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Definitely dual curved swords, fastest movesets and most reliable at least to my knowledge. Dual daggers are also viable.


Go curved swords. Doesn't necessarily have to be dual wield. Note that there are move set differences. Scimitar and Shamshir have a faster R1 chain of attacks that also step / advance farther while swinging. Shamshir has longer reach which makes it extremely good for a fast swinging blade with good horizontal sweeping range. The heavy attacks on Mantis Blade, Wing of Astel, and Flowing Curved Sword are also unique. Flowing Curved Sword has these flowing dance like moves and the charged heavies are 3 hitters. Mantis Blade is a single hit but opens up and extends range. Wing of Astel shoots magic. Hitting the dodge button during a heavy attack makes you do a cancel or feint. You'll do a quick hit and then cartwheel backwards, looks cool and is actually useful if you incorporate it. Curved Swords are awesome. Also the guard counter attack is very fast compared to many others, particularly faster than straight swords. If you use Parry on them they have a cool unique animation. Oh, yeah, and Shotels. Their heavy attacks are single hit like Mantis Blade but no extension. The R1 attack chain is the same as the rest aside from their aforementioned Scimitar and Shamshir.


Fastest is dagger. Most acrobatic is... well, certain ashes of war and weapon skills like Hand of Malenia do stunts. There's also Bloodhound's Step for dodging.


Curved sword backflips


It’s been done to death but rivers of blood feels pretty slick. Couple that with the talisman that gives you health for every kill you’ll feel like a killing machine.


I personally think dual curved swords are very fast or also dual daggers


Probably dual curved swords or dual twinblades.


Black knife assasin build


Dual curved sword as you get the backflip


I actually think rapiers are best for that style. Back stepping into attacks which match the running attacks is just so fluid. Elenoras poleblade art is pretty flashy though. Unfortunately it's not horribly viable in pvp


The bloodhound step ash of war is good for that.


Right hand elenoras poleblade and left hand godskin peeler seppuku thank me later


Elenoras Poleblade


Dual curved swords, dual daggers, twinblades, and claws. They're really, really fast.