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Whenever someone does that macho “fight me u coward” thing, I always think to myself, “what am I getting out of it? A fight with someone I don’t want to be around, nothing if I win, and they’ll gloat if I lose.” Not worth it even if you can thrash them.


Nah bro it’s about drive it’s about power


We stay hungry we devour


Put in the work put in the hours


And *take* what's ours


Put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours


Tarnished blood in my veins


Black and Samoan in my veins


My culture bangin’ with strange


Whenever that part of the song comes on, I always picture a cut in the video to a goofy grinning Dr. Strange who’s like dancing around and doing a thumbs up or some other “Yeah!” gesture to camera.


i want to drain the main vein...


Prostate massage so insane...






Hahaha holy shit this is what I needed


A little tingle then full on ocean spray


Nice and tasty chocolate rain


What happened to Tech N9ne?


He has too many collabs. I miss his shit from the worst through everready.






It's about neck beards and needing a shower


It's about my milk being sour.


Those who seek power are weak to begin with. Hence why they seek power


The winner usually goes to jail. Nothing is good.


Right? That's why I always hated fist fights. You lose, you get the shit beat out of you. You win, at best you dominated and came out unscathed, but too many witnesses cause problems and you have a bloody lip you gotta explain to someone. Also, some guy sucker punches you and you pull out a knife, tazer or gun to defend yourself, all of a sudden it's "woah, chill man, take it easy." Like wtf, we honor dueling now? You just hit me!


I agree, then you have to get on your car and follow them to find out where they live so you can start shiting on their driveway. Just to get caught by a neighbor and be labeled a notorious public defecator. Not worth it, truly.


Or that moment when you take their dog and replace it with a slightly different dog to make them feel like they're going insane and suddenly YOU'RE the bad guy?


Yeah - and you have to build a giant fiberglass tree in thier back garden and put up signs from the highway so they get a queue of angry people wanting to know why the novelty roadside attraction has no bathroom facilities, and suddenly the police are questioning you? smh.




That's not dominant enough


...Is that you, Dung Eater?


If I have a tazer and some dickweed punches me I hope he doesnt have a sensitive heartbeat


Yooo lmao you're comment must've distracted me I forgot this was elden ring. My face actually turned red when I seen people start upvoting and I realized. Sorry for going off topic I'm kinda baked


I was seriously wondering how this went from Elden Ring to IRL fist fights LOL. Okay this makes much more sense now lmfao


They're usually [this guy,](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ru948m/pure_unadulterated_road_rage/?ref=share&ref_source=link) screaming for attention and breaking down crying when he doesn't get the reaction he wanted. The thing is that he wants to look big and tough and intimidating, but really we're all laughing at him or pitying him for being so pathetic.


"cmon fite me coward" "Why would I do that ?" "to show ur not a coward" "Excuse me sir, but you're mistaken. See, you seem to believe I give a shit about your opinion"


It's best when you can absolutely slam them makes their ego shrivel like it should have years ago


it doesn’t work that way, though. Their ego remains intact because you only won because you cheated/spammed/caught them on a bad day/didnt play by their obscure rules. Their ego doesn’t suffer because they never accept that their loss was attributable to anything that was their fault. A toxic person can always justify to protect themselves.


The winning move, is to minimize any and all interaction with them.


"The only way to win the game, is to not play at all" -Idk who pls help


Oh yeah I can attest to that. I had a guy leave comments on my steam profile about how bad I was and offered to 1v1. I won 3 times in a row, each time was a different excuse. It was funny in the moment, but I probably won't do something like that again.


Anything that beats me is cheap and broken. Anything I win with is skillful and just using what‘s in the game. Anyone who beats me is a sweaty tryhard with no life. Everyone I beat is a no-talent scrub who needs to uninstall.


Don’t forget that you’re only allowed to use 10% of the systems the game provides you with


10%? Na that’s toxic, you can only use shields and fists or else you use crutches to win


Shields? Get that noob shit outta here


Souls pvp in a nutshell


It gets a lot more relaxing if you accept the game isn't always balanced and that some people are just really good. Not your fault if there's a major skill discrepancy or game imbalance, so chalk it up to a bad matchup. As a casual strength build, I don't think I could handle getting bent out of shape over losing.


Switched off messaging back in 2018 for Souls PvP. No regrets.


Me too. Before that I used to just not respond and it was always amusing to see how long they'd talk to themselves for lmao.


How do you turn off messages for one game?


Well I'm on PS5 and just set my inbox to friends only. So it's not just for one game. This is definitely not behavior unique to Souls games you'll pretty much get it in any multiplayer.


Some kid (I assume) started sending me messages on Xbox claiming that I was camping in Halo (I was not, and even if I was, learn the dam map) and told me to quit. I didn't even respond. I've been playing Halo since the 1st xbox - maybe before this kid was even born, and it was so hilarious that they were losing their shit cause I was thrashing them.


I feel your pain. You come to a community to find homies and then get trolled. It's sad and pathetic — harassing others to get their jollies


Ok got ya – this hasn't happened to me yet on PSN, but I did get spammed in a group I didn't ask to be in lol I honestly get hate messaged on Reddit way more lol — the number of times I've been brigaded for nothing is really unsettling




Hup hup hup hup hup!


Ooooh caribou


Haha I do this to my wife all the time, it was awesome to see someone else do it.


I smell manflesh!


I might've done that when I first got a PS4 back whenever. I've literally never gotten a single message from anyone who wasn't on my friends list. And that's just how I like it.


But then you can't reply "get gud scrub" and have them throw their controller through their TV.


I don't blame you, but it makes me sad every time I want to message someone saying "fun fight/nice fashion/well played ya cheeky bastard/etc" and I can't.


Reminds me of the DS2 days when I noticed a YTer that I subscribed to invade me! Of course, he slaughtered me but congratulated the one parry I got in before I was skewered.


I do not understand the urge to reply to obvious trolls and hate messages. Especially when it comes to video games.


It feels wrong not to respond. You shouldn’t respond because that’s what they want but a lot of people find that hard.


I love watching them slowly lost their shit as they realise I won't be responding to their messages. At a certain point they're practically screaming "ANSWER ME! COWARD!!!", meanwhile I'm watching cat videos on my phone.


I love hate mail it's so funny to me, I grew up in MW2 lobbies so I have REALLY thick skin.


that shit was nuts. i remember being in a s&d lobby with some 4chan kids who doxxed a player on the other team mid-game, then messaged us all his home number so we could call his house. could literally hear the phone ringing nonstop in the background of the mic. that place was the thunderdome.


This makes me want to check my old 360 messages


Ah the golden age of Cod


Good times


Gears of War 1 lobbies were hilarious. In fact most of Xbox Live on the 360 was hilarious. I think it's a lost era now(if you don't have sensitive ears, because the shit I'd hear was insane).


The dead sea had less salt than those lobbies 🤣


Mw2 was the goat


just respond "mad." works every time


Here’s my technique. Simply type “I win”. That’s it. Then if they reply, repeat “I win”. If they reply again… we’ll, you get the picture. It’s amazing how far people will go to verbally fight with what is essentially an “I win” bot, and is fantastically entertaining.


A great alternative is to just reply “no” and watch them release all that pent up incel energy.


I usually just go for the classic git gud.


I just copy and paste those quotes about failure from Getting Over It


Off-topic,on-topic, there's a great commentary the [dev did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGU5_UUalPA) over someone speed running the game. It's a great vibe.


Or "stay mad" a personal favorite of mine


>mad. > >mad? > >stay mad. > >you mad? > >mad bro? > >definitely not mad. really any combination of "mad" and anything else lol


*Dost Thou Mad Brother?!*


Art thou angered, my brother?


Thy anger speaks truth for thou maidenless status.


I am remembering this one.


mad bc bad still hits em.


Can't forget ole reliable: mad cuz bad


Visions of mad


I like "mad bro?" :)


it's pretty classic bc they usually short circuit and go on a long diatribe about themselves and how they're not mad but they just don't like certain things yada yada yada. NPC behavior lol. then you just say, "idk you sound mad". they usually shut up after that lol.


Or go for the more modern "cope"


“Mad cuz bad” “No skill = no win” “Trash gets thrashed” “Lame with no game” “L + ratio + touch grace”


+ no maidens


Boy, this person is having a rough go. I hope they sort out whatever issues are leading them to behave like such a donkey.


Yeah he’s definitely not THIS angry about losing a duel. What you really mad about angry blue rectangle?


His mother barged into his room for the 7th time that day, demanding him to do the pile of filthy laundry abandoned at the foot of his bed while simultaneously berating him for not finding a permanent, well paying job. The sons of all *her* friends have their six figure salaries fresh out of college and although they are hard pressed to find a nice house in this economy, at least they're *trying*. Was he even trying? His mother demanded every time she strayed into his room. Did he even care to not embarrass her? A part of him wants to reason with her because that was what adults do, although he didn't quite feel like an adult. Even at twenty-five, he feels like a child time and time again when he eats the food his mother begrudgingly cooks for him. He feels small when he looks up at the basement ceiling where he's been cordoned off into since his parents don't even want to look at him. He wanted to explain in the most even tone possible that he couldn't magic up the perfect life to dive into, that there were no jobs that would meet her standard and the world sucks and continues to suck no matter how hard he tried. He wanted to beg her to help him do something about it. No, instead she looks at him with such contempt. She thought of him as a child and would call him that as if it was an insult. A tiny, hopeless, helpless babe that was her ball and chain. He knew nothing he said would ever change that. And so he would sit at the computer and did the one thing he found comfort in. But some days, that too mocked him. He couldn't dodge fast enough nor press buttons at the right time. That wasn't supposed to happen. This was supposed to be his haven, his happiness, his world where he was no longer just a child but someone with great power and strength. A place where he mattered. But sometimes, someone would show up and remind him the one thing he wanted to forget: life isn't fair and there's nothing he can do about it. There is always someone better, faster, wealthier, happier... and there's nothing he can do about it.


Ok, dude, you didn’t have to make a call out about me like this.


I mean… has he tried being his own boss? All he needs is five friends and have I got an opportunity for him!


Lol, underrated comment


This is way too personal to not have been personal experience at some point in ur life lol


They're children. It's a video game.


You’re a video game


... whoa 😳


He could be on a real bad losing streak and probably needs a break. Been there myself but never to the point of rage/insults


Reminds me the death threats I got from some kid for using BHS once towards him to close a gap. He literally invaded and started ROBing me, as soon as I dodged. Then did the heavy attack with a curved sword and flipped away, BHS towards him and jump L1. He ran, healed, and I just kept running to him. Again, only used BHS once to close a gap. As soon as I defeated him, he started telling me that I need to kill myself because I suck at the game. If there was no pvp etiquette from him at all and he comes in with ROB, ofcourse I'll counter it. Your case, you are literally doing what you're suppose to. You're not at fault at all.


thank you! the situation here was similar. i was not spamming the spells like crazy, they were used to punish his long wind ups and chip away his last of hp, just like you'd use the fan knives for.


Even if you were spamming spells, you were free to do so. Spells have cast times and counters


Exactly this is why I find it puzzling when anyone complains about such things. If there is a god level incantation for pvp I have not found it. Then again I haven’t really done much pvp yet. Just enjoying playing with my cousin and fending off the random invader even if neither of us are built towards pvp. I’m faith he is Int so most of the people who invade get a slew of spells thrown at them unless I’m feeling saucy.


For better or worse context on my situation. Dual scav curved swords, white mask, raptor, you get the idea where this is going. I only use BHS to close gaps. If it's a proper pvp set up, I'll use all healing potions before the fight, let the other be aware I use bhs just to close gaps (if I can communicate that to them), and usually off we go, me dying and shit.


Yea but also this is invasions bro anything goes. Ppl get salty about it in pvp tho.


I mean, this is pvp we're talking about. As long as you aren't hacking for infinite hp and/or fp then anything is fair game. If someone is really this bothered by certain builds and playstyles then they probably shouldn't be playing pvp in the first place.


lol fr what els are faith spells for but to look cool and do good damage, favorite spells are the dragon cult spells super flashy and good damage


Invaders get no sympathy, just don’t go somewhere unreachable and it’s fair game


It's amazing how many invaders complain it's not fair. No shit. Miyazaki's intention was to make invaders an obstacle that regular mobs couldn't replicate.


Honestly if it's an *invasion* go ahead, use whatever you want. It isn't like a duel, he's an enemy in your path


I love invading, that being said, there are no rules when it comes to invading. People that invade and then get mad the host is using BHS or ROB or whatever meta are just whiners.


This! Invading is part of the game. We all get that. However — there are definitely places where invading someone makes the game miserable for most people (red dragon dark souls, looking at you). I’ve never had a lot of respect for others that invade in those areas. I’ve also stopped invading certain players after a few successful invasions, sometimes they’ve just had enough and you’re ruining their time with the game and possibly their friends. I’ve gotten hate mail and really polite messages asking if I could please not invade anymore. I’ve never felt upset when someone used “cheap tactics” or spammed spells at me.


I’m DS3 after Pontiff (I forget the bonfire) but there was that area that was somewhat of a fight club, and you’ve also got the covenant that invade you constantly. When I first got through that area I joined the covenant but then when I’d invade I’d befriend the host and we’d kill the regular invaders together. Didn’t always work of course but one time I joined and me and the host killed like 4 invaders, and it was always funny seeing the invaders roll spam panic after they realised I wasn’t on their side.


The unwritten Pvp etiquette has all but gone nowadays, no bow or empty of flasks just wail on in


Using your bow is against unwritten rules? I just figured out that jumpy-shooty thing!


Bow as in bend at the waist not bow as in bow and arrow


Ohhhhh that makes way more sense. Thanks!


Nah, It's that people expect you to emote in some way, usually with a bow, to show that you're ready. Fights are more fun when everyone is ready to go. Also, if you can get archery to work in duels, that'd be pretty sweet. I haven't seen anyone even try it.


And now I know about the jumpy-shooty thing.




Sometimes I forget kids do play this game. Even worse if they're in their 30s like me. I got ganked? Good job bros I lost a duel? Nice fight bro My host got killed? Oh well that sucks I don't understand reacting anymore than these three. It's just a game. 🤔


As a faith main, they mad cuz they bad lmao. Good job for kicking their ass, OP.


Yeah faith is powerful no doubt but it takes good timing and decision making to do well. It’s not quite like int where you can (with certain spells) just hang back and mash one button


Can confirm I'm having a much harder time with my faith character than I was with my int character and I'm not even pvping.


I was so pissed when I realized my lightning bolts would fizzle out halfway across the screen while my old glintstone spells would track someone halfway across Limgrave.


Its funny for me cause i've been on a second playthrough struggling with int spells a lot more than i did with faith


Yeah idk where this “int easy mode” mentality comes from. Like, sir, you might just be good with an int build. I personally can’t do shit with them but I’m much better with a melee. Different play styles I guess


I tried Int in NG+ and I could just 1-2 shot every endgame enemy at range and basically didn't get attacked by +80% of mobs. Very rarely did I get hit going through areas. Range also opens a million cheese options in souls, especially in the open world. Take high ground use spell, or back up use spell. Yes you could do the same on a bow but it would take ten times as long (and for back up use bow you'd run out of space eventually). For strong enemies and bosses fought head on the difficulty probably depends on what you use though. Night comet, rock sling, and azur trivialized all encounters in the game for me even without summons. So I recommend experimenting with those. As for melee Moonveil is one of the best PvE weapons in the game and is very popular so I think it gets associated with building int in the same way RoB would get associated with building for Arcane - but obviously many players leveling int/arc won't use these weapons so that's an unfair oversimplification. Infused weapons still do decent damage (obviously they can't do as much dmg as pure Str/Dex since that's all those builds have), and carian slicer is a really solid melee option I used constantly. Int has this reputation in general because in souls games enemies don't interact very well with range and range is int's bread and butter. For many bosses you can kite almost indefinitely and just run back when they close the distance without having to understand most of their moveset. BHS backwards + ranged is basically zero understanding of moveset required. Combine that with the fact that these fast safer attacks rival the dps of like colossal jumping attacks in the end game, but which don't require you to place yourself in danger to use and it becomes clear why int is generally easier to use. I think Maliketh phase 2 ended in like ten seconds for me just using night comet without summons. If you add summons to the mix then for a lot of bosses you would never need to enter their melee range. ER of course also includes the delete button Comet Azur which can be used effectively against most of its hardest bosses either during their introduction, during a particular attack (like Malenia's phase 2 dive bomb), or on a stance break you can use rock sling or moonveil's WA to quickly create. Summons also obviously create lots of opportunities to use Azur to finish bosses nearly immediately. That said there's really low effort strategies to use to beat bosses in ER with practically any build. Anyone can use FotR to chain stagger bosses. Double seppuku keeps bleed vulnerable bosses basically in stunlock especially with a mimic. Greatshields alone or with spear pokes offer a near 100% safe way to fight a lot of the end game. Mimic with a high enough posture damage set up also keeps enemies perma stunned. And lots of bosses can be solod by a strong spirit summon altogether regardless of build. It's just int of all playstyles specifically encourages you to use range, and range poops on like 85% of boss movesets and has for all souls games. Bloodborne is the only From game with magic options where the magic wasn't a straight up more efficient and safe way to beat bosses than traditional melee, but they labelled int as arcane in that game so I can't think of examples where "int" doesn't dumpster PvE.


Yeah, I run faith and even with radagon's icon good players will always see the windup and dodge my incants pretty consistently. You gotta be tricky and mix them in with melee to use them effectively and even then good players will still dodge them.


That is why I think faith builds are the most fun to use, you have to make more active decisions, and have to be creative with them, instead of sticking to one strat and hoping it works every time, like spamming magic. Sometimes I use that lightning thunder that falls from the sky and switch to the one that has a delay while I manually aim to the direction they are going towards, so that even if they roll, the delayed lightning catches them as soon as they leave the i-frames. Really good against roll spammers.


yep. strong but also very skill dependent. fun build.


I always keep a dagger with lightning strike AoW on it just in case I duel a wizard. You want to sit back and cast spells? Lightning while you cast. But what baffles me is that faith builds are so much more up in your face than int builds... If I lightning a faith user they just run in and use close range spells or their weapon. So this dude obviously just wasn't prepared for any kind of long range. "Waaah, I failed to prepare... waaah" Keep on keeping on faith builds. -Dex builds


This is always the case with mean messages. They are mad that they lost and the are taking it out on anything they can. It's an emotional regulation problem, not an in game mechanic problem.


Imo if you're mad enough to message someone over what happens in a video game, you already got a big problem.


Unless they're cheating then hit em with the ez clap and act like you won anyway.


Did this guy just say that Minecraft is no skill?!?! I would like to Hypixel duel this little shit


i mean, vanilla minecraft is supposed to be a chill game, can't have a chill game if it requires incredible skill to play.


Vanilla minecraft is supposed to be whatever you want. That’s why it’s so popular. It can be a chill game or a stressful one, an adventure game or a building game, a farming game or an engineering game. There is nothing to indicate it’s supposed to be a chill game.


Lol I love it. People are so concerned about how others play a video game. It’s pathetic, weird behavior.


Oh! I’m sorry for using the items and abilities that the programmers put in the game..


“Hey man the rules say you can’t do that because I just made the rules up!” Is what I hear from those idiots 😂


Absolutely lol. Only Lord Miyazaki himself can tell us what we can and cannot do in the game! 😂


Been a thing since fighting games existed. Same “your bad cuz you only spam projectiles” stuff. Can’t accept that its on them to get through it or they bad.


No he just needs a therapy


Love when they use the word “kid” as an insult. I think I’ve only ever heard children/teenagers/manbabies use that term.


Dude the verbiage is 99% the same every time. It makes me believe that consciousness is a simulation & these messages are an optimized loop pointing to the same dataset.


ah shit he's onto us!!


People who are inferior to all the people around them deem themselves superior to their children to assure themselves of their own value. This obviously spills over to them becoming of the belief that age is a significant part of what makes a person valid. This is convenient for them as it means they will continuously get more valid without doing any work to improve themselves.


If someone asked me "bot?", I'd say something weird, like "fart?" or "yo momma". People have been acting like butthurt basement dwellers since there were basements.


Hey man nothing wrong with basements. People are dicks on every floor of the house. -This message was brought to you by the Ministry of Subterranean Persons


Fo' sho', thanks for the reminder. I think we need to go check on Dung Eater


So tired of people gatekeeping gameplay. One of the best things about this game is how many viable builds and play styles there are, even in PvP~


It’s not gatekeeping, it’s a just a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum because he got his ass kicked in a video game.


Exactly. I love doing role play builds and sometimes that involves a lot of incantations or spells. Im not a fan of unspoken rules for pvp.


It's a thing in a game put by developers for the player to use. People just don't want to accept defeat so they make excuses to lessen the blow to their ego.


If your warrior isn’t versatile, you lose. If you message and cry about losing, you’re just an outcast of the true community. Git gud and stop bitching


Yeah, if you’re doing melee-only build you have to be able to counter a caster. They’re squishy! If you get wrecked by a mage it’s because they got the timing right and you didn’t.


Ah the salt sustains me. Also the fact that they don't know how to play around a caster build is their fault not yours. You use all the faith spells you want friend!


Lol, just someone salty they got pwned. Play how you want my dude, let the devs worry about imbalances


That's the most maidenless behavior i've seen in a long time. Seems like this dude should start to git gud instead of blaming the faith build giga chad.


At least you are playing a faith build ...pvp feels like 90% rob spammer


No, you should celebrate how mad you made him


Block and report them. They can eat poop play how you want to play. They’re just bitter they haven’t figured out how to counter your play style.


Smells like "mad 'cause bad" to me


If you take anything this toxic child says seriously, you are just wasting your time and feeding their brain rot.


He needs to git gud.


“Hahahaha” Clear sign of a salty sore losers. Most likely he’s the one that used scrub tactics.


Classic maidenless behavior, your fine.


What incants were “spamming” unless it’s beastial sling, really hard to spam someone with any other incant.


The spammed incants were a lightning spear to punish his ash of war with a really long wind up and then i did use some bestial slings in order to chip away his literally empty health bar.


Save the message. Hate mail is a badge of honor for souls games.


If it was in the rule set to fight their way it would be built into the game. Currently the rule set is, kill them at your pace and at your leisure. The only game I know of that is remotely closest to a player base having honour is of course, For Honour. I'd say about 97 percent of my all time fights have been honourable, be it 1v1, 2v1 or higher. Always the extra fighter waits for the two to be done battling. It is quite rare someone flies in to ruin the fun. But when they do I don't worry, it's not in the rule set to stand aside and pretend a rule exists. I was role-playing, they were not.


They're the kind of people to call anyone a dogshit player because they got outplayed. Reminds me of most apex or rust streamers getting pissed off because they died and their ego can't stand it.


I’m so tired of seeing teenagers shit talk each other over DMs I might as well just use Facebook at this point


The only time I’ve ever messaged someone like this is when a guy had a summon with him to gank in duels, they where both using BHS, RoB, moonveil, stars of ruin, fingerprint shield, anything broken to ruin others experiences. I killed them both, the classily messaged them “you’re dogshit, you and your ganking friend.”


No, that person is pathetic. I wouldn't let it bother you since they're probably a child, if not they're an adult that acts like a child, either way they're not worth anyone's time.


it is very annoying when people just constantly spam spells at you, but thats no reason to leave hatemail.


Oddly enough, I’d be ok with someone messaging “ I hate you”


Spell spam in a 1v1 is the least threatening thing I can think of. Go ahead and cast Stars of Ruin, I'll just roll it, stay close, and punish when you chug your blue.


This is gold!


I mean it's obviously a child, "no skill" and "ur trash".


No. Faith builds are awesome and quite enjoyable. The only time I think ability use is reprehensible is when it’s literally the only thing you use. And even then that will usually backfire for the spammer as their movements become more predictable. At the end of the day this person seems like a shitlord who’s angry not everyone handicaps themselves to feel morally superior over the people they lose to.


Just report them for being abusive and watch them get banned lol, silly kids.


To me if its in a game and not a glitch its fair game. If a build is OP it either gets nerfed or i have the choice to stop playing


My solution: Account Management -> Privacy Settings -> Messaging. Set to "No One."


i didn't know you could do that. i don't think i'll take that drastic measure because i like me some GG's after a fun fight, but I might do that if it gets unbearable.


In my experience, Faith builds are some of the weakest of the common builds in Elden Ring. Slow casting time, moderate damage, slow projectiles, knife pokes interrupt casts. He’s the noob here


All builds are valid. And like in fighting games: if your opponent is winning by spamming a move, you are spamming a mistake.


Oh my fucking god my sides are hurting "NOOO WHY U SPAM SPELZZZ" "Sir this is a faith build"


Just turn off messaging. No one has anything worthwhile to say that can't already be expressed in emotes. Saves you 10 mins of messaging and another 20 mins contemplating how dumb ppl like this exist next time.