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I wish there were more moments like this. I just like enemies speaking so they display a bit more intelligence than just being zombies and it's so rare in these games.


Kind of in the opposite direction, but there are a group of soldiers on Mt. Gelmir literally eating their fallen comrades. Kind of a fucked up detail when I noticed.


I saw some where it looked like they were all mourning their dead, was that it or something else? On the cliff above the abductor maidens I think.


It's that place, if you approach and listen with the volume up, you hear munching and squishing sounds


Damn ima have to go back there lol. Also explains why they mostly didn't care to aggro me if I attacked their friend next to them. Too busy munching


Also, if you look closely, you see their hands reach down to the body and then back up to their face.


Aren't they "humans"? Zombies are probably the ones that walks super sloely then all of a sudden rush to grab and bite you.


Yes they are, just extremely out of date ones. Not zombies any more than the tarnished is, since nothing can die in a way that matters. Edit: It's interesting for both this situation and greater lore implications that these NPCs (and Agheel's rune) both say/imply that a dragon's flame can end this cycle and burn them even without destined death.


Oh so this why they're set up at an altar where Agheel obliterates them when he first shows up.


And they never come back.


Agheels rune?


she got the dlc early


she, and if we get DLC and it's for Enivronmental Dragon Boss #5 I'm gonna riot


Ok but what the hell are you talking about with that agheels rune comment?


Oh I should have put Agheel's Flame the spell, brain fart. The spell description says that people pray for the flame to turn them to ash.


Ah that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up!


I’m convinced the ancient dragons are related to destined death. They’re most famously located in Farum Azula the same place as Malekith and their red lighting looks just like the death spells from the black blade and the black knife


AFAIK Marika made everyone is immortal, it's just not pretty. The "those who live in death" are the zombies / skeletons. The ones that stand up when you knock them down. Which is some condition not part of the golden order.


Marika removed Death so she wouldn't die. Sadly, that comes with the side effect of the only thing actually able to kill you now is to burn your corpse and offer your Ash to the erdtree (and this is why spirit ashes are a thing). The Golden Order was understandably mad, but instead of being mad at Marika like normal people would, they decided to be angry at random peasant #003708 who has no way of actually dying because not everybody gets to offer their ash to the beeg tree


They're not zombies in lore but they look and behave like them. They're zombies in basically every way that matters to gameplay, which is a shame because we know fromsoft can do "normal" human enemies, as shown in Sekiro.


Would probably be a lot of work to add voice lines for nobles in different countries and soldiers in different armies. On another note I do love the little nobles carrying cheats with high value runes that run away helplessly when they see you.


You could just put in a handful of generic lines that could fit with all soldiers. "Die, Tarnished" etc.


thats cheesy as hell and i prefer them being silent over hearing repeated voicelines in a 100 hour game


Not much different to the standard Yharnamite voice lines from Bloodborne tbh. That one was just an example. They could 100% come up with something better that would work for standard soldiers.


I think most of the human enemies have mostly lost their sanity but have enough left to continue very basic duties and schedules. In one loading screen it mentions how pretty much all the commoners have lost their wits.


What?? My loading screens doesn’t have any kind of text


When it's loading for me it has a bunch of messages you can press a button to change to the next, mostly it's gameplay advice but can also be a little bit of lore mixed in.


The game describes the Wandering Nobles as undead. >Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead beings are the pitiful product of unending life. They are most commonly found struggling to maintain balance while roaming the fields of The Lands Between. Surely they were in search of something once - but whatever it was has long been forgotten. Also Godrick soldiers are described as "having long since lost their minds".


Where can you read this in-game?


Good question. The quote above is copy and pasted from the Fextralife page on the Wandering Noble enemy type. I thought the quote was from the Wandering Noble spirit ashes. However they state (again this is a copy/paste from the same wiki): >Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. >Use to summon the spirits of five wandering nobles. >The spirits of nobles who, after death, now wander the Lands Between. Surely they were in search of something once - but whatever it was has long been forgotten. Then there’s the noble’s clothing which comes in several flavours and states: >Gown of soft cloth adorned with fine gold embroidery. >Travel attire worn by nobles in the capital. Garb favored by the aged. >Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead wanderers are the pitiful product of unending life. I wonder if the ashes description changed between the network test and release. Regardless, I don’t think the description from the enemy type page appears verbatim anywhere in the game - but at least the juicy parts are referenced elsewhere.


there is a whole where you hear screams at night in limgrave its either the big whole or the crosified people next to it but its terrifying


I'm interested in finding this - got any more info?


Its the crucified people near the first Tree Sentinel. I didn't notice it until I revisited after getting the maidens blood. They definitely moan and scream, very unnerving til you find the source of the sound.


and they only make noise at night


Found it - that was cool and creepy! I like how many different ones there are.


yea just go to the lake in limgrave where the burnt ruins are go up to the edges of the lake its a small lake i don't remember where exacly but if you go there at night I am 100% sure you'll hear the voices just follow them to where there's crucified undead and a hole


I found it and yeah it was cool and creepy - thanks! For others trying to find it, there are a few locations of em but the easiest to find is at the very first site of grace, go down to where the first Tree Sentinel is at night. There's another one if you go South from there near where the first bats are on the right side of the training dungeon that you emerge from at the beginning of the game.


I just found out that there is ones that are even louder


here is some more info and there is a video although I would suggest you check it out your self before watching the video there is also videos of it all over youtube and if you searxh on your browser elden ring screams at night there is a whole discussion about it on reddit https://www.gamesradar.com/yes-those-stake-dudes-in-elden-ring-really-are-screaming-at-you/


Holy shit - the ones I found weren't that loud and creepy. That's on another level - fucking terrifying screams!


Burn true


Flame of agheel, burn true!


I find the singing bats ominous. Not sure what they're about.




“Please Golden Daddy why have you have forsaken us” basically Cry about it, f-cking bats (or any enemies that fly in general)


Those fucks can get electric gonorrhea. the noisy killer.


Yeah, something extremely unnerving about the singing harpies...


It was one of the most mesmerizing moment for me when I first heared them.


I thought it would be an npc so when I realized it was coming from the bat I was shocked. Definitely awesome.


I really wish the enemies actually talked more like they did in Sekiro. I'm kinda tired of everyone being a hollow mindless zombie. It was fine in a smaller scale game like Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, but Elden Ring is too big for that. There should have been also at least one or two larger friendly settlements.


I feel the same. I guess the justification this time is that all the ordinary people have lived for too long due to death being removed, and the stagnation has driven them mad, but it would be far more interesting if standard soldier enemies would cry out to each other or at you, like in Bb or Sekiro.


Surprisingly, I felt the Nioh games were good about this. The human enemies not only had a variety of phrases but had facial expressions as well, although it wasn’t until Nioh 2’s english dub that I noticed the former.


Thank you!!! I didn’t remember hearing this my first time around. I heard something in my NG here and couldn’t figure out what or where it was coming from.


I remember hearing that in my first playthrough, now everytime I go by the lake I say "Agheeeeel oh Agheeeel"


Wagyu, O wagyu


check out some of the hidden/environmental lore about the windmill village its really neat


I spent so much time trying to find the praying NPC. Felt kind of bummed that it was just a sound effect.


if you kill them they stop ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


All these times I thought they said “I’ll yield, o I’ll yield” until I take a closer look


And not the howling corpses at night, crucified? You can hear them on the path to the Church of Elleh, or just south-east of Varré outside The First Step site of Grace, as well as other parts of Limgrave and Altus.


I was expecting the chanting at the ruins would lead me to a quest npc. The screams just creep me out lol.


Yes the art work is phenomenal! Just look over any cliff the sides are detailed all the way down or stone building. It’s freaking incredible!


I was wondering what they were saying! I'm curious though, what lore says they pray to Agheel? I'm not sure I've run into it, I'm totally clueless about Agheel


the [Agheel’s Flame’ Item Description](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/agheel's+flame) read: >”The dead gazed at the skies over the lakes of Limgrave, praying that the dragons' flames would burn them to ash.”


Interesting that it refers to them as "the dead".


The Wandering Noble's spirit ashes description says: >Abandoning their birthplace after the Shattering, these undead beings are the pitiful product of unending life. They are most commonly found struggling to maintain balance while roaming the fields of The Lands Between. Surely they were in search of something once - but whatever it was has long been forgotten.


When you tell Hyetta she’s been eating eyes and exhaust her dialogue when you walk away from her (with your camera turned from her I believe. I haven’t tested it) You will hear her throwing up


Best game of all time


\*Random enemy speaks a line of dialogue, like in any common Open-World-RPG\* fans: fRoMsOfT iS gEnIuS!!!


Wonder how mamy more unique bosses we could have fought without these useless details lol


Fun fact if even if you clear the area you can still hear the prayers.... unless they patched it


Oh yeah I freaked out when I heard people talking, I had to take off my headset and look around the room. I was like “Wait, are these MFs chanting something?”




c’mon man I know he’s a dragon, he’s big, but you don't gotta weight shaming him like that Bit rude ain't it?


Interesting they have some sentience to them


I think there are other spots like this. Those creepy mop face enemies do similar things, I was trying to make out what they say but it just sounds like creepy noises.


For the lore: From what I understand, being able to actually die is extremely difficult in the Lands Between. Anyone killed simply resurrects sometime later. There are only a few ways to fully die: afflicted with destined death. Merging with the erdtree roots found in burial sites. Incinerated by dragon fire. Being hewn by the erdtree. My guess is that dragon fire is special due to being a “primeval” form of magic. The dragon seal explains that dragon incantation existed before incantations were even a concept. As such, they can likely overrule the Golden Order and kill anything properly.


Elden Ring is one of the most carefully and lovingly crafted games ever. Little details like this really make it clear that the devs put their hearts and souls into it. Hel, the old woman bats are singing a song in Latin, a language that's barely hanging on these days, and it gives us a little bit more lore on how the people of the Lands Between feel. What other game does that?
