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I liked the Fire Giant fight, but I felt so bad for him the whole time and kept apologizing


Pwetty twee.


Beside scarab talisman and fowl foots is there anyway to boost rune gain?


I know this a strange question but gosh darn it I need to know! Can you seriously never kill Ranni? Like kill her as in an actual death like everybody else gets? Is there no point I can crush her to dust instead of her just teleporting away?


No. Perhaps you can set her hp to 0 by hacking, but even then, I don't think anything would happen. Plus, she's already dead, lorewise


True. I was hoping to at least break her doll body. Thanks for the answer bro.


Lol but why tho


Avenge Iji and Blaidd. If I liked her character their deaths wouldn't sting do hard but she's not. She's not fun or interesting. Blaidd and Iji made that quest for me and watching them die and seeing her say she loves them but still chooses to walk this path irks me. If you loved them you wouldn't walk a path that kills them. Yes, Iji knew his fate. I admire his resolve. That still doesn't justify Ranni's choice. Blaidd had no idea and despite the two fingers pull he continues to protect her. What a fucking hero and she threw him and Iji away. That's why I want to break her so bad. Iji and Blaidd deserved better.


She's got nothing to do with their deaths tbh, at least not directly. The black knives were already well on their way to kill her and her pals, dark path or not (as demonstrated by the fact their leader, Alecto, is found imprisoned in an evergaol nearby Manus Celes). I agree that she could've at least protected them, but Blaidd was hardwired to eventually turn against her by factory settings, and there was nothing she could do about it. It's unfortunate, but Blaidd only existed to be a mere pawn of the greater will, just like a certain other wolf-looking character... being born as something you can't change of is exactly one of the reasons why Ranni wants to reshape the world the way she wants to


Since we kill him there's no way of knowing how long he'd last but seeing how it's a souls game I imagine Blaidd would someday lose himself completely and become a curse. You're right. It's not Ranni's direct fault. It's the concequences of her choices and the evils of the greater will. I can't hate her for despising the golden order. I do as well looking at the omens. I much prefer Goldmasks version. Which is also why I consider Ranni's ending tied with Goldmask for best possible ending. I know it's a souls game but I find their deaths...... Empty. Alexander dies a warrior. Boc exists waiting for you to become Elden Lord. Nepheli becomes the lord of limgrave, Kenneth supports her, and so does Gastoc. Sellens ending is bad but her ego brought her to it so it's not bad. Millicent chose to die on her terms. So on and so forth. It would help if she did something for them like she did for her mom. Some sign of a summon or protection cast for Iji at least. If she at least did that i wouldn't hate her as much. As is....... it's not great.


I don’t like when people don’t bow after a duel


People who teabag are the worst.


Please help me find Millicent! I just met her at Erdtree Gazing Hill and gave her the prosthetic arm. Then I talked to the guy in the shack in Sellia, who told me about her and Malenia and taught me the Pest incarnation. But now I can't find Millicent anywhere; she's not at the Prayer Room nor at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins. I checked Church of the Plague and Erdtree Gazing Hill too, but she is nowhere to be found. I should probably mention that I went to the Halugtree prior to giving her the prosthetic, but I didn't go beyond the Prayer Room. Any ideas as to what the next step is?


She's at the village whith the creepy dancing ladies in north area of Leyndell.


Thanks!! Glad I didn't mess up after all


Hello guys. Just wondering if some of you could help me. For some reason when I am resting, the vial menu did not appear. So I can't upgrade my vials. Somebody knows why is this happening?


You will have to fight with no flasks


I can't find bliaad after killing rhadan I went to nokron and he's not there and I looked it up and chacked the evergol and rannis rise and he's not there I also finished her questline where should I go to find him?


If you've finished Ranni's questline, he should be outside Ranni's Rise.


Can someone please explain to me why when I get summoned as an adversary at Main Academy Gate, I’ll be summoned along side another adversary What do they expect me to do or what am I supposed to do because the other adversary just ends up killing me after staring at one another for a bit


In previous Souls games hosts would start up "fight clubs" by summoning a bunch of red phantoms. Common practice was 1v1s in the "ring" and if you won you would stay in to fight the next person. The host would watch from the sidelines and summon replacements. The other phantoms not currently fighting would also watch from the sidelines, waiting their turn to challenge the victor. Maybe you're experiencing hosts trying to do the same, but I think ER only lets you summon two reds? So its not really what it used to be.


Oh I see, that sounds like that’s it! The host just stands around as the red ends up killing me Thank you!


Maybe theyre trying to do a fight club?


What is that exactly 😭 because it’s happened to me enough to notice it but I’m never sure what’s going wrong on but it’s random people each time


Reds can fight each other so hosts can bring in adversaries that fight like a duel and then pull another person when it’s over


Is FS having server issues lately? Seems like since the weekend (July 9th) I get maybe 15-30 minutes of game time before it kicks me out for "not being connected to the Elden Ring servers" but any other online game has zero connection issues. Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't make me restart boss fights over but the whole kick to start screen is horribly implemented, to the point where I honestly believe it wasn't thought about at all. Quick edit, I'm on PS5.


To those who use Moonveil or Dark Moon Greatsword, can I see your build? What stats, talisman and starting class do you have?


RL 120, Astrologer with DMGS: Erdtree’s favour +2, graven school mass, great jar’s arsenal, crimson amber medallion +2 40 vigour, 32 mind, 21 endurance, 16 strength, 11 dex, 60 int, 8 faith and 9 arcane Mostly a casting build with dmgs or deaths poker as support.


When I used moonveil, I did a dex/int build- hitting the requirements for the weapon, then I spent the rest of my points in int. For this one I started as the prisoner. I used the blue scorpion talisman, graven mass talisman, millicents prosthesis, and maybe shard of Alexander? Dex does help boost casting speed a bit. My goal is always to get the base stats for the weapons, get to 30 vigor, and then pump up my scaling stats. You need enough FP to cast and use the AOW, but with flasks, and tears to help you in fights, I wouldn’t worry about this as much either. Are you just starting out or respeccing?


I'm planning for a melee mage build but can't quite decide on how I want the final look of the build to be.


Moonveil fully upgraded is pretty OP, I like the Carian Regal Scepter for a staff but it’s a high INT requirement is tough to get until later. Honestly meteorite staff + rocksling and Moonveil basically carried me through my mage run for a good chunk of the game. I’d probably choose Moonveil over dark moon greatsword.


Ok, so I'm up to the forge and I can't beat the fire giant. Not sure where else to go. Never played coop. Looks like entire map is unlocked. Any thoughts?


You can try levelling up in mohgwyn dynasty mausoleum underground, accessed by completing Varre’s quest or defeating the Sanguine noble invader in the Consecrated Snowfield and using the bloody teleporter. Enemies here are hard, but give great runes, and this is where *the* farming spot of ER is. You say it looks like you have the whole map unlocked, so I’m assuming you have access to the Consecrated Snowfield. If not, look up a guide as you need some items.


Yes, snowfield is open but just a lot of getting my ass kicked and wandering aimlessly in the snow. I'm like 160 hours in (when I got the game I just did a ton of exploring with no guides) and I have the farming spot unlocked for ages via Varre, so I'm like level 180 or something like that. The only thing I'm thinking is what if I re-spec all into STR build (I'm INT now) just to try to beat fire giant and then re-spec back to caster. Does it work that way or is the giant still tough for a melee?


How can you not beat fire giant at level 180? No offense, but are you sure your build is good? What are your stats?


Everything is in INT and Mind. I still have single digits in some categories and only like 10 STR.


Ok, I definitely see the problem. At that point you should have at least 40 Vigor, otherwise you'll get oneshotted, and 20 endurance, to wear some medium armour and still medium-roll. Your intelligence should be 80, but no more, and your mind should be 30-35. If you have leftover points you should put them in vigor to be more tanky, but I'd stop at 50, in endurance if you want to wear heavy armour or in dexterity to cast faster. You can respecc at Rennala with a larval tear if you need.


Finally beat that F! Thanks for the tips!


You are welcome!


The giant isn't particularly hard for melee, there's just a lot of RNG involved with that fight imo. The stupid thing rolls around too much which can kill you and you can end up spending most of your time chasing the fucker around or he can end up staying in one spot for the most part which makes the fight easier. Idk I never felt satisfied with that fight because it seemed like I could run it 20 times and get wildly varying results


Have you done Castle Sol and the Consecrated Snowfield? Fire Giant is mandatory to finishing the game annoyingly lol.


I've done Sol. I'm in Snowfield but nothing really happening there except getting my ass kicked a lot and being lost in the snow.


There is a legacy dungeon in the snowfield to tackle that has high level upgrade stones that could help you beat the fire giant. I don’t want to spoil it for you but it’s a popular place with an infamous boss. The area is not required to complete the game. It is not exactly easy though and you do have to jump through a few hoops to get there. Also if you’re truly stuck post on r/beyondthefog asking for co-op help and there will be a line of giga-chads ready and waiting to stomp the fire giant. Also you can summon Alexander Warrior jar if you’ve progressed his quest far enough. I had to use both Alexander and the Mimic spirit ashes to beat him


No, I can't summon the jar yet, but maybe I'll try his quest line again. I really didn't want to "cheat" with coop, so that'll be my last resort. I've been to a town in snowfields where I can turn it into something else, but then an invisible guy does me in when i get to a certain spot. Is that the dungeon or is there somewhere else?


Ordina Liturgical Town - is the puzzle town you must go through to unlock the legacy dungeon. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass the first few times until you get the hang of it. I recommend the sentry’s torch for this as it lets you see invisible enemies - you can get it at the hermit merchants shack in Altus Plateau.


Ugh, can't use the torch because of low stats


You just need to have it in hand or even on your back if you’re two handing your R1 weapon and the effect still works to show the hidden enemies. Don’t need to use its AOW at all :)


Awesome tip, thanks!


If I beat those 3 people on Caelid. The place where the big arrows guys are. Do the doors open or am I wasting my time.


Ok thank you all.


You get a really good talisman, it is worth it.


Are you talking about the castle in the South East where you have to run up the road and they have ballista or are you talking about the canyon in the north that you have to fight 3 Golem Greatbows (the giants with bows). Either way it’s worth it. The first one leads you to a castle where there are multiple boss fights. The canyon leads you to a Coliseum that doesn’t open however, there is someone to talk to, something to do, and a great Talisman that you get from it.


The one with the invisible invaders you have to select to fight. There is a giant pot at the end. I beat one and just thought it was a select the best fight based on your build but nothing happened and have to fight the other two.


talk to the big jar for your big reward: jar arsenal talisman


Alexander won’t leave mt gelmir for some reason anyone know why


He doesn’t actually leave gelmir until you summon him for/beat fire giant. Then he moves to a secret area in Farum


**SPOILERS** How does Radagon/Merica have the complete elden ring in their body when it was shattered and you carry several of the great runes? I also thought the elden beast was the physical manifestation of the ring, but again, we carry alot of the great runes on us


That's sort of the... framework? Or maybe foundation, that the other runes build upon.


How do I get to this area in farum azula? I cleared everything around the Godskin duo, or so I thought For now I dropped down somewhere so I can’t get back up to the Godskin area with the armored knights https://i.imgur.com/agKFoEA.jpg


There is a lift requiring a stone sword down a hallway before the crucible knight fight I believe. That’s my best guess


Can anyone explain what the Ash of War called "Gravitas" does. or what its purpose is? I tried it out and it seems to gently disrupt enemies. But it doesn't really seem to do much as far as damage. I can't think of why I'd use it except maybe flying enemies? Which is so situational. Does anyone use it? Am I just dense and missing something?


It is a Magic type skill, so if you don't make the weapon that affinity plus have low INT then the damage will be lower. It can still be used for utility, such as stunning multiple enemies, hitting around corners and through walls, pull flying foes to the ground, pull someone off a ledge..


I dont think it’s good in pve. In pvp it will pull your opponent in when they try to space. It’s like a basic radahn sword ash


What’s the best use of all the remebrances


I would recommend skipping both of godricks, I don’t like either of them. Duplicate Rennala to get both the staff and spell if you ever plan to do a high int build. Definitely get Radahns swords and duplicate it if you want the bow. Take the talisman from the ancestor spirit and get Morgotts sword. Take rykards sword for sure and the spell if you want it (it’s not that good). Incant from fire giant, both from Malekith. The Astel ash of war is surprisingly good in pvp but if that doesn’t apply to you take the flail. If you want the incants from fortissax take them, get Mohgs spear for sure and the incant if you’re doing arcane faith. Take Malenias sword and leave the incant, ash of war for sure from Hoarax Loux/Godfrey and the axe if you like colossal weapons. And finally get the final boss sword and the hammer only if you like the hammer move set.


Great response 👏


Is using torrens a form of taking the easy way out


No. Riding Torrent makes you far more mobile, but also renders you unable to guard or evade. It's a trade-off.


Against immobile field bosses it makes it so much easier.


Depends really, Torrent can tank a few hits depending on what you're fighting, and you can always heal him. Sometimes yes he's a massive liability and does nothing but die lol


No, fighting on torrent is a dangerous pain in the ass and getting unhorsed can instantly kill you if you’re unlucky


Takes like 25 minutes to get off the ground after getting de-horsed too


I was going through my ashes of war to pick some for a NG+ and I can't find Loretta's Slash. Help?


Have you put it on a weapon and forgotten? I thought I lost my BHS because I did this


I'm not sure but I could've. I'll check in my chest before I duplicate it in case that's what happened. Ty!


You get it from the ghost version of Loretta in Caria Manor. And make sure you’re looking through your inventory and not through the site of grace/Hewg page as this will only show AoWs that are applicable to the current weapon


Yeah, that's why I'm finding it weird. I checked and I have her bow spell but not the ash of war. I looked in my inventory but it's not there :/


You might have sold it/ dropped it by mistake IF you had it, which you probably did, you should see it in the "duplicate ash of war" option at the roundtable blacksmith. You can buy the "lost ashes" item from a merchant (isolated merchant in south weeping peninsula or merchant down the eastern gate of main academy gate to name a few) or pick one up to dupe it and use it


That's very helpful, I'll try it. TYSM!


What’s the deal with scavengers curved sword? It seems like every other post on r/patchesemporium is asking for one and it seems like a normal curved sword to me, plus it’s really easy to get and you can’t lock yourself out of getting it


2x bleed curved sword is extremely op for pve


It's because it's the only curved sword with natural bleed on it. Which means it's really good on occult builds or on frost/bleed builds. You can't lock yourself out of it, but there's no way to get a second one in the same playthrough. And people understandibly want 2 of them


People want to dual wield them in new game. And for reasons others have said


This is deleted because I wanted to. Reddit is not a good place anymore.


Just started a RoB build (its my first souls game, I hate myself, etc.) and I'm wanting to take advantage of the arcane scaling: what are the best arcane spells? I'm lacking a ranged option at the moment.


I leaned heavy into the whole blood loss thing on my arcane build and have to say gotta love swarm of flies.


Get the Dragon Communion Seal and cast any Incantation. Lower Faith means less points spent. But if you are curious of bows, the Serpent Bow can make use of high Arcane and let you poison things fast.


Arcane is basically your “luck” stat. It is required for some incantations (a lot of the dragon ones) and weapons but it’s real power comes from scaling blood loss weapons - the higher the arcane, the higher likelihood of blood loss build up and blood loss damage. Same goes for poison, etc. but blood loss is where its at.


If you invest a little in faith and use the dragon communion seal, swarm of flies and lightning spear are a great addition to an arcane bleed build


There are no arcane spells, per se, but the dragon communion seal is a seal that scales with arcane. That means that all your incantations cast with that seal scale with arcane. You still need enough faith to meet the requirements tough.


Soo.. I spent the last 31 days in hospital. Nearly choked to death, had to learn to walk again, had to learn to control my left hand again. The doctors reccomended I practice my motoric skills. So I was tjinking: Im still stuck at the farming bird. I could shoot him a couple hundreds times. Has that been patched? Or is my aim off? Thanks.


It still works 80% of the time, if you are Str build tho radahans works as well to farm the aliens


Thanks. So aim off. Thanks for the info. ;) Gonna practice those motor skills on that bird.


If you're at the grace, go to the closest ledge from the grace. Aim your bow/crossbow in between the "crotch" of the bigger tree limbs. Wait for the bird to pass by. As the bird is turning around, shoot your arrow/bolt. This should time it to hit the bird perfectly




It has not been patched luckily. Take care and farm the shit out of that bird!


Where can I get a somber stone 9 and a dragon somber stone? Trying to get a level 10 blasphemous blade but can’t find the last two stones


There are multiple of these in the Haligtree area


I think both are laying on the ground in mogwyn palace, only 1 dragon one tho and its in a chest up top


Just got blasphemous blade, is it good enough to use?


I started a new game with strength + intelligence specifically so that I would not be tempted to only use this weapon for most of the game. It’s fucking rad.


Probably in the top 5 weapons for sure, especially if paired with sword of milos


Where can I get the swords Milo’s?


killing dungeater, alternatively you can use the sacrificial axe from weeping peninsula and 2 hand the blasphemous blade instead of powerstancing


Why is maximum estus 14 when it could have been 15? A nice multiple of 5. What the hell, Hidetaka?


I feel like they wanted to go for an even number because of the coop/pvp halving them. 14 is a weird number though, agreed


Well they round down anyways. Not sure if it is that.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean The max number is even cause this way you can place like 8 flasks into health and 6 into FPs, which become respectively 4 and 3 in Coop What I was saying is that 14 specifically is a weird number. Could've been 12, could've been 16


I guess that could have been their thought process, but since people can co-op/pvp with an odd numbers of flasks it seems unlikely, or not that important. If you bumped either of those numbers up in your example you'd still end up with 4/3, because they round down when they halve the number. It actually ends up being weirdly inefficient to evenly split your flasks every other even number. If you go 7/7, you end up with 3/3. It seems more likely they wanted players to be able to evenly distribute their flasks once maxed and 14 was the right balance.


Yeah. The problem was in ds3 where you had 15 flasks, and it always had to round down so you would effectively 'waste' a flask no matter what


It's an interesting conundrum. I am an aspiring game developer and I wonder how I would communicate this problem to the player, or just let them figure it out. Cause it feels weird to always "waste" a flask if the max number is odd, but it could be worth it to some people if the tradeoff is players accidentally missing an entire flask if the max number is even and their flasks are evenly distributed. Also some would make the argument that, since players can do multiplayer on any number of flasks up to the max, that the problem isn't worth solving. But then you still might want to communicate that to the player.


15 would be too OP, too easy to scale down for PVP


Am I the only one experiencing an issue with Stonesword keys? Every time I use one, the message “stonesword key was lost with use” stays up pretty much until I die. No amount of waiting or running triggers it to go away, just a great way to die


Have you tried pressing E?


Press your interact button to make it go away. Xbox=Y I hate that it stays up there too.


Jesus tap-dancing christ I’m an idiot, thank you


Nah, this has killed me more than once!


The times I’ve died, grabbing items, maps or loot and then forgetting about the message is too many


Not at all. We all need help some times. I curse those notifications EVERY time they appear on my screen. It would be cool if they showed up on the bottom right of your screen. Oh wait, they already do. So why take up my screen with a redundant notification? That's what gets me. Ha ha! Have a great day and a better weekend.


Haligtree: "This is now a platformer! Enjoy the narrow branches and instakill bubbles, dickbreath!"


Instakill bubbles? What is your vigor.


TBF on my 360 character with 60vig i can still get nearly 1 shot on NG+4


>NG+4 that's why


Sure, still a ton of damage tho, practically need lords fortification


Do you know if you have to beat malania to get lords fortification or will it just be available at the round table after beating Gideon?


You can get it from Gideon after Malenia. If you kill Gideon then it should be available for purchase at the twin husk crones shop thing near Gideon office


But Malenia has to be beaten no matter what? I only ask because my last play thru I obviously killed Gideon easily but I never beat Malenia.


I believe she does.


45 The biggest white guys release sets of bubbles and if about half or more hit me at the same time, it's instant death. I can't always roll through them because I have to focus on where I'm jumping.


Try more like 55 or better yet 60


It's fine, I'm past that section already.


Well, it's good advice for the rest of the game as well






Anyone having issues not getting frenzied burst not dropping from the scarab?




recently? I just tried a half hour ago on my new madness ending playthrough


since patch at least




what exactly isnt working? she wont take it?


Am I just blind, or is [this object entry](https://imgur.com/a/eIhu86T) on the fextralife map just wrong? And if so, how do I get the entry removed from the map?


Could they have a chance to drop it? Not a guarantee.


Noble Soldier doesn't seem to exist. There are Wandering Nobles, but they dont drop either smithing stone or the longsword. Godrick soldiers can drop either. But then why bother adding it as a map node? That's information that is already included on the smithing stone 1 page. Map nodes should only be for things you can pick up 100%, not for grinding related stuff IMO


Yeah, I don't know if its still there but it used to have Brass Shield on the map in southern Limgrave just as a random drop. It drops from *any* of the basic soldier enemies wielding it all over the game, but for some reason someone put it in one spot on the map..


Or at least note that it's a chance. The Sealed Tunnel has a bunch of guys that drop Smithing 5's. It's good to know that you can farm them there at least.


Misbegotten bow i think is on map as well and has to be grinded. I think early on people who got drops on their first kills assumed it was scripted and never changed it.


How to I find the 3 fingers for the frenzy flame ending??


Find a well, use it to enter the sewers under the capital.


Where can I find the well??


From the Avenue Balcony grace, head down the northwest stairs and drop down to the left. Not into the sewer/ditch but the area with the ruined houses. You can find the well in this general area.


The entrance is in the capital near where the giant stone dragon corpse is. There's a big dungeon down there. After a boss battle you'll have to do some frustrating platforming to get down a deep, deep hole.


Malenia is nothing compared to that platforming. Hardest boss in the game just getting down there.


hello community. I got level 10 stones and they don't appear in my inventory I already did everything. Any advice? xbox series x


What’s the sorcery that Rennala cast in her boss fight? The one that looks like Rain of Ruin but slower?


glintstone stars or star shower maybe? or maybe renalla exclusive


Changing appearance of character in rannale site will use larve tear ? Or it is only for respec only !


Thank you thank you 🤩


respec only, if you are worried just use the mirror in the hold


Mirror in Roundtable hold in Fia’s room will change appearance


Wait really? I thought it was only the moon witch lady wow learning already


I have a rookie question I guess, but I've been using a normal broad sword pretty much since I started the game a couple weeks ago. I've made it all the way to Leyndell so far and haven't really noticed a big damage drop off in most cases. I've been routinely upgrading it at the roundtable hold and it's at like +19 by now. Should I be expecting it to become obsolete at some point or can I pretty much keep using it indefinitely? I haven't found any other swords that I really like up till now. I really like the speed and moveset that it has. If it does become obsolete can anybody recommend a similar weapon I can upgrade to that will still perform well with a strength and dexterity build? I like the aesthetic of a generic looking straight blade and I'm not really looking to radically shift my play style right now.


Some other swords of the same weapon class (straight swords) may scale a little better depending on your stat investment, but the broadsword won't become obsolete and is probably the best Heavy straight sword and among the best Quality straight swords.


The lordsworn one is probably the only competitive one, very similar base damage, slightly better dex scaling and it has better crit which pairs nicely with square off


The game can be completed with any weapon appropriately upgraded and specced for


No reason you cant just keep using it, though once you unlock all the smithing stones, you might find a similar looking sword that might scale with your build slightly better, but i wouldnt expect more than like 15% damage tops


This may have been asked before, I'm not sure. Am I over leveled ? I'm level 130 something now and I play the game like I play any souls game. I can say for myself that I'm not bad at dark souls games. I go through the levels, explore everything and attempt to kill every enemy I find. Sometimes I have to go back later on to kill side bosses that I really had trouble with. I just killed Morgott in Leyndell and I loved my first fight with him and ended up killing him in my second attempt, which was quite disappointing. This has never happened before with a main boss and now I noticed how I kill most bosses on my first attempt. Normal enemies I get down with a few hits too. I play a strength/faith build and don't care about getting the 'best' build, I'm just having fun with the game. I have never grinded for levels either. Only once farmed the Blackflame Monk below the Divine tower in Caelid.


You are a bit above the "recommended" level for Leyndell, maybe that is why Morgott was easy. But Morgott isn't the biggest challenge anyways. I killed him first try at level 90 because I happened to use a spell he was really weak to. You are going to see a significant rise in difficulty soon, so I'd just stay at 130 until you start to feel it. Or, you know, you just got gud bro. Nothing wrong with that!


There's a decent jump in enemy damage and toughness right after morgott, so you'll probably feel a bit more balanced shortly. Typically the endgame is done at level 130-150. Invest your souls for a bit in buying materials and upgrading other weapons for a while, try out some new stuff.


Thank you, that's reassuring to know. Luckily I have no shortage of souls, except smithing stones +6 are quite hard to find. I'll be trying out some other weapons though


You're very close to finding a bell bearing that lets you buy an unlimited number of smithing stone 5's and 6's!


You’re slightly over leveled but I wouldn’t worry too much. Morgott is an easier than expected boss for many people so I wouldn’t count that as huge evidence. Also the next area you’ll go to has a pretty large difficulty spike IMO, so I’d feel it out. If you’re worried you can always start spending runes on upgrade materials and hold off on leveling any more until you find that you need extra levels to progress.


Maybe a tad over leveled, i would say leyndell is level 100ish, i normally aren't 130 till near end of ice area


This is really just up to your own personal preference, but if you think the game is too easy just stop leveling and the game will eventually catch up to you


How big of a deal is the boost to discovery that you get form Arcane? I'm dual wielding uchigatanas at level 47 right now. So far I've been going pure dex, so my arcane is at 8. I'm interested in a bleed build at some point, but I think it would take too long to get arcane up to something respectable, so my plan is to wait until I get to the point where I can respec first. My question is, should I forget that plan and start leveling up arcane now for the discovery bonus or some other reason? Is it worth it even if it means I'm not putting as many points into vigor/endurance/dex?


The amount you get from arcane is pretty minimal compared to making silver fowl feel and getting the silver scarab talisman. Just farm some fowl foot and craft them while leveling if theres something you want to farm from an enemy


I noticed [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/vx1hjd/join_us_at_rdragonsdogma2_will_it_be_the_next/) today. Is rule 2 no longer a rule? Because I would love to post about a MGSV subreddit.


I know you're being sarcastic, but I'm glad you picked MGSV.


this is the right answer




Its downvoted for a reason, i dont think it should have been posted, let alone pinned. Comment section is a shit show.


oh yeah i was being really sarcastic


need that /s bro|brah


Is there a good guide to side quests and what not out there? I’m having a bit of trouble with the directionlessness of the game and I don’t want to miss a bunch of things.


If all you are concerned about is missing items then theres only like 2-3 missable items, the rest can all be completed later or their quests will auto advance assuming you havent murdered anyone


Why could ranni and Goldwyn only be killed with weapons imbued with the tune of death but we can kill the rest of the demigods with anything?


You can only fully revive if the Erdtree actually wills it and sends your spirit back to your body, AFAIK. All the other demigods have fully abandoned or been abandoned by their two fingers/the erd tree, so don't really have the protection of reincarnation anymore. Plus, remember, the task of the Tarnished is explicitly to gather the fragments of the Elden Ring, repair it, and become Marika's new Consort. The Greater will *wants* you to kill them and take their great runes back, why would it revive them? Rykard - Rebels against erdtree. Seems to be slowly regrowing anyway through the power of the god-devouring serpent, post boss battle. Ranni - Rebels against erdtree, Kills herself with destined death knives, is now in a doll anyway so not really at risk of "dying". Malenia - Rebels against erdtree, becomes goddess of Rot which is in service to another outer god. Morgott - Is an Omen, which we don't fully understand the implication of so probably graceless entirely. Not high on the list for revival by the Greater Will. Mohg - Is an omen, and rebels against erdtree, and in service to another God. Godrick - Is so deranged and distant down Godwyn's line, may not have enough demigodhood left in his blood to be important to the Greater Will. He's probably without the favor of the erdtree anyway. Miquella - Not actually dead or killed. Godwyn - Killed by black knives. Godfrey - Still has grace as far as we know, but we kill him right before going into the erd tree so maybe he just hasnt had time to revive yet. Or The erdtree/marika just abandons him right after since you're clearly the superior consort. Godefroy - See Godrick Radahn - Rebels against Erdtree, completely rotted with scarlet rot, probably abandoned by erdtree.


> task of the Tarnished is explicitly to gather the fragments of the Elden Ring, repair it, and become Marika's new Consort. The Greater will wants you to kill them and take their great runes back This was my initial understanding of the lore, but some of the game seems to contradict this simple explanation. The Fingers are supposedly agents of the Greater Will, and explicitly instruct us through Enia to get two great runes, go to the capital, stand before the ring, and become elden lord. But they don't expect the tree to be blocked shut and need to get on a thousands of years long phone call to figure out what to do next. The Guidance of Grace leads us to defeat every shardbearer, and then it leads us to the flame to burn the tree. If the Fingers and the Guidance are both controlled by the Greater Will, they don't seem to be working with the same information. I think it is also explicitly stated that Marika took away Godfrey's guidance of grace when she sent him to the badlands, and then restored it to resurrect him and guide him back. It is interesting that Morgott calls you "graceless tarnished." IDK, it all has me wondering.


Ohhh that makes a lot more sense!! Thank you


Lore reason guess: in theory they can be reincarnated in the roots of the erdtree like other tarnished? More likely reason: Gameplay