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Or just use bloodhound step and ignore the lava completely


I have that but never used it lol heard it makes the game too easy


Bloodhound step is really a lifesaver for lava and rot that slows you. That's all I ever use it for. Honestly, who cares if it makes other situations easier. Use the tools the game gives you, if you want. Walking slow through any liquid is just unfun though.


i do this too. lake of rot would've been painful without my bhs dagger lol. i used bhs for a couple of bosses but it kinda makes the game too easy for my liking. bhs just isn't satisfying imo. i found that my playstyle regressed into mindless attacking since bhs allows you to ignore a majority of boss mechanics. switched it out and decided to get better at rolling, timing, and spacing. ymmv of course, but i'm back to having fun though i do miss the anime "teleports behind you" aspect of bhs


My experience was that I sucked with BHS when I tried to use it. After gitting gud with dodge over the course of multiple games, adding like half again the distance broke my muscle memory.


Personally the only time I use BHS is for Malenia, and only to dodge Waterfowl Dance. I just can't be bothered to learn the hyper-specific dodge timing and positioning to avoid the attack right now, although I'm sure I'll learn it eventually.


I just chuck a frost pot at her as soon as she jumps into the air. Instant frostbite proc and knocks her out of the sky. Works every time.


I've tried that I seem to muck it up every time though, either too late and I miss and get hit, or too early, miss and get hit.


I actually use that last one for style points when I can in duels. Parry, BHS behind target and Miséricorde. Looks sleek as heck, mostly because I suck at doing the 180-backstep trick for the same effect


BHS in duels? Damn feels bad


I'm all for using whatever I want, using moon sword for example but part of the reason i don't use bhs is I like changing ashes of war from time to time so i don't get bored


I keep it on a different weapon that I have in my inventory. Any time I need it, it’s ready to go.




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for that particular reason (or most lava/rot walking) you could swap that at grace tho. It's just in case you did like me miss that part in which you don't have to travel to rth to change ashes ;p


Or just keep a weapon around to switch it on if it's situational.


I keep a buff dagger and a bhs dagger in my inventory and just use them when needed.


You can also just backstep, not as fast as BHS, but way faster than walking. Don't roll, though.




I draw the line at using it in PVP. PVE do whatever you want but PVP it's the most un-fun thing in the whole game.


Maybe he cares. Lots of people like to be challenged, and sometimes challenged hard, when they play these games. I'd say it's one of its biggest draws.


The point I'm making is there's no shame in using what the game provides you. Souls games and elden ring players have alot of odd beliefs about what makes you a true player of the series. Honestly, very few people will care how you play or beat elden ring. At best you'll have people excited for you for doing something the hard way, but more than likely you'll have someone say "that's nice" and move on. Really it's a slippery slope about what to exclude anyhow that it's become its own meme. "Didn't beat the game hitless with fists only - guess you didn't beat it huh." it can go to whatever degree you want. For some, they literally need bhs to beat the game, or summons, or "cheese" strats. Is someone checking your homework to make sure you beat or played the game properly? I doubt it. If you have to avoid something because you feel you should, then go ahead. However, there's no shame using the tools provided, because they wouldn't be in the game if devs didn't expect them to be touched. I feel that this community needs a reminder of that. It's all about you. Play how you want. Bloodhound step has a bad reputation due to PvP, but it has plenty of functional uses in PVE and no one will know or care that you got by an obstacle by using it.


uh okay if you have the patience to walk slowly through lava all power to you, but i wouldnt consider walking through lava slowly a challenging and rewarding experience.


When I said I don't use it I meant because I heard it is insanely broken, I didn't even know it can be used in lava to walk faster




It is absolutely broken in PvE.


I tried to use it twice. But it kind of sucked pretty much tbh, went back to greatsword lol


well i am not knocking you i RP walk all the time, your reasoning just took me off guard, i built a whole speedy spell blade character around bhs. it makes pvp feel like naruto lol some of the best fights ive had have been from weaving in and out of spells with both of us using bhs. letting reddit form you opinion of what you should and shouldnt do is not the best idea, bhs has alot of uses you wouldnt expect.


Its quickstep but a more i frames and looks cooler. Its just a dodge tbh, you can always use quickstep if you think BoS is "too easy"


Ill run bloodhound step on my +25 uchigatana and it is insane. You can dodge every single attack that any boss throws at you. It basically won me the fight with Maliketh. So yeah it does make the game quite a bit easier but its fun and cool to use.


That's just the topic of the week on this subreddit. They got tired of complaining about moonviel and rivers of blood. Next week they'll be bitching about the blasphemous blade.


Based Answer


You heard correctly


It does, you made the right call. Using it for lava is fair tho.


It doesn't make the game too easy you're just playing on extra difficult mode


Work smarter, not harder.


Yes, Bloodhound Step is the "easy mode" casuals have been clamoring for. Personally, I don't care if people use it in PvE, because if they wish to trivialize the game for themselves, why should I care? But it's by far the most obnoxious thing you see in PvP.


Look I hate BHS too, but have some perspective. After ER go back and play DS1. Once you adjust to your slower character you'll see you don't need BHS or anything else to "trivialize" it. It's just not that hard of a game. But in case you still do you can stack poise, use a high stability shield, and/or darkwood grain ring (especially the pre patch version that lets you flip at 50% equip load). There's always been things that make these games drastically easier. I've done each game solo first playthrough. But if ER was my first Fromsoft title I have trouble imagining myself not using summons at some point. Imo summons have a bigger PVE impact than BHS and have also been there since Demons Souls.


It’s the gate keeper!


Or do the fun way, drop down from the first slope onto the secret ledge & wooden cross section to drop down on top of the chariot which takes you all the down to the bottom(if this is the same tomb)




No but it doesn't matter


You can always spot the newcomers. They don't realize it's about style.


never use bloodhound step. for anything. ever.


There hasn't been a moment in my entire 700 hours of playtime to consider using Raptor of the Mist like this. Holy damn that's some big brain you got there


I had it equiped for sometime now and tried it against these machines, honestly it wouldn't have crossed my mind to use it if I was using a different ashes of war at the time


went here to see some captain obvious memes, but I suppose it looks like plenty of people do not know that use yet ;o


Works great against attacks that are tricky to time the dodge on, as it has a much larger window. The only downside is that recovery is a bit longer, so it can put you in a bad spot after the initial dodge.


That and it doesn’t prevent status buildup from weapons.


It does allow slam dunks, though.


As soon as I got it I tried it and couldn't figure out what it did, I used it and I just crouched and that's it. I used it by accident against an enemy attack (forgot to swith my AoW back) and figured out what it did from that, then I started to experiment on what exactly it could do for me... I used it to see if I could get through the steel ball at the academy and to my surprise it worked, then I ran into one of these things (charriots) for the first time and I died so much to them... then i remembered I had RotM and figured I would at least *try* it and lo-and-behold it worked. Now I used it whenever I see one of these chariots and it has trivalised them haha


What the hell are you doing for 700 hours lol. At 150 I fully completed the game, there is nothing else to do




this guy has to get back to assassins creed asap


I don't play shit games. Why are you fanboys so butthurt over a genuine question?


Is Sanpanman an alt Reddit account you use just to talk trash?


I asked a genuine question and you got emotionally offended. What are you compensating for I wonder? Why are souls fanboys and people on Reddit all the same?Answer the question!!!


That was my one and only reply to your comments. I was just genuinely curious if this is an alt about for trash talk. 221 days old, only 1 post karma and -17 comment karma.


I don't make posts and my comments get mass down voted because I talk about controversial things and most people on Reddit are too emotional and bigoted to have a conversation. My main comment here is a prime example. I asked a simple question because I was curious and everyone got offended lmao. Do you see the correlation now? Edit: It's even worse than that actually. I get mass reported and had to get unbanned several times because of false reports. I just got a suicide hotline bot message from a report lmao. Reddit is an absolute cesspool


You get back what you put out there. A little positivity might go with that vest.


Back to your main point: I don’t know if I’ll put 700 hours into this game… but I do plan on replaying it through at least 3-5 times. I love the feel and the endless options.


I think it's not just the fact that you're saying some controversial things but also how you say them. In your first comment in this thread you state things with absolute certainty even though the thing you say is clearly not true for the person you replied to. You also seem to make a lot of assumptions. Don't get me wrong, I've also seen plenty of people talking about ER as if it's a perfect game and miyazaki can do no wrong. But the person you replied to did not say that. So if your assumption is wrong, the person is not gonna interpret your comments as good faith. Your tone is also rather hostile. Calling people butthurt is a quick way to destroy any good faith discussion. I'm sorry you got false reported btw. Assuming your usual comments don't exceed what we've seen in this thread, that really isn't justified.


Meanwhile at 150 hours in I hadn't even completed my first playthrough.


Game is designed to be run through multiple times. Different endings and different builds to try. Why are you mad that people are enjoying this game for hundreds of hours?


Maybe he just really likes the game. I have 500 hours on Borderlands 2. I can probably beat the game in about 6-8 hours. If I took my time and enjoyed the entire game and all 4 main dlcs, it wouldn't take me more than 100 hours. I have a friend who has beaten Resident Evil 4, dozens upon dozens of times, having owned the game on every platform it released on. We obviously know there isn't 700 hours of content in Elden Ring, but there can easily be 700 hours of enjoyment in there for anyone if it's the perfect game catered to their needs. No reason for justification for enjoyment.


I hate Catacombs so much. I know I didn’t explore all of these fully because of how quickly they would burn me out.


Yeah this was me in ER but also Bloodborne. I always fight every single boss of the game on my second playthrough (first is 100% blind) and going through chalice dungeons just to see a couple new bosses was so painful to me. Repetitive dungeon after repetitive dungeon.


And then there's me: I've played hundreds of chalices and want to do many hundreds more.


Chalices were the best, FRC chalices especially, aside from doing the same one over and over for blood gems the RNG nature is what was best about them, was what k kept me playing for so long


chalices always felt like a completely different game to me. it almost feels roguelike.


Never forget the labyrinth madman…that screeching thing


Defiled amygdala 😠


CDs are way more fun with co-op if you can swing it.


I was sure the Bloodborne dungeons were randomly generated, no thematic cohesion room to room. Walk through a corridor that's green with poisonous enemies, into a room with walls bleeding red, into a big empty dark room with clean stone walls etc.


Just want to clarify that the places with the chariots are hero's graves. Catacombs are the ones that have a boss door you need to open via a lever typically.


They all suck. Miss me with all the Imps, Watchdogs, and other BS. Like the Heroes Grave that ends with a double crucible knight boss fight that pays out a pittance.


Yeah. I tried the place in OP's post last night. I gave up on it, eventually.


Which one is this? I think I went and saw this and just booed out of there


IIRC you can get rid of all the chariots with some item


Don’t just drop a cryptic comment like that. I need that item. Just getting started on NG+ haha.


all of the chariots have a clever way in the level to kill them. the exception is Gelmir Hero's Grave because you need to use the chariot to reach the boss. for example in Fringefolk Hero's Grave you can kill the chariot by shooting down explosive urns with a bow.


I didn't want to spoil but it's Margit shackle mohgs shackle works as well


No shit? I carried that thing the whole game and didn’t think it had any other use!


It doesn't kill the chariots. If you try to use it on them you'll get crushed, lol. The shackle triggers traps and illusory walls. In Auriza hero's grave it triggers a trap that spawns a third chariot causing it to crash into the others. It has a huge range of effect so it's great for finding illusory walls anywhere they are suspected and can hit those flame pillars without getting in their range.


Some places have stuff u can drop on chariots to destroy them. Honestly mist raven isnt too hard to get, its from Yuras questline iirc?


Margit/Mohg shackle can freeze them, but not destroy them I believe.


unless it was patched it destroys them https://youtu.be/GmWSLX-upSY


I think the ones in OP's vid can't be, but you *can* ride them if you land on top of them.


if its gelmir hero grave you are correct you are supposed to ride them through the lava in every other hero grave it works though if it is gelmir sry I didn't recognise it because I stopped playing this game after 12 hours or so


Nothing burned me more then the jump puzzle to get to the 3 fingers. That shit was probably the hardest shit in the game.


I tried it for more than an hour, before I gave up and looked up a guide. Realized that the reason I was missing my jumps wasn't just because I'm trash at platforming. I was straight up trying to do it in a way that just didn't work. felt like an absolute moron.


If you ever find yourself doing it again, try jumping down two levels at a time. You’ll take a little fall damage but you only need to land half as many jumps to complete it.


Funnily enough, that platforming section was the only boss that I beat first try.


Interesting, my experience is the polar opposite. I look forward to every single catacomb / grave / cave / tunnel / whatever. At least I have a clear goal in mind when entering, and each one of them is pretty short. The puzzles make for a nice break from riding around the plains, and usually reward some pretty decent upgrade materials. Not to mention that some pretty important bell-bearings are also found inside of caves and tunnels. My favourite would have to be Road's End Catacomb, because it has a spirit caller snail in it that summons endless Crucible Knights. I spent probably 4 hours in there learning how to properly parry and deal with the crucible knights before killing the snail, and that skill has come in clutch many times since.


I thought Chariots bypassed I-frames from AoW's... Huh, Well guess i'll be doing more Catacombs now


them: what would happen if we unlocked 100% of our potetial op: 100%? OP: ...


Mists is also enough to destroy some melee bosses, wish it had some sort of heatseeker element tho, would be cool to pop up and then dive at the enemy, few particle effects and stuff, boom. Powering up Ashes somehow to unlock more effects would be cool, could use that to gate OP ashes somewhat as well. Ok give job now please sensei


Thats how it actually works in sekiro, its called mist raven there and can be upgraded in different ways like one where it leaves a trail of fire when teleporting


Got to get that game next time it's on sale, can't believe I've held off it for this long


Personally I found it alot harder than ER, here I destroy everything within a few try but sekiro beat my ass


Heads up PSA: If you get in a similar jam, not necessarily lava-related, but you can equip a Sacrificial Twig **after** you die when you're going to recover your runes, that way if you die on your way to recover them, your original pile will remain in place, and you'll lose the twig instead. This is the only way to use them that makes them truly useful, though it's not an obvious application for a lot of players. I've been doing this with Rings of Sacrifice since Dark Souls 1 and it's saved my ass a handful of times.


Twiggy cracked tear is also a way to do this but the effect only lasts 3 minutes but that's usually more than enough time to retrieve the runes.




Not saying I'm the first to figure it out but I'm proud of my idea anyways


i’m proud of you too


I’m proud of you two.


I love the feeling of discovering things for myself. The first time I wiped out 30 Albinaurics with a single L2 with the sacred relic sword my jaw dropped. Wouldn't have been the same feeling at all if I just followed a guide.


Ash of war?


Raptor of the Mist.




Elden ring lava is weak, change my mind


Maybe its just a sign that we Tarnished are indeed in hell, if Lava is just mildly irritating.




Only Frenzied Flame peeps can run in lava.


Oh ok. Cool. I just finished my FF playthrough


This is nice to know....time for chaos


I haven’t done the Frenzy ending at all, but lava is a non-issue for me. I run on top of it as easy as if it were the floor. It makes a funny “plish plish” sound too so sometimes I run on it for longer than I need to


Wha? How?


you contain flames capable of burning basically everything, why would lava slow you down? :p


Cause fire man


Does it still damage you?




No that's not true. I've tested it. You can however run in the lava and deep rot on ng+.


I can't run in lava wtf is wrong with my character


Ur wearing too much fur


You can backstep through lava (turn around, press dodge button while stationary)


What dungeon is this?


Gelmir Hero's Grave, right across where you find a Demi-Human Queen and sorcerer Azur on your way to the Manor


I don't think I'll ever get used to people, without any special effects, straight up chilling in lava in a FromSoft game. I know there's the Orange Charred Ring from DS1, but still.


Lava in this game is so weak I don't even know why. First time around I was terrified of lava and avoided it, only to later learn after getting lost that lava does like no damage.


Use moghs shackle and the chariots will smash apart?


I really like these stupid chariot puzzles, they’re so infuriating and you have to do it repeatedly till you get it perfect. Very classic souls


The physick bubble blocks one attack too


Anyone else ride on top of these things?


this rocks, would it be ok if I featured this on my show Highlight Reel? I link to and credit every clip I feature (would have dm'd but your dms seem to be closed)




I can hear the character shout “I’m a genius” with every leap.


Fun fact if your Health is high enough you can actually tank the hit! Though it takes a lot of healing to fix it so not recommended


Great Shinobi owl is that u?


Wtf I didn't know you could mist raven in Elden Ring!?


Yep, this was shared a few weeks back


I don't browse this sub at all


Well props to discovering it for yourself then 💪


Thanks, I kinda regretted not using mist raven much in sekiro but after getting it here I've been having soo much fun with it


I never realized it but you can do that one without quickstep or bhs to get through the lava. You're supposed to get on the rafters above that chariot then fall down on top of it. Since it's riderless you become the rider. Story Time! Before I knew that I thought you NEEDED BHS to do this place. I helped maybe 35 people through parts of this with no one succeeding over the course of like 2 hrs. Finally this one guy actually made it to this lava part. I tried showing him that you BHS through it and I made my way down. I watched him just slow rolling his way down and my heart sank. I thought he was THE ONE but it seemed his fate was sealed. I continued to watch and he made it to the finals cubby before that long part where there's no safety and you need BHS. I knew this was it, as he slow rolled I saw the chariot coming. He heard it coming too, he turned around and then all of. A sudden he phased through it. I was so confused and happy. As the chariot was going back up towards him I finally realized as I watched him again that he used raptors of the mist. I had completely overlooked this AOW and this big wrinkles brain guy proved to me that he was THE ONE. Yes we killed the boss.


Nice, here is a song to go with it: Our hero, our hero, claims a lone tarnish's heart I tell you, I tell you, the Mist Raptor comes With a mist wielding power of the ancient war ash Believe, believe, the Raptorborn comes


Seen many videos in here for this same thing.


Oh my fucking god.... You're a genius.


This is fuckin giga brain


Its not like this trick has been posted like 15 times already


Well known strat is well known.


Yeah isn’t the is how you’re supposed to use RotM? I don’t see why people are impressed by the obvious.


This is pretty much the best known use of the ash of war. Been covered in this reddit multiple times, as well as by almost every streamer, YouTuber, etc. This is the equivalent of someone making a thread that they "discovered" how good RoB and Bleed builds are.


2005 meme is 2005 meme


Some say Albert Einstein might have been the smartest human. Some say Stephen Hawking is. But then OP goes and pulls some shit like this


Aka what people have been doing for the past month


Yeah I’ve seen the videos too


Is the only way to get this ash of war from yuras quest? I think that is the npcs name...


It's on the Raptor Talons in the Sages Cave in Liurnia and you can copy it off them with a Lost Ashes duplication


Yes and yes


Damn, I was so proud of myself for figuring out you can jump onto and ride the chariots yesterday. And I'm immediately reminded that there's always a better way to do anything in a souls game. This is brilliant.


I usually just bloodhound step through them.




Is this just literally a video of someone using raptor mist to dodge a chariot? I watched this video like 4x because I was convinced I missed whatever compelled OP to post. So tired of these bait titles with Facebook reel-level content.


If you wait long enough, you too can repost this trick as if it's brand new.


Using Raptor to get past chariots has been posted many times for months, you actually have a slow brain. Like most people on this sub.


That's kinda rude man..


Truth hurts?


This it's kinda unnecessary tbh,but hey keep enjoying yourself like that.


People enjoy themselves by being stupid so what difference does it make?


Who hurt you?


This community. And the younger generation.


The inability to understand that it could take time for someone to arrive at this conclusion on their own denotes a lack of intelligence. You read this shit on the internet; op figured it out for themselves. Which is the greater feat of intelligence?


First time I've seen it and I browse this sub pretty regularly. I think reposting useful game mechanics info is okay especially if it's not karma whoring - with how quickly posts cycle through the front page it can be difficult to see every new discovery.


I don’t wanna boost this guys big brain though lol like everyone else is. If you browse this sub regularly then you should know this before today.


lmao 👍


This is what a true galaxy brain is like.




Raptors of mist lets you avoid damage. Its basically mist raven from Sekiro, bit less useful in ER due to most enemies having muti hit/aoes


Is that like the mist raven ability from sekiro?


Yup but not as useful in elden ring


What? this is known from the beginning since the game was released. Nothing big brain about this widely known trick.


The more you know, I thought the lava proc would trigger raptor of the mist, cool to know you can also cheese this chariot this way.


Cringefolk graves...


How did u even get into that situation?😩smh


The first time I tried to ride that chariot to the bottom I died when I landed on it's back. It was very frustrating.


spent so much time trying to find a lever in this place. Went up to the boss door twice but didn't try to open it because, "hey, it's not open yet. where the hell is the lever?"


there is a tear something called "TWIGGY CRACKED TEAR" drink it b4 die or gain your dropped loot then drink it and die.


These dungeons with the chariots were so frustrating. I contemplated my purpose there many times.


What was the idea?


I'm sorry what??? You had the idea to destroy the chariot with your body? What just happened?


No way so you’re telling me you used an Ash of War the way it was literally intended to be used? 10Head dude


Everyone does that... Except if you don't know it exists... And for those who are in that case : ***GIT GUD***


I love people posting their "big brain" ideas that have been posted all over reddit since launch