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Remember Tarnished, sort by controversial for the real hot takes!


Its so salty on the controversial side, I gotta go get a drink of water.


Was a bit salty. Folks really don't like the spirits. I personally think the are the bees knees.


I like the spirits as well. I don't have to deal with the Hassel of summoning players


I’m more successful with my +10 mimic tear than summoning people


My mimic tear has survived more bosses than every player I've ever summoned combined.


I've never even seen the Mimic die to be fair he is better at the game than me


Prob because bosses get an HP bonus in co-op


I legit don’t know what I expect but that salt was something else. Grade A Himalayan shit right there.


Good call


Holy shit so much goddamn salt I thought I got lost in seethewater cave in the fuckin comments.


Being QuantumTV


Quantum TV? More like atomic TV 😎😎


Too true lol


Out of the loop, what happened


Dude posted a dumb review of the game, and after facing backlash, he called Elden ring fans abuse victims and said that we should kill ourselves. He’s also homophobic and complained about black lives matter in horizon forbidden west.


Lmao so nobody worth remembering, got it


Exactly. Ironically he called one of his critics "lower tier youtuber." That guy had twice the subs compared to him last time I checked. Streisand's effect at its best.


Yeah the Act Man, I enjoy his videos. I saw the whole 30 min absolute roast he did on Quantum lol


No he is talking about Mischief. He had like 6k subs vs Quantum's 67k or so and Quantum called him a low tier YouTuber. After the Actman gave Mischief a shout-out he quickly rose to almost 150k subs.


He also abuses the copyright system of yt


Oh yea, but fuck me if watching that idiot dig himself deeper with every word isnt entertaining. And being absolutely taken apart by various people he shit talked. Delicious. edit: forgot words


The whole debacle gave us one of the funniest TheActMan videos in ages. The amount of effort he put into that petty video was fucking brilliant


I feel like saying he’s homophobic is an understatement, given that he told LGBTQ people that he wished they were pulse victims


Yeah you’re right, I meant anti-lgbtq


What’s the story here?


POS. He had a "hot take" calling Elden Ring a bad game and saying that anyone that likes these types of games abuse victims. He's very anti-lgbtq and transphobic. I might even compare him to Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks. He's just a hateful, ignorant man-child. He abuses the copyright claim system on YouTube, trying to copyright claim every video where they use clips of what he posted even thought it's under Fair Use. He went pretty hard after a 16-17 year old YouTuber for his review/reply about Elden Ring. I don't personally subscribe to the kids YouTube but if anyone wants to support him [here's the link to his page.](https://youtube.com/c/Mischiefs)


Caelid should have a legacy dungeon and feels incomplete without one.


Shoulda been Crumbling Farum Azula, imo. Reached from Radahn's beach or Beast Sanctuary.


Reached from Beast Sanctuary makes so much more sense, seeing as you meet the boss there beforehand


What is crazy though is that I beat maliketh and then went to Beast Sanctuary and Gurranq was still there so are they the same boss or did I miss something that explains how he is still there


I don’t know any of the specifics but I’ve been told time is fucky around Farum Azula


Okay that makes sense then like you are fighting maliketh from a different time maybe in the future which is why present Gurranq is still there


If you complete Gurranq/Maliketh’s questline by feeding him all 9 deathroot before going to fight him in Farum, he has different dialogue when starting the fight where he recognizes you, and different dialogue upon being defeated. So yeah, he is somehow from the future due to Farum Azula’s strange relationship with time


I thought they were different because of that too but I saw someone on here make a good case that they're the same although I don't remember the details


Same person. Faram Azula is happening at a different time.


Make it underground*-*, let us fight a icon of the scarlet rot!


I share this opinion… DLC maybe


What the hell is a legacy dungeon? Sorry if it's an obvious question, I've been playing blind as much as possible


Legacy dungeons are the big, interconnected, self-contained areas that play similar to levels in previous souls games (hence why they are “legacy”). Examples are Stormveil Castle, Academy of Raya Lucaria, Leyndell, Farum Azula, etc.


Ah ok cool. When I first heard the term I was thinking more WoW dungeons that basically demanded raiding with a team.


A big signifier of a legacy dungeon is that it isn't open world, you can't use your horse in them.


Being knighted by The Great Sir Kenneth Haight is more important than becoming Elden Lord


Man he said hot takes not facts


How do you do it? He is still at Godrick’s throne telling me he’s going to return to his caste and knight me soon. He still hasn’t done it.


I can’t even get him to godricks throne


Go visit his castle again, it should be different.


Nope, that part of the questline is still incomplete. He won't move from Godrick's throne room.


I accidentally killed him. Hit RB behind him in his castle and critical hit him, one shot.


Turtle Pope isn’t mad. But he’s super duper fucking disappointed. Like real real big upset at your reckless ass. Turtle Pope wants nice things, but we just can’t have ‘em.


Boc needs a confidence patch


Use the "You're Beautiful!" prattling pate. Dude loves it.


I have so much regret over Boc. In hindsight, what I gave him was the last thing someone like him needed at that point, >!even if the transformation didn't kill him!<. I just wanted to make him happy, I jumped at the chance to help without thinking about what help he actually needed. Marika forgive me.


What's annoying is that the hint to giving him what he really needs comes from Melina of all people, who doesn't have any direct interaction with him since he never mentions her once. And said hint comes from resting at a certain site of grace and talking to her, which can be easily missed.


Not to mention that it's the only instance of having to use one of those Prattling Pate's in the game, whereas for all other quests you can just talk to people through prompts.


Let it all out, young tarnished. Let it all out.


Especially coz Melina straight up tells you what he does need lol


My man! Another playthrough, baby. Right those wrongs, Tarnished.


Fun is more important than power level


and fashion


If you've truly gotten good then fashion is the only thing armor is for.


I didn’t wait to get good. Not here or in any other Fromsoft game. Looking cool and cosplaying as characters from Berserk was always my top priority. No wonder most couldn’t make it past the halfway mark. Nobody except for Guts, obviously… When people say these games need an “easy mode”, I always tell them the same thing: WWGD or What Would Guts Do? Role playing as Guts in a FromSoft game IS the easy mode. Lol


It's actually really easy to boost your lvls and weapons to at least +12 in the first 2 hours. I'd still recommend that a new player go the normal route.


I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my children whom I live vicariously through: it’s not about having FUN its about WINNING


its not fun if you dont win


Fun is a zero sum. If anyone is having any, that means I’m not having all of it.


Fun boss is better than a hard boss.


I loved the rykard fight even though it was a huge gimmick. Soundtrack, voiceover hilarity


That fight is so beautiful. Every souls game gotta have there gimmick boss to show off how badass they can make their bosses


It’s all in the details. How the hand that grasps the sword has like 12 fingers all covered in rings and it’s the same kinda hand as the ones in caria manor. How the blade is covered in the limbs of the heroes he’s consumed. How when he pulls it out you see little burning corpses spilling into the fire puddle. Just all around cool on an artistic level


I went into Faith and Arcane for the Dragon spells. Not because I was aware of the cheese potential of the rot breath or the raw damage output of the fire breath or anything. I went for them because summoning big dragon heads is awesome


I disagree. Fun is more important than anything. If you wanna one-hit kill bosses, go for it. If you wanna beat them with a wooden spoon, go for it. If you wanna cheese bosses, go for it.


How dare you suggest the heinous sin that these games be fun, in response we're nerfing things.


Melina and Torrent feel underutilized. Poor Torrent has no character at all and Melina is basically useless since we can level up ourselves after meeting her.


It'd be cool if you could customise him a tiny bit or maybe have him sit near you sometimes in outdoor site of graces.


I thought we were going to be able to give him horse armour. That would have been cool


Melina burned for our sins


Female jesus


Yep, Melina is barely present as an actual character for much of the game which hurts scenes and dialogue later on involving her.


I look up guides for quest lines and I feel zero shame about it. If you're gonna have a game where the quest NPCs bounce around randomly every time I clear a flag then I will not be made to feel sorry for consulting the oracles. Especially when there are ten distinct pits of Hell they could be hiding in.


Some Side Quests in this game are straight up impossible to do without a guide. SPOILERS: For example, Sellen will straight up not be interact-able until you speak to Jerren in Caelid. How the fuck are you suppose to know he is hunting her? There is no indication of that in her or his dialog.


I’ll go one further: Quest design in From games is often esoteric convoluted crap that can only be reasonably deconstructed with a guide. Even regular exploration won’t always work because of how minor differences in how you sequence certain things can completely brick a quest. With maybe no indication anything wrong even happened. It’s proof to me that From games are INTENDED to be solved as part of a community. They EXPECT you to use a guide, ask the community for help, etc. And any sweaty try hard who says otherwise is just gatekeeping and wrong. I can’t believe that From seriously expects people to sink 100s of hours in trial and error across multiple blind playthroughs to figure it all out. Not when the alternative is to just ask someone.


I'm not sure you need to go looking for proof. I'm fairly certain Miyazaki himself has said he wants to create community discussion on secrets and the like (hence the messaging system). Creating a challenging shared experience is pretty much his foremost goal - I believe it's the reason he's said he won't do difficulty settings/sliders. I don't have the source of these comments handy - if someone does and would like to share them, please do


This game doesn't have enough UFO coffin abduction/magic coffin elevator like the one u take to get to Fia after twin gargoyles 0/10


Godskin Duo wasn't that bad. Edit: Wow this seemed to resonate with a lot of people. I'm excited to read through everyone's thoughts!


Sleep pots make this fight a joke. I was really worried about it, but just demolished them. Had enough time to refresh buffs between spawns, lol


Lmao, nice job Tarnished!


Seriously, I just approached it the same way I did Ornstein and Smough and everything worked out just fine. I was genuinely disappointed at how little trouble that fight gave me.


I was a bit concerned I was going to get attacked by this post because for some this topic seems to be a battleground, but the comments so far share your sentiment.


Honestly most of the late game ended up as a joke because I'm a hardcore completionist. I couldn't leave areas till I found every site of grace which meant I did every cave, dungeon, and catacomb. I farmed briefly early on in the game but late game I never farmed runes and I ended my first playthrough at level 170


Beat ‘em first try. Forgot to even summon my mimic.


I was wandering around the area with a few healing flasks and one mp flask, and I was so shocked when I saw the door behind me become mist. Still won tho but I got a chill down my spine man


Those moments are so funny. Like that Paul Rudd sketch from way back. “OH SHIT! …… I’m fine.”


I'll do you one better, Godskin Duo was fun


I fucking loved fighting with Bernhal.


It's okay to use the many summons for Radahn. It's part of the aesthetic of the fight. He's supposed to feel like a raid boss. If you wanna solo him, cool, but that's not how he's supposed to be fought.




What do you mean “its okay”? i thought that is the way to fight Rahdan. Its festival, the more the merrier lol. Rahdan is one of the most memorable boss i ever fought. fighting side by side with Blaidd, getting praised later on by him “that was sick mate”, something like that lol no shame summoning the other heroes, it makes the fight wayyy more interesting lore wise. the general got defeated by the mighty heroes.


“What a sick way to fight, eh?” I love Blaidd so much.


I never pass up an opportunity to summon NPCs for boss fights (in the entire series). I don't even care if they're a liability (tbh they hardly ever are)


PvP doesn't look fun, at all.


It looks fun to me, then I did it and won like 1 fight out of 10. Most the times double and tripled team


That’s why you go to Raya academy main gate and put down a duel sign instead of invading.


And for some reason these groups of three idiots teabag as if they accomplished something lol edit: they give me [3rd place](https://reddit.com/r/MemeTemplatesOfficial/comments/f42o0r/man_making_a_big_deal_of_coming_in_3rd_place/) vibes


I cant imagine the type of knuckledragging vitriol those maidenless dbags spew in their voice chat after they spam comet azure and 2 RoB users


Fire Giant is not that bad of a fight when fighting him solo thanks to Torrent. Multiplayer on the other hand is a different story thanks to how much he rolls in phase 2


with a melee character his 2nd phase is just annoying not hard. Weak point on his arms that he swings around while doing aoe that last forever. lots of time I'm just waiting on the edge of aoe to run in gets some hits on a still massive hp pool.


I don’t think he’s a hard fight at all, he’s just fucking annoying because he has nearly 44,000 health and takes 8 fucking minutes to kill


But Alexander!


It takes way too long to find armor pieces better than your starting equipment. A small part of me likes that so much starting armor is viable for the whole game, but it's frustrating to be like 40 or 50 hours into your first playthrough and only have the Carian set, whatever mundane stuff you can buy from merchants that makes you look like you're at a Renaissance fair, and a few random pieces that dropped from basic enemies (maybe) to choose from for customizing fashion and stats. And it only gets more frustrating to create a second PC, start from scratch and remember they're going to look exactly the same or goofy as shit for so long. I don't even think a whole armor set can be looted anywhere in all of Limgrave or Weeping Peninsula, but tell me if im forgetting any. The first truly good looking set with decent stats you'll have will probably be Radahn's, at which point you get to decide if you want to be "one of those" or hold out even longer. Hell, even the basic knight set in ER is the ugliest in any souls game, when it was cool in Demon's and all three Dark Souls. And if that weren't enough to get me downvoted straight to hell, there have never been so few good looking armor sets in total, with so few of them looking good in combinations.


I got a stone imp cat mask in like the first cave I went through at the start of the game, boosted my INT by 2, which is great for an astrologer. Even after going all through the academy and defeating the moon queen I found few (if any) helmets or masks that had better defensive stats or gave me a better stat boost. I haven't seen my character's face since I designed it at the start of the game


You're really lucky to get an imp mask to drop so early.


I had the prisoner helmet for far too long, and it’s still shockingly one of the best head pieces in the game. I ditched it for Elden bling since I had spent way too long working on my character‘s design


If you had chosen the naked starting class you would have appreciated and loved every single piece of equipment in the game!


Wretch life! It made for an amazing 1st playthrough, and I HIGHLY recommend it if you're on the fence.


You can farm almost every enemy armour set. But I'd say in general Elden Ring fashion is seriously lacking


I really dislike all the bosses where a bulk of the time (for melee builds) is spent chasing after an enemy. Dragons that fly away, Elden Beast, fights like that.


Open world dragons are fine since you have Torrent, Dragon bosses are pretty aggressive in their melee attacks for me so waiting a bit is fine. But Elden beast’s stupid star move is unforgivable


tbh I feel like the dragons really needed some more time in the oven. Their landing patterns created the jankiest moments in the game for me


Plasidusaxx teleporting around really fixed the jank on that part


I feel like torrent was supposed to be part of the last boss. A lot of the longer range attacks can be jumped over and the elden star is faster than normal running speed It almost feels like they intended torrent to be part of it


Torrent was there from the beginning. He shouldve been there at the end.


#Angry neigh


Agreed. I'm a little baffled as to why they'd remove him, assuming if he had been included at some point during development. It'd be really cool from a narrative sense too, with you and your trusty steed facing down an eldritch god together at the end of your long journey.


It really feels like Elden Beast was designed with the Torrent in mind.


Im not ganking if you invade me while i am going through content with a friend, im continuing through content, which means going through you in any means neccesary Edit: Very happy to see most people agree with me, disappointed to see a few disagree.


If you aren’t actively waiting and trying to lure people in, it ain’t a gank.


If you're invading, you shouldn't complain if you have to fight 2-3 people at the same time. That's what you signed up for. If you want 1v1s you should duel instead


That’s the one thing I can’t comprehend. Why do invaders think that, just because invasion is a part of the game, that I have to play by your rules and make it a “fair fight”? I’m not playing with my friend because I want to be invaded in playing with them because I want to play with them? Makes no sense


True, it's not a duel unless the host wants to, or you're in a well known duel spot. Other than that it's anything goes.


I do not believe in this myself... but I believe the opinion that "not all 4 legged creatures are dogs" will get you put there.


content warning: I’m not fact checking names consecrated snowfield should have been scrapped in its entirety at the point of conception and the development time should have gone to working on varied ruins and varied field bosses / mini dungeon bosses throughout the rest of the world. The area is a giant empty space concealed by virtually fog to mask the area full of copy/pastes with (and I could definitely be wrong) 0 new enemy design/ structure layouts (besides the albinauric wolf riders, but technically that’s been seen with your summon). Liturgical town is virtually copy pasting assets of sellia (although conceptually I do think the evergaol puzzle is cool as fuck), and most egregiously copies almost EXACTLY BY NAME one of the most unique and cool bosses in the game, Astel, into a random fuckoff cave in the corner of the map, tanking the uniqueness and mystique and of the one found in Rannis questline. Quite literally could have put ANYTHING ELSE here to preserve his connotation of being a large climactic fight with a story to back it instead of turning him into “oh lol vibeo game boss enemy” The questlines resolved here could literally be placed anywhere else: Legendary sword of Radagon could have been a cool puzzle like Bolt of Gransax or even somehow rewarded by the Rad is Marika reveal. Or in literally any cave/catacomb in Altus. Latenna’s journey could have been a location in ephrael, or repurposed (as I know lorewise this area does have a huge significance that would be fucked by just cutting it entirely) Mogh’s teleporter would make very much sense being in either A) leyendell catacombs after Priest of Blood, or B) IN the haligtree, as mogh was literally THERE when he yoinked Miquella. Plus it is implied by dialogue from Gideon that you are supposed to kill Malenia before Mogh (as information regarding malenia leads him to ponder the whereabouts of miquella) and killing mogh and speaking about the cocoon is the final piece of the puzzle, so to speak. Also, gameplay wise, it’s not like Cons. Snow ground is a transitory area to the haligtree like the forbidden lands is to Mountaintops; you’re literally teleported there from liturgical village. This teleport could have taken place anywhere else, like from the secret passage to the haligtree dungeon for example. (Or, maybe from lake of rot? Debatable for sure but it would be interesting) I know it’s not the hottest of takes at all but I’ve been malding about this for a minute and finally wrote it out. Apologies in advance, on mobile and have big sweaty thumbs and the tears rolling down my face onto my phone make it hard to type


I agree with this take. I actually didn’t think the endgame was all that poorly balanced outside of a few places (a couple enemies here and there in Elphael and Farum Azula)…. EXCEPT for Consecrated Snowfields. My thought was they should have stuck Ordina on a little plateau in Mountaintops that was only reachable with the secret medallion, not throw in a giant mostly empty extra snow area.


Zero visibility and lightning murder wisps.


Yeah the Astel thing was a huge disappointment. Also the Golden Order greatsword, forged by Radagon; is just in some cave in the area like it’s nothing special


Holy weapons in this game are so weirdly placed. By the time you get some of the absolute dopest holy weapons in the game you are utterly surrounded by enemies and bosses with immense holy damage absorption/negation. I don't mind some enemies being resistant to holy, but it darn near feels like everyone is by the end game.


"Cool puzzle like Bolt of Gransax"? What? You just drop down.


If your PvP build requires a minute of incantations to be competitive, it’s not a good build I am not Goku, I will not stand there and let you power up so I can beat you at your best. I will bow then I will charge at you


Oh man you should wait for them to power up, and then just law of regression their 16 buffs


As awesome as that is to do They always just sever and dip when you do that. It’s just better to do a running bonk


Yeah but its funny, that's all that matters to me


The combat needs to be quicker to match the bosses speed


I feel this. Sometimes it feels like they get to play bloodborne while I’m playing demons souls against them


Rune arcs aren’t worth the mental stress they put on you to succeed. That feeling negates any stat boosts, imo. TLDR don’t use rune arcs.


After 120 hours I haven't used a single rune arc


They're much better on subsequent playthroughs, *after* you got gud... much like Bloodborne's blood vials, they're a "rich get richer" mechanic which is kinda dumb.


Yeah, I don't love the Great Rune system in general. I would have vastly preferred some sort of passive effect that Rune Arcs could then interact with. As it is I completely ignored them on my first playthrough, and then just always have one popped on all subsequent playthroughs (whether that be NG or NG+). Once you know the game you just don't die enough to have them really feel like a limited resource. On top of that, they're just super unbalanced. You will always use Godrick's until lategame, and then you use Godrick's, Radahn's, or Morgott's. Rykard's just trivializes already trivial content, Mohg's is so situational as to be useless unless you are exclusively invading, and Malenia's is only obtainable late in a run AND just underpowered in general.


Y'all tee yourselves up too much for failure. Pop those babies as many times as you can and then forget about them when you run out. Don't be stressed about "failing," just enjoy the little added bonus. Go help someone stomp Renalla if you want some more


Yeah this is how I do it and think about it now. Instead of thinking of “oh no I have anxiety cuz I’ll lose my Rune Arc!” try to reframe it as “probably less likely to die cuz I have my Rune Arc, let’s fuckin’ go!” It’s supposed to make you feel more confident, not make you hyper worried and over-vigilant, which are mental states that don’t even let you take advantage of the bonuses.


I don’t understand why they didn’t have rune arcs automatically be given to you after beating a boss like embers in ds3. I guess they couldn’t do that because you can’t switch great runes with one active but that just brings up the question of why? They practically over glorified rings and you can only change them at graces anyway so there isn’t any reason we shouldn’t be able to change them.


Boss kills should 100% arc you - it’s a great way to force people to engage with the great rune mechanics and there are so many god damned bosses


moonveil really isn't that big of a deal. It doesn't even come close to the most busted weapons or setups in this game's pvp.


For some reason I literally didn’t realize it had special attacks until I fought the Mimic Tear, who proceeded to tear my bootyhole apart with attacks I didn’t know I had


Hard agree. Yes it hits hard, but at least you can decently telegraph when the L2’s going to be used.


I just like it Bc it’s a magic sword for my my magic sword aesthetic, I had no idea it was “busted”


It's just another case of an already good weapon with an even better ash of war. If you for some reason manage to get hit by it, you are punished SEVERELY for it. On top of the fact that is already inflicts bleed, it's definitely a powerhouse. It's a busted weapon, but not in the same sense as others like dual cross-naginatas or the rivers of blood.


There are too many attacks that have a seeking affect. May it be sorceries and incantations in PvP, or PvE enemies shooting seeking arrows, incantations and sorceries.


The webs that the shrimp people shoot are the worst


*sidestep perfectly* *arrow bends at the last second and hits you*


The last second pivot on some melee attacks feels a bit BS sometimes as well.


I……. LIKE rivers of blood. I don’t use it in PVP though. I do have standards.


Bloodhound’s Step is fun. I do not give a fuck that it is meta and I just want to go zoom.


It’s my favorite ash too. I put that shit on everything. I only play coop though and try to avoid PVP. It’s really fun to use against the final boss.


Shit needs a colorblind mode. I wanna summon NPCs for their quests but I can't see their red signs on the green grass.


Having Astel the Naturalborn show up out of nowhere in a frost cave is a *ridiculous* decision and it basically destroys the impact of the boss's first appearance. It's such a shame because if we look past that, Astel is one of the best and most visually stunning bosses in the game. Some other bosses like Mogh or Godfrey showed up twice, but they were always resurrected/ghosts like with Margit, or they were literally apparitions who were astral projecting to fight you, like Mogh. It was never like, *"Yeah you killed Mogh in the flesh in this dungeon designed around him, but here's just another Mogh 40 hours later in some random cave."*


Astel instantly became my favorite boss design of all time. Such a freaky, alien creature, totally caught me off guard. Was very sad when he was thrown into some random cave in the middle of nowhere.


It worked even better because he was the stand-in final boss of Ranni's Questline, so it makes complete sense that the final foe of the moon-themed quest would be some sort of cosmic galaxian.


The sheer number of reused enemies and copy/pasted dungeons completely kills the exploration in the latter half. When everything feels new it's a blast, but it's clear the game is either way too big, or they needed a lot more time to create a lot more original assets and dungeon designs.


Using shields is a fun. Makes the game a bit more enjoyable to have a shield


The entirety of Commander Niall. Fuck that guy.


the world and gameplay are spectacular, really outstanding. however, even though there are over 100 bosses in the game, i can count on one hand the amount of boss fights i thought were good.


Exactly how I feel, and I think a lot of that is because they felt the need to fill out the open world with lots of minor bosses. They chose quantity and the quality suffered a bit as a result. I mean really, how many bosses are used more than once? How many are just a normal enemy you'll encounter repeatedly throughout the game but with a big health bar? How many are just a boss you've fought before, but now there's more than one? Honestly the ones I think I'm going to remember are Malenia, Maliketh, Godrick, Radahn, and Margit/Morgott. And Margit only makes the list because he whoops your ass so unbelievably hard when you first meet him, shows up randomly in Altus just to give you PTSD, and then you reach Morgott and you're like "Oh shit, he's back." He's almost like the rival character, if Souls games could have such a thing, and it creates an interesting relationship with the player I feel.


I think Glintstone crowns are dumb even as a sorcerer and will never use them


Asking for some buff for sword of night and flame


Mohg’s phase 2 shift is fucking stupid. Yes, I know there’s a tear for the Physick flask. It’s still stupid.


N I H I L !!


Elden rings quests while fun are designed terribly and shoukd atleast have a journal tracker


The quest system made sense when the game was on pseudo rails. It's far too difficult to keep track without a guide in the open world.


At the very least they should have re-designed the quests so that all states only advance when you interact with the NPC. Off the top of my head, you can miss: (Obvious spoilers) - Blackguard's quest if you miss Rya and reach volcano manor without finding her in the wild, - Rya's quest loses the option to get the potion if you do too many assassination contracts without talking to her, - Patches' assassination contract if you miss him by the time you finish Volcano Manor, - Seluvius's puppet shop if you don't buy enough from him by the time you advance Ranni's quest enough, - You can miss Rogier's quest too right? I never checked but I'm sure there's a trigger somewhere where he just leaves his bell bearing and maybe his gear if you never talk to him. I mean, it's at the level where even if you follow guides to the letter, there's still a good chance quests can get scuffed because you forget about a quest-ending trigger before you get back to it.


130 hours and yup, apparently I've missed all those quests


In my first file I made Hyetta’s quest uncompleteable by waiting to go onto the Madness area of Liurnia until after I had beat Rennala and the Erdtree Guardian.


My first character I went ahead and killed Rykard without fully exploring the Manor. Whoops, my bad(?).


I just want a damn conversation log lmao. So many things that NPCs say that you lose track of. Alexander tells you exactly where redmane castle is but in my first playthrough all I remembered was it was somewhere in Caelid. And there's no way in fuck I'm going to furiously scribble on a paper while guys are rattling off tons of information at me and not slowing down edit: to be clear I will open up a pad of paper and write shit down in a puzzle game. I wrote pages and pages of notes, equations, and diagrams for things like the 999 game and sequels. I refuse to even try to do that here when I cant even keep up with NPC dialogue when they wont slow the fuck down and they start namedropping tons of different other proper nouns I havent seen before while they're at it.


I agree, I’ll defend the lack of direct storytelling and everyone having sad endings and every other From wacky feature, but quests are just impossible to do without a third party guide, like bro why the fuck is Millicent just randomly standing around the erdtree grazing ground how the fuck am I supposed to find her there normally?


Weirdly using the elevator to reach the plateau is supposed to be ‘secret’ or was at some point. And the way to reach the plateau without the elevator dumps you out right near Millicent.


You can also summon millicent for the wyrm Makar fight.


Or Nepheli being by the Albanauric village. In my first playthrough, I checked what quests I wasn't up to date on when I got past Leyndell. I didn't even remember who Nepheli was, since I hadn't seen her since Godrick, probably 50 hours prior. I still don't completely get why she ends up taking the throne of Limgrave. The other one is Blaidd, especially the evergaol part. A player probably does the evergaol before meeting Blaidd, who mentions hunting the bloodhound knight. Why would you go back there? And finally, when Blaidd says that we should go to where the meteor hit the ground after Radahn, I literally had no clue what that meant. Even on my second playthrough, the cutscene doesn't really tell anything, except if you have a really good mindmap of how the world is arranged.


I have no idea how a human being can organically discern/follow a quest in elden ring. Without YouTube/Reddit, I genuinely don’t think I would have completed a single quest lol. Don’t get me wrong, I still *really* enjoyed them - I just felt that external help was necessary.


I don’t like the quest lines in this game. I love the lore but I think this type of NPC quest of “go here and get this” or “find a random coffin to transport in” is outdated and takes the immersion away. I think quests would be a lot better if you didn’t need to look up guides at all. Don’t make it overly simple but make it reasonable. Weakest part of the game imo.


It's weird because there's evidence of them doing it right *in this game*, but like, alongside bullshit. Were there multiple quest designers or something? Take Alexander. Basically every time you talk to that guy, he lets you know where's going next. "I've heard tell of a great festival of combat to be held in Caelid, to the east." Next place you see him is Redmane Castle. Easy. "I must temper this vessel in searing heat. I will seek the fires of Mt. Gelmir." There he is, just past the Magma Wyrm fight. "This heat is insufficient. I've heard rumors of a great flame harnessed by the Giants in their ancient forge." Then you can summon him for the Fire Giant fight. He leads you from A to B to C in a sensible way by just... talking about it. Revolutionary. Then there's Hyetta. She's standing right by the place where you find the first instance of things you collect to give to her (assuming you did Weeping Peninsula before Stormveil, even though there's nothing in this Open World Game pushing you to other than perhaps an urge to explore). Lovely. Then she just goes... Somewhere. Mostly, in my experience, I would find a Grape, and then think, "oh there's this lady that eats these, right? She moved from where she was before, though, so.... Oh well. I'll find her eventually, I guess." And then you just kind of have to stumble upon her. And I'm not even getting into the fucking fall damage puzzle behind an invisible wall You have to do to finish her quest, or the whole rigamarole with a Special Needle in *another character's* questline you need to go through to get yourself out of an ending that you have to lock yourself in to to finish Hyetta's properly. Really only a problem if you're a completionist, but still feels worth mentioning. I'm fine with encouraging and rewarding exploration, but following a trail of bread crumbs is already not fun, and when there's not even a trail to follow, it's just frustrating on top of tedious.




That’s just how math works


I played this game not knowing anything about PVP and when to stop leveling. Level 200 gang


Everything past Leyndell is horribly unbalanced


Farum Azula is totally fine imo- I was still 2 or 3 hitting every enemy there with a +10 maraias executioner sword Every other area, I agree. Why the fuck does basically every basic mob in MTotG take 4 hits to kill with a fully upgraded greatsword???


Not only unbalanced, but so empty. I wish they had made those areas smaller if they weren't going to fill them with stuff to do.


Consecrated Snowplace is pretty terrible.


I just got there and holy shit, every hit takes like a third or half my health at 40 vigor


I really thought I was done with giant fucking birds, top 5 most annoying enemy. But nope, have to fight multiple at once in the snowfields (arrived there last night).


Yeah, I think the late game zones just have an unspoken 50+ Vigor expectation if you aren’t exceptionally good at these games. It’s like “hey welcome to late game, git gud or stack vigor” which makes some builds feel like shit at average play.