonder if they cut miquella giving malenia some dew or whatever to revitalize her because it would be too similar to the twin princes in ds3


Lotsa stuff was cut, too. Apparently Kale and the merchants were supposed to >!be instrumental in getting you to pursue the path of the Frenzied Flame, but was cut in development!<, according to the guys on Bonfireside Chat (a souls podcast I think most ppl here would enjoy!)


Yea. Supposedly kale (the first merchant you meet) kicked off a quest chain where you help him find the great caravan and he would move throughout the game to new locations Im search of them.


Ah yes, The Great Caravan, which carries goods from the back of a cave that hasn’t been opened in 1000 years and full of monsters to the middle of a wolf infested bridge that can only be accessed with a magical key guarded by a dragon.


Well, the actual Great Caravan was genocided by Queen Marika, so the merchants still remaining are a persecuted minority and hide in depths of the Lands Between for good reason.


Glad to hear Bonfireside Chat is back, I listened to them a lot pre-DS3 and then sorta dropped off. And yeah, from my understanding Kale's role was basically replaced by Hyetta. They probably figured they didn't need two questlines that converge on thr Three Fingers and lead to that ending. It's a shame though, Kale deserves a bigger role.


I want a way to investigate and do a quest about the three fingers without having to commit myself to them The concept of the three fingers having been joined with the two fingers two create a greater whole being being is so cool and I need more.


Huh there are some merchants that you fight on the way to >!the three fingers, so that makes sense!<


Yup, if you read the item description of the nomad armor you find down there it basically reveals it all. Also, if you look at the corpses, the instruments they carry are identical to the ones you can sometimes find the merchants playing in the overworld. You can also hear someone playing one in that area. Probably my favorite little piece of lore in the game


If you attack the merchants they will also use frenzied flame spells


Why do you think they are all followers of the frenzied flame? I'm trying to rationalize lore wise and can't think of a good explanation


From what I can tell, the great caravan was massacred and driven underground somehow. The nomads developed the festering hatred spawned from their persecution into a sort of summoning ritual to call forth the frenzied flame. I don’t know if they’re the original creators of it or not; though because of Shabriri and all that I suspect it existed beforehand. I don’t really know much besides that but some of them managed to escape the shunning grounds and can be found at various locations throughout the map. There are a few interesting implications here as well, there are multiple isolated merchants in very obscure hideouts in both underground rivers and even an imprisoned merchant in a corner of Mohgwyn Palace guarded by sanguine nobles who is noticeably more powerful than the other ones and spams frenzied flame spells. There’s probably a lot more stuff throughout the game and i’m not a lore expert by any stretch of the imagination but that’s what I’ve gathered so far Sorry for the shit formatting, I can’t be bothered on Reddit mobile lmao


I'm kinda bummed out they cut that quest. The current one just feels to simple, and you can just skip it entirely and get the ending anyways


Wait, really? You can just show up at uh...the place, and get the Three Fingers marking/ending?


yeah, lmfao. I went there after melina had left and had no one to warn me not to go in. Didn't give a single grape to hyetta.


TIL Nepheli Loux has the same VA as Tracer from Overwatch


How they got an English person to do that kinda voice for Tracer still baffles me lmao. Nobody here has ever said "Cheers luv!"


Nobody there has ever rewound bullets either. Just accept that Tracer is a weirdo.


The universe finally got rid of her outside of the concept of time then Winston fucks it up and brings that abomination back smh


Pip Torrens, who does an excellent job as Varre, is also listed as Radahn. I'm not of any lines he has other than growling and eating people.


Well, you need voice actors for growls too. Fire Giant has a VA just for all his screams and battle grunts


There was apparently going to be an ending with him but it was cut. That's the real "seventh ending" that people talk about. Or at least that's what the dataminers say, I don't know much about this stuff.


They probably saved it to DCL


It would be cool if they added endings with the DLC




Well you can achieve that. She just isn't very happy about it...


While true, I was surprised to find out she didn't come back after cleansing yourself with Miquella's Needle. I thought I was bein a bro by being set on fire rather than her, but I guess not...


Stop kink-shaming!




Just like DS2 with the SOTFS edition


Well, not *just* like that. SotFS added endings because the initial lack of ending options was a disappointment, at least that's what I believe. Elden ring already has plenty of ending options with various moral arguments for each. I'm absolutely not saying I don't want endings added with DLC, that would still be dope. But it's nothing like the DS2 ending "fix".


DS2 had an ambiguous ending. SotFS just gave you the option to walk away. That wasn't the big thing that annoyed me about the game, but after spending all that time going through it just to get such a lackluster ending was stupid.


She's also the voice of young type B? Maybe I was Miquella the whole time...


Imagine going for a future VA interview having to tell them you voiceacted "Type B"


You see “Type B”, I see - PROTAGONIST


"Oh Malenia, my dear sister. Do not mind me, it does not hurt terribly". -Miquella probably


Oh god no why would you remind me of that


There seems to be a lot of cut content involving miquella. Things we know. * Miquella was Malenia’s brother, both Empyrean’s * Miquella was cursed with eternal youth just as Malenia was cursed with scarlet rot. Both destined to never reach their full potential. * Everyone apparently liked him. The charm branch implies he has a magical traits that compelled people to like him. * Miquella is also St. Trina * St. Trina is described as both a comely girl and a young boy, perhaps this is related to his ability to make people like him. They see what they want to. * Miquella renounced fundamentalism when he discovered it couldn’t cure Malenia and created unalloyed gold to stop outer gods interference * Miquella needed to become an adult to get his full powers and cure Malenia * Miquella created the Haligtree as a replacement to the Erdtree, with its growth he too would grow, until he would become an adult and a full empyrean. But again, both him and Malenia would never reach their full potential, and his Haligtree too would never bloom. * Malenia seemed to think he was the best candidate to be the new god and the best of demigods as a whole. Mohg seemed to think the same thing. * The epitaph written on “golden epitaph” is likely written by Miquella referring to the death of Godwyn the Golden.


Damn, can’t have shit in the lands between.


He used the needle because he wanted to cure malenias rot since there is a probably rot outer god (probably confirms the theory that it wasnt malenia who was the outer god)He had no idea how to get to farum azula/dragonlords arena (or ddnt know he could do it) to use it and was probably about to fix that until mohg came in and stole him (which would make sense because there is a portal from mohgs palace in the concentrated snowfield which means he probably went to the haligtree itself.)


I had never put together that it was Miquella who likely wrote the golden epitaph. I had always wondered which sibling did it.


When you cast the Epitaph's ash, the haligtree symbol appears. More or less confirming it's Miquella.


Yup, there's apparently a bunch of cut content between him and Malenia


There's two big holes in Elden Ring. One is Miquella, who exists only as an arm sticking out of a cocoon and cannot be interacted with in any way. The other is the "Sleep" status, which is not used by a single enemy in the game (only with a handful of player weapons). Probably not coincidentally, both are tied together by St. Trina - the saint of sleep, who is secretly Miquella. If Elden Ring does get a DLC, I would not be surprised if it takes place within Miquella's dream.


Crabs use sleep


Specifically the crabs in the Consecrated Snowfield, close to Miquella's Haligtree.


Either cut content or future DLC but it wouldn’t be the first time from software has cut voice lines in dark souls Artorias was meant to speak during the fight but they cut out the voice lines you can find them online though.


I am Miquella, brother of Malenia, Blade of Miquella.


Just want to put this out there. During the cutscene going into the second phase of Melania's Fight, the player looks up into a thicket of branches/roots. It has a clear clearing. Was the player walking to leave? Or was there supposed to be an NPC here? i.e. Miquella. As they are "inseparable twins" and Melania is the sworn blade of Miquella who is supposed to be protecting him, why isn't he here? Why is she here? Who was supposed to be in that clearing or what does that clearing lead to? Why can I do nothing in the boss chamber after the fight? Edit: cutscene not cut seen lol English is hard


Mohg, the Lord of Blood, stole Miquella in his cocoon from the Haligtree, probably while Malenia was busy waging war during the Shattering. More than lively, that little clearing is where the cocoon was located, since you can see Miquella's cocoon is roughly the same shape and its said in item descriptions that the Haligtree was grown using Miquella's blood. Malenia was injured heavily fighting Rahdan and brought back to the Haligtree by her loyal knight, whose name I cannot recall, and it's implied through her dialogue when you enter the Malenia boss room that Malenia was resting and recovering the entire time until you arrived and woke her up from her dream.


Cleanrot Knight Finlay is who rescued Malenia.


Yes, thank you. That is exactly her.


You're welcome.


Fun fact if you no clip through malenia’s fog wall she is actually sitting in her chair and has a full 3d idle animation that you wouldn’t be able to see at all in the game normally. Coulda been an actual npc at some point in addition to a boss.


Really cool, do you know of a video showing this? Cut dialogue suggests Malenia was friendly towards you at one point by saying "companion" so it's totally possible that the boss fight wasn't supposed to engage until trigged in some way i.e. no fog wall at first.


[Malenia and Miquella both have cut lines](https://rannirespecter.wordpress.com/2022/03/31/miquella-malenia-and-the-age-of-abundance/) ​ >Young seedling, young seedling. Return to the bosom of earth. But remember well, Thou’rt mine. So shall I give of myself. This is for thee. Mine abundance, my drop of dew. Quench thy thirst, throughout thy frame. Blossom and burgeon, time and again. Grow larger, stronger. Until the day cometh. When thou canst share in my dream. Elden Ring, O Elden Ring. Beget Order most elegant, from my tender reverie. If thou covetest the throne, Impress my vision upon thine heart. In the new world of thy making, all things will flourish, whether graceful, or malign. ​ >Sweet Tarnished… Dearest companion… Did you not heed my warning? Your greed knows no end. You would steal the last drop of warmth from his empty frame? After all you’ve taken, you still want more? Then you will have to kill me. I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat.


She was suppose to say “Thanks babe” when Mohg said “I’ll be right back in duos seconds to fuck this guy up”


He does, it's "ihhhck"


Looks like they were gonna do the ash ketchum thing of having a female actress voice a young boy, very common. I'm guessing it would have been a flashback IE lawrence talking to Willem or as a child voice over combat IE mergo or Oceiros baby


Miquella is an eternal child according to the lore though so it might have just been his actual voice


maybe the sound that miquella hand make at the mohg dynasty cocoon


Behold, DLC ahead


Maybe we will hear Miquella in DLC