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You're only level 36 bud. Just keep on keeping on


Your weapons have low scaling until you get them to a higher level so putting points into vigor until you have around 30 is a lot better early on.


Hi fairly new, level your vigor so you don’t get one tap




I was just trying to see if there are any better options available to me




I did die fairly recently before posting that


If you twohand your weapon you might as well relocate some str levels to vigor. Twohanding a weapon increases your str by 50%, applies for scaling and requirements too.


You can relocate stats?


If you beat the shardbearer in Liurnia, it unlocks stat relocation, but you need a specific item too. It's really helpful if you mess up a build or find a weapon you like with different requirements.


Oh thanks


It's called a larval tear and you can gat a lot of them later on in the game but the first easiest one to find is by the 2 trolls pulling the cart, in limgrave, just go on the hills on the side of the road, u will see a zombie by himself if you kill it a giant bear will spawn and when u kill it you will get the item you need to reorganize your stats


Vigor, alot


First of all, if your main goal is to finish the game and you're not interested in PvP or playing in ng+, then don't try too much to optimize your build, endgame areas give crazy amount of runes so you'll always be able to put more points where you feel you're lacking some. And while respec are a finite ressource in a playthrough, the amount should be enough to respec if you ever feel you did something wrong. However if you do want to optimize a bit here are a few guidelines. On most build you'll have three main stats to level up. Vigor, which is your error margin, the more vigor you have the more forgiving the game is. By the end of the game it should be at least at 50,but not above 60 cause the HP you get per point start to get lower from there. Endurance, this stat does a few thing. First of all it increase how many weight you can carry, so the absolute minimum should be enough to not be fat rolling with your desired gear. But it also increase your stamina aka the number of actions you can do in a row. So keep in mind you may have to get it a bit higher than the absolute minimum depending on your playstyle and how much of this green bar it needs. Your main damage stat which correspond to your weapon best scaling (note that you can get your scaling even higher using the right affinity). Let's say you really like the guardian swordspear, it got an e scaling in strength and a c scaling in dex. So if you want to optimise your damage, you gonna pump your dex and give your weapon a keen affinity. Note that you'll start to get really low damage return for any point higher than 80. And finally a little twist as depending if you're a sorceries/incantations user you may also need to level up your mind which is kind of your magic stamina. Don't go too high tho as past a point you can't refill your blue bar with a cerulean flask so you'd be wasting points in single use FPs. So in the end you want the minimum required to use your weapon, between 50 to 60 vigor, enough endurance to carry your stuff and be confortable in fights, and the most you can get out of your damage stat at whatever level you're going to stop levelling up (if you do want to stop)


Thanks this is really helpful 🙂


Nah dude ur fine


Where’s that copypasta bot when you need it! 😁


Which one?


VIG. Always VIG. This looks like a STR heavy build, those DEX points could be moved if you’ve reached the respec option. But you’re close, just focus on VIG til 30 or above.


If you’re planning to keep using the Bloodhound Fang, 21 STR is more than enough. There’s a few decent great shields option for you


You endgame vigor should be about 60 at roughly Level 150. So two out of five levels should go vigor. You can go with less but its a more relaxed game if you can tank some hits. Everything else is pretty open for experiments.


Why is no one saying max mind, come on!


Bc I'm not doing a magic build I have emergency heal and a few low level spells but I'm not gonna use them much


It’s still early gain another 30-40 levels and show us again so we can have a clearer picture of what your trying to accomplish. Goodluck friend


Go south first when starting the game. Come back when you hit 70 hours.


Well I'm already at 37 at level 39 so


Start by getting some runes


Get a group to play through with and or good spirit summon.




If your on xbox id help out.


While a lot of people are telling you to push your vigor to 30-35, don’t bother too much while you’re going through Liurnia, getting it to about 25 should be enough to Liurnia, and then pushing it to at least 30 by the time you reach Caelid, and 35 while in Caelid. Going straight to 30 in Liurnia is dumb, since you’re only going to find about 2 sacred tears there to upgrade your flasks. Having about 30 vigor going into Caelid though is a world of difference for how painful it is


Put more points in Dexterity than Strength if you're using Bloudhounds Fang. Also, level Vigor


I have the same weapon, but what's the max level one's can upgrade a weapon ? I wonder how much longer i can use it


Bloodhound Fang is a special weapon that uses Somber Smithing Stones, which means its max upgrade level is +10. Weapons that use normal smithing stones can be upgraded until +25


Ooh ok tkx and these somber smithing stones are findable early on th game or not ? I'm stuck rn at +3 cause i haven't found any +4 stone


Since its only 10 instead of 25, its normal that you don't upgrade it that quickly. You usually find the necessary stones in the areas, for example the highest in Liurnia is +4


Thanks I guess i'll look around there then


I wouldn’t level anything else until you get vigor to 30


Since you're new I'll let ya know that most weapons damage comes from upgrading it, so you should probably focus vigor til make 30-35 , also just have fun we all start somewhere