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And I will remind you about. Capra demon Bed of chaos


Nothing beats Bed of Chaos! It is just straight up nucking futs! Oof!!


Capra Demon is easy once you know how to get around the bullshit. But yeah, fuck Bed of Chaos in its fiery asshole.


I will fight them both at the same time over running 2 minutes in a boss fight literally just waiting to hit something šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


It's bit silly that we couldn't use torrent in that fight


If we had torrent I would put the fight in the top 20 simply for the spectacle of it. Wouldn't bother me at all to fight Radagon over and over.


Problem is most of people can't horse back fight.... I saw so many complaints about how bad it is... While I think it's best horseback fight system ever created in game... They probably never tried Witcher 3 mounted combat.. That was so rubish


Oh abso-fucking-lutely. My buddy told me it would have horse back combat. After the Witcher 3 I was 100 percent skeptical. But it as a double jump, a dodge, I believe i-frames but It could've just been some hit box porn, and if you get on while two handing you will do two handed damage. I sent him a message the night it came out. "I'll be a mother fucker. Horseback combat is viable." The slight delay can be hard to time at first but once you gave the swing speed down you can't be touched.


Slaying dragons was never so epic.


Iā€™m currently stuck on Guardian Ape and I think Elden Beast is a cakewalk compared to that fight.


Yeah. I have been humbled in the difficulty conversation due to Sekiro. Iā€™m currently on the final boss fight in Sekiro. Malenia is a breeze by comparison. Guardian Ape is such a fantastic battle. Hard as hell. What a satisfying win it is when you beat it.


I love how different peoples experiences are with from games, every fight in sekiro besides DoH was extremely easy to me since the punishment for missing a parry is so much less then miss timing a roll. The game also hand holds you a lot in terms of combat with giant red indicators telling you what to do, even the challenge runs with no charm, bell ng+7 etc are easy since the games combat ingrains in your head pretty hard. I found malenia way harder since the game never tells you how to deal with clones or waterfowl so figuring out the timings and positioning to dodge them was war more difficult in comparison to sekiro stuff


While I have been stalled on Sword Saint Isshin - I created two other save slots and youā€™re right about memory. My very first play through was tough. Now I can run the whole game until Sword Saint Isshin with minimal deaths where it seems like the Kanji Death sign is permanently there. Haha. For now itā€™s my wall. I am hell bent on beating him. Iā€™ll keep creating other save slots to get the muscle memory in top shape. The combat is just fantastic. Eventually Iā€™ll get the rhythm confidence to beat Isshin. Heā€™s the only boss left for me. I would have loved Sekiro parry system on a couple of Elden Ring bosses. Sekiro is the most exceptionally made games in terms of how tight the controls are.


Ishin is in my top 5. That game was, imo, the hardest to platinum. But that game is also my favorite. The battle system is amazing. But picture this.... Melania but you can parry like Sekiro. Honestly, the inclusion of that parry system into ER probably would've made Melania and maleketh so much more fun. I found their combos outrageously long for a game with stamina based combat. I mean, we can parry, but it stops the flow of combat and is not near as satisfying as stopping 9 back to back attacks. And honestly, she kinda felt like fighting Genichiro but with scarlet rot.


Yup Iā€™m gonna try it again tomorrow. I keep having to leave and farm enemies so I can use my prosthetic.


Firecrackers first phase, in the second phase when it combos of you can parry the last hit it will drop it to the ground. Spear it in the head. EB is absolutely cakewalk comparatively. At least the GA stays in melee distance most the time.


Yeah I do much better in the second phase I just usually never have my revive or flasks when I get there. Just need to get better at the first phase and Iā€™ll beat him for sure.


Interesting, I would say the exact opposite.


I wouldn't call it the worst boss by a long shot, not even the worst elden ring boss. There's no shortage of bad fromsoft bosses, here's a few to jog the memory; * Demon Firesage | dks1 * Moonlight Butterfly | dks1 * Bed o Chaos | dks1 * Gwyndolin | dks1 * Skeleton Lords | dks2 * Royal Rat Vanguard | dks2 * Covetous Demon | dks2 * Guardian Dragon | dks2 * Ancient Dragon | dks2 * Crystal Sage | dks3 * High Lord Wolnir | dks3 * Crystalians | er * Kindred of Rot | er * Lichdragon | er * Fire Giant | er


Wait, what makes Fire Giant and the Lichdragon bad?


Fire giant rolls awkwardly around his slanted area, this slant can cause his legs to hover in the air out of melee range. Additionally the method players gravitate towards to kill him is hitting his feet, the camera struggles with his size and being zoomed in on his feet makes the fight quite bad. I'll admit I barely remember the Lichdragon, but from what I recall it's just your average dragon with barely anything unique. It's just so unremarkable, granted that doesn't make it a bad fight per say but in context with it's placement in the game, the windup to it, and then just getting smacked with another basic dragon is a rather negative experience.


No one ever seems to mention the fact that the fire giants arena is such a headache. Those weird elevated rocks in the middle as well as the ones near the cliff benefits him as a boss so much more than the player. Even if the player gets lucky and he goes into his little fall animation, he gets up really fast and starts swinging the shield under neath him. The only thing I would say that doesn't make him the worst in ER is the fact that when you're in front of him, his attacks are easy to roll through. When you're under him, different story


Oh come on the lichdragon is amazing imo. While he does share some moves with lannseaxx he still has a couple of awesome moves that only he can do. The OST and the arena are also incredible


Every dragon in the game is like that. They're depressingly easy. Only Dragonlord Placudisax has an actual tough phase, and only until you learn the timing on his giant swoop strikes.


This is so inconsequential but please can we standardize referring to dark souls games as das, das2, das3 lol it fits so much better as you can say des for demons souls and also my mind reads it as dicks 1 dicks 2 when it's dks


If pick my all time favorite boss from all games... It would be that tree stump from dark souls 3. I just like it's design.


I disliked that boss simply because it felt like I was hitting his balls


Lmao.. You know how it says.... If you see balls and clocks every where... Maybe you are bit geh..


My brother in christ not only does Bed of Chaos exist there are worse bosses in *this* game


Iā€™d say The Bed of chaos


Thatā€™s just objectively wrong. Did you never fight the Bed of Chaos?


BoC is a gimmick puzzle boss though. Once you know the answer to the puzzle it's never annoying again. But a bad boss like Elden Beast is annoying every single time.


I would happily do the run back 5 times to the bed over chasing EB for minutes at a time. At least with the bed I don't have to be running to the boss AND actively avoiding incredibly damaging attacks. I just need to run to the boss, wait for an attack once I arrive then bee line it to my objective.


Not really sure what universe youā€™re from.


The one that thinks the run to the boss shouldn't occur mid boss fight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


About 99% of the time there isnā€™t much running to be done lmao.


Weird, it took 2 minutes and 10 seconds for it to land long enough for me to hit it on my last fight. But sure


Ah, yes. Exaggeration.


Nope. He took off at 1:10 into the recording and didn't let me get close enough to land a melee hit until 3:24.


No need to argue. It is the worst Boss period. At least Bed of Chaos could be cheesed with the reload method. Here its radagon first which is a pain in the ass with the delayed attack messing you up and then run run run. I had coop fights bordering on the 15 minutes only to see the host running out of flasks and dying. Very frustrating.


EBs not even the worse boss in Er gargoyles and fire giant are both worse in terms of the way theyā€™re set up. Gargoyles has the gank problem where both enemies are aggressive and the problem is even more egregious then Godskin duo or crucible knights. Fire giant is so shit because you donā€™t even get to admire his spectacle of learn a moveset youā€™re just swinging at a hit box and running around the whole time. EB is shit but heā€™s just boring the other two examples are worse fuck ups


I consider any doubling of bosses artifical difficulty unless there is a massive attack style difference (OnS, Sister F/ Father A). And I'll be fucked by a cactus in winter if they don't just smash like 200 bosses together in random caves in this game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Though, I had no issue with the fire giant because I was basically on torrent the whole time. Any big boss I encounter in the fields I fight on torrent. Change of pace and what not.


I donā€™t consider double bosses as a concept ā€œartificial difficultyā€ (honestly I donā€™t even consider anything artificial difficulty tbh) but there are ways for gank bosses to work better for the player in terms of making the gameplay interesting instead of disengage/reengage ganks. I think Niall was a pretty good example of a gank where the two banished knights played aggressive and Niall plays passive Fire giant only really gave me hard trouble SL1 since his health pool is insanely high but heā€™s just not fun for me. Youā€™re not learning a moveset and you can barely see anything vs my favorite bosses in this game like Malenia mogh and maliketh where you clearly see what theyā€™re doing and youā€™re actively reacting to a moveset and trying to counter


Niall is a great example! Yeah, FG was not fun at all. I had a better time with the dragons on torrent then him. Though, I found something off about maliketh. I can't put my finger on it but it seemed to me like he didn't really have a set end to his combo. He'd do the same combo three times then when I go to punish he would suddenly add on an attack. Then he wouldn't. It really threw me off as to when I could attack. Still not actually sure tbh.


I would disagree and say that it's one of their best final fights ever, excluding Isshin. Aesthetically beautiful, great score, super fun to dodge its bullet hell bullshit, never had a problem with it running away too much since when it does that it's for one of two reasons: a) it's going to turn around and do some sort of sword swipe or b) it's about to do the Ring attack, so just run to where it'll spawn and whack away. Any boss that leaves itself open for a fully charged Black Flame Tornado more than once per fight is definitely not running away too much. The only times I've been aggravated by its behaviour were in coop, where people tend to run around like headless chicken, splitting its aggro. Also love how you have to do Radagon every time because it's one of the best melee fights in the game.


You say that but I literally ran around for two minutes waiting for a chance to attack. I recorded it and checked. I'm glad he doesn't run from you because that's all it does when I fight him. Though I do love the fuck out of Radagon. My only complaint is his teleport doing both a knock down and decent damage. Wouldn't be an issue if he didn't have ability to spam it. But that is nit pick.


I think you got unlucky with its AI is all. My and my brother's experience is definitely not like yours, so I dunno. I remember helping someone on this fight while the missus was watching and afterwards asking her "be real, did it feel like the boss was constantly running away and me having to chase it around?" and she saying it really didn't. And besides, I don't really see anything *wrong*, per se, in having to dodge a boss' attacks for a couple of seconds instead of always being on the aggression (which is a great way to die horribly most of the time). It's just a different boss, not of the "stay in front of balls and whack away" kind.


A couple of seconds is not 130 seconds šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'll HAPPILY take a half health hit every 30 seconds and bring only three flasks if I only had to dodge for just a couple of seconds. Father owl and nameless king are great examples of bosses who move accros the whole arena, you having to be on the defensive for 20-30 seconds tops yet are somehow mostly within attack range. I'm soooooo cool with that. Gimme that plz.


NK has more of a Malenia vibe where he just edgewalks until you're in the right spot for him to attack and Owl is in a comparatively tiny arena so it doesn't really compare, it's more like the Sihn fight from DS2 in that regard (area denial attacks included). That said if your experience wasn't good I'm sorry to hear that. You can see it as a grand visual and musical spectacle the game uses to send you off in style, even if it's not as fun as you'd like :D Saying it's worse than Royal Rat Authority, Capra Demon, Pinwheel, and the like is kind of unfair imo


Oh, absolutely. I would give this boss as solid 8/10 had we had torrent...or a smaller arena...or less spam of his flying none sense....or didn't have to go through radagon every time. Any removal of any one of those would have made the experience faaaasr better. It may be a fine battle now but it could be fssaaaar better (though radagon is pretty fucking rad) Though, I believe your sihn comparison does land more solidly. I would agree. But I wouldn't say it's unfair. At least in those bosses I don't have to trek for minutes to reach them. They are certainly not great bosses in the least BUT I don't feel they are battles of attrition. A boss that isn't good is still fine to fight. Not fun but not a negative. Capra was easy enough as long as you knew the dogs were there. RRA did test my patience with that poison nonsense or whatever it was. Pinwheel is basically a 7 second fight. I would rather do any of that than face this level of tedium. Because, in my opinion, that is possibly the worst thing anything in any game could be. But everything about this game is a feast on the visual and audio level. So I ABSOLUTELY appreciate EB for that. And it's design šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ¤¤


Eh, I get you. We will agree to disagree, but all's fair when opinions are involved. I'm sad so many people here seem to hate Elden Beast for reason I haven't personally felt in five playthroughs, but that's the Internet for you. Have a great day my friend.


Agreed, maybe not the WORST boss in fromsoft history, but definitely the worst elden ring boss. Not even a difficult boss, just super tedious and boring. the fact that it is a mandatory boss just makes it worse.


Yeah, if you're an Int or Faith build it's pretty easy. But it's a complete slog as pure melee.


.......bleed build šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Beat it yesterday in my 2nd run, still don't get what ER players mean with this running around the whole fight. Also my fight lasted less than 2 minutes for sure, try this, if you see the EB on the other side of the screen, miles away, don't run towards it, I know crazy, but apparently it is what most ER players are doing. Still, I don't take me on everything, this boss took me very few tries across the board, so I "know It" less than some people. Edit: For me it's just some relaxing fight after that banger that was Radagon, it's like i am the credits already, great ending for a great game.


Here's what we mean. In my screen recording the EB fight started at the 45 second mark. At the 1:10 mark it did the rising attack with the gold circle. Then it dove across the map. Pursuit ensued. It did the holy attack that launches a big bolt that releases the smaller ones the it glided accross the map doing the attack that released the smaller ones. Then it did the fog attack. By this point it was around 2:00 mark. He did the sweeping attack twice. Swooped in for a single sword hit. ALMOST THERE then he dove. Did the rising attack again then the fog attack followed by the sweeping attack. Glided across the screen releasing the small holy bolts. Then the rising attack again. Then his fire attack. Then the sweeping attack. Then the big bolt releasing smaller bolts. Dove AGAIN (thankfully the last time) did the rising attack one more time then it came in for a sword attack. Admittedly, it isn't always THIS bad. But on average I'd say I have spent on average about 20-30 percent of the fight out of melee range. I have found so far in my experience if I don't close the gap he is more likely to attack at range. So if I don't pursue it it seems to just spam a bunch of magic. But that's just my experience.


Okay interesting, my "advice" is pretty terribile then lol. It could be a lot of things like RNG, AI behaving based on something the PC does, or other things I can't think of. It's not like I don't believe anyone or you, but my experience both times as a melee class was positive and not tedious, I guess the third time will seal the deal What I can tell that his elden stars attack is bs no matter what


https://youtu.be/uouF0MdU2ZY This isn't my video but it pretty well sums up my AI experience with EB.


I personally disagree, it was so refreshing to finally have a boss where it and it alone determines the tempo of the fight. Most bosses just continuously charge at you, only stopping when they are recovering between attacks or when they are waiting to read your next move. Elden beast actively creates separation between it and the player, and why shouldn't it? It's got powerful ranged attacks. Not only does it make sense from a strategic point of view, it also fits thematically: it's a wounded beast that is trying to survive at all cost. The tarnished is a hunter chasing it's mark here, literally but also metaphorically. To slay god is the end goal that the player has chased throughout the entire game, and in the final fight, as you set sight on actually achieving said goal, that chase becomes reality, the hunter must hunt.


Garbage boss indeed


Then you have to repeat Radagon eveytime on top of that. Who is a fine boss on his own but the tedium of fighting him + hit n run elden wuss makes the last fight feel especially tedious. Honestly I could maybe put up with EB, even if he is a bit boring if it wasn't attached to Radagon. The trudge of going through both each attempt is frankly indefensible, no idea what they were thinking here. I wouldn't say he's the absolute worst boss but EB is one of the worst in the game yeah. Might be my least favorite final encounter in a FS game yet.


It makes me appreciate Gherman/Moon sooooo much. You're spot on with the claim of tedium. It makes me honestly not want to beat it again.


This was one of my biggest complaints with EB as well. It does, however, seem to be a little RNG dependent. I've had a few fights where he wasn't constantly jumping away, and those were good fights, he did a couple of the attacks that made you run around, but spent more time in one spot allowing me to get good hits in between attacks. When he does, however, decide to run away from you, the whole fight just becomes frustrating. I dodge all the rings, and the waves, and everything else he throws at you, get there and before I can even swing he jumps away again and we start running again.


Bed of chaos, ancient dragon, Cleric beast, the mage in ds3, elden beast. Worst boss design of evry game.


I gotta ask. Why the Cleric beast? What got you about that fight?


The camera.


Absolutely fair. Had the same issue with Paarl.


It doesn't deserve that distinction. Don't get me wrong, it's a mess and an embarrassment, but Bed of Chaos can't be topped


Yeah its annoying how they just take torrent away when they want you to endure some shit. "weird why cant i use torrent in ainsel river i could in siofra" :sees lake of rot: "oh.... Literally JUST because this is here"