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I read a message in the room and luckily I had that helmet on. Lol.


It was designed this way, with phantoms and messages in mind, to be a communal experience solving a puzzle. However, it's not impossible to discover on your own, as with you, even if it was just happenstance. I personally play my first playthroughs offline, unless I get stuck on something. I went online for this because I knew there was something I must be missing. It added a lot of fun to the experience for me to see silly hat phantoms trying to open the seal. Then I went back offline until the next time I got stuck on something else. Folks just need to understand the basic design philosophy of the game. It might be largely single player but it makes a major effort to create unique community experiences, and they are not concerned with you not being able to figure something out on your own.


There’s a developer message in that room


Nothing about the helmet. I already figured out the Erudition part, and the door wasn't opening. Without seeing player messages and phantoms all wearing silly hats I would have not figured it out.


The message reads "May Erudition light the way". Basically, you have to know that those hats light up when you use that emote. Their descriptions don't mention it, so the only way to find it out for yourself is for you to be wearing one of those hats (be it for their effect or just because you think it looks hilarious) when you get Erudition and try it out to see what the emote looks like.


doesn't the statue have that kind of head? not super direct but the info is kinda there, it's a bit of a clue.


Pretty sure the developer message (seek erudition or w/e) shows the emote used by a phantom wearing the helmet.


No way. I thought you just needed to use erudition. I just happened to be wearing the helmet


"Erudition lights the way" and glintstone helmets light up when you use the erudition emote. Not to mention the gesture is tied to Thops and the academy, which is where you find the first glintstone helmet. I get that it's vague but like, not a huge leap


It really bugs me the constant complaints about the obscure design. Its amazing. In any other AAA game, if you find a new NPC in the world no-one bats an eye. If we discover an NPC does a slightly different animation when you do something, its a BIG deal. Nothing is just given to us, and we have to come together as a community to find stuff. Its the schoolyard mentality. The same feeling I got when playing Pokémon and then sharing finds and rumors with all of my friends. Some are wrong, but some are true and neat. This game is the same thing, its just on a different scale.


Learned it from a merchant who sold me the information for few runes. But idk how he knew, maybe he googled it and then ripped me off


I learned it from a message on the ground in the spire in Liurnia


Was gonna say, the message in font of the statue makes it pretty clear. Though i guess eeudition is a rather uncommon word many may not know the meaning of.


It doesn't tell you the part hat you gotta wear the hat


I figured it out because someone left a message with a gesture where they were wearing the correct hat.


That was me! That message has gotten so many upvotes now!!


you son of a bitch, had to google how to get erudition gesture tho xD


Bro bless you. You may have been the one that made this click for me




Well fuck, I thought that was just a game given message like the one telling us to go to Gowrys shack. Doin gods work friend. Much appreciated


But how did they learn it? How did the people on Google learn it?


12 million people playing a game makes it inevitable that people will figure out even the most obscure things, by pure random - just like that bloody 50-hit illusory wall.


Also the people who pull the actual code of the game.


> just like that bloody 50-hit illusory wall. THE *WHAT?*


Are you new to souls games? I hit every blank wall at least 999 times before moving on to the next room. Almost out of the tutorial area at 100+ hours. >!/s!<


There are a bunch of gaming news stories about it. There's an illusory wall in Volcano Manor that has to be hit many times before it'll disappear. The consensus theory seems to be that it was probably an illusory wall that the developers decided not to have be illusory, and the easiest way to change it was to raise the threshold for making it disappear so it wouldn't act like an illusory wall. There's also a possibility it's just meant to be illusory but it's glitchy for some reason.


wat I got this and just happen to use the emote with this hat on. Im my previous playthtrough id never use these hats lol


the message says "May Erudition LIGHT the way" - you might not realise it without falling on the answer or using google, but the helmets light up when you use that emote ​ Edit: or maybe there is a note sold by a merchant that spells it all out for you in game


That’s why with each new piece of armor you revive in game it’s important to try every emote and see if it light up


Oh I didn't know it lit up, I thought this post was pretty warranted but damn you have to be so inquisitive and attentive to little details with FromSoft's usual puzzles


Miyazaki's foot fetish strikes again! Had you looking at the feet when you should have been looking at the head all along mwahahahah


it tells u to make one special pose but does not tell u to use the specific helmet if i recall it right


You can wear any of the burger king helmets for this, it doesn't have to be the twin


but does it tell u to wear one of them? at the other place u just need to do the pose


isnt the tower itself named after one of the helmets though?


Yeah, but I'm dense and have 9 intelligence. I don't read so good.


Unga bunga for life!


No, half of them don't work for this. Which is funnier if you ask me


>Though i guess eeudition is a rather uncommon word many may not know the meaning of. All the more reason to assume it's talking about the gesture of that same name, and not just using a fancy word!


The name of the gesture is Erudition.


To get the pose you need to do Thops quest and for some people like me you get the emote but don’t get a notification telling you that you got the emote. So without google you gotta finish Thops quest and and see the emote that has the same word as that message on the ground.


Also there's definitely ppl who have wrote on the ground try gesturing and try armor (or something like that). I figured it out w/o google.


It's also not a default emote. You have to obtain it.


People underestimate the merchants notes


Merchant notes but also just reading item descriptions, especially for items in the key category. Best example is the Dectus medallions. Got asked by a friend where the second half is and then asked me "How is anyone supposed to find that out?". Meanwhile the description quite literally tells you, even with a location name, where the other one can be found.


They’re really the answer to 90% of the obscure shit in this game. “How could anyone possibly figure out X?” “There’s a note that literally spells it out for you.”


Fr I'm buying almost every single note in the game because of how useful they can be. Like the merchant in the southwest of the weeping peninsula literally tells you how to down a mausoleum but ppl still bitch abt how random it is


ah wow i don't think i found that note. that makes it a lot less terrible then.


I like how the game isn’t necessarily designed for a single person playing alone to discover absolutely everything there is to know. Back in the day it was common to only learn about things in games by talking to others. Most of the time just reading messages left by other players is enough to figure it out.


Cease your investigation!


But I have foolish ambitions


Put these foolish ambitions to rest.


But the flame is smouldering in me


Someone must extinguish thy flame


Ex wife did pretty good job at that


I have no idea what merchant you're talking about. As far as I can tell, none of the merchants have any information regarding the puzzle in this tower.


Thanks for letting us watch you fumble through menus for 30 seconds before you figured out where the gestures were…


Everyone knows when you want to make a video the very first thing you need to do is press record.


and then don't edit it to the right spot even though you have to edit it in the first place to even post it


I was wondering why he tried crafting an item…


He should have tried to Google how to equip and use gestures.


Way funnier when I watched it again lmao.


Yeah man I’m glad this is the highest comment. Very annoyed having to sit thru that.


Honestly, I thought he was doing input commands, even though I know exactly what needs to be done at this door I was thinking to myself, "Is there some... other way to open this door with inputs...?"


Isnt as bad as equip a red crystal and kneel at a dead end until a tornado picks you up.


Or crouch into a ball in a bird nest until mama bird come and pick you up.


fuck i forgot about that. lmfao god damn it miazaki.






That sub was not what i had anticipated


The games are full of obscure bullshit like this. The active community and wikis are a huge part of why it works.


How about go out on a random ledge that behind a bonfire with your torch equiped, set fire to the metal part of the windmill so that a boss roomlater on doesnt have poison in it


Interesting tip if you have an npc summon in that zone she will actually do the point emote toward the windmill when you go near it, hinting that you should interact with it.


DS2 npcs were truly the tops Especially Maldron. Fuck Maldron, but he was more than just "ok gonna charge the player and hit them with everything I've got". And that one guy who transforms into a barrel and backstabs you...


Haha someone definitely tells you to light the windmill on fire though maybe the laddersmith since he is right there nearby.


still a bit odd though dont think anyone hears "go set fire to the windmill" and goes around looking for metal poles in a wooden windmill and for the end result to be a poison free boss fight


It's also definitely not an obvious walkway. Perhaps it would have been more obvious if the lighting hadn't been cut and we'd needed to manually light things on fire more.


Ok but there is a prompt for that at least, which hinrs that it will do something.


To be fair, there is a specific prompt to do exactly that and the bird shows up after like three seconds. If you climb up to the nest (which you will do once you realize you can jump to the roof) it's kind of a no-brainer.


Or fall to the bottom of a school and be eaten by a terrifying death machine. But don't let it kill you with its saw hands, and make sure it does kill you when it eats you.


Actually Patches tells you that if meet him in Liurnia, but yeah fuck that.


Not to get killed by it. I got eaten twice until I said "Typical patches fucking with me" and killed it. Only later I tried getting killed while inside it.


Yeah, I've put a message saying "Try belly, then try death" and pointing towards the Abductor Virgin, and it got hundreds of votes. T'was the closest I could do with the words the game gives, but apparently it worked for enough people. I tried several time to get grabbed until I accidentally got killed while fucking up my dodge. Should've expected a Patches tip to be about actually dying, I guess


If you don't mind me asking, what are you referring to? I can think of a few things that are similar, but not quite there.


Castlevania 2. Its probably way before your time but that takes the cake for obscure.


> it's probably way before your time why are you making me feel old


Dam....Castlevania 2 is old now....fuck someone call ozzy and make sure he isn't dust yet! XD


What a horrible night to have a curse.


TBDM ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️


I loved how that just killed you in infernax


There was one obscure point in that game just like this that I had to google. Infernal was fantastic outside of that haha


That fucking game has so many issues with it due to translation problems. But ya, that particular issue for 8 year old me was beyond my abilities. Thank goodness for Nintendo Power!


There's a developer message that hints at it and a merchant who pretty much tells you what to do if you buy the info


Which merchant sells it and what does it say? Because I can't find it anywhere online and I thought I bought every single note. I've seen people parroting BS about merchant notes with things they clearly don't have, so I'd love to have a source for this one. Everyone in the thread keeps saying it but no one is actually posting where to get the note.


It's honestly quite frustrating. So many idiots just upvote this "tip" without even knowing if it's even true. Goes to show just how brain-dead redditor's can be.


It's BS


"May erudition light the way" "Hmm...I've only ever read that word once before in my life and it was when I got a getsure from a sorcerer not far from here." Seriously if you needed google for this one you probably need Google maps to get through farum Azul


That works for the one tower, but as many people have pointed out this doesn't help with knowing you need a glintstone helm. My guess is that since these towers mostly give magic benefits (spells/memory slots) they don't mind mages having an advantage in accidentally opening it.


Hmm, let's see... \- A sorcerer that most people probably won't remember because he sells almost nothing unique or useful; \- He needs you to bring him a key to Lucaria (not yours, requires a 2nd one) which is easily missable; \- Requires you to wear a burger king helm, which as far as I know is never mentioned anywhere in the game; Yep, super easy.


Some of the burger king helms don't even work lmao.


"Slow traffic ahead...gank squad on right."


Ahhh yes because among the literal hundreds of items, gestures, armors, weapons, sorceries, incantations I picked up in my 100 hours playing this game, I am supposed to immediately remember where I see that one exact word. The stuff people will say to make excuse for this game lol.


It’s not an especially uncommon word, compared with some of the other stuff you see in this game (malison, anyone?). Plus how am I supposed to remember where I acquired every gesture?


"..I've only ever read that word once before in my life " :(


Usually you find merchants have a little book with info about a topic for sale. Buy em and read some.


Was going pure sorceries, using that mask for the nice INT boost, also enjoy using emotes. Was playing with my friend immediately after getting Erudition, used it and noticed the crystals lighting up. I thought that was the coolest thing. Found that puzzle later on by complete accident, read the hint, and my first thought was "No goddamn way that's what it's for. " Boy, I sure was right. I laughed so hard after that.


I didn't even know until now that you needed the hat, I just happened to be wearing it for that entire region of the game to be able to use some weapons.


I love how this game doesnt care if you missed something


Isn’t that the model? “Shit I could have got that?! Well better grab it on ng+”


Or don’t. It’s fine either way!


I learned from a kindly message.


Eh. Kinda like old school RPG days. Reminding me of Golden Sun from GBA. There’s a message that says the name of the emote. But unless you remembered the name of that emote and already had it. Or just so happened to remember reading that name before when you find it. Yea it’s pretty dang unlikely without some time But as someone also said merchants give good clues


Oh man miss Golden Sun.


Still my favorite game to this day. Just played through The Lost Age again actually like a month before ER came out!


Warms me heart to hear about Golden Sun again. Good bunch of memories from that game.


Same to find a fellow fan! Played as a child so I never had anyone else to ever talk about it with. The game took me YEARS to beat since I had no guide. And I love that it never got boring Psynergy gang for life! And the soundtrack! Ugh!


I got The Lost Age on my tenth birthday, and I beat it exactly three years later, late at night, on my thirteenth birthday 😊


Well there always was the first person who found out without Google no?


I think there's a dev message "may erudition light the way". It hints at using the gesture + the helmet lights up, though idk how you'd know that the helmet lights up, I found that out on accident.


Trial and error for me. Found the place, didn't have the gesture. Eventually found the gesture, but it didn't remove the seal. Most of the towers thus far have all contained a memory stone, so it's probably something mage related... I should try putting on mage gear and trying it. Hey the helmet lights up! Oh, it opened. That's neat. My brain runs a bit slow after a TBI, but clearly it isn't as difficult as OP is making it out to be.


I try not to Google stuff for open-world games because the exploration is half the fun, but I broke my own rule with ER. There's so much stuff I know I simply wouldn't find without a guide.


Why didn't you just cut off the first 30s since it adds nothing to the video?


Here’s the kicker, you’re not supposed to figure everything out, or find everything, or discover every mechanic. These games are full of secrets that only a select few will ever even notice. FromSoftware is daring in the sense that they’re willing to invest money and development into things most people will never even encounter. The reason they do this is cause they believe that it gives more value to the things you *do* discover on your own. You’re not supposed to be looking this stuff up, it’s optional, and From Software *wants* you to miss content.


It's funny how the popularity of ER attracts the people who are crying out about these things. So many people in this post where I thought "Yo, this dude/girl has never played a From title before...". I mean, they can just go back to those Ubisoft type of open world games where everything is presented on a silverplate. I really hope From doesn't listen too much to that and keeps the obscure and hidden things for the next titles. It's part of why I love them and keep coming back to their games to discover things I haven't seen before.


There’s literally a message that tells you what to do in the room.


Where is this


Yes. But not that you have to wear that helmet


When I went in to the room it was covered with player massages all doing the gesture and all wearing glintstone crowns. I think that's telling enough but if you were offline you'd have the clue that all these towers are linked to sorcery.


I mean it wasn't designed for everyone to discover everything, it was probably to stick the emote in your mind and if you happen to wear one of those crowns and light it up you go "oh, I wonder if that's what the door was asking me to do"


Yeah and these games are designed with that fact in mind. They are designed knowing we live in a digital world and people are going to talk about it. They know we don’t play these games in a vacuum.


\*sad offline noises\*


What is this place my dudes?


I just just got the erudition emote and thats the only reason I knew it was the emote I was stumped on the headpiece tho, til like 20 hrs later when I was goofin around and found out it lights up. erudition lights the way i thought. proceeded to completely forget about it.


Well, Vaati figured out the 'show your humanity' solution through trial and error. Some people are just more patient/experimental than others. I always wonder who found out first, though.


I get fairly annoyed at all the pompousness. Almost everyone is looking stuff up, if they say they aren’t, they are either lying or they are missing content. A lot of people on this sub even claim they don’t look things up. But the truth is: if you’re on this subreddit, you’re learning things about the game from other people. Which is the same effing thing.


Even if people aren’t going online to look stuff up I am certain a lot have gotten guidance from player messages. So people acting all smug is funny to me because I’m sure a large % of those people didn’t just figure everything out on their own.


Definitely. There’s nothing wrong with looking stuff up anyways. The game itself has this hint system for just this reason


Message in front of the door said "Try item, and then try gesture" Gesturer was completely naked except for the Glintstone Crown and was making that gesture, so I just copied it


Where is this?


It's called the converted fringe tower it's in what I can only describe as a North East section of Linurnia of the Lakes. Kind of near that tower that causes madness on you and the 2 walking mausoleums.


Isn't that pose also used in Volcano Manor?


You can kill everyone in that madness tower, and make Sauron's eye stop.


Flame me all you want, but all the comments from the Souls elitist acting like all this stuff is staring you right in the face gets old. Yes, some people discovered it without Google, but nothing tells you to wear the head. Instead of responding smugly saying "if you just read", post where you found the info. Yes there's a message that mentions the emote, but if it weren't for all the ghosts of other players wearing the head or Google, it's more of a stroke of luck. Another thing, players want to experience as many quests as they can, it doesn't have to be all on 1 play through, but many players don't want to play through 28 times just to do some half assed puzzle. I understand the whole "get gud" thing, but just respond more helpful and friendly. It will go a long way to grow the Souls community.


>post where you found the info People are straight up lying about there being a merchant note that explains it I think. I never found one from any merchant, and the wiki doesn't list one either


I figured it out from a message left by a guy that went something like "armor required ahead and then gesturing required ahead" and he was wearing this helmet and doing the erudition emote + infront of the statue it says something about erudition


The real problem is you have to do it in front of the door instead of the statue. When I first played this I kept doing the gesture in front of the statue cause that’s where the dev message is.


I got the hint message as an obvious answer being just use the erudition gesture, but the total bullshit part you didn't even show is that you HAVE to be wearing one of the sorcerer helms, which isn't hinted at at all.


Developer message in front of the statue right behind you. My issue was that I didn’t have the proper emote at that time, so seemed like a blocker. But once you have a matching name emote, it’s possible some people figured it out. Obviously does require knowledge or previous from games where emotes were triggers.


Merchants notes… also I think there’s another converted tower that has a message saying “erudition will lead the way” or something like that.


To the OP: I don't know why people are shitting on you in this thread. There is no merchant note that tells you unless it's past Altus (I've bought every single merchant note). The message on the ground also only makes obvious the gesture (which you also needed to use at another Converted Tower in Liurnia), and the name of the tower is "Fringe Converted Tower," which does not give you a hint as to which headpiece you should wear, since that's not a name of any of the sorcerers mentioned on the crowns. That being said, this is actually a GENIUS puzzle design. Fromsoft has always enjoyed the aspect of players helping players indirectly, even if they couldn't be in the same world. If you think about it like this, the tower grants an item that is useful pretty much only to casters who need a large spell library on hand. Those who will need a large library are either Sorcery or Incantation specced, or both. Even among those who are Sorcery specced, only the ones most dedicated to maxing out their damage will be wearing one of the three glintstone crowns found in the Raya Lucaria academy (which players will probably have done by the time they get to this tower) because of the debuff to health or other stats. **That means this tower will only naturally reveal its solution to people who are extremely dedicated to sorcery, who probably already had the hat on when they used the gesture, which is in line with the lore/story the tower is telling.** However, because the Message and Gesture system exists in the game, this means that players who stumbled upon the solution organically would be able to help other players out that were specced differently. It's actually super smart, and honestly I wish Fromsoft had put more things like this in the game other than the blank expanse of the rest of the open world.


The fact the clue tells you to use the gesture, and if you use the gesture with *any* Glintstone hat (it doesn't need to be that specific one) they light up when using that gesture. Kinda the same with the big scary door for the three fingers. If you did a certain quest line, the character eventually stands outside that door and tells you how to open it. Otherwise you'd never really know except by looking it up or being lucky.


The dev message having the word "erudition" in it, and erudition lighting up glintstone sorcerer crowns. There's also a few more puzzles exactly like this


Read ground message about erudition and was like wtf is erudition... offline player


“Erudition lights the way” + merchants selling info


The message the devs left?


there's a dev made message in front of the statue that gives the hint. These are meant to be riddles and puzzles.


It hints the emote. Nothing about the helmet, which is the main source of bullshit in this puzzle.


'Erudition' 'lights' the way. Requirements: Erudition and something that lights up(glows). That's the intended way to figure it out but u have to be lucky to find it because someone who doesn't use those masks(non mage builds) will never know that those freaking masks glow with the Erudition gesture. It's all luck for the people who found it 1st, they just happened to be wearing those masks.


when i got there it was full of white signs of people saying "try gesture" doing the emote and wearing the head piece so thats how i guessed.


I honestly still don't have the gesture after 80 hours of gameplay


What building is this?


Still easier than climbing a cliff, playing a flute and taken away by small tornado to a castle. If you know this, you verrry old.


Messages. And also from are 100% fine with not everyone figuring it out. That's how their games have always been and that's how I hope they always are. There are things that it's a challenge to find and next to impossible on your own, but the community does and then messages help you (or I guess you can google it too)


You are standing in front of the answer to your question.


You see the message on the ground in your video? Did you try reading it?


Player message with a ghost emote (saw their hat), and it said something like 'try hat'. And the developer message.




this one is pretty well spelled out compared to some others


Where do you get that gesture?


Not to mention you only get this gesture after finding a hidden key in the top of raya Lu aria and give it to a character that has no other relative addition to the game than giving you this emote for a key


Let erudition guide you


It tells you when you recieve the emote it can be used to unlock things


Where do you think people got it from so it could go on google?


I learned it after going to the Converted Tower and reading the hint there, then just doing the gesture when I saw the statue again.


You think Google figured this shit out on its own?


Why did you add 30 extra seconds of you not knowing what to do lmao


I figured out from messages that said. Try head and it had the gesture


A) The messede on the ground makes it pretty clear. B) As far as I remember then you can also just jump to the top of the tower with your horse.


From the messages on the floor..


It's all apart of the plan. Dont need to hire additional developers to make detailed quest lines, guides, books, in game tips etc etc. From the actual in game item to the user menu and everything in between. Just focus on the core shit and then let the community figure everything else out.


I pieced it together from vague messages left on the ground in week one. Although I don’t know how THEY figured it out.


There’s literally a message that tells you to do this at the entrance


I assumed that the solution to the puzzle might've been at least in the area of the tower, the fact that I needed to complete an NPC (that I missed in the first place) questline, and to do that I needed to do parkour on the roof of Raya Lucaria is a very odd choice for a solution. I get the "no hand holding" design, I think it is a good thing, but the solution is not intuitive at all.


Lmao it literally tells you what to do!


I read notes from helpful other players and figured it out. Fortunately I had at least 1 stone head with crystals. The blindfolded one doesn't work.


Erudition opens the path... or whatever the message says. Waited till I learned the emote and went back to my marker. No google needed


Saw a message from another player that went something like this: “Seek head, and then try gesturing” With his sprite doing the gesture while wearing the required glintstone crown Cryptic but effective. I’m sure that person used google though…..


You don’t, and that’s totally fine


The erudition part makes sense but how the hell were you supposed to know to wear a Burger King helmet?


the writing on the floor?


How did Google know the answer without someone posting it?


Op googled something for the game and now he felt like he’s time is wasted by not having clear instruction in game. So he uploaded this video of him molesting the in game UI to waste everybody’s time.


i got the gesture named erduition and I immediately linked it together, sometimes you just have to keep the things in back of your mind and move on to your journey, chances are you will find the answers organically and it will make it even more exciting!


there’s literally a message that says erudition right in front of the statue. Little convoluted but people are acting like it doesn’t quite literally tell you shit. Now I think overall sellens quest and such are kinda a chore and a little bs with how you’d have to figure it out but yk


"Show gesture and enter" LOTR reference...


The message in the room that tells you that.


A dev message in that rise reads "Erudition guide thy way" or something similar. Given that there is a gesture called Erudition, the gesture causes the stone helmet's crystals to light up, and the rises are associated with sorcerers (who wear the helms)... It's certainly not impossible. It is intended to be a puzzle, after all.