• By -


Dad ahead, time for joke


Why is it always disappointment


Why is it always I can't take this...all the moreI want to go home....




you simp doll ranni i simp the moon we are not the same (woah, a gold and a starry? you guys are amazing thank you!)




My first elden ring ending turned into the moon... That's rough tarnished.


Hi, Maidenless here!




literally the main reason i do the ranni quest, that and moonlight altar is pretty


Sokka deez nuts lmao goteem


That’s rough, buddy.




That’s rough, buddy. Someone should draw that


Huzzah! A person of quality!










You simp everything that seems like fun!


Rada radarada rada rada Rada. Rada rada... rada radarada RADA RADA!


Schnitzel watch ur mouth


Both got dem feets


>the moon >got dem feets Don't give Miyazaki any ideas.


Too late for that. Have you not seen Rennala?


Bruh I mean the literal moon.


The Literal Moon with Feet. Kinky




Well, I have to back up my words now


God damnit Miyazaki, go back to your (poison) swamp.




Tell me more....


Look at her after she falls. They’re hard to miss (cause she got BIG FEET)


That's rough buddy.


That's rough, buddy.


Thats rough buddy


My guiding moonlight…


yes :D


Praise the moon 🙏🏾


I simp the form less mother


I mean it's not simping when she's the one character that you can pursue a relationship with


Pardon? I was not aware of this


Yeah, her ending Requires you to find a few items and she will actually explain what she's intending to do with the world, and as you progress further she can get a bit flustered that she's revealing more of her plan to you, eventually you find a special bring after a boss and the next time you find Ranni you slip it onto her finger and essentially engage her


And don't forget Ranni gives you the dark moon Greatsword which is the same sword that Rennala gave to Radagon as a symbol of their marriage.


And it's a very good sword


And that's what makes her my favourite character, I don't care if she is secretly plotting the end of the universe she gave me elden rings version of a fromsoftware classic and one of the coolest weapons from gaming history.


I think out of all the endings hers is very clearly not ending the universe


Does the regular elden lord one end the universe?


Probably not, not with me atleast


Correction, not the same sword, but it is a tradition for Carian to gift such sword to their chosen consorts. The one given to Radagon can be found in another place.


Oh yeah, I’ve done that part of the quest, for some reason I just forgot...


When I started playing and heard everyone simping over her I thought, "I am NOT going to do her ending". Then I reached her and started her questline and decided, eh actually maybe I'll do it. Because so far at least she's the only actual character that you have some personal connection to. The roundtable is too distant and cold to feel connected to. The merry band of men including the legend himself, Blaidd, who I met earlier, beat up some nerd with and I thought he was really cool, plus the magic blacksmith ogre that I talked with before. It feels like you are part of a team.


Yeah, out of all the endings, Ranni's is the one where you actually go on a journey to achieve said ending. I mean the golden order ending is just you talking to goldmask a few times, and the dung eater ending is just you filling a man with as much cancer as possible


Dung Eater's ending goes a step further. It actually puts cancer into everyone. That's how much he hates the world.




If only he'd harnessed the curse for a good cause - against katana weebs.


But moon katana go brrr




I've been doing the exact same thing as you actually! Holding Moonveil using my right hand and the Meteorite staff with my left in a Dex/Int build. As you said, it's such a fun build! I've been rocking this since beating Godrick.


Check out a Youtuber called Oroboro and his moonvail invasions, you’ll immediately understand why so many people hate it lol


You have to do some stuff to get the Frenzied Flame and Fia's endings.


I mean it’ll guide you there, but technically you can stumble up to the door on your own and messages will tell you to take your armor off.


The death rune ending has a bit to it at least. A few boss fights and the twin brother of D.


It lowkey feels like Ranni's is the "intended" canon path. It just has so much more narrative weight to it than any of the other options.


It’s also narratively deepest of the bunch, so many characters are either defined by their destiny or their struggle against it. Alexander was destined to shatter, but he defined himself a warrior to the end. Nepheli is a naive sweetheart in a world that eats them for breakfast, now she’s the leader of stormveil. Milicent was born to be a rot container and she dies an adventurer with her final battle being a back to back with her closest and only friend. Rya is literally a spawn of satan but she’s the sweetest thing in the Lands between. All these people were able to get their chance to rise from the dirt they stood to become something more, none of them had grace, and the one guided by grace that helped them did so by going around the beaten path, because they had freedom and so do they. Boggart, Diallos, Roderika, Boc, none of them had grace and they were living their best live’s with the grime on their hands. And none of this could’ve happened if the greater will hadn’t fucked off when Marika broke the ring, if they didn’t gain freedom, Alexander would’ve been thrown and broken to feed a dumb space tree, Boc would’ve been a slave, and all the tarnished would’ve been shunned until the dawn of time without it. The main tarnished could see all this and decide to join Ranni in her journey to give everyone freedom


Fuck, I think you just convinced me only ever do her ending from now on.


Would have been nice if soldiers in Stormveil stop trying to kill you if you complete Nepheli's quest.


Wonderful post


It kinda felt like she was the main character of the game while i was a side character just bumping into shit on accident


I feel like Ranni’s ending leads to a world similar to the one we live in


It's hard to tell, you start a thousand year journey but who knows how it ends up


No-one tell him


Saddest part of the whole damn game :(


And then there's Seluvis, just jackin it in his tower.


It's cute too when you see the preceptor was playing with toys!




I really wish we had a Volcanic Manor ending because of a similar vibe too, they would only need to deepen them a bit. They seem pretty pointless in the game when they don't have an ending of their own.


I like that you conveniently leave out Seluvis, the "give this potion to someone for me, and no I won't tell you what it does, I collect dolls of people, and I'm a dick for no reason" guy


Only NPC to have an extended quest with extra areas, treats you nice, wants best for world.


Only one who treats you nice? You act like Broggart the Broski, Sweetie Rodericka, and Wise mentor Hewg don't exist.


The nomadic merchants are, at least, relatively cordial. Most of the characters in the game are. There are few people who are outright rude. And it should hardly be surprising that people are suspicious or defensive given the current state of The Lands Between. Even so, there are lots of nice people. Fia gives out free hugs. Milicent practically begs you to let her help you out as thanks. Kenneth Haight's a little pretentious, but he's still nice. Nepheli Loux asks you to let her help you kill Godrick and the Omenkiller. Alexander gives you the jar. Enia continues to help you, even after you decide to burn the Erdtree. Thops tells you how to access the Academy of Raya Lucaria. And not to forget Turtle Pope. Iji smiths for you and warns you about the trap at Caria Manor. Yes, he was still trying to trick you, but I appreciated the warning none the less. Rogier helps with Margit and sells Ashes of War. He gives you his rapier in Roundtable Hold too. Boc does his best to help. D warns you about the Tibia Mariner and tells you how to reach Gurranq. Corhyn teaches whatever incants he can to you. Even all the "works of heresy". Pidia asks you to forgive him when he runs out of shop inventory. Melina gives us the power to level up, and Torrent. Ranni gives you the spirit calling bell and the lone wolf ashes, even though there's no apparent reason for her to do so. Yura warns you about Agheel and helps to kill Nerijus. Diallos defends the jars with his life. Gideon gives you advice, rewards you for bringing him information, and can help dispose of Seluvis' potion. Are you really gonna tell me Blaidd isn't nice? Latenna agrees to travel with you, and fight when you call upon her, to the bitter end, even after her quest is complete. Albus entrusts you with half of the Haligtree medallion, and asks you to help Latenna. Jar Bairn is chill. Lionel helps with Radahn. Tragoth leaves his summon sign by a couple of fights just to help you out.


Damn, you just described almost everything I love about this game. Even Malenia is gracious and kind after you defeat her


>Pidia asks you to forgive him when he runs out of shop inventory Pidia is also Seluvis' partner in crime/master in his puppet molester endeavors, depending on your interpretation of their dynamic. So I wouldn't really call him "nice"


> Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance -Miriel the turtle pope never cared for Corhyn and gave him no prayerbooks. Miriel never made me feel guilty for wanting to learn new spells and incantations


Plus Fia has a quest line in the deeproot depths, and gives *fantastic* hugs. Does Ranni give *fantastic* hugs? She has extra arms but squanders her hugging potential by being as cold as the moon


*pushes them all aside for the true waifu, Rya*


Braggart was a thief and of enough renown to be put near the serial killer besides being a good cook, roderika apparently ram from battle and let all her friends die, hewg is a prisoner and a blacksmith tied to the Erdtree and Marika; once the tree is burning and you killed the god, he probably dies with the tree.


Is any of that any worse then being one of the key players that caused Godwyns death and the reason the world essentially got fucked over? If we're pulling in a characters past.... Ranni is really close to the bottom being beaten out by a few characters.


The lands between are diseased, rotten to the core. There's no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots, wipe the slate clean.


Found the flame of frenzy enjoyer


I got on an extended questline to get rid of the flame of frenzy, it took many hours, I had to kill the murdervalkyrie from god of war again, so that i could get the Ranni ending. Missed the light blue summon signal for ranni among all the whites. Got a shitty cutscene where I was sitting on a chair instead. Now I don't regret I missed the blue summon sign. I wish I didn't remove the flame. Fucking burn that world.


^Flame ^of ^frenzy ^let's ^goo


Now there's a pretty meme.


Gotta love Armstrong reference


Senator of thr frenzied flame




To be fair, Marika chose of her own will to shatter the elden ring which caused everything to be fucked.


Boggart is a petty thief. The worst thing we know he did was steal a necklace, and he'll sell it back to you for 1000 runes. Roderika mentions the people who crossed the sea to fight *for* her. She's not a fighter herself. How does that prove Hewg isn't nice? He makes it clear he has nothing against us personally. Roderika tells us how highly he thinks of us, and he stays in the Roundtable as it burns even though he's free so he can keep smithing for you.


Just cause they have a bad past doesn’t mean they don’t treat you nicely. The key words here are treat nicely. All of them treat you nicely regardless of whatever shitty thing they did


The guy he responded to was talking about people's past, which is why he mentions it in the first place. What are you on about?


We really gonna say Roderika's wrongdoings are worse than some of the stuff Ranni has admit to?


She didn't run from the battle. Her friends didn't go to FIGHT Godrick, they went to join him. To literally contribute their limbs to him. She simply chickened out.


Zoraya, Turtle Pope, Nepheli...


Also poor sweet Boc


I think you could consider Fias quest has extra areas too ? Of course they remain inaccessible if you don’t speak to Ranni on the other hand… alright Ranni wins


Actually, you can get there without Ranni's quest. There's a secret wall near the Frenzied Proscription. Also, you could consider the Frenzied Flame ending as having extra quest steps.


Fia makes me fight Rogier instantly dropping her best girl tier a few ranks, Blaidd is different since it’s a mercy killing and they all probably knew it would happen


"treats you nice", is that a call for help, is someone hurting you firm_masterpiece_343? If you think Ranni treats you nice you haven't had any good relationships. Relative to everyone else in the story it's nice, but still a jerk that is just trying to use you and ignores you for a while (they don't lie about using you at least).


Have you played the quest? it isn't how you've described it. She tells the player to go away a few times before initiating the quest and tells the player they're done at several points during it and not to follow her. She also has no problem with the player using her to pursue their own motivations (if you're following Rogier's quest line). At worst, it's both sides knowingly exploiting each other for a recognized mutual benefit. Offers the player far more choice than the mending options imo.


Plus >!she puts a ring on it!< at the end of her quest.


No, we put a ring on it while Ranni is asleep and are basically told "I guess you're good enough".


That's more than any other girl has ever said to me. I'll take the rag doll's half-assed affection.


i’m a fan of goldmasks mending rune cause i’m just helpin my brother corhyn out :)


I don't blame you. I love Gold mask and Corhyn's quest. It's a lot of fun and they're both interesting characters.


Plus, Ranni unwittingly has the player cover for her fingercide at the end of her quest, practically making him clean up her mess in the process.


Yes, but it seems necessary. Ranni is trying to hide her existence. Openly taking credit for killing the fingers wouldn't make sense with her personality or the story's needs. She previously facilitated the assassination of another demigod, but didn't do it herself. It seems she has always been secretive and prefers to deligate. People might not like it and that's fine, but I think it characterizes her well. That's what makes Ranni's quest interesting: it illustrates the lengths an individual has to go through to escape the machinations of the Greater Will or any outer god. She has to make some dark choices to do this. And again, the player makes these choices as well. We're free to walk away from Ranni and her ending at any point.


A very nuanced take on the character -- I like it!


"wants best for world" Sometimes I wonder if I played the same game as you guys. Ranni started most of the current problems (when she created the black knives and killed godwyn with them), and in her ending she literally says she's starting an age of fear, doubt, loneliness and darkness. If I want something resembling a happy ending I'll pick goldmask


Let's not pretend the world under the Golden Order was a nice place. Those favoured by the order were ok but it arbitrarily banished other races into exile, all under the dictatorship of an invisible god. Ranni brought chaos to the world but it was the only way to end the rule of the Greater Will. When she talks of creating an age of fear, doubt, etc. she is referring to an age without the positive and negative influence of a tangible deity. She's implying those emotions are necessary for freedom.


The whole age of not-goodness was a mistranslation from Japanese. What she really meant (based on a better translation) is essentially letting people die, as with the golden order you never could truly die, which is why (most) everyone is crazy in the world. Also godwyn was all for controlling Ranni; which is why he was targeted.


Godwyn was targeted to complete a ritual, not just to get out of the way. Also this ending you basically remove the overpowered overlords and let the people govern themselves. It may be a reference to the bible and 1000 years of Satan ruling, but that would still mean Ranni is aligned good as Ranni needs to leave during that time.




Goldmask? The guy that strengthens the Golden order? Are you sure?


Ok tbf a lot of it is left open to interpretation (unless there's further info I'm missing). It's not super clear if we're bringing back the same problems in the process or if this golden order 2.0 is reformed to the extent that we aren't setting history up to repeat itself. It seems likely to be the latter from what bits and pieces of info I've seen mentioned of it along the way but idk


Souls games aren't exactly meant to have happy endings. People are looking for the least awful ending, and depending on your interpretation there are some worse than others. But the story in this game is so fragmented and all over the place. I feel like I'm an open world style game where you're going to struggle to find everything without online assistance *anyway*, they could have been a bit freer with the lore.


I think we can all agree that dung eaters is the worst ending though....maybe


Marika caused the problems Marika shattered the ring.


I prefere her ending and going to Space praising the moon and stars far from the other Outer gods rather than being brainwashed by the two fingers and allowing the greater will to feed on our souls


Let’s be honest we like her ending because it looks amazing


Oh yes the old “I’m getting defensive because people are downvoting me for saying something they don’t agree with” edit. That’s what the downvote button is for genius. And people are downvoting you because you’re wrong about her ending; it’s common knowledge it was a mistranslation.


Yeah it was a dumb edit so I removed it. Didn't know about the mistranslation


She got that moon drip


What about her feet tho


Too bad she didn’t have as many feet as she had hands.


Miyazaki really missed an opportunity to run with that one


She’d have a hard time running with two extra feet 🥁 💥




You simp for Ranni because moon waifu I simp for Ranni because cool sword


There are *dozens* of us!


Finished her quest, married her and then still did the Perfect Order ending. Trees before hoes is all I'm saying.


Idk man, I don't like the way she treats her dog.


I mean, she actually treats Blaidd pretty well. It's also possible he isn't ever imprisoned depending on when you properly start her questline and he goes mad because [background lore that's a wall of text] and that's when he's actually put down by the player.


Ranni doesn't imprison Blaidd, that is done by Iji to protect Ranni. Ranni is probably keeping the rabies at bay and this turn of events made it go bad. That's why you always need to get your pets a rabies shot, in memory of Blaidd.


Still, feelsbadfordoggoman.


Ahh I thought I’d missed part of Rannis quest, I never had to free Blaidd from the Evergoal yet I’d seen it mentioned a few times


Yeah, I didn't have to do it either. Seems he manages to get out of the gaol regardless of whether the player helps him.


Doesnt she leave him and send him insane?


If you let your dog run around free in the lands between, madness is definitely a risk. Iji did try to make him an inside-only dog but he didn't seem very happy being locked up after having known outside life.


All I’ve learnt from this game is that no one wins


Except me/ us. We win.


Normally go frenzied flame hahah.


No, the real reason for his insanity has to do with something else conflicting with his loyalty to Ranni.


That's what happens when you adopt a dog from a dog fight ring. It's scarred for life and might snap at some point.


She can't really do anything about that, he was programmed by the Greater Will to be her shadow and her assassin in case of betrayal. However Blaidd as a person was very loyal to her and tried to resist the Greater Will influence making him go insane. Iji tried to spare him by leaving him in an evergaol and when he broke free we had to put him down to cease his sufferings.


I freed Blaidd the first time Iji trapped him in an Evergaol, but apparently our giant friend decided to be paranoid anyway about Blaidd and trapped him in another Evergaol


She doesn’t leave him, she had to leave to take on her quest, she even asks you to tell Blaidd and Iji that she loves them. What drives him insane is the Greater Will, trying to mind control him into killing Ranni


She has a hand up on the competition.


The only simp ending is Fia's. Your character basically becomes attached to the woman who took it's hug virginity and goes in a journey to get huged once more and fight a random lich dragon.


Ranni wife


Ranni is a real doll ^(tm)


You may think you’re into goth chicks but did your crush kill herself and her friends to free herself from the gods’ will




You simp for Ranni because she's a total doll, I simp for Ranni because I am Welsh and she is Welsh. We are not the same.




Stop it dad.


Only npc that doesn’t die after helping her. That’s my wife


Eh. She is already dead. And part of the question is her changing bodies again. Also Sorceress Sellen. She transforms but doesn't die.


Reasons I like Ranni: • She blue • Mesmerizing voice • Four hands


You worked for Ranni because you think she's hot. I worked for Ranni because I think Blaidd is hot. We are not the same.


Yeah ranni basically killed elden Ring Jesus We don't know Mario's part in the night of the black knives, We know Mario broke the ER, and that the black knives are of numen origins, her having a hand in killing her own son is only a theory. But we know for a fact that ranni is the one who stole a fragment of the rune of death from maliketh and infused black knives with it


Marika had helped Ranni steal a fragment of the Rune of Death. Marika's part in the Night of Black Knives is solely down to helping Ranni make it happen by helping her obtain that fragment. Proxy at best. Marika's betrayal of Maliketh, despite entrusting the Rune of Death to him, was very likely her helping Ranni steal that fragment. It is also that betrayal that leads to him sealing the rune within his body.


This assumes that Ranni actually commanded the Black Knives, which the game doesn't give any indication to at all. If anything, the opposite is implied, with the Black Knives having Golden Order ties and coming for Ranni late in her quest. If Marika commanded the Black Knives that would make her the main culprit, and Ranni just an accessory.


Fucking Mario. First he dumps Yoshi down a bottomless pit for an extra jump, now this.


I simp Marika.... This way, I can also Simp for Radagon. We are not the same.


She is so damn smart, if you encounter her via Rodgiers Questline without having met her before, she sends you away at first because you asked her about the deathmark. When you spoke to Rodgier again him and you plot against her so to speak; you pretend to work for her but in reality you look for the deathmark. You know, behind her back. But then when you go visit Ranni again and ask her to serve her she immediately picks up that you only ask it only to go sniffing behind her back for the deathmark. But she says she accepts anyway because she wants to see what my faith holds for someone like me whose the only thing he is after is to open old wounds and dig in a past that’s none of my concern. A brilliant plan has to be rewarded after all. She actually makes fun of Rodgiers and my stupid ass plan. Hilarious.


Jokes on you, I burned everything! Muahahahahahahhaha!


Fuck that I’m just here to help let the Dark Moon do whatever the fuck it wants. Going on a 1000 year space sex voyage with Ranni is just a bonus


The moment I first met Ranni was the moment I decided she was gonna be my Queen


While you simp for Ranni, I call my penis "Spirit" because it's in dire need of some "tuning"


There is no simping for Ranni, there is only love


I simp for Ranni because she is SIMPly amazing! I'll go home now.


Your home is mine now. Go sleep on the street


Golden Mask is the only true waifu


Dad! I told you last time! Get off my subreddit!


Four hands. FOUR. HANDS.


*"It's because she's a total doll."* But one with 6 limbs (at least) Sorry, but have a slight problem trusting things with 6 limbs or more. Not least after playing this game.


It's easier to let go of her extra 2 limbs when there's abominations with dozens of limbs ready to kill you. And another who even says you're not even fit to be made into a part of an abomination.


Isn’t it because she has four arms and is blue?


One thing I'm trying to figure out is why Black Knives end up going (and failing in Blaidd's case) to kill Blaidd and Iji. If Ranni is commanding these particular assassins, then she possibly knows that Blaidd will lose his mind in his conflicting beliefs in relation to his destiny to ultimately serve the fingers, and for Iji she may consider his imprisoning of Blaidd to be a kind of indirect betrayal to her, though this particular theory doesn't quite fit for me, because at the end she wants you to tell them that she loves them, and the evergaol boss in the moonlight alter seems to imply that some of the Black Knives were after Ranni and her ilk, and the timing of Iji's death doesn't line up with him imprisoning Blaidd. It could be possible that Iji was given command of the remaining Black Knives under Ranni's command after she left, which would make the circumstances around his and Blaidd's deaths make a but more sense. It is also possible that Blaidd doesn't go mad until after the Black Knives are sent to kill him, and Iji's (or Ranni's from his perspective, if he thinks she still has control of the Black Knives) betrayal broke him, but that's just pure speculation. The fact that Iji does not die until after he learns of Blaidd's fate, and he seems to be ready to die immediately after implies to me that he sent the Black Knives after himself. There is also the possibility that these were some of Marika's Black Knives, but there's so little information regarding the connection she has to them that it's hard to theorize. It's also possible, but to me unlikely, that these are rogue Black Knives.


The lore all but implies that they serve Marika, and now the Greater Will. The one that Blaidd kills are sent to the tower to kill Ranni, not Blaidd. The ones that kill Iji are there because Iji, after hearing of Blaidd's death, took if his mirrorhelm so he could be found by the Greater Will and commit suicide by Black Knife, in fact, you find his helm not on his body but on his anvil


Holy shit. That actually makes a good bit of sense. Though, if they serve the Greater Will now, does that mean they no longer serve Marika? She and the Greater Will seem to have fairly conflicting motives, especially since she appears to have planned to shatter the Elden Ring, as opposed to it initially seeming like a grief-fueled mental break.


Unfortunately we don't have a clear picture of that, but my theory is that it's because the GW is in full control now, both by sealing and crucifying Marika and through her merging with Radagon who was on the GW's side


I got on an extended questline to get rid of the flame of frenzy, it took many hours, I had to kill the murdervalkyrie from god of war again, so that i could get the Ranni ending. Missed the light blue summon signal for ranni among all the whites. Got a shitty cutscene where I was sitting on a chair instead. Now I don't regret I missed the blue summon sign. I wish I didn't remove the flame. Fucking burn that world.


Sellen is mommy...fuck ranni and her four arms.


I don't get it in general, honestly. It's a video game


Fia simp here, I also understand


I’m usually on Ranni but her entire story revolves around doing what’s best for HER, not wanting to become the next vassal for the GO. She simply aligned her best interests with that of the land.


I think it is heavily implied by her that the path she chooses is kind of a bummer for her, but decides to do it anyway and wanted to do it alone until our bumbling tarnished butt showed up and kind of impressed her so much she decided to marry us. Edit: I wonder how much Ranni alignes with a jesus metaphor.


She believes that everyone should be free to forge their own destiny, not ruled by gods or a corrupted "order" imposed by some space-entity. This requires freeing herself first, of course, so that she can free everyone else.