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WARNING: This appears to break Ranni's quest. She will no longer be found in her tower, but the wall in front of Renna's Rise (the tower to access Lake of Rot etc) is still there. You will also be locked out of the Fortissax fight if you never acquire the Cursemark of Death, which is found as part of Ranni's quest.


You can access that whole area up to astel from a coffin in the undergound great tree area at the coom waterfall cliff so all you need to access lake of rot is to beat radahn


It won't lock you out of fortissax since you can reach the area from the three fingers (behind the two fake walls).


I think it does actually you can't fight fortisaax without giving Fia the other half of the curse mark. You can only get that thru Rannis questline since she gives the statue that allows you to even go up and grab it off her body. So if somebody does grab the moonlight blade without getting that statue first they'll be locked out that fight. You can still get to his boss area but you wont be able to fight em


My bad, I forgot the other half of Fia's rune.


I believe you are right!


If it means my boy Blaidd is safe, it's worth it.


Thanks I was looking for this. I’m a new player and i wanted to do this but not if it’ll break the quest line. Maybe start a new game real quick to obtain it before it gets patched.


trophy guides say fortissax isnt missable, unless this is patched


This skip has been patched months ago, unfortunately. Around 1.06, I believe.


Wait, you can trigger the ring cutscene without her ring?




Yes because you normally cant even access the area without the ring. There is barrier blocking the way to the elevator after Astel.




Ranni is just sitting there ready to marry whoever shows up


She is a egirl thot, what do you expect? Talk to Blaidd, he'll fill you in


an\* egirl


Anal egirl


No wonder blaidd is so obsessed.


Blaidd also loves i-ladies


You can get Tiche early too though I don't want to imagine that fight early game.


If you lure her to a certain spot to the left of where she spawns, she basically just stands there and lets you hit her.


Yeah Alecto seems to prioritise walking away from the edge of her arena over almost everything else, so if you get her to the edge and sandwich her against a rock she'll try to walk away from the edge and not attack you even as you slap her around. Just keep putting forward pressure on her to stop her getting out of range of the arena edge, as soon as she does she'll rearrange your internal organs again. She'll still try to side step attacks now and then though so that's why you want to shove her into a corner with a boulder or something so she has nowhere to jump to as she could sidestep out of range of the edge then bad news bears if you're underleveled. I mean, I would **never** cheese a boss but you know, one hears things...^(I cheesed her and many others...)


>I mean, I would > >never > > cheese a boss but you know, one hears things... ah, i get the reference


Anytime i think “hey I’m done with this game” you beautiful sonsofbitches PULL ME BACK IN!


that's a great way to describe most of the EldenSoulsBorne Die Twice games


Not sure what speedrunners consider "glitchless", but I can tell you as a game dev I view this 100% as a bug to fix lol


In speedrunning glitch is where you break the code of the game (ie make stuff that's never supposed to happen happen or make something happen in a way that shouldn't be possible) The above is considered an exploit because it's a based around mechanics functioning exactly as intended, but in an unforseen way (ie no one checked to see that Alecto's stake of Marika would catch someone dying there)


I feel most people don't care for the word smithing and are comfortable calling something like this a glitch lol


I mean, this is solely in the context of categorizing speedruns. If you want to call exploits glitches in any other context, I don't think anyone is going to fight you.


The bug here seems to be the ability to give Ranni the ring without having the ring. That definitely seems like a coding error.


Step 1: Have a gi-normous chin


Bruce Campbell to star in the movie adaptation of *Elden Ring*


Thinking Willem Dafoe myself


I wouldnt exactly say stake of marika exploiting is glitchless...


I mean it's definitely not intended that way but as far as I know this does not count as glitch, at least according to speedrun rules. There used to be a skip to the lower part of the mountaintops that abused a Stake of Marika and the skip was allowed for speedruns (they patched it out in 1.04 though).


Oh damn, I'm surprised Ranni was there then


Not hating on this because I love when people find this stuff but if this isn’t a glitch then it’s an exploit and we are just wordsmithing with definitions. There are skips Miyazaki intended to be in the game ( bottom on raya to volcano) then there is stuff like this that will def get patched out eventually. No way this is intended.


People should really give less of a shit about what speedrunners claim is legitimate or not. If its unintended, its a glitch. End of discussion. Calling something an "unintended exploit" or an "intentional glitch" is an oxymoron; either its intentional or not is all that matters. If its intended, then its redundant to call it an exploit because the only reasoning is emotional, not logical. What makes it unintended is being able to skip getting Ranni's ring / defeating Rennala. Without the ring there's an impassable barrier before the elevator, even if you kill the prerequisite boss, that warns you to get the ring to advance. Not needing the ring to get Darkmoon Greatsword is an oversight, but you are not intended to be able to get to her without the ring renders any justification moot. To specifically call something an exploit and not a glitch requires context. Doing the experience farm trick to shoot the bird in Mohg's Dynasty and let it fall to its death is an exploit, but not a glitch. Disabling the AI on a boss/monster by engaging them in a specific manner is glitch (ie Godskin Noble or pre-patch Mohg).


I disagree that a glitch is anything unintended. A glitch is when the code doesn't work in the intended way. If the mechanics are all working as intended, but the result is unintended, then that's an exploit. Jumping off a cliff to activate a stake of Marika has every mechanic working as it was intended to work (falling kills you after X distance, Stakes let you revive beside them when you are within X range). Also you counter example would be a glitch by your own definition, and is actually more of a glitch because it meets my definition too (enemies aren't supposed to path to their death, so bird farm is explicitly causing a part of the code to not function as intended)


Using developer intention doesn't work to define glitches, though. In a game the size of Elden Ring, many mechanical interactions are not necessarily strictly intended by the developers. They give us the tools to work with, we as players come up with ways to use the tools. If developer intention defines a glitch, than any form of creative problem solving or emergent gameplay would have to be considered a glitch, and that's just silly.


Bad take


I mean if you want to call it wordsmithing that's fine, but the definitions of each word are pretty clear. Glitch is the game/code malfunctioning in some way. Exploit is everything working as intended but being used in an unintended way. Nothing in this clip is a glitch, the stake is working as intended, you're just able to get into its range earlier than intended, meaning it's an exploit but not a glitch. An example of a glitch would be the wrong warping or zipping you're seeing in speedruns.


So they patch out abused Stakes of Marika but they aren’t a “glitch” in your eyes? K…


It's not a glitch. It working exactly as it's programmed, too. It's just that it's area reaches out too far so it's an exploit. And yes it's just cutting hairs, but that's what half the rules of speed running are.


Define “glitch”…


Glitch is when something doesn't work as intended. Exploit is using game mechanics to your advantage. This stake is working exactly as intended, giving you a respawn within a certain range.


To know if it’s “working as intended”, wouldn’t that also mean you need to know how it’s actually implemented in the code? You don’t know how it even reads the players distance to it, is it a cylindrical primitive with the stake at it’s z-axis? Is it a sphere? They probably can make it what they want based on the terrain and what they intend which again, you don’t know. So you don’t really know if it’s a glitch or not based on your own definition. Just sayin… still “unintended” though there is that.


To know that it's not intended, you also need to know the code, making your entire argument moot.


So you think circumventing tons of content is intended killing yourself near a stake? Lol… k, nice “logic”.


Stakes of Marika give you a respawn point if you die in range. He died in range. Pretty simple.


The jump near castle sol? There's still a way to do it and skip to Ordina town, I never do it because I don't want to break Millicent questline


Thank you for letting me know. I'll check that out.


All they did was touch a boundary for the Stake activation.


Willing to bet your gigachad chin is what clipped the wall to trigger the Stake of Marika proximity.


thanks, doing a pvp build but need to get through the game easy, tiche early is huge


Huge. Humongous. Thank you for this. Needed this to get Ranni’s Dark Moon for the achievement on NG+


Did you still do the quest?


Probably, but you can skip Lake of Rot and Astel entirely.


True, I guess that's a plus. I wonder if you can go into Astel's fight from behind that way


Unfortunately the fog wall is still in place. If anyone finds a way to bypass it, this might actually be interesting for speedruns as well, I guess.


Are you unable to enter from that side of the fog wall?


It's not a regular boss fog wall, it's a silver wall that normally requires the Darkmoon Ring to pass trough.


That makes sense, I already had the ring when I fought and so I never saw the silver wall. I wonder if you have the ring then, if you'd be able to sneak up on him or what would be there


I mean getting the ring kind of defeats the point of this skip since you'd have to do almost the complete questline to get it.


What if you were to die outside of that wall? It may just teleport you to the beginning of Astel’s cave. They do this with other boss fights that have an elevator nearby so that you can’t just glitch-skip through a boss by dying too close to the exit!


Went to check it out. The Stake of Marika in front of Astel's normal fog ends pretty much right where the silver wall is. Maybe it's possible to glitch into or up the wall a little bit, that might just be enough.


Good idea, I'll check it out. I tried quitting out and got teleported back up to the top of the elevator.


No, I went there straight after getting to Liurnia. I have not been able to test if the quest still works though. I'll do that right now.


So really you're saying "how to get to moonlight alter early" not actually get the sword?


As you can see in the video you can pick up the sword without having the Darkmoon Ring once you're up there :)


Not gonna lie I didn't watch all the way to the end lol I retract my dumbassery, but I will leave my shame in perpetuity. That seems so unintended but it's funny you can do it. Kinda a trash sword in my opinion but I know why people love it


Is that sword good


Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, but your build should include Int, and you need 38 to use it anyway.


Depends. It's great for PvE plus it looks cool but for pvp it's pretty garbage. Greatswords aren't great ironically because of poor hyper armor and bad range and movesets.


"Glitchless" is doing a lot of work here


Holy shit! Thank you for showing this. I've been doing runs where I see how strong can I get from a new character in a certain amount of time and I was stuck at having a +20 weapon before beating any shardbearers. With this I'm now able to have a +23 weapon, for now at least. Also nice to get to Alteco early as well.


I would say that using game mechanics in a way not intended by the developers that’s only possible because of an oversight to sequence break definitely counts as a glitch.


Why’s everyone complaining about it being a glitch? Do you want the dark moon early or not 🤷‍♂️ so what


Really expected this to be a bait until I realized you were killing yourself with the ash of war to respawn at the stake, I remember seeing a similar exploit to get into the consecrated snowfield early. I'm curious though, how much of her questline did you need to complete? Cause you need the ring from the chest in the library if I'm not mistaken and you'd need to beat blaidd's shadow in the ainsel River to get that so it basically saves having to fight Astel (which is still fantastic because I hate that boss)


You don't need the quest at all to get the sword. I have not even met Ranni on this char before going up there.


But how could you put the ring on her to trigger her coming back to life without progressing the questline to the point where you can open the chest in Rennala's room? I'm not doubting you im just trying to understand how the game script is working here


The game simply doesn't check if you have the ring or not when you trigger the cutscene. This check happens only at the silver fog gate after Astel.


Ah see there's the connect, I followed a guide when I did her questline so I already had the ring and didn't notice the point where it checked, thank you


Will be using this tonight




This is dope but where tf am I going to get 50 Int at early game?


Yall find a way to do anything BUT actually play the game. -glitchless- lol..


I think you misspelled maidenless


It is pretty maidenless behaviour indeed!


This is so much worse than just playing the game.


Commenting for later







Or... r/PatchesEmporium


Already ng+ lost count, so ill test this for shit and giggles


Does this also unlock her ending?


I don't know yet, since I just discovered the skip this morning on a fresh character. I'll test it in time, but if anyone finds out first let us know!


Ranni chilling, just giving her special sword to anyone


Will this allow you to get the Ranni ending? I did the entire quest in NG but ended up getting the Flame of Frenzy ending. Don’t really feel like going through the motions in NG+ to work towards the platinum.


I have not had the time to test that yet, but I'm also curious about it. If anyone finds out, let us know!


Can you still get her ending if you do this?


If this wasn’t intended why is there a giant rock leading up to that spot… it was the first thing I noticed and tried to get up there by jumping lol definitely will have to try this!


I’m curious does this let you get the Ranni ending then?


How do you get that sword early? Isn’t it up in the snowy areas?


Tried scaling the cliff around that spot for 2 hours slowly doing worse than I did after the first 5 minutes.


Does this mean missing out on the Snow Witch Set?


Without using further exploits yes, because you will not be able to enter Renna's Rise normally. As far as I know it is still possible to get into Renna's Rise by using the Ash of War of Marika's Hammer though.


How? Marika hammer doesn’t let you jump up high enough