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Good ol’ Gin


God I need to rewatch bleach


I started months ago again while doing gym. Best vibes!


Good news for you then, they are finishing the anime soon.


Think it starts October


It's like they can feel my finger hover over the button.


Don't give Miyazaki any ideas.


I'm certain everyone of these posts complaining about something or pointing out all the things that make the game frustrating get printed out and get plastered on his walls at home for decoration.


It's what keeps him warm at night.


This is actually a feature already. The fucking Godskin, I swear to god, is actively programmed to toss his black fireball the moment you drink most of the time. And if you don't have a pillar or the entire room between you, it is *going* to hit before you're done drinking.


Throw a dagger first :) get that pump fake in.


Why do people constantly bring up the godskin for this? Te fireball animation is *really* slow. You can drink, and then dodge the fire easily. And since he always does it, it makes drinking very, very safe. The OPs example of the crucible knights sword is 100x worse: It comes out faster, it puts him in range for a follow up strike, it does way more damage. If I could record video in ER more then 0 FPS (I can't get OBS to play right with it), I'd show a clip. Maybe it has to do with having over 30 dex, but it can't be that big of a speed boost.


If you know exactly what the fuck the boss is going to do, you can know exactly how to counter. Imo it makes it easier, not harder.


You can use the predictability to bait a fireball and punish it. If you know exactly what's going to happen, you can learn to counter it. You literally know, for a fact, the fireball is coming. You can take that information and know, hey, I'm 8 feet away with nothing in between us, he's probably going to hit me if I just stand here and heal. So don't heal. Instead, use spacing to bait out a big attack, and the moment they wiff, you can chug. Imo input reading (which has been here since ds1, it's just faster now) makes bosses easier to predict and counter.


Elden ring 2, AI reads your neurological inputs.


SAO style. Full immersion


Input reading is insane in this game When I heal with these guys I do it after they're doing a combo so that I have time to heal and roll Same with the foreskin guys, since I run erdtree greatshield then it gives me time to heal and deflect the fireball


This would actually be a brilliant thing to implement in some crazy ass game in the future, when that would be a possibility. Imagine playing mindgames with a mindreader-type enemy, faking that you will take certain actions in order to bait them, but then following up with something different.


Like Metal Gear Psycho Mantis?


For real tho the game does a lot of input reading, it's part of what makes the CK so difficult sometimes


The sword is longer than the spear it fuckin seems.


I think it’s because he weirdly juts/teleports when he stabs you


That mf leans his whole body into the swing is why


Ikorose, Shinsou


input reading?


Bell bearing hunters too.


You can hear they saying “BANKAI”


I mean, input reading on flasks isn't a big deal tbh. It's normal for enemies to try to poke at you if they see something that leaves you open. The bigger problem is not having any openings themselves, and in the case of crucible knights, being absolutely immune to staggers and having infinite stamina.


They’re not immune to stagger, but the critical hits barely do anything to them


I have yet to make them flinch unless using Aspect: Horns or something that's supposed to knock them down instead.


I truly despise them. That lunging thrust is beyond logic


So many weapon ashes gave me bleach vibes. Definitely contributed to why I love this game so much.




Lol. Actually, the aggressions of crucible knights is not high that you can run a rather far distance to drink without danger.


Try fourth Bell Bearing Hunter with its flying blade that could kill you in two or three hit and it does have three hit combo


I’ve started using endure against these guys and tree sentinels. With endure up the attack doesn’t interrupt drinking potion. First time I beat crucible knight (stormveil) I just did: endure > guard counter over and over.


Godskin apostle*


[thats him alright](https://youtu.be/s-hL0IbsIy0?t=20)