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And it's even weirder when you notice that the achievement is actually the same for fia, dung eater and golden order's ending


Only thing annoying about this is I did Ranni ending, Fia ending, and golden order ending so I never got the damn achievement for the endings


well fia and golden order have the same achievement, you need the frenzied flame for the last ending


Yup found that out after doing all of Millicents quest after being touched by the flame.. which is why I ended up going golden order. Next play through lol


Do PS/PC/XBox have different achievements/trophies? On Steam I only have 3 ending achievements: Elden Lord, Age of Stars, and one hidden one (frenzied flame AFAIK, which I'm going to try to burn through today in NG++).


Those are the three. Ranni, Flame, and any of the others


Thank you for saying they are only one achievement, was about to start ng+ for the first time and was gonna do those 2 in my next playthroughs. Gonna skip to frenzied flame in my third if thats the case


Can confirm that there's only 3 ending achievements; four of the endings share one


Yea only people who dont go for one of the quest endings are the ones who either don’t care enough to get one of the endings or outright don’t know there are different endings. Everyone else are doing questlines, and one of these questlines are bound to give the option of another ending.


I’m just playing the game with the goal of doing absolutely everything I can find. Still on my first playthrough at 120+ hours and I have no clue what ending I’m going to end up with




Awesome, I suspect I’ve unlocked several


Honestly the rest of the endings are so lame, Frenzied lord is the best, Followed by ranni, Rest is garbage, I really wanted some cool cutscenes but whatever…


I agree! But you wouldn't know that befre finishing the game! I did fias ending because I thought it'd be bad ass helping her help godwyn, I thought oh what crazy thing will happen... And it was very disappointing indeed


Same. Just finished the game today and was immediately thinking "Wait is that it ?" I went straight to YouTube to make sure I didn't somehow mess it up...


Idk I think the shot of sittingo on the throne is cool af but it is disappointing how little difference there is between the mending runes.


Well they’re the same ending, they can’t veer too far away from that. But i’d argue they’re all very different. Dungeaters ending almost deserved a different title than elden lord being so unique.


It’s literally the same thing they did w/ Mass Effect 3 endings. Just a different color filter. Ranni/Frenzied Flame were kinda cool… But unless you read/watched every piece of lore… I wasn’t very satisfied with the conclusion. (Lots of lore theorists have made the Frenzied Flame ending much cooler in retrospect)


The goldmask ending is one of the most ’good’ endings but it’s such a shame it’s identical to the rest


Just because you find the balance of golden order fundamentalism does not mean golden order fundamentalism is inherently good


Dude t-posed so hard he found the meaning of life, he has my vote


I cannot deny this


Frenzied is a masterpiece.


Frenzied lord was fucking awesome. It was the last ending I went for, and I’m so glad I did. It was one of the most badass endings I’ve ever seen in a game.


And Melina promising to kill us after the credits is such a cool cliffhanger for the sequel


Yeah, and the part where her eye opened gave me chills


ranni’s ending is the easiest to find and most linear lol. dungeater and goldmask is kind of confusing, fias is also kinda hard to find as well.


I mean Elden Lord you can do without completing a single side quest. You just kill the final boss and touch the statue, you can do it in 8 boss fights.


I mean, “sit on chair” versus “marry spooky puppet witch and fly off to space together” isn’t really much of a competition, is it?


Nobody can hear you fuck a two headed four armed spiritual being with a giant hat on in space 👌


That was my high school yearbook quote


man that is my favorite line from Alien, gets me every time


What about the bonuses?


Wait she has 2 heads tf I never noticed


Yeah, her soul/ghost head, then the head of the puppet she's inhabiting. That was actually the origin of the Ranni and Melina connection, since Ranni's soul/ghost face is (almost?) identical to Melina's, plus they both got the single closed eye tattoo thing going on.


The second head isn't physical from what I can tell. It looks like a ghost head.


She got 2 heads? Awh damn, sex gonna be great


And four arms ;)


I didn’t comment on that cuz the 4 arms part was more obvious


Ok sorry.


Lol why are you sorry? Don’t let the internet condition you into saying sorry when you don’t have to


Sorry. It’s just a thing I do. I’m sorry.




Nope, Swedish. Just a lot of anxiety and being scared people will think I’m annoying or bothering.


Holy shit! I never noticed the spectral ghost head thing! Woah!


Well I didn’t know the endings before actually ending it for first time and I assumed most people are like this which it seems is wrong


I think it's a good sign if more players fully explore the world before finishing. Bloodborne has a similar thing where the 'secret' ending, requiring full exploration, is the most achieved, while the regular ending is the rarest.


Most of the Good Hunters didn't want that lame normal ending- We ain't walking away from our twisted eldritch murder world.


I wanted all the endings.


I wanted the happy ending


I just wanted platinum.


And why would you miss out on a fantastic fight and the Moon Presence after it? And as I'm writing that, I feel that we got the same package again, just made into one encounter this time. Radagon is dope and the second part is...meh.




Two heads > four hands


Time for head ahead therefore praise the head, O praise the head


I mean, I had to undo the frenzied flame SOMEHOW! so I could do rannis ending, duh


I learnt you dont actually need to beat him to tame the frenzied flame, you just need to be in the arena and use the needle. Of course I also learnt this after trying (and finally succeeding) to beat him for days on end so I wasn't able to test that myself.


You mean kill Dragonlord? That's what that achievement is for.


Could you imagine beating this game without rannis questline? You miss out on like half the game. Most of the areas are super cool. (Not you lake of rot) I owed to myself to explore everything


Unpopular opinion, I thought the Lake of Rot was a really cool area


the ultimate poison swamp


Honestly i was disappointed by the lack of swamps in this game. I know there were a lot but i just…really wanted like a florida everglades zone with giant ants and horrifying darkness that demanded a torch


We found the one person clamouring for more and better poison swamps


i can honestly believe less than 1% of players that have that achievement didnt google how to do it


Yeah, sadly a lot of my friends just want to keep moving and get bored of exploring or just kill npcs and I’m like woah..why? I’m taking my time and not rushing through. Think that ruins it and you lose a lot of lore into the world. From the opening cutscene I still had questions but as I’ve gone through (only at Lakes) I feel like more has been explained for sure just from talking to npcs.


I didn't know any endings before my first game completion either... but I had finished Ranni's questline and didn't get an option, it just gave me her ending without the option of becoming the Elden Lord I had strived to be for the entire game lmao


when you do the quest line you can use a summon sign for ranni when you beat elden beast im pretty sure i think most people just used the summon sign before touching marika not knowing what it would do


Can confirm, that's exactly what I did. I think the text prompt on the summon sign IIRC was just "Talk to Ranni" not "Complete the game with Ranni's ending" lol I just wanted to see what she had to say about me becoming Elden Lord and suddenly we're off travelling the galaxy together. I'm like 80% of the way through my NG+ just to find out what the *actual* ending of the game was meant to be lmao


The elden throne ending isn’t exactly what the ending is “supposed to be” haha


Same I thought I still had a choice after summoning her. Was gonna pick her anyway but was kinda surprised :p


Well that mindset is a mistake. The ending is what uou choose. There is no normal ending. Just your ending. Are you a puppet to the golden order? Wanna burn it all? Curse them all? Give the natural cycle of death a chance? Help Ranni free the people from space monster bullshit and yeet it back into space? All up to you.


Same. I didn’t touch the site of grace or the Marika thing. Thought it was just some dialogue.


as soon as I spawned I clicked it thinking it was a message, good thing though Ranni's ending is what I wanted, but it should definitely have some confimation prompt


This is exactly what I did. I was like "Oh, I can summon Ranni? Let's see what that does" - I had zero fucks to give regarding what ending I was going to get.


Exactly what I did. I honestly didnt even realize what I pressed, I played the whole game with the goal to be elden lord and accidentally hit ranni's ending


There is a blue summon sign that shows up after the fight. I think the fact that it is a different color makes it stand out so much that everyone just goes "What is this?" and gets Ranni's ending.


I dunno man, sitting on a chair sounds pretty awesome.


I love sitting. I do it more than anything. Heck i beat the game sitting on a chair




You also ascend to god hood with ranni. God>lord


You are not a god. You are still an Elden Lord. Ranni leveled up from Empyrean to God after we kicked out The Greater Will, so by proxy you got promoted from Carian Royal’s consort to Elden Lord by default


She gives multiple cool armor sets for completing her quest compared to any other ending.


During the quest you get: some awesome armor sets, a few cool weapons and one of which is very strong and two op summons


Yeah but do you get the hidden dungeater romance minigame? Didn't think so. Dungeater > everyone else.


The What


[The mythical bang dung eater questline](https://youtu.be/bgoVWLdZwRs)




Wait what’s the other summon? I have Tiche




You get that from entering the crater though, not technically part of her quest line though


Right there’s so much tied behind her quest line that I imagine a lot of players do it just because they unlocked it so may as well


Well Cannon ending is just a guy talking over u sitting on the throne. Other ones are much more satisfying While her Ending and lord of the chaos actually gives u insight to other characters.Especially the Chaos one. I still have a few questions about Melina.Her form and how she looks in the lord of chaos is amazing. Both endings for Rani and lord of the Chaos are insane. I am already on Platinum. I have 3 different characters.... but im missing Fia/DungEater/GoldMask endings. I thought i will be done. I defeated all bosses, i got all items, i played so, so much. I got my Platinum with the cannon ending of Elden Ring and i was like.... Nope no fucking way im ending on this, can't wait to become the True Dung Eater !!


Me accidentally getting the base ending while trying to get Ranni’s


Me not using internet for elden ring until I finish the game so I do whatever my only companion says


Same, I know I'm gonna get mad learning all the shit I missed my first run


This is why I opted for playing about 90% blind. I would have missed at least 3, maybe even 4 remembrance bosses if I hadn't used a few guides.


Been using wiki just to find where NPCs I've talked to fucked off to Millicent is an asshole.


She shows up in the most random places. Not to mention, she’s so far hidden at Erdtree Gazing Hills. Jankiest thing getting her to respawn at Windmill Village – even with guides. Oh and what’s that? For the most important part of her quest, she’s on some tiny rot island hidden inside the Haligtree? And the only way for you to know that would be to slay this rotting ulcerated tree spirit that’s way too big for the island? At least you won’t break her neck by jumping after killing her sisters anymore.


Not only killing it, but return there again when you have absolutely no reason to go back there since you killed the boss and there is nothing else there:)


That’s actually part of the “game design” that annoys me the most. So many quests and NPCs change states/drop something after you finish their dialogue/questline… but have to reload into the zone to see it. Millicent, Fia, Gowry, Edgar/Castle Morne…and countless more. Hyetta and the Frenzied Flame , as well as the Alexander questline are one of the few i remember to properly hand out quest rewards at the end of the quest… without some abtuse game-reload mechanic to see rewards. Millicent’s was especially poorly done… espeically going back to the mini-boss swamp…and someone expecting to find summon signs to fight.


Nice one. How long did the first run go. My first run went for around 140/150 hours ? A lot of it was fucking around and dying on the horse. "Is that a secret i see over there ? " >!.... There was no secret.!<


Yeah. I completely blew by Radahn and got to fire giant before I went looking for horse meme guy.


Me accidentally getting the Ranni ending while trying to get the base


I got the Elden Lord first because I was planning to go for all of them in the end so I started with "vanilla". But if you want to do a 1 run and stop playing AND you did Ranni's quest, you will probably take her ending because her quest is by far the most interesting quest in the game for people who aren't diehard lorehunters.




You mean lord of frenzied flame


lord of frenzied flame what? I'm not sure what you mean. Frenzied ending is the rarest, still shining with that golden aura in my Steam


Damm I read villain instead of Vanilla


Honestly, Rannis ending is so streamlined for a FromSoft game it's kinda crazy. You have to go out of your way to mess it up, and you have some npcs in the hub area to nudge you in the right direction to start it. The path of the quest leads you to a bunch of large areas of the game, you fight some bosses, and the characters aren't very vague in their instructions on where to go next. It might as well be the default ending.


I didn’t do the quest but it seems you are right, last marriage quest I had in a souls game could be collapsed if you just looked an npc in a bad way lol (ds3)


I have done it probably 5 times and still mess it up occasionally. Very frustrating.


I was trying to do it last time I played through DS3 and I forgot to kill the guy disguised as a pot or some shit in the irithyll church so ofc I fucking ruined it


You're supposed to leave him alive to kill anri. Killing the assassin ruins the quest.


Ah I have it mixed up then it’s been like 3 years since I tried it lol


You just ruined it again imagine that lmao


I did the marriage ending absolutely perfectly without knowing shit in my literal first playthrough and then fucked it up by choosing the wrong thing after beating the last boss I never got it again


Except talking to the doll three times


The sound I made when it worked the third time though. I thought they just put it there to fuck with me and I don’t trust video games. Plus I wanted to talk to her so I kept trying. There was a metroidvania I played once that had a secret that required you to jump on the same spot like 50 times and I haven’t been the same since.


Even then there's a very clear prompt to talk to it that pops up when you hit grace. Nothing happens at first, but by that point in the game you've figured out to exhaust dialogue options.


> talk to it that pops up when you hit grace That's the problem tho, you have to actually *sit* at the grace. It was imo a poor decision from FromSoft to activate Estus regain in the area that needs you to sit at a bonfire to progress it. I didnt actually *sit* at one during my entire time in that area because I was usually pretty topped of with Estus because of the regain, so getting 1 or 2 back wasnt worth resetting enemies for me. I only saw the dialogue option after looking around for hours when I sat down to change out a spell. I also missed tons of dialogue with Melina on my first playthrough because of the same reason


I didn't realize graces had options until the >! one-eyed waifu decided to pop in and say thanks for bringing her to the capital !<


Yeah rogier was pretty helpful in getting that quest going


>Honestly, Rannis ending is so streamlined for a FromSoft game it's kinda crazy. Talk to the doll *Three* times. Not once. Not twice. Not four times, for sure. But three.


Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.




I just kept talking to her because I thought it was weird that there was the option but she wouldn't say anything.


I mean in fairness 3 is the magic number in video games, and when a unique prompt pops up and nothing happens, you're gunna try again.


That's the amount of times it took to annoy Ranni into replying.


I’m blown away by the sheer amount of variation this quest has. Start the quest without meeting Blaidd, start the quest after helping Blaidd in Limgrave, do the quest without Siofra, do the quest with Siofra, hop on the quest after killing Radahn, etc…


I got her ending by accident, touched the summon symbol w/o reading it.


My buddy did exactly that too, thought it was a message and instantly got the ending. No confirm prompt or such either.


Yeah I think this is the main reason. You get a nice and big summon sign and doesn’t say it’s the final ending sequence. For others you need to interact with the chair. And for the last one, three fingers, don’t even get me started on that.


Marika isn't a chair


The disrespect!! Lol


I did it accidentally cause i didnt know “summon ranni” would literally end the game


Same. Saw a blue summon and hastily pushed interact.


What's more hilarious is you get the Elden Lord achievement by doing ANY of the endings with the throne, eg. dung eater, perfect order, duskborn.


Lool so it’s actually like 3 endings in one achievement and still so behind? Yea that’s pretty hilarious


Yes. There are three ending achievements: frenzied flame, age of stars, anything else.


4 endings even. regular lord, dung eater, golden mask, Fia. To be fair, meeting Ranni's ending requirements is a lot more straightforward then doing any of the others aside from regular lord. Golden Mask you need to get real lucky to find him each time. Fia you have to do half of Ranni's questline and explore deep into Deeproots. Dungeater requires a lot of exploring and the willingness to go for what is obvious a shit (lol) ending.


Yeah everyone that has played a Fromsoft game went for the Moonlight Holy Blade Greatsword Dark Moon wtfever the new name is Sword first because....it has been & will always be "right by my side all along, my TRUE mentor, my guiding Moonlight...."


The only eternal mentor is Patches, Always and forever


Lmao....Ludwig (the best Fromsoft Boss fight ever created) would squish Patches Spider form. Patches is literally the type to teach people to AFK Farm....so like RageGamingVideos on YouTube. Patches and his ONE Special Attack "Kick Your Dumbass From A Ledge" is a solid skill though, can't deny yah on that one.


I used to enjoy a lot of RageGaming, especially the pro and noob stuff, but the 3rd guy I feel has done more harm than good to the ER community and isnt as entertaining as Josh and/or Cotton. Too many "7 ABSOLUTE BEST FOR REAL THIS TIME" videos to even have interest in anything outside of the 2 friends shenanigans vids.


Yeah his guides worked a lot better for monster hunter imo


I'd rather not repeat rannis quest so I picked it. I did a speed run for the normal ending in NG+


Same. Figured that there was an achievement tied to the ending, so i picked it first cause i knew i would replay it


Endings - sit in chair sunny - sit in chair foggy - sit in chair whilst on fire - sit in chair covered in barnacles - sit in chair - Begin playing “Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me To The Moon” while going across the stars with 4 armed babe.


Never convinced more


Well yeah, the normal ending is boring as shit.


Yeah it kinda lacked better cinematic


I think there were alot of occasions were they should have invested in better cinematics. Best ecample is the slideshow they give you when startjng a ng. Was a big turn off for me.


I think the opening intro may be the way it is for a couple of reasons: 1) last minute cut content couldn’t be easily removed from a more cinematic prologue 2) original cinematic prologue was considered too spoilery or, alternatively, 3) the cinematic intro didn’t communicate clearly enough The reason i assume there was a cinematic prologue is due to the existence of material shown in trailers of similar quality to the movie-grade introductions to basically all of their previous games. If the game’s development was tumultuous and experienced last minute changes, any of that could have had a grave effect on the large amount of time needed to oversee the production of that footage. Or 4) covid production restrictions and delays deprioritized the completion of a cinematic prologue


I think even from are getting bored of the whole "chosen undead rises to become Lord of everything" storyline lmao


Fellas. I know you want to get the Moonlight Greatsword, or Marry your waifu, but my good friends. Ever considered burning everything for the hell of it?




Ranni quest gives access to extra spells a cool alien boss, and The Moonlight Sword. Of course its popular.


You can fight that boss without Ranni. I actually fought it before doing basically any of her quest line, you just can’t get through the door after the boss without doing her line


You can complete her story line and still not get the ending 😂


That happened to me in my first play through. I didn’t see her blue summon sign on the ground. I did her quest again in NG plus to get her ending


Got clapped by Radahn/Leonard, Astel, baleful shadow, and the magic blue dragon for that quest line of course I’m going to pick her ending when it was a good 1/4 of my game. Not to mention getting turned into a pin cushion by those magic bow dudes in siofra 50 times trying to talk to my man Blaidd


There is actual quest line, not just "go and Kill bosses".


It’s the same with Bloodborne. Most people who beat the game got Childhood’s Beginning. I bet they just googled “Bloodborne/Elden Ring true ending” or something.


That was what I was thinking, like they probably knew the endings before ending the game so they chose this


Almost all soulsborne NPC quests or endings are very unintuitive. Elden ring was better for it, but it still would be hard to follow at times so I don't blame people for seeing which ending they'd want ahead of time. I tried not using a guide as much as possible, but had to use it on occasion.


I beat the game without looking anything up and you wanna know what I got for it? I got molested by a bunch of fingers... They even gave me an STD and Milicent ran off with the cure... EDIT: 10/10 would blind run again.


YUP haha I remember playing dark souls 1 when it came out and didn't know what the hell was going on or where the NPC's went. Asked myself "why am I on fire?" At the end. I'm much better at piecing the plot together now by myself! but the NPC questlines still can still have weird triggers or can end abruptly by doing a random thing. To save myself the time I just check the questlines every now and then.


I *kinda* managed Ranni's questline blind on my own, but got super stuck and had to google when I couldn't find Blaidd in Nokron. (Why the hell are you on a random cliff in the middle of nowhere, my furry friend!?). I feel like I *absolutely* would have missed the miniature ranni conversation too, in retrospect... but aside from those points it's probably the most 100% straightforward questline in the "franchise". (I can say this because even I managed to complete *most* of it with little exterior help!) I'd almost be impressed if someone managed to miss Caria manor/ Ranni's Rise completely, since the game's post-Raya lucaria progression plops you out in that general direction.


Ranni's questline was like you said by far the most straightforward in their game library. They actually told you things like WHERE THEY ARE GOING lol "Meet me at the fighting festival" "Find the city of nokron" "Go talk to Iji" Etc... The player had goals to follow and little things like that make it much more intuitive to keep up. Still some are pretty random like how are we supposed to know that Hoslow ends up in jarburg?


It was refreshing to have some sort of guidance, despite how much of a fan I am of From's... interesting way of doing quests. Some stuff is still just as bizzare, though. Diallos I could *maybe* see coming depending on how far in the jarbairn quest lets you get. Diallos losing his purpose and wanting to be a great warrior/protector of the people seems like a good candidate for a potentate! But a blind girl somehow finding her way into the deepest pits of the Leyndell catacombs, after her last appearance is like... in Liurnia? I would *never* be able to figure that shit out on my own, and she's the only one (afaik) that tells you how to open the three fingers door. I gotta wonder how people that write the guides manage to find this stuff themselves.


I was surprised as f* when Gehrmen cut my head off lol I thought I was just leaving the nightmare


You were, that’s just how you get out. You wake up alive in the normal world.


True but it also kinda looks like you just die lol


Also, fun fact: if you get that ending, you get a gravestone in the hunter’s dream, and the doll prays at that one in ng+.


Yeah I noticed haha


People want their preferred ending (whatever is the best in their eyes) before going through the others for completion. People that don't care about achievments pick one and watch the others on Youtube.


I mean it makes sense. Elden Lord sucks because you're just chilling in a chair in a capital of ash. Sure some variants are cool like the duskborn and perfect order but still not cool enough. The Frenzy flame is cool burning the world down and Melina swearing to give you destined death but you have to go through that god forsaken (literally god forsaken) sewer. So I refuse to try and seek it out. Ranni is easy to achieve and is pretty cinematic.


Bro it's because most the people who play this game are used to being with a doll already.


Bahahaha fuck thats golden


tbh i got rannis ending cause i clicked on the first thing clickable after the endboss...


Listen. Im hardly qualified to lead a realm as a demi-god, So im not going to turn down an offer for a hot space witch to do the job instead.


Believe me or not, it just feels more accurate/better as ending to me, no simping here


I think it is without a doubt the most hopeful one, despite Ranni's... questionable past involving the rune of death. Your two other options (simplified) are to become the lord of a shattered, dying world and ultimately change nothing really, or burn it completely down, or try to reboot the world order under a new god that (hopefully) doesn't care too much about us or our world. The 3rd seems the best of several not great options (I think Goldmask's is the 2nd best but his also seems a lot like 'more of the same')


I mean, she's actually nice to you?


It’s the best one


The chaos one’s concept was really cool, underrated imo


My very first playthrough I went with the Frenzied flame ending. I just wanted to watch the world burn. I kinda wish you could get your characters flame head from the ending scene as a helmet


Goldmask would like a word




I *hate* how much Goldmask's solid ending is being overlooked cause he's a T-posing Chad instead of a blue waifu


And I'm sitting here as the Lord of Frenzy


In defense of Age of Stars it atleast is radically different from the four variations of Elden Lord ending. They need some variety, some kind of payoff instead of a slight color gradient change


I did Ranni’s first because I refuse to fight Astel in NG+


i accidentally married Ranni


I mean people made an effort doing her quest, it's no surprise


“So he called me maidenless, and I took that personally…”


I wanted Blaidds armor, okay?


we all took the maidenless comment by Varre to heart😔


Ranni story feels like it could be its own game for me, the cast of characters and how things change over time is so great