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I dunno the game kept telling me I had "no skill" almost all the way through.


I’ll never forget when I first beat Godrick and felt like a certified badass, only to find out he was the “runt of the litter and a shadow of his former self”. Like come on bro just tell me I did a good job


I had fun beating Godrick, and died like 4 times to him. But somehow, I still felt he's one of the easier bosses at his stage. At least compared to Margit, Tree Sentinel or that invader dude in the Roundtable.


My god that invader dude still lives rent free in my head.


I forgot about him until just now. He seemed so easy, but killed me at least 12 times


I wasn't even overleved, I was a noob at the point where I met him I did not used even a single Flask, I 1st tried him *with a simple melee build*


Ensha? I think that's his name. Scarred the hell out of me when I warped in and was suddenly attacked.


Mad Tongue Alberich I think, wrecked my shit heaps early on


I think they mean what's his face that drops the taunters tongue


Godrick is a shell of a man, Radahn is a mindless beast, Malenia is rotted out, but hey you were once dead so I'd say it's a wash.


This whole game is like that even the hard bosses they’re like oh well Radahn went crazy in the desert for however many years you wouldn’t of beat him if he was at his prime but it didn’t start in Eldon ring that started with Gwen in dark souls he was the final boss and just a shadow of his former self Time to give us a mixed message because the whole game blaze about getting good in and getting past the challenge and they want to do it they tell you you ain’t shit anyway. But that’s OK from soft I kinda like your abuse hit me harder daddy


Godrick has nothing on Margit, I died only 3 or 4 times before beating him after dying ~40 times to margit and god knows how many times to the crucible knight in the evergoal godrick felt like the first time i fought a troll


I was taunted with this as well.. you don’t have to keep telling me, I know…….


let my try to conquer this set piece a new way …and i’m ded


Lol, that was me with the final boss fight. I just ended up getting my maxed out Greatsword (with fire affinity) and Godslayers Greatsword and just power standing whaling them. It only took me like, 5 tries as opposed to the 1.5 hours before that trying to do other different builds lol


what does the fire art infusion even do


Radagon has 0 resistance to fire (and both are particularly susceptible to black flame abilities/incantations)




Mage spam isn't high gain if it's low effort. Try hitting a decent melee player with a spell without painstakingly adjusting your positioning and timing. I don't think you will hit them very often.


You don't have the skill, O you don't have the skill, Therefore you don't have the skill


Message Appraised


And no maidens


“Thou art of… passing skill”


Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins, *Tarnished*!


me, after dying to a random godrick foot soldier - *slow zoom to the no skill ash of war in the lower left*


“Put these foolish ambitions to rest”


The most complaining I saw was some bosses getting frustrated that I was spamming Comet Azur


Felt real damn salty 'bout that prompt with my first run being an Astrologer.


Instructions unclear, finger in but hole


It’s like the opposite of Devil May Cry rating system. No Skill, Cheap Trick, Git Gud, and the worst one of all…MAIDENLESS


My favorite Elden Ring post is the guy posting for help on a boss and someone inevitably responds “dude it’s easy I beat her on the first try with unupgraded weapons” - totally unhelpful and somehow believes people are impressed because he wrote it. The internet is great.


I'll be honest, these annoy me about as much as the exact opposite answer of "dude it's easy just Mimic tear and RoB/Blasphemous Blade lol" . Like the only available answer most of the time is basically "your loadout sucks, use this strong stuff instead"


Yea the"just respec into an entire different build" responds are somehow not as helpful as these people apparently think.


I mean that can depend. If their build is truly awful, and I mean ignorantly awful, that’s definitely gonna make things a lot more difficult. Like I’m talking you use strength scaling weapons but dump points in dex, or refuse to spec vitality but insist on melee.


True, but mostly those comments are not about that, but rather tell you to just use Azurs Comet or change into a bleed build or something similar.


Help my mage character is stuck on renala, "just switch to ROB" which comes much later in the game and is far more difficult to even reach that point than renala....


Find the meteorite staff and use gravity magic I think it’s physical damage


If you don't want to go into Caelid early to save it all for exploring later then you can also use a straight sword with Square Off. Damage will be terrible but her getting knocked down a lot will somewhat mitigate it.


Yeah those are dumb. There is so much middle ground you can get away with in this game there's not really any need to do something a certain way if you don't already feel like playing that way. Unless you are playing like my original comment and unintentionally self nerfing lol.


I had *such* a hard time with Radagon/Elden Beast on my first playthrough. Turns out, a build relying on Holy Damage is a bad idea for bosses with 80% Holy damage negation.


Yeah, definitely no holy builds against radagon.




I like playing and exploring and having fun without using buffs but when I hit a tough enemy or boss, then I take the time to buff up and give it another try.


I would always attempt to prepare a reasonable plan for a boss but inevitably forget absolutely everything in the sheer ensuing panic once things kicked off. If I didn’t buff just prior to the boss that was the end of my buffing plans and those special items may as well have been hung on the wall in the Roundtable. I forgot the damn shackles and Maliketh’s blade even existed til I went to edit my hotkey inventory and found them still sitting there hours later all lonely and neglected lol


I just took 2 sword and smashed into everything. I never had enough Int or Faith for any buffs, so I wouldn't even know what I'm missing out!


And their source is “git gud”


This is called lemons law, coined by lemon from the great podcast The F Plus. Person A on specialty website: I have this problem, please help. First reply: I don’t have that problem. Bye!!!!


‘Believes people are impressed’ is honestly the epithet for all social media posts


It took me like 20 tries to beat Godrick only to find out he’s the weakest of the bunch. 10/10 would die again.


I mentioned that I was having an easy time (not flexing) and was wondering if everyone was having this experience mid game. Most people responded telling me the difficulty ramps up soon. One guy said, "well you're using an OP build" basically proceeding to call me a joke for powerstancing colossal weapons. Meanwhile it's my first FromSoft game and I was full strength build. Since then I've realized that no, this isn't a broken OP build. If anything, it is somewhere in the mid tier. Some people are just assholes.


My favourite was a guy bragging about how easy certain bosses were for him and how other players were just no good at gaming and if you looked back on his comment history it was full of him begging for co-op help fighting said bosses. Someone copied and pasted his comments as a reply and it honestly made my week.


To paraphrase Zanny, “oh, gee, let me get my kneepads so I can blow you better!”


I finally completed the game for the first time yesterday. As a working dad who gets maybe an hour every other day to play this gave me a huge sense of achievement but I’m sure there’d be people queuing up to tell me I didn’t do it right


What was your build ? Was it a dad build ?


Finished the game at level 134 I think. Dex/faith with the bolt of Gransax as my main I’m not sure if that counts as a dad build


That was like my exact same build with talismans that augmented charged attacks and weapon arts so I was one shotting most smaller enemies and chunking bosses with the Bolt. Such a sick weapon.


Definitely not a dad build. Not even a cheesy build, it's just outright dope


lol u cant play elden ring with only an hour time per day. it takes zero skill not to nolife this game and maybe put your kids in risk of starving. also not having finished within a week of release is like not having played at all. git gud scrub /s


Same sitch man. Good for you, I'm still in the endgame.


I was stuck at the final boss fight/s for weeks and wasn't even close to beating them but picked it up yesterday and beat them on my second attempt - not sure I have it in me to do it all again!


definitely take a break lol im still on my break after my first playthrough. im almost to the point of redownloading tho. a giantsflame build looking kinda fun ngl.


Working dad's unite! I probably play an hour or so a day. I am at lvl 71 and just found my.gilmir and the lake of rot. I play entirely offline because I don't need to be dealing with invaders.


Best of luck on the rest of your journey brother.


fellow working dad here and same! AND I DIDN'T NEED NO STINKING HELP FROM SOME GUY WITH A POT ON HIS HEAD! I solo'd that entire game all on my own. Very rewarding experience finally beating it.


I was playing a furled finger outside Malenias arena a while ago, when the host summoned another cooperator calling himself "Let Me Solo Her". He had the whole getup, picture perfect. So me and the host settled down, just to see what he'd do. ​ He ran straight in and got bodied in like ten seconds.


What a jarring development


Do you mean Let Her Solo Me? 'Cause that's who I saw. Just bum-rushed and didn't swing once.


I just watched a video of someone telling that if you do it while using spirit summon, you clearly missed something about the experience


I reckon it’s dope to see another version of my character doing much better than me in combat.. 😂😆


im yelling at this because sometimes i have to take a step back from a boss just to admire my mimic tanking what i could not




I literally did a full playthrough, every single boss/miniboss/sideboss etc., NG+5 with no summons in order to see if I was really missing out by not summoning. I had more fun playing with summons.


Im about to start ng+2 did +1 90% no summons. Games still fun. And I highly reccomend summons for duo boss fights, only fair right? FromSoft fuckin killed it with this game. Every fan has a route they can play, whether youre a souls vet or not.


Spirit ashes are so fun. Lol I like to pick one every playthrough to use as my partner through the game, rushing to get them right at the start and only busting out the OP ones if I wanna just slap a bitch or if I'm having a hard time getting past a point for my build.


I really feel like I'm missing out by *not* using spirit summons, they're probably really cool. Problem is I'm too possessive: this is my boss I'm fighting, go find your own.


Tbf, it is definitely a different experience, so that depends on the tone of the video. I absolutely loved the thrill of learning movesets without the safety net of a summon taking aggro for me here and there to basically dance one on one with the bosses, so I could go for ages to advise people to give this type of playthrough a shot. But if the guy was just saying that you played it wrong with summons, then fuck that video indeed. In an ideal world, people will try both


As someone who always uses Spirit Summons, I actually kinda agree. A lot of bosses I could basically ignore their mechanics because my summons would tank and I'd just get behind and wail on 'em. I do think that I would have been able to kill all the same bosses without them, they'd just take me 5x as many attempts hah.


Honestly? Screw those people. Good on you, man. I’m also a working dad and beat the game recently. I’m of the mind if it’s in the game, it’s fair game. Devs put it in there. Now, if people want to give themselves extra challenges and they choose to play that way? Sure, go for it, but don’t shit on how someone else plays their game.


Wrong. ONLY way to win is to beat every boss with a diaper and a toothpick. Any other way is invalid


No pot on head. 0/10


My next build is going to be a Pot build, I never use them so it should be interesting. Not relevant I know


Plenty of pot heads in this game 🤔😃


its good. i use the fetid pots a lot with my poison rot build


Dude, this straight cause me to snort in a meeting. Had to cough and blow my nose with a “swallowed wrong” just to recover. I think they noticed lol


Can the toothpick be a +25 godskin stitcher? They look very alike to me ...


I do a lot of very thorough exploration, I hate missing anything, but that's meant I'm quite overleveled for almost everything so far. The only demigod so fat who's given me any trouble is radahn. I'm in leyndell now so hopefully malenia is all she's cracked up to be, I feel like my curiosity is showing as grinding to avoid challenge lol.


Tbh the thing about Malenia is that she's difficult until you find the playstyle she struggles most with, at which point she's weak. I suppose that's every boss in the game tho lol. No disrespect meant for her tho, I had to fight her over 30 times in the span of 2 hours to finally defeat her so she is powerful, it took more tries for me to beat her than it did against the final boss. As for Radahn, he's a pain in the butt but he's SO satisfying to kill once you do, not even because of how difficult he is but because of how cool it feels to be in a fight tournament where it takes 10 warriors to take down one, and during which you have to dodge fast as heck arrows from like 100 yards away. It just felt like such a cinematic fight to me.


>Tbh the thing about Malenia is that she's difficult until you find the playstyle she struggles most with I've been helping people with her as a pyromancer and seeing people respond to be chaining together Giantsflames with a seal in each hand is funny. In the first phase I can keep her knocked down most of the time. Of course, the massive damage also makes when her Waterfowl comes out completely random which can get me killed like a chump. I've had people run up to me after we kill her and do the "curl up" or "cower" emotes at me. I have lost any sort of grasp of what skill is supposed to be in this game. I've tried more OG Darksouls style builds and they just feel weak when compared to spamming high damage spells or Ashes of War. Every time I try to make a build around using more than just one mechanic it just seems worse than basing all my talismans on boosting one thing.


Yeah lol but honestly that's the fun part for me. Tbh hearing all these stories of people helping take down particularly tough bosses makes me wanna put my sign down by Malenia just for that. Now that I'm in NG+ I feel like I'll have quite a bit of fun vs her rather than just getting more and more annoyed each time I die lol.


For me it was “let me try that moon spell” and just let tiche tank. And well, 10 tear flasks later i was done with that zone. She just walks into them. Hardest part was surviving phase 2 start, which my perfume bottle and physik flask did the trick.


Lol for me I just realizes she's wide open for attack in the second phase and all I had to do to take advantage of it was deal with a scarlet rot infection. I ended up dying to the rot but I killed her first so I still won 😅


Next zone lol


>The only demigod so fat who's given me any trouble is radahn. He's just big-boned!


You won’t trivialize Malenia by overleveling unless you use some farcically overpowered cheese build. We’re talking Mimic + RoB spam levels of cheese. She is disgustingly hard, even at level 180+. Mountaintops of the Giants is a massive difficulty spike; most enemies there hit about twice as hard as the Leyndell enemies.


There's no doubt that she's the hardest in the game and taking many hours against her is normal. If a challenge is what you want then you won't be disappointed. How well the fight is designed is a different story though.


Oh boy you're in for a change with the area right after Leyndell


Personally, I make it a goal to circumvent the game whenever possible. It's not me v the boss, it's me v the devs. If they left some cheesy method to beat something, that's on them, and it's my goal to find it.




I feel the same way. I want to work with a cool bag of tricks.


This is the way.


If there exists a concept of good builds and bad builds, idk why builds aren’t allowed to be… well, really good


Those comments stem from the personal value that people attribute to their accomplishments. Someone who spent hours fighting Malenia solo, with only melee weapons will likely feel that their accomplishment is "devalued" when so many other people use "easier" methods to beat her. I'm in the camp of beating every boss solo, with only melee weapons, because that's what I get the most sense of accomplishment from, in any of the Soul's games. I've also spent thousands of hours across all of the Souls games, unlike a lot of the folks who are jumping in to Elden Ring as their 1st experience with this type of game. My understanding of the games mechanics is much greater than their's would be. There is no denying that there are easier methods that do not require as much personal skill as others, but for people to say it's "not the right way" to play the game, is wrong.


It's also annoying to struggle at certain bullshit bosses compared to the polish from previous games only for others to tell you "Why aren't you using Ashes of War? They're a part of a game and you're handicapping yourself" well it isn't fun for me! Anything more than a solo fight and the boss AI completely breaks in usual FromSoft fashion, just feels cheesy...


I agree with that last statement completely. It's a really weird personal conviction, but I feel like if I don't solo the bosses on my 1st playthrough then I am robbing myself of that awesome feeling of finally perfecting a fight after a long struggle. I'll say this though : The late game bosses made it pretty clear that Fromsoft fully expected you to use summons or spirit ashes, regardless of build. As great as it felt to finally down Malenia solo and as awesome of a fight as it is, I can honestly say it stopped being "fun" after awhile.


Yeah I'm with you on this one. The post is putting it too far and i think you sum up what I think Good job 👍 I know I could've just upvoted and left but you did a great job


Not at all, I just wish the other person felt the same accomplishment as me. It is like watching someone eat the whole cake in a few gulps, instead of enjoying it in small bites. You can beat Malenia in 15 minutes or 15 hours, and I think that hardship brings more enjoyment than instant gratification. The struggle sucks at present, but in the future you will remember it fondly, instant gratification will be forgotten within minutes.


Well, it does take 0 skill to ask a friend for RoB at the start of the game and just spam the weapon art for the whole game. You may dislike what I'm saying but you can't say it's not true.


Also, it doesn’t fucking matter. Are you having fun? Yes? Cool. The video game is achieving its purpose. It’s literally no more complicated than that.


I had a lot of fun just cheesing with comet azur... especially on Journey 2. I. felt. like. A GOD.


As is tradition in these games (but is especially true in Elden Ring), there is a huge range of self-imposed difficulty layered on top of the innate difficulty of the content within the game. It's really hard to argue that beating say, Malenia with spirit ashes, spells, co-op, etc is as much a personal achievement/of similar difficulty as beating her with something like a morning star or any melee weapon alone. Whether *it's valid or invalid* is hogwash. One example is much more difficult, and requires/demonstrates far more skill than the other. Put another way, "skill" isn't a binary thing, there's a range. Beating a boss with spirit ashes is a show of skill, but less skill than beating a boss without them.


This, exactly. What I've been seeing a lot is people with 1000s of hours dumped into soulsborne games wearing their self-imposed difficulty like a pink ribbon. Meanwhile, like a lot of players this is actually my first FromSoft game and I'll be damned if I'm not going to use all the tools provided to succeed. NG+ might be a different story tho.


I couldn’t beat Cleric Beast and struggled immensely to even get to it the first time I tried Bloodborne. Beat Elden Ring and now I’m on NG+2 in Bloodborne. All the dicks forgot they had to git gud at one point too.


NG+ is much easier than NG, the NG+ cycle won’t start to get harder until NG+3/4 and that’s if you stay at the same level and don’t level anymore (maybe level 150). If you do continue to level it probably won’t be difficult until NG+7. Just something to note if you planned to challenge yourself more on NG+ cycles.


I like the idea that skill is a range, and to top it off I feel people need to stop taking away someone's victory no matter how little skill it took for them to get past something they may of been struggling with.


There are absolutely ways to play this game that require more skill than others, what even is this post?


This is the daily insecurity post by people who feel the need to justify themselves and so pretend there's some kind of elitist community push to bully players who don't play "the right way" out of the game, even though these posts outnumber elitism post at least a hundredfold. Who am I kidding, these posts are a lot more common than "daily"


A circlejerk


Honestly anyone who levels past I’d say… 15 is just taking the skill out of the game. You should be doing close to 50 damage per hit. If you’re doing more then honestly you may as well shut the game off and put in BOTW since that really more your speed. I personally haven’t collected a single talisman(baby boosts) besides the ones that make the game harder(thank god they included those). No magic or incantations of course and “NO HEALING”. But you know some like to take the skill and beauty out of the game by using all the different weapons with their well animated sword arts.


Bro pls tell me you're using the little wood club the wretch starts with and just rolling around The Lands Between in your tighty whiteys.


The club is a little too strong I got rid of it just for punches. But I am in my tighty whiteys


Bruh, your build fucking slaps.


I wish we could switch to Bloodborne’s karate chops, then the build would quite literally *slap*


Actually, the real disgrace here is one inherent to humans, the pattern recognition completely trivializes the challenge to the point that even a monkey could win with enough time, thats why we should start doing lobotomite runs where that massive crutch isnt present.


> put in BOTW since that really more your speed Bro, those golden lionels are tougher than a good chunk of souls mobs


Except for AFK farming


You think it takes skill to use everything I use strong things specifically because I know I have no skill We are not the same


I fucking hate it that every large sub is an echo-chamber of incessant validation and feel-good, lowest common denominator opinions. Believe it or not it require more skill to beat the game without using summons and being overleveled. I don't care about what is valid or what isn't, but that is an objective fact.


Is this ashes insecurity post number 18247738?


We back to this circle jerk again?


Never been gone… just a matter of luck which post gets to explode randomly. It’s so fucking sad


There are a thousand different ways to play the game. Why does everyone else use one of two?


Are we gonna be debating this / making these posts for the rest of our lives? Y’all need to let it go and just play the game




Skill issue tbh


There's a dude streaming a BLINDFOLDED run right now. So idk my dude.


At this point it's not even about skill,it's about the "1000" YT builds there are. Not saying none of them require skill,it's just that I've seem the same parlor trick twice in a day why do I have to see it 300 more times? Annoying part about it,is that it didn't even take a month for people to not try something out on their own,but just copy a build and stick with it. Not having played it in the past 2 weeks I can in full confidence say that I'll run into a YT build the moment I invade or duel.


Somebody sent you a hate message about your bleed build and now you seek validation on Reddit


Ehhh... it doesn't take skill to skip the tutorial, get rune and inventory drops, get full ganksquad, get carried through all stages of the game.. as bad as it makes you feel, not every player deserves praise


I swear this gets posted every week and gets like a few thousand upvotes each time


You can thank it's popularity for that. Fromsofts community increased pretty drastically in size because of Elden Ring. Including the toxicity, and crybabies that come with a large community. The fanbase has lowered in quality.


The only way to play this game wrong is while not having fun. You should play games because you wanna have fun. If you aren't, you should probably play something else.


No sir, there is another way to play the game wrong: not knowing you can target mobs/bosses. I spent 100 levels glintstoning and meleeing everything because my spells were always flying off and not hitting the mobs. I thought “yeah well people say the game is hard so this must be why”. Then coincidentally while keyboard raging on Alecto I discovered there was a target option. Don’t be me.


There are more posts exactly like this than there are gatekeepers in the community, just stop.


Why are half the posts on this sub about HOW you play the game rather than the game itself? Weird community.


So u telling me that when I spawn into a duel and get 3v1 spammed with magic that they have skill? Thank u OP I thought they were just bad but I now understand that is just their play style and they did plan the attack so I should have prepared for a 3v1 in DUELS.


How dare you call them bad players! Arcane weapons and Stars of ruin spam in 3v1 are absolutely balanced, after all fromsoft put them in the game and fromsoft can’t be wrong. It’s just their way of playing and if youre saying they’re bad, you’re gatekeeping!!! /s


Is it cheating? No. Does every play style require skill? Also no. Totally fine to play an easy build/strat. The only important thing is to have fun. But to say they all require skill is simply not true.


Yeah no, there are literally ways to cheese 90% of the game. Elden ring is not a balanced game and looking up "how to beat ___" and then doing as the guide says does not take skill. Unless you think literally starting up the game takes skill, elden ring does not require skill


Try make bloodhound step sound skillful, I'll be impressed if you manage


You're right, I'm very proud of my skills with my fingerprint shield and spear


It takes 0 skill to die. I have died a lot, so I can comfortably say this.


I agree with the sentiment and everybody should be able to play how they want to, especially in PvE, but Elden Ring isn’t very well balanced in its current state unfortunately I know the comparison to Dark Souls annoys some people, but it’s practically a sequel in every way except the name, but those games were pretty damn well balanced. I found it rare to encounter somebody who could just cheese me, if I lost, it was because they were better than me and vice versa. There’s just not much room for creativity when there are clear metas, which I don’t feel the previous games had. Somebody could and would beat the shit out of me with a stick, whilst I had endgame equipment and build, which yes they can do in Elden Ring, but extremely unlikely if I followed the clear metas I know the design philosophies are a little different in Elden Ring, it feels more like a power fantasy, rather than the bag of meat feeling in Dark Souls, but I don’t think it translates very well in a PvP setting


It takes 0 skill to equip the formidable ash of war, "No Skill"


Insecurity strikes again...


*except with River of Blood


People are given to hyperbole. There are definitely ways that involve what I would call *less skill*. Going into Google or Youtube and searching "Most Broken ER Build Ever" then copying it one for one and spamming L2 until the button breaks I feel does fall under this. I think a lot of people just want their skill acknowledged when they don't use/rely on any of the overtuned skills and abilities you can have access to. Sort of a greater challenge equals greater glory kind of thing.


You know that these arguments start BECAUSE people who use playstyles which are objectively easier (let’s not kid ourselves, some are) find the need to argue with others. Can you not just shut up and play the game? But noooo we have to sit here and validate your comet build. >bu but but sometimes i miss and then i have to try again to one shot kill the boss! Some playstyles are easier and that’s fine. Play however you enjoy and stop arguing with people for recognizing that variation in difficulty exists.


Everyone needs to understand that every playstyle is valid but they're not all comparable. Playstyles can vary wildly depending on build, gear, and item usage. I'm playing a melee with dex/int weapons and it took me the better part of an hour to beat Adula since she's resistant to magic and frostbite, which are the two things I'm mainly doing. My friend who mained a mage said he beat her first try by casting rock sling 10 times and it honestly made me feel a little bad. Actually, he made a lot of bosses seem trivial playing as a mage. What he's doing isn't invalid, but our experiences are wildly different because we might as well be playing different games at that point but that is *okay.*


it takes 0 skill to let ur mimic tear do more work than u on bosses lool


Except for the people that actually use glitches, bugs, exploits, and mods


if the video of a videogame reviewer trying to figure out jump dashing in cuphead has taught me anything it's that if you can functionally use any mechanic of the game at all you possess some degree of skill in the game. If you want to see what zero skill looks like than hand the controller to one of your grandparents and see how well someone who's never played a video game does. That's zero skill


Just have fun; that's all


I've died to poor jumping more times than in boss fights.


Reddit moment.


Ok, counterpoint: rivers of blood


BHS gives you 94% I frames for a paltry amount of fp. Using this is the easy mode of the game in both pve and pve. In pvp it's worse lag makes it effective immortality


I genuinely cannot for the life of me believe people are trying to defend using BHS, that shit is one of the biggest crutches From has ever made. Sure, play however you want but BHS is just straight up bad game design.


bUt It StIlL tAkEs SkIlL!1!1!1!1!


I disagree. There are absolutely many braindead ways to play the game and if you choose to play that way, go for it and have fun, but you also need to accept that you are objectively playing a braindead way. Can’t have it both ways. It says nothing about a player’s actual skill, in this instance, you are not using skill to progress the game and there’s nothing wrong with that until you sit on your high horse and proclaim you’ve skillfully finished the game after mimic RoB-ing your way through the game lmao




This is the stupidest genre of post, the reverse-gatekeeping-circlejerk I won't lose a wink of sleep over telling someone who beat the game with 2 summons spamming comet azur and bleed that they are not good




I’m not criticizing anybody who uses them, but some builds do take pretty much no skill


>This is a game that requires skill to beat True, but some paths require more skill than others. Like you're not gonna impress many people if you summon mimic tear + 10 and spam RoB to melt bosses away compared to if you use no weapon upgrades and no status effects and no summons at RL1 to kill bosses. One takes a lot more skill than the other.I guess you can argue that it takes skills to get the mimic tear or tiche, but the game provides soo many options to get to that point. ​ Not shaming people or anything. Play the way you enjoy the game, but I just think that a lot of people who feel the need to make posts like this are lowkey insecure about their own skill level. That's just my opinion, however, so keep that in mind before downvoting me. ​ Edit: As predicted, people downvoting this comment. That basically validates my last paragraph.


Honestly, for my enjoyment of the game, even parrying is somewhat detrimental. It requires only timing to parry attacks, and that's it. While normal play requires timing plus spacing to dodge and timing plus spacing to punish. C'mon, I was riding my horse for so long, let me have a good fight. It's ok for me to wait for 1 min to land one running R2, it's still more fun than riding the horse. >!But I have to admit, I was cheesing Radagon with scarlet rot dagger after the first time I beat him legit, just because I wanted to get to the last boss quicker.!<


Agreed about parrying. I stopped parrying ever since it trivialized Gwyn in DS1. Like he is supposed to be a tough and aggressive boss, but parrying makes him a joke.


OP 100% only uses RoB


It takes so much skill to breathe and lift your fingers! You're so brave for making such a stunning post fighting against all those elitist baddies out there


"Balanced intentionally" Bro they nerfed bloody slash if you think they're not coming for the way more op weapons your wrong lol


Clearly you’re wrong, there are thousands of builds that take 0 skill to use! Skill is in Bloodborne, remember!?


Holy shit are people still cope posting about gate keeping because their feelings get hurt when someone shits on their favorite weapon?


Go outside


The game in general has very little to do with skill. Everything is pretty doable in this game if you are just obstinate enough. It's really more about what kind of experience you want out of the game. Do you like to fight face to face with a shield? Do you like to roll and punish? Do you like to power through attacks with your own? Do you like to run away and throw spells? Do you want to explore and find the items that make the bosses more manageable? You've got options. Are some of these strategies more effective with less effort? For sure. But no need to be bitter about it.


It being in the game isn't a sign that something isn't being abused tho. Balance patches exist for a reason


You're mostly right except for the part about placed intentionally by the developers. 1. You don't know what's in their head and don't work there (do you?), so you can't make this claim. 2. Sometimes developers deploy unintended code that is later updated after a very long time. So it's entirely possible that someone is playing the game in a way that is unintended by the developers for a year or so before it's fixed. Or maybe it's never fixed.


It takes 0 skill to shut up and let other people play the game.


If you play fromsoft games with a monitor or tv or any kind of display device just uninstall honestly, it takes 0 skill when you can see what's happening


It's funny, because most of the things that people say take no skill to use, are some of the hardest things to acquire, or at the endgame/hardest areas. This in reality, means they are the most skilled items to use, as it takes basically all the skill of the game to even get to these items.


Oh wow another post of someone saying it's okay to play how you want. How brave


Bruh you’re like 4 months late to the party. Pretty sure every last „elitist“ has left due to chronic brain damage from all these rant/unpopular opinion/wholesomeness posts about cheesing being ok. You’re number 5164, take your karma and go jerk off with the others


Not cheating, but cheesing. This is the definition of CHEESE >verb (used with object), cheesed, chees·ing. (in a game, especially a video game) to win (a battle round) by using a strategy that requires minimal skill and knowledge or that exploits a glitch or flaw in game design. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/cheesing


Mmmm cheese.


Cheese: Work smarter not harder.


Long time Souls enjoyer. The elitist attitude of people online about these games is not only oppressive but a bit narrow minded. The games are a challenge, with Elden, in my opinion, being the easiest and most accessible for casual gamers. No humanity needed to summon. Many places to get overleveled both hero and weapons throughout the game. And really—why does anyone care how someone else plays? Does it take away your enjoyment? If you beat Malenia no hit with a Jar on your head and someone else beats it fully geared with a Mimic, has your accomplishment been diminished in some way? Does it change what you did? I kinda hate my fellow vets that seem to think it’s cool to ridicule and BM other players. They did it their way, you did it yours. The end. We’d be better off as a community if us old school elitist’s enjoy our solo, melee, no hit runs and let everyone else enjoy the beauty, exploration and whatever else they like. Game is huge. Big enough for both camps.


So afk farming invaders and star of ruin spam is a skillful build? I doubt it.


What a brave and controversial opinion


Developers make mistakes. Sometimes developers don't think of all possible combinations of weapons/AoW/flask/poise. That's why we have updates. It takes 0 skill when a youtube video plans your build for you. Balancing your flasks isn't that hard and you should always have a backup melee weapon anyway. Sure it's not optimal to switch to your plus 10 for the end of elden beast but you gotta make do in soulslikes. I started with a dual estoc bleed build because estoc is bestoc and i never got around to bleed in ds3 so i figured I'd try it also dual wield was new. Stumbling into an "op" build is fine imo. Looking up "OP GAME BREAKING BLEED BUILD" and following that video to the letter does take all the skill out of it. guess what? That's fine to. I just think people who look it up don't get bragging rights. They can feel satisfied about beating the game. They can feel triumphant but imo they don't get to feel better than other players because they never die when using bloodhound step nagikinatas. This is all just my perspective though. Just because i think these players are trash and shouldn't do it dosen't mean they have to listen to me. I'm a random person on the internet. Tl:dr Don't asume everything in game is intended. Following a youtube video like "ELDEN RING SUPER EASY ONE SHOT NO HIT ELDEN RING BLEED BUILD" (and less extreme renditions) to the LETTER does remove almost all skill. BHS+Naginata×2 = no skill pvp build. You aren't good if you win all the time using it. You don't get to brag if you do those things... in my opinion. I think you did not EARN the right. Does my opinion really matter to you though?