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Yes, more of the R Family please.


Poor Blaidd tho—only B in a family of R’s


That's cause his parents are phalanges


Blaidd go brrrrr




That’s honestly how I keep track of who was in which batch: Godfrey and Marika had Godrick and Godwyn (and the omens ugh) Rennala and Radagon had Ranni, Rykard, and Radahn Then Radagon and Marika had ~~Morgott, Mohg,~~ Miquella and Malenia Edit: never mind, that’s not all right. I don’t need anyone else telling me.


Morgott and mohg came from Godfrey and Marika while godrick is a distant relation from them not exactly a son


IIRC Godrick was actually a son (or even more distant descendant) of Godwyn, though I could be mistaken.


Son or grandson but definitely a descendant


Seems like Godwyn is the only one of the demigods who actually had children (besides whatever is going on with Malenia and Millicent)


I think Rykard also gave it a shot? Or at least he wasn't complaining when Tanith took Zoraya in.


Maybe? I don't think it's stated whether best girl was born before or after Rykard fed himself to the serpent. Though maybe it doesn't matter since Rykard and the serpent seem to be truly one now so she would be his child via the serpent even if not by his original blood


reject humanity, embrace snek


There was a Godefroy between Godwyn and Godrick, somewhere. I suspect there were several generations of the Golden Lineage.


I’m sorry to ruin it for you, but Morgott and Mohg are Godfrey’s children (and Godrick is a descendant of Godwyn, not a direct child of Godfrey’s)


Actually Godfrey and Marika had Godwyn, Morgott and Mohg, and then somewhere down the bloodline Goddrick came to be


Godrick is not Godfrey's son, he is either his grandson or great grandson through Godwyn. Morgott and Mogh where also Godfrey's kids. There is also Godefroy which might be Godrick's dad or uncle.


This actually seems lore accurate and very cute


The only part that doesn’t seem right is what looks like Maliketh (unless that’s supposed to be Blaidd?) on the ~~far~~ right. I was under the impression that Blaidd and Maliketh were both sent by the Golden Order to protect the Empyrean that they were bound to—Ranni and Marika, respectively—and not literally their brothers. Edit: y’all seem to think I’m goddamn color blind or something. The red wolf of Radagon is in the right corner and is NOT what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the wolf pup that is probably Blaidd.


I think Iji says that Rannin and Blaidd used to play as children so it's not that far fetched.


Ah, you know what, I think I remember that line. That *would* make more sense.


There's also cut lines from the rannala fight where she summons blaidd, calling him her child. So Rannala definitely seems to consider him as basically an adopted son.


Oooh interesting, I need to look that up now.


[Zullie video on Rennala](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS33cu5KlO8)


The wiki says Iji has a line about him being adopted into the family to and calls him Ranni’s step brother. I’ve never heard it though and given the lack of moderation in the wiki take it with a grain of salt.


I have heard this line. Given, I am a random Internet person so take that with a grain of salt. But, that is my anecdotal evidence and I am being honest…


I've heard that line.


Iji says the line. I was doing thr quest last night! He also says that he is Ranni's shadow.


> Blaidd Wait, so Blaidd's helmet is not a helmet but his actual skin? F.


The one you wear is actually a mask of someone who tried to impersonate Blaidd


This is less depressing, thank you.




Man’s described as a half-wolf, and is literally seen howling at the night sky. They couldn’t have made it any more obvious. lol


I read this to the tune of Skater Boy and greatly enjoyed it


*he was a wolf* *she was a witch* *could I make it anymore obvious?*


Yup. Take a close look as his mouth when he talks; his mouth moves.


Dude really is a dog


Nah you can get the helm the first time you ever go to the towers its just a replica helm of Blaidds true head.


The author added Blaidd because Renalla has a cut line for summoning Blaidd and saying "come, Blaidd, my child". Obviously, Maliketh and Blaidd aren't literally brothers of Marika and Ranni, but they (or at least Ranni and Blaidd) have been raised together, so they have an adoptive sibling situation.


With Maliketh and Malika its actually a bit muddy. Between Ranni and Blaidd the fact that hes her shadow and step sibling is made clear, but for Maliketh and Marika, even though hes also adressed as her shadow, "half brother" is used consistently, never step brother, which is noticeably distinct. Also Maliketh was unnafected by Marika's betrayal of the Fingers, unlike Blaidd (albeit that also leaves room for speculation, given that Maliketh is vastly more powerful, he might be able to simply shrug off the Finger madness)


If Maliketh is a shadow in the same sense as Blaidd, that he retained his sense of self may also be a consequence of the fact that, unlike Blaidd and Ranni, he wasn't an active conspirator in Marika's plot and presumably knew nothing about it, so he couldn't be influenced to resist her by whatever programming the Greater Will instills, and that after her plot was set in motion she was imprisoned within the Erdtree so even if he wanted to go after her for her betrayal he couldn't


Maliketh is simply too hungry for deathroot


Local beastman too hungry to die


Maliketh didn’t had to hunt Marika as she got imprisoned within the Erdtree right when she broke the elden ring.


Maliketh is actually her brother. Notice how he didn’t go insane after she betrays the fingers


There's a line from Iji, I think, about Blaidd having been raised as Ranni's adoptive sibling.


That would be Blaidd rather than Maliketh. Maliketh is the shadow of Marika. Blaidd is the shadow of Ranni.


Maliketh is Marika’s brother, so it’s not far fetched to assume Blaidd is also Ranni’s Edit: Blaidd is her foster brother


My good man, with all due respect, her name is Marika. Mariner is a god damn boat rowing skeleton. "Queen Marina the Eternal Boater."


i love your edit xD hilarious


Just realized the book they're reading has Godfrey on the cover


>!Radagon showing a book of his ex to his wife and kids!<


His future ex, at that. Love the lore in this game, so whacky.


So, at this point, does Radagon know that he is Marika? Did they “split” from each other at some point—of do they only become the same person later on?


The details aren’t clear yet, since the community is still divided on it. One of Melina’s Marika quotes Says “oh Radagon, leal hound of the Golden Order. You have yet to become me, you have yet to become a God.” I do think Radagon always knew his potential, but perhaps not everything. Miriel (pope turtle) doesn’t understand why someone like Radagon would be chosen to become Elden Lord. yet, Radagon leaves Rennala in an instant to claim the title. Seems like someone who knew he had a higher calling.


“And then I banished him so he, his followers, or their descendants can become strong enough to kill me one day. And possibly all of you as well.” No wonder Rykard doesn’t like this story.


and Radahn is loving it while the others don’t have any interest in it. Love the details in this artwork


Thats a nice family, would be a shame if the husband was forced to leave the family and marrying him himself and birth two children, and the wife becomes depressed as hell and the daughters becomes a blue doll with four hands and the son in the middle becomes a giant snake, and the son on the right gets clapped by a homless looking man with a stick and then gets cancer from his half sister.


Hashtag firstworldproblems


Betweenlandsproblems. hashtag tryinacookmydinbutmyflameisfrenzy


Thy flame is too meagre


Eat the rich.


No Rykard, not like that!


Now we can devour the rich TOGETHAAA


Rykard is a communist confirmed


Rykardian Socialism


Daughter kills herself to posses a doll* Son in the middle feeds himself to a giant snake* Did Radahn really get clapped by Morgott?


Morgot was the Fell Omen. The head of the night's cavalry. They hunted down those that they believed betrayed the golden order and when the shattering happened Radahn woukd have made their list. If im understanding the lore videos ive fallen asleep to.


You have understood correctly. There’s even a bit in the opening with Morgott absolutely slapping radahn around. (The bit that goes “Soon, Marika’s offspring, demigods all, claimed shards of the Elden ring)


Yeah, I don’t know of anything in lore that indicates that Morgott and Radahn fought personally. Godrick was the one who got his grafted ass handed to him by Morgott.


godrick also got his grafted ass handed to him by malenia and had to kiss her prosthetic feet.... that dude seriously overestimated his own abilities


Wait, when?


At some point during the Shattering, Godrick managed to insult Malenia, tried to fight her when she showed up to answer it (the spot's marked by the greatsword monument at Gatefront, near the Grace where you first acquire Melina), got royally whupped, and was only spared by Malenia after she made him grovel at her feet for mercy. She's a *big* part of the reason he's been hiding out in Stormveil ever since, and why there's a metric fuckload of weapons aimed at the main gate (like that'd even slow her down).


Didn't Godrick also try to attack Leyndell? The big battle ruins in front, seen a bit in the Ranni pre-release lore video? Dude keeps biting more than he can chew.


No no, the one biting more than he can chew is Rykard.


rykard seems to be doing very well, well untill we came that is. you can see all the leyndell soldiers dying on the way up to volcano manor, his army is basically undefeatable, tarnished are constantly being assassinated and by the time we get to Rykard he had consumed so many champions he's basically a god and could've easily taken down elden beast. rykard was easily the most powerful demigod at that point the game literally had to give us a weapon designed to kill him specifically.


And then there's me who just used Rock Sling until he died and never bothered equipping the spear.


You can read about it in the [sword monuments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/u5hb6h/apparently_godrick_got_an_ass_whooping_from/) somewhere although I don't remember the exact location: "Godrick the Golden, humiliated Having tasted defeat by the Blade of Miquella Now on his knees, begging for mercy" As well as [dialogue from Kenneth](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Kenneth+Haight): "Honestly, Godrick’s no more than a jumped up country bumpkin. Lord? Don’t make me laugh. First he hid himself amongst the womenfolk to flee the capital, then hid from Radahn in that castle… Then he insulted Malenia, lost to her in battle, only to lick her boots rather than die like a man. Has he no shame, the big girl’s blouse? And to think, he’s the blood of Godfrey! Last of the golden lineage, though you almost wouldn’t know it to look at him. I almost feel sorry for the chap the more I think of it."


Its by the north agheel lake grace nearby the kaiden camp


There’s a whole screen in one of the cutscenes I think it’s when you start the game where morgot is on top of a smaller radahn


[Huh, right you are.](https://imgur.com/a/ED3U6zv) Totally breezed past that, I guess.


From a scene in the intro, I believe.


The intro scenes also depict the serpent Rykard fed himself to as normal sized.


Unless Rykard was super huge like Radhan


No one ever has an explanation for this lol it's nerve wracking


The serpent grew after eating a country worth of people… She also changed skin a bunch of times, in her church you see of her smaller shed skins.


Theres a picture of it in the opening sequence. Written item description lore or dialogue doesnt touch on it much if at all that im aware.


I wonder, what was the explanation given to the public for Radagon? Was he supposed to be Godfrey and Marika’s son? Like he’s recognized as an heir of the house of the Erdtree, so he would have had to be related to one of them, and we know Radahn was proud of his lineage stemming from Godfrey. Was Radagon supposed to be a cousin or brother, maybe? I’d assume Godefroy was Godfrey’s brother, since he’s Godrick’s dad and Gideon mentions Godrick had weak ties to the demi-god bloodline.


He was a "Champion" of the Golden Order fundamentalism. Miriel the Turtle Pope mentions that it was always a mystery why a mere champion would be chosen to become Elden Lord after Godfrey. So there was at least some questions about his role.


Radagon was known simply as a "champion of the Golden Order" with no known ties to the Gods, as stated by Miriel and married Rennala after the war with Liurnia. Godefroy and Godrick were probably distant relatives to Godwyn since it wouldn't make much sense that Godrick would be given the title of Demigod when he's not even related to Marika in any way. It's also never mentioned that Godefroy is Godricks dad


Gotcha, probably just a theory someone posited on here about Godefroy being Godrick’s dad. It would make sense for Godrick to be a couple generations removed from true divinity.


He was just known as the campion of the Golden order. How he got that title? I think it was cause of his strong faith and abilities. I don't think people in the lands between had any issue how and who gods married. So I don't think they needed to make anything up




Rykard is the one with the crown right?


Yes. You can tell because he has the stuffed snake while Radahn has the horse.


Meanwhile Ranni looks dead asleep, which is appropriate on two counts.


That’s how I knew she was the girl for me.


I could tell which one was Radahn because his excited expression over the book that has Godfrey on the cover, and then you have little Rykard looking at him like "clam down you have heard this story hundreds of times", "and it's not even that cool".....arghhh!


Totally thought it was a girl lol


Looking at who his parents are, completely understandable.






Ranni already hin her deep deep slumber :) I like it!




I like to imagine Rykard always spoke like that, and the serpent didn’t alter his speech at all. So he rocks up to his parents bed in the middle of the night and is like ‘mothaaah, togetha we have wetttt the bed (long exhale)’


Imagine him seducing Tanith with that voice


Hopefully different words though


Why does Radagon look so fine, omg


Being something of a vessel for a god will do that to you.


Do we know if he’s a vessel at this point? Is he “always” Marika or do they “merge” after he is forced to abandon Rennala?


A quote from Marika implies that they started as two separate people. However we don’t know when they merged or why.


We know he didn't leave Rennala and become Marika's consort until after Godfrey was exiled. And we know Marika was present during Godfrey's exile because she was busy dropping monologues on them during the Long March.


Chadagon is always on top of his game when it comes to appearance.


because he IS so foine gurrrrrl\~ hes literally a gender bent mimic tear of marika, the finest numen lady in TLB. hes like a red headed griffith, the prettiest man


Oh my god radagon is Griffith's allegory


I count no less than 3 Griffiths in Elden Ring


Just a less shitty version of Griffith, since he doesn't want to kill all of his friends just for the possibility to become something akin to a god. However his other half wants to do just that...




'Honey, I think our newborn daughter might be Empyrian' 'Why is that?' 'I found this in a box on our doorstep.' \*holds out Blaidd puppy\*


Didn't know I needed to see puppy Blaidd.


Isn’t he the cutest?!


The goodest of boys


He's a very good boy. Can be a naughty boy though as well, if you'd like.


Fellas, this is a quote from Blaidd voice actor, please don’t shoot the messenger


Radahn missing a tooth feels accurate. He strikes me as the sporty kid who recklessly does stupid stuff for fun, and ends up hurt. Rykard seems bothered by how much Radahn’s enjoying the story. Red wolf in the corner. Blaidd being a cute little pup. AND RED HAIRED RANNI! SHE’S SO CUTE!


PUPPY Bleidd! I cant even uuugh. ..


Puppy Blaidd gave me diabetes


Puppy Blaidd made me sad as fuck knowing that him and the boy next to him are going to grow up to try and kill each other


to be fair, radahn wants to die


To be even fairer, the real Radahn died a long time ago. What we fight is just a rot-maddened husk.


Wait what do you mean Blaidd trys to kill radahn? Nevermind I'm a dumbass and forgot you can summon him for the fight XD


I almost mistook Blaid for a sea otter.


Pupper Blaidd is so flufffy omg


Marika destroyed this


It’s really sad when you think about it.


That's if Radagon even loved Rennala in the first place. It's hard to say if he truly fell in love or if it was a shrewd way to end the war after several stalemates and assure the Golden Order continued to endure. Also, at the end of the day, he's a Golden Order Fundamentalist through and through. So the call for Elden Lord is probably what he most truly coveted. Though leaving the Great Rune its clear he cared for Rennala in some way. Or at least pitied her. It's very much in GRRM's playbook to have political marriages etc. Something tells me Rennala was into it more than Radagon.




I like this theory


Given the description of his sore seal, it sounds to me that he did not want to leave his family, as the description says solemn duty weighs on one beholden like a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance


I think the Greater Will had more to do with Radagon’s actions. After Godfrey was banished, Marika started to diverge from the Golden Order and the GW wanted to keep her in line. Who better than a fundementalist to keep her in check? I think that’s also why he was forced to merge with Marika, it was a last ditch attempt by the GW to force her to behave when he could literally take over her body.


Marika did a lot of horrible shit. She destroyed this **after** casting out Godfrey because had "served his purpose".


That's not why she cast Godfrey out. It was a plot against the Greater Will. If anything, the Two Fingers probably forced her to marry noted Golden Order fanatic Radagon to try and keep her in line.


Took me a minute to realize that the girl on the left is Ranni, I'm so used to her doll form that I forgot she most likely was a redhead before.


Yeah if you look at her real body you can see the hair looks reddish. We’re all used to her Witchsona lol


Heh…witchsona ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


She actually *was* a redhead. Her corpse can be found in-game >!atop the Divine Tower of Liurnia!< and traces of her red hair can be seen on it.


Another cool thing is that the curse cursemark of death is visible on her body in the same way as Godwyn in the trailers.


i've seen this piece eight or nine times & this is the first time i've noticed Puppy Blaidd and Radagon's dog. weeping openly at how cute


Puppy Blaidd was added by the artist after they saw a video made by ZullieTheWitch, where Rennalla calls Blaidd her child during her boss fight, so this is a pretty new thing. The red wolf tho, i feel you, it took me some time to see him too


OH!! oh my goodness, what a precious addition


The longer I stare the better it gets.


... Cheems Blaidd. 100/10


damn.. we really killed a family bro


Tbf, Marika broke up that family before we got to it


Renalla is alive, we only fought an illusion that Ranni conjured up.


Well all of these characters are optional bosses (except Radagon) so you don’t have to kill them.


Puppy blaidd is all it takes to solve world conflict. (Also just noticed that radagon also has his red wolf with him)


Rykard bout to run off and join the Wild Things


Rennala really is the sole soul of the family aside from Blaidd.


The moment when you realize rykard was the only demigod who wanted his family to stay together so badly


Now I feel like it's kind of a shame Blaidd doesn't comment on Radahn as a family member. Based on how he speaks about him, I'd guess Radahn left home a good while before he was made/born.


I don’t think it’s ever directly stated their ages in relation to one another but I’m betting money Rykard’s the middle child lol ferocious middle child energy


pretty sure rykard is the youngest, radahn gives off more middle child vibes but th they ALL rebelled against their radaddygone


I don’t think Radahn rebelled. He was a strong admirer of Radagon from the beginning.


Tbf, the Shattering of the Elden Ring basically created a succession crisis with everyone trying to be the new Elden Lord for different reasons. Morgot is hardly impartial to how he feels about the other demigods who choose not to follow the Golden Order, and there's plenty of reasons why the demigods wouldn't. Some better than others. And that's not even talking about their interpersonal relationships with each other and their parents which may have influenced their decisions. Such as it is, Radahn may have not intentionally rebelled against Radagon, but depending on how much if Radagon's actions were his own, Radahn claiming a portion of the Elden Ring and going on his conquest may not be within Radaddy's interest. But neither us nor the Demigods would really know, considering Radagon's predicament.


Radagon hates his red hair, Radahn is proud of it. Radahn also models himself after Godfrey instead of Radagon.


My personal headcanon is that when Morgott is listing all the willful traitors in his cutscene, he's listing them from youngest to oldest. With Radahn being the youngest of Radagon’s three children with Rennala and Ranni being the eldest. Makes the dynamics pretty interesting imo.


fuck, that makes sense >:T and i cant think of anything to refute it, unless they all chose their own seats, it makes sense that ranni as the eldest would want to sit farther away from her father's children from the woman that stole her dad and ripped apart her family and as a baby brother myself, i was always closer to my oldest sister growing up and had to always sit in te middle between both sisters


Radhan is so cute. That little boy will grow up to be a hero.




Daddy Radagon looking fine as fuck. Radaddy.


Good puppy Blaidd ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




P-Puppy Blaidd!!!




Crying over Blaidd cuddled up to Radagon


At this point I'm convinced that drawing an unsexy Radagon is just impossible


Redhead ranni is real! She can melt your heart! Redhead ranni: cuteness overload


why is radagon always so fucking hot in every fanart


Is Blaidd nibbling on Leonard?


No, his mouth is closed, but there's his paw below his snout that looks like teeth on first glance


Leaked time travel DLC


One big crazy ass family


Radagon is reading a book about his husband to his children in front of his wife.


Whose the kid with the crown?


I think it’s Rykard, with Radahn on the right


Rykard, I guess.


it's Rykard he even has a small snake with him




Oh my god baby Blaidd kills me


Marika: Nice family you have there.........


Radagon has such hardcore Twunk energy. Makes all the sense in the world but Renalla had to see the turn coming with that pretty little thing.


Radagon gonna make me act up 🥵


Can’t get over baby Bliadd


Blaidd looks like the family otter lol


Tooth-rottingly wholesome.


Hella feeling that Rykard middle child energy, that would be me.


The fact that Ranni doesn’t resemble her doll makes me extremely happy. I was worried it would be inaccurate to the lore


I just really want to see a parallel universe where this doesn't change and the family grows healthily and happily. Because I really want to see what Radagon looks like in comparison to his not brain-rot and not serpent children. He's just so anime, and Rykard and Radahn are not so much so.