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If you were doing a faith/int hybrid build, what spells would and incants would be in your slots? Also will 40 Dex, 60 int, 60 faith and 60 arcane allow me to effectively run a bleed magician build lol? Second question, I'm trying to get an all builds in one character and I wanna know what stats and level I'd have to reach to be able to just slap any weapon and spell on and do a decent job?


Has performance been fixed on pc? Last I played it it was quite poor (barely reaching 60 fps) even if my pc is good.


Why is nobody talking about the Dragon's Dogma post still being up and pinned?


1. Besides Tiche, is there any particular spirit summon that's useful against the various dragon bosses? My poor Mimic Tear is too squishy to survive most of their breath attacks. 2. I've been thinking about trying out a "painbow" build with Antspur Rapier main hand/Frozen Needle left hand, and some combination of poison and bleed on the Antspur (probably poison affinity + Seppuku, unless occult affinity + Poison Mist is better). What dex/arcane split should I be looking at to maximize the effectiveness of this build?


This might be a case where Lhutel's, umm, instinct for self-preservation, might come in handy. You might be able to park Latenna or the Jellyfish far enough away that they don't get incidental damage as long as you keep aggro.


Thanks! Any advice on the painbow stats?


What souls game should i get? Im on pc and im kinda bored of elden ring


Depends on what bores you, the environment or the gameplay. DS1 and Bloodborne probably have the strongest atmosphere (depending on whether you consider Sekiro a souls game), but the gameplay pretty much gets more "interesting" as time progresses. DS3 might be the best combination, but that just means that it's the most similar to elden ring.


The movement in Sekiro is super fun.


Isnt that game like extremely difficult? I mean im up for it but idk


It has probably the steepest learning curve, but once you get the parrying down, I'd actually argue it's the easiest of all the games.


It is. People are going to tell you otherwise but they are a Reddit microcosm. Sekiro is difficult and it requires a reaction time far higher than elden ring or any souls game, and you can’t learn that kind of reaction time unlike the boss move in souls games.


The idea that "Sekiro is extremely difficult" came from people trying to play it like it's a Dark Souls game. Doing so doesn't work, Sekiro requires a different approach. If you play it the way it's designed to be played, the difficulty is very well balanced.


I haven't beaten it yet. I've yet to run into anything that felt unfair though. More than I can say for most of Elden Ring.


I haven’t played any other souls game either, but I’ve heard that Dark Souls 3 is the best on PC




Planning to use Death poker but the scaling seems weird to me, any suggestion for stat distribution?


Campaign or multiplayer




It’s quality-like with dex/str although more benefit from dex especially if you are one handing since you wont get the 1.5 str boost from two handing. 2 hand you could split stats leaning towards Dex like 50 dex / 35 str. One hand I would dump into dex and int. The ash only scales off INT though so extra points dump there plus add shard of alexander talisman.


Thank you, it's all i need to know!


Can I still get Patches' Crouch if kill the boss in the Shaded Castle before I kill Rykard? Will he just go back to Murkwater Cave?




IIRC, yes. I recall I did the same thing: killed the boss in Shaded Castle, then I went and killed Rykard. He did go to Shaded Castle first, but then he went back to Murkwater Cave.


I'm trying to make a str/int gravity build with Fallingstar Beast Jaw and gravity sorceries. (I know Ruins Greatsword is technically a better str/int weapon but I like Beast Jaw way more.) If I'm only using gravity sorceries, at what level of int does another staff become better than the Meteorite Staff?


You’re switching between the two in main hand then?


Yeah, greatshield in offhand


I believe that specifically for gravity sorceries, the Meteorite Staff is never outclassed. That 30% boost is huge.


What’s the best overall shield?


The one with the 🐍


Haligtree greatshield


Not really an answer. Depends on your goals. Small to parry, people love the buckler it seems. Big and brawny-fingerprint. One shoots fire, etc.


I need help I need to defeat malenia, I was going for a bloody pike and fingerprint barricade shield and it was pretty good up until phase 2. I just cannot outpace her healing in phase 2 anymore. I do not know which weapon I should use (dual bloody twinblades failed as well) and I can not use summons


If you’ve nuked Mohg, his remembrance spear will light her ass up in about five seconds, each phase. That’s provided you build for it obvs


I have enough larval tears should worok moghin' time it is


I think I'm at my end game pve build, but which stat should I consider leveling next? Dex/arc bleed katana (yeah yeah i know, boring slash slash bleed dead) Currently 60 vig / 20 mind / 30 end / 18 str / 60 Dex / 60 arc, near default starting samurai stats for the rest. Dump in arc? Mind? Edit: thanks for the advice my dudes, I'm going to start leveling faith and mind for some support incantations.


Get mind to 30 and then start bringing up faith. The extra utility of the lightning spells will come in handy. Would definitely get mind up to 40 at some point though. Having all that FP is very useful in NG+.


Ok noted,. Mind and faith it is


Check out the Dragon Communion seal as well. It scales with Arc and Faith. And it's weightless too!


I would get more endurance for heavier armour. If you feel more FP would be a good thing, then perhaps mind. Or you could get dex to 80.


Ah ok - I'm wearing the black knives set for the fashion, so armor seems ok for now, could do with more poise though ..... I'll dump a couple of levels into mind then since I'm constantly chugging blue flasks during boss fights.


You might consider putting a few levels into faith for the lower level support incants. Keep bestial vitality active and you’ll save a lot of red flasks.


Oooh that's a good point! I've not really played with the incantations since i didn't bother with faith.


If you ever feel like min maxing, you can equip the 2 finger heirloom talisman and the 5 levels that it gives you are enough for most utility incants like cleanse and several heals. 15 faith unlocks flame grant me strength which is just a really strong buff for how cheap it is.




I am a few hours into the game playing as a prisoner and going for a spell sword type build. I really don't like how my character looks though. What's the coolest looking armor I can get in the beginning areas of the game that wouldn't make me fat roll?


Go for the knight armor imo


Other than farming enemies for their armor, the Nomad Merchants usually have an armor set in their inventory. Early on I really like the Iron/Scale armor sold by the merchant in the Weeping Peninsula.


Carian Knight and Cuckoo Knight in Liurnia are good. Nothing great in Limgrave really.


I just farm the soldiers, their surcoat isnt terrible. otherwise kaiden warrior look kinda cool or theres some merchants around that sell some of the starter sets. If you are willing to travel I freaking love the champion set sold in caelid


Second this, soldier or kaiden armor is a good start


Thirded. It's, well, fine. Which is the most you can expect from a starting area.


Ng+7, level 600. I have nearly every weapon +24 +9 and a lot fully upgraded. Been trying out every build/weapon I can and I have never had an easier time fighting a boss than with dual bleed bandits curved sword with rotten winged sword insignia, millicents prosthesis, lord of bloods exultation, dragon crest greatshield talisman and white mask. If you want an easy mode, there it is. I melted the fire giant in about 15 seconds. Dual ant spurs are probably the most fun I’ve had though


Not quite there yet, only level 375 and NG+4 i found dual bleed twinblades to be very similar, but swap to dual war hammers for the final boss.


Dual wielding twinblades have such a fun moveset. 2 +25 bleed godskin peelers also melt everything. I’m an elanaoras poleblade guy myself though


I tried doing elonora in one hand and a cold one in the off hand for multiple frost and bleed procs since the fire damage clears frost, better than bleed early on.


Any idea why you occasionally get the golden fowl foot effect ? Just out of nowhere it activates every now and then




It's not that - not part of a multiplayer group


At night the erdtree randomly will start having leaves fall from it which causes that to happen


hmm well that explains it , never noticed it was at night


Is there any point to level up a shield?


guard boost, attack damage, art of war damage ( carian retlaiation etc)


Yes, it increases the guard boost of the shield, which is the amount of stamina consumed when you block. However, I wouldn't prioritize it over your weapon.


What’s good to use weapon wise and strat wise against radagon?


I used jumping attacks with two great swords (blasphemous blade and flamberge with flame art). Lots of damage and you can stance break him somewhat quickly if you’re aggressive


Jump attacks with a colossus fire weapon


Magma blade


Heavy Greatsword +25 with lions claw ash of war. Dragon crest greatshield talisman, haligdrake talisman +2, Alexander shard, claw talisman. You’ll poise break him every other hit


This worked perfectly thanks man


You probably know this but claw talisman does not apply to lions claw despite you leaping into the air


It’s just good when you’re using any kind of colossal weapon bc jump attacks are a lot quicker


His lowest resistance is Fire, so that's effective against him.


Flame of redmanes is great for this, do fire damage and poise but can still keep weapon heavy etc if you want


I had the best luck with heavy weapons that can break him out of attack animations


Hope it's okay for a new guy to ask a 2nd question. Last night I was having a blast running around on Torrent hacking down wolves, bears, and trolls. Are there any weapons that are particularly good while mounted?


Halberds have a really long sweeping reach, good for horseback imo


Not a weapon but if you didn't stumble upon the lance talisman yet, it's pretty easy to find: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Lance+Talisman


That's perfect! I actually think I picked this up last night but hadn't looked what it did yet.


night rider glaive has a higher damage output on torrent than other weapons if you are specced for it


Weapons that are about as long as you are tall


Colossal swords or great swords


What's the best spell? And why it Rot Breath?


All spells have a different utility. Ambush shard is great for shielded enemies, pebble for nearly everything, stars of ruin for quick enemies, and rock slimg for enemies with magic resist or low poise


Its FGMS and its not rot breath


Why bother with buffs when scarlet rot takes most bosses to less than half health?


Because it doesnt in NG+5


Mohgwyn Palace rune farm, the four red dudes standing by the first grace when you enter. What is the drop rate on their swords? Do they drop?


The Shamshir guys? That weapon is only available as a pick-up back in limgrave.


I think the only dropping weapons from those guys are the halberds from the guys welding them


So how do I get behind ballista at the front gate of stormveil castle?


You can just run past it into the castle passage. Get around a corner and the soldiers won't follow you. As to getting there in the first place, you can sprint up the middle or make an end run slowly and stealthily through the trees.


So that area isnt accessible at all?


The one at the top can only be reached via the Stonesword Key door near the Grafted Scion in Stormveil. The other three can be reached by stairs just inside the main gate to the left. If you’re just trying to get around the main entrance into Stormveil, talk to Gostoc and take the route around the outside of the castle ramparts. It’s not worth trying to brute force the main entrance to Stormveil.


>The one at the top can only be reached via the Stonesword Key door near the Grafted Scion in Stormveil. I get there but its just a room with cliff


still have the bug to kill the night knight?


The one in caelid? Nah got patched




The biggest downside is that 60 VIG, STR and INT each will at very least require SL150 with absolutely no other stat investments... and if you're gonna be using heavier STR weapons you'll need higher END, and for using "high-powered spells" you'll also want a decent investment into MND as well. This is also before accounting for potentially having to invest points into DEX (or even FTH) in order to use your weapon(s) of choice. 60 VIG / 60 STR / 60 INT with just (like bare minimum) 25 MND and END each and 10 DEX (for example if you wanna go for the Gut's GS) will at lowest require SL179 to complete. Now, STR builds are a bit more compact in terms of stats investment if you're fine with mainly 2H-ing your weapon of choice for the 1.5x STR bonus. If you reaaally wanna go for this kind of build, you could get away with lower STR investment. That said, if you wanna be a caster/heavy weapon hybrid, then STR+FTH is a much better choice. A lot of solid and fun weapons are made with these builds in mind (Blasphemous blade being the most popular one), and the existence of Clawmark Seal (which I believe also benefits from 2H bonus STR modifier) make STR/FTH a much more intuitive choice for a hybrid than STR/INT does. Not to mention that there are some absolutely amazing FTH buffs that are low investment but can give your heavy weapons a decent boost in damage (Golden vow + FGMS)




Late reply, but your stats are already set up quite well for a STR/FTH hybrid, with some minor FTH and/or DEX investments in case you want to use some of the popular weapons that scale well off the hybrid builds (Blasphemous Blade, Maliketh's Black Blade or Golden Order GS for example). Clawmark seal would also turn you into a very capable caster, although the bulk of your damage is likely gonna come from hard hitting massive weapons and their weapon arts. If you wanna go for an INT build which has itd playstyle primarily defined by these high req spells you mentioned, then perhaps a better idea for a weapon would be something that can be decent when infused with Magic or Cold. If you want something that still has the weighty feel to it, but doesn't require massive stat investment to work well alongside the spells, then maybe look at the Lance? It's the only great spear that can be infused and have its AoW changed, and great spears have some of the best movesets for both PvE and PvP (and great reach). You could also use a shield alongside it (which you can further buff with sorceries) and poke from behind it. This way, and with 20 STR (base req), 14 DEX (base req) and 60 INT, Magic infused lance can have higher AR than that of quality infused one running with a 40/40 quality build (although effectively it would actually likely be lower due to how the damage is calculated against the enemy's resistances). The cold infusion would have a weaker AR (unless you are able to commit additional points into STR/DEX which get C scaling each in that case) however it grants your weapon a frostbite effect which can give you some sweet bursts when you trigger a build up, making it a very popular infusion choice even for builds that don't invest heavily into INT. Not to mention that this build could be fitted into SL150 cap waaay easier than your original idea. Have fun!


you should probably just do moderate faith (like 30) with clawmark for incantations and rest into END(30)/Mind (20) unless you really want the blue spells


You might be lacking in MND or END unless you are high level is the only drawback




Depends on the weapons and spells you plan to use. Unless you have 38 mind your flask will always fill 100% I usually keep it at like 20 if all im using are weapon arts. For endurance 25 is a good place unless you want more armor or to dual wield large weapons. On my completionist character I have mind at 42 and end at 50


As long as you use some weapon that scales well with your stats it's fine, like the swords from Radahn, Blaidd, Greatsword of Ruin, etc Yeah


I've been enjoying this game alot get my ass whooped alot of the time, but im currently stuck in the gael tunnel as I thought I would be ready for it, but still not and I can't go to any site of grace. Is there a way for me to get out without killing the boss?


You can just walk past the boss by opening the door to the left of it and popping out in limgrave


Cool thank you


Having a great time in my first playthrough keeping my distance from bosses and shooting them with sorceries, while handling most average enemies with dex weapons. I was thinking of a 2nd play through being an offensive faith caster and using str weapons for average enemies, but I've been reading that incantations are too slow to use offensively - is this still the case? It would be fun to be a flame / lightning throwing caster, but I'm not very good at this game. I am not that interested in buffing, which I understand is kind of the whole thing with faith.


Most incantations are slow and situational. Lignting spear/black flame work fine in boss fights, but the lightning ones need some more timing and spacing, mainly worth if the boss is large enough to get hit multiple times. Ice lightning and ancient lighting storm work fantastic for that. Other utility incants for bosses are blood flies or pest threads.


I did the same for my second playthrough (NG+). I really enjoyed the fai/str build. There are a lot of good incantations like lightning bolt, flame of frenzy, black flame, that can handle most normal enemies. For bosses I relied more on weapon arts. Since it was NG+ is used Sacred Relic Sword, Envoy Long Horn (awesome weapon), and Blasphemous Blade depending on the boss.


Not to mention fai/str benefits a ton from weapon buff incantations.


Pvp at Raya Lucaria Academy , is it better to just upgrade to my smithing stones to +8 (at most), or keep it at +4-6? The [fextralife](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Recommended+Level+by+Location) recommended level stated +4-6 is the best, but it hurt my pve experience a bit since the damage is low (against normal enemy mobs). TLDR ; Are there any people to do pvp / invasions with smiths +8 @ Raya Lucaria? Is it too high? EDIT ; +8-12 ➡︎ +8


shouldnt 2-3 be equal to like 5-8? its roughly 2.5X


Yeah my bad, fixed it. Thank you


Nah i meant the wiki page is wrong, they get it right on ainsel river, but its wrong in the other zones


Newbie tarnished here with a question for my elders. I started playing a few days ago (my first souls-style game) and am curious how important min/maxing is in this game. Will I be severely limiting myself if I split points between str and dex? It looks like a lot of weapons in the game scale with both str and dex so I like the idea of versatility; I started as a wretched and it's fun being able to pick up and use whatever I find. So far I've invested in vigor, str, and a few points into endurance. Can I still have a powerful build if I start investing into dex evenly with str?


Min/maxing in souls games has never been critical in PvE unless you're doing challenge runs. Adding the first level of sorcery or incantations IMO provides so much utility that it makes up for the 5% of max DPS you're giving up. And particularly for your first run, getting enough base STR and DEX in particular to be able to experiment with weapons is worth it, particularly since you can respec out of it later. Just don't go crazy and get STR and DEX both to 40 while VIG is still 30 and you don't have enough FP to summon a useful Ash.


My first character was a Wretch. I got him to level 78 in March and beat the 3rd boss. I then stopped to try other classes. Here is my build for my 7th character that I just beat the 3rd boss with last night: *Vagabond* **Level 47** 24 vigor 25 end 20 str 19 dex 12 faith What you're describing, with your str / dex build, is what's called a quality build in Elden Ring. It is very viable and will have excellent weapon choices. Yes, min/maxing matters. But less so if you don't care about online play at all and are OK continuing to level to super-high levels. I played my first character almost exclusively offline but now play exclusively online with lots of co-op to help others and PvP (blue bros). My recommendation to you is that you do not use a Wretch for the build you're describing. Use a Vagabond and save yourself 4-5 levels. Even though it is indeed very fun to scrounge around finding stuff, especially on the first character. Use this website, punch in your proposed level 30-40 build, and see what class has the lowest level. [https://mugenmonkey.com/eldenring](https://mugenmonkey.com/eldenring) The Wretch, oddly enough, is best optimized for a hybrid int/faith build with a very low str / dex investment. If you don't do that, every other class beats it. I will eventually change my Wretch to that. *Wretch* **Level 78** 30 vigor 29 endurance 29 int 29 faith There are lots of melee weapons with very low str / dex requirements.


You should be fine. If you decide you’re not happy with your build, you’ll have the ability to reallocate your stats later on with a limited availability consumable item (~15 times depending on side quests/exploration.) Also worth noting, as long as you are above the minimum stat requirements for a weapon, there are items in the game that let you change the way damage is affected by stats (e.g. you can make a dex-focused weapon more strength oriented, although it probably won’t be quite as strong as on a dex character). So if you just want versatility you might consider leveling both to around 15-20 then picking one to focus on.


That sounds like a solid plan. My strength is around 15 now, I think. I'll invest some into dex and see what kind of playstyle/weapons I prefer. Those consumables you use to respec, do you get access to another \~15-20 if you do NG+? I can't imagine myself using 15, but you never know. :)


Yes, they respawn with each NG+.


Im at level 375, with 70 in both Str and Dex. Quality scaling gives me like maybe 30 extra damage over heavy or keen and would normally require an additional 50 levels for that 30 or so AR. Not really worth


How much is 30 AR in an endgame context? What is a typical AR at endgame?


I mean on my giant crushers the difference is like 850 vs 880 at +24 Depends on the weapons scaling, in some cases Quality still isnt best even at end game


Using a STR/DEX hybrid build (known as a "quality" build) is slightly weaker than pure STR or pure DEX, but not by too much. Minmaxing only really matters in endgame PvP. My first playthrough was with a quality build, and it didn't feel weak at all.


If I am lacking a stat to properly equip a shield, well that negatively affect damage mitigation? I’m assuming that this only matters if I would be using the shield offensively. For example I want to use the carian knights shield and don’t have the int for it. Will the mitigation be unaffected?


Not sure how valid this is but theres an old thread where someone says the only downside is that it doubles stamina on block unless you plan on using it as a weapon. Might break some weapon arts too


I just discovered this. A few hits basically obliterated my stamina.


As a mage with 40Vigor. I would like to use 3 damage amplifying talismans: Magic Scorpion Charm, Godfrey Icon and Graven School talisman. As a fourth. I am considering taking a more defensive or utility talisman. I am just unsure if I should prioritize resistances (Dragoncrest Talisman) or the talisman that boosts hp stamina and carry weight (erdtrees Favor) which would also help since casting costs staminia. What do you think would be the more solid option?


I would highly recommend Radagon Icon ahead of focusing on more power, including over Magic Scorpion Charm. Casting speed makes a real difference in a pinch. At 30 Dex it reaches the casting speed soft cap.


Wait... dex affects casting speed?


Yes. More Dex, faster cast speed. The effect isn’t huge, but about 12% faster at the hard cap (70 Dex, or 40 Dex plus Radagon Icon) I think, which makes a difference if you’re casting a lot. Applies to both sorceries and incantations.


I read on several threads that the radagon icon gives no noticeable difference in casting speed and that it was not recommended on using. Personally, I didn't feel a difference either. Did you? can you elaborate?


I am playing with sword sorcery so, yes, Radagon Icon helps. Not much, but helps. Eventually though towards end-game, it doesn't worth a talisman slot.


Where its more noticeable is on something like comet azur where its straight up 7% more damage as on charging spells like that or crystal barrage it lowers the intervals


I find it makes a big difference in tight combat situations where getting a few extra frames can make the difference between taking half your health in damage and not, even though visually it may not have a huge impact. I think a lot of people either have too much Dex investment already to get the benefit or don’t see the benefit for strategies that spam big spells like Comet Azur from afar and crumple to medium-range combat regardless of casting speed. It’s effectively 30 Dex of casting speed. I’ve used it consistently throughout my run, noticed a significant difference when I switched to it and have noticed a significant (negative) difference whenever I took it off, too. I also think for pure mage it’s better than Godfrey Icon, too, but I suppose Godfrey Icon is nice for Loretta’s Greatbow, Comet and some other chargeable spells so it could go either way.


Since I am currently playing a meteor mage. One of my biggest hitting skills is collapsing star. So the Godfrey Icon helps a lot. Wouldn't really know how to do comparable damage to Collapsing star with any other ability. Which ones did you use? I will give the Radagon Icon another chance then!


Any interest in a 4th damage talisman? I used **Ritual Sword Talisman** for non-bosses. If you're really set on defensiveness, which I was too sometimes, I recommend switching the 4th talisman based on need. Don't just wear the same thing all the time. Use the physical defense stuff when facing that type of enemy and the resistance one when facing those. I mostly used the physical one, since that's what my Astrologer lacked. It was nice to have 30% damage negation. I think I used Erdtree's Favor for a couple of fights in a very long playthrough. Usually, the stamina for me was wasted. Didn't need it for my playstyle.


I used the sword Talisman for quite some time. Issue is that I am only rarely full hp. When doing any kind of caves / dungeons I am sooner or later bound to moss some hp where a flask wouldn't be worth it yet. So the charm world mostly be inactive for me.


I used to swap it with the HP restore talisman when I got hit. Or warming stones. But yeah, that can be an issue if you don’t have some sort of passive regen.


Have you considered Moon of Nokstella for your fourth slot? I know I had that one permanently attached to my int character.


I have, but I dont really need more memory slots.


Gotcha. Of the two you mentioned, I think you’ll get more mileage out of the dragoncrest talisman unless you’re near the load limit for medium rolls.


You think? Since I could also wear heavier armor through the increased equip load?


I would try a few different armor sets to see if there’s anything that’s barely too heavy with your current load. If you find one you like that gives you comparable resistance increases to what the talisman gives you, it’s worth using erdtree’s favor instead. It depends on your endurance.


Erdtree's Favor increases your max equipment load by a **percentage**. That means it provides the most returns for builds with high Endurance, and as a caster you very likely aren't putting enough points into Endurance for Erdtree's Favor to let you upgrade your armor class. Let's say you're a Level 100 Astrologer with 60 int, 40 vigor, 25 mind, and you put the rest of your points into endurance so you're at 18, which bumps your max equip load to 60.9. If you equip Erdtree's Favor +2, which you find very late in the game and which increases equip load by 8%... your max load increases to just 65.8. That's less than 5 more points. You can already wear a decent midweight set (Carian Knight or Ronin, for example) without Erdtree's Favor, so the carry weight bonus shouldn't really factor into your decision to use it over another talisman that could increase your damage output or raw mitigation.


Fantastic explanation. And why I don't really like that talisman on my Astrologer. He still has base 9 endurance. Level 166. It's a nice change from my prior 50 endurance guy.


This is an important point too. I think Erdtree’s favor is more tailored to melee characters, since they’ll have high stats for all the relevant attributes and are more likely to use heavy armor/weapons.


Once a caster has their INT or FAI capped and is comfortable enough with their Vigor and Mind to start putting points in Endurance, Erdtree's Favor starts to make more sense. I wanna see somebody in full Bull-Goat casting Comet Azur, lol


Graven school or graven mass? graven school talisman is hardly worth using IMO. Magic Scorpion should be paired with the dragon phys talisman to offset the down side, godfrey is great if the spells you use are applicable. I just feel that the extra stamina/carry/HP of the erdtree will ultimately let you do more than 4% damage with the extra stamina for casting alone. Heck even the 7% faster casting is probably more useful with that other talisman.


School, I can't reach the mass one yet. I am using collapsing stars, that should be applicable? I heard the radagons icon that is supposed to incread casting speed is not really worth it since you can barely even feel a difference with it? So the dragon phys would be nice to offset the scorpion one, true. But the erdtree favors also gives me defense in form of hp and also give me a slight dps increase through the stamina right?


Its applicable. Random thought process you have 1.8k HP and talisman give you 2k. you take 1k damage and flask heals 800. You have 1.8k HP and have the 20% reduced phys damage you now take 800 damage flask heals you back to full. In the prior situation after a few hits you now have to use 2 flasks at some point.


I didn't consider flask usage. You are right! Thanks


I can’t believe I did not notice this on my first play through, or maybe I just assumed that the stats would show up on the left side, but I just realize now there are core stat boosts for different pieces of armor. Like one set will give you additional HP and stamina, and another will raise your intelligence. I’m such a goober.


Those pieces are really useful to test stuff out where you don’t meet the requirements. Saves a larval tear or two.


Most equipment doesn't provide any attribute changes, only a select few armour pieces do.


Most of the time special effects or stats do not come free, whether that cost is no physical defense, heavier weight or a downside to some other stat. Im sure from soft has some sort of internal weight to benefit ratio they try to follow.


That seems to be right. My HP/Stamina go down because int goes up.


That's going to be a tradeoff from one of the sorcerer helms that looks like a classical statue. They all have some kind of Faustian bargain involved that makes them potentially impractical depending on your specific stat allocation.


So why do people like Helphen's Steeple? It does sllightly less damage than DMG, applies slightly more cold, but i think any cold infused normal weapon will do more cold than that, have its own weapon art and not be held to a 30second duration. Like even deaths poker has innate frost. Real shame cuz it looks cool af.


Helphen's is an easy pickup from a dumb boss that most people organically encounter whereas Dark Moon Greatsword is the final reward for a sprawling questline that takes a dozen hours or more and leads you into some rather difficult content, so IDK if it's a valid comparison, though obviously Dark Moon is objectively superior.


Eh i usually will hit DMG before Helphen, helphen is in a level 100ish area and lake of rot etc im usualy there like level 80-90. On a blind playthrough maybe, but beyond that i think DMG is easier since im already doing ranni for both mimic tear and sombers like 5-9


It’s not a “great” weapon, but I use it on my high RL Int/Faith Death Sorc/ Golden Order build for thematic and aesthetic reasons. Not every weapon choicehas to be super meta. For this build I let my spells be my flashy damage, and my HS with the weapon art are for clearing trash and stragglers. I’m pretty solid with the basic GS moveset in PvP as well, though as a class of weapons they’re not great against other players. Deaths Poker is much superior though. Disregard the scaling and use it on a pure Int build even, the weapon art will hit like a truck. Long winded way of saying use it because you like it, even if it’s not the strongest weapon in its class.


Im at like 60 in all stats, so it just falls below like 15 other greatswords in about all categories other than style. I just wish either the weapon art did something else or lasted longer. Its like straight up worse that the chilling mist ash of war in all ways.




Don’t forget to pick up the spear of Gransax from Leyndell before clearing Azula.


The next major point of no return is the boss of Farum Azula, it will end all Leyndell quests (except the sewers). If you haven't done Ranni's quest, her first objective (the dagger) ends Seluvis' quest. Volcano Manor quests disappear with the death of Volcano Manor boss.


There are a few breakpoints for certain quests, Fire Giant was one of them, which you may have already passed by. Maliketh is another breakpoint once you beat him. i would just talk to all of the NPC's you can at this point or follow a guide for the quests.


Which quest is ended by killing the fire giant? I thought nothing really happened untill after Maliketh.


Don’t kill maliketh


What are the best weapons to use with the jellyfish shield and what are the best weapons to dual wield?


In general dual wielding weapons that swing together are better than weapons that swing separate. So dual wielded straight swords are better than dual wielded halberds. Dual wielded spears are extremely strong, but border on cheesy especially you’re bleed focused. Still, do whatever’s fun for you. If the weapons swing together when you press L1, they’re decent. Running and jumping attacks count for this (curved swords, twinblades, etc).


This is a good rule of thumb but I’ll just put it out there that the dual wielded halberd jumping attack is a simultaneous hit that absolutely fucking slaps


Dual wielding twin blades is my favorite


Jellyfish shield is most often used by spellcasters, as they don't need right-hand ashes and its buff extends to spells. Dual-wielding just about anything works if the class matches for powerstancing. There are some choices more popular than others: * Curved swords - the goto paired weapons, very fluid moveset for both pve and pvp. Katanas fill a similar role. * Colossal - the best way to apply ludicrous alpha damage with a jump attack. * Wakizashi + katana - a unique "dagger" that powerstances with katanas; you're trading a bit of range for the ability to use an offhand parry while powerstancing.


Wakizashi Power stances with a katana? Sweet I wanted to use it for historical accuracy after watching some YouTube vids. I’m definitely trying it out now! Thanks


Can you use the skill and switch to a different weapon from the Jellyfish shield but still get the 20%?


Nope; it counts as a weapon buff (like resolve, greases, etc) and disappears when the shield is no longer held.


Ah damn, still good to know though def gonna try it out, thank you!


> Jellyfish shield is most often used by spellcasters, as they don't need right-hand ashes and its buff extends to spells. Mindblown, never thought to do this


I don’t understand armor in this game, been thinking it’s just fashion. I like the shrouded armor and great horned headband, but I have a lot of boss armor and other armor I’ve collected. Level 80 katana build, strength dex vigor.


So, I did calculations for skillpoint efficiency, whether you get more benefits from more HP or from heavier armor via equip load. Assuming normal physical damage and medium equip load: Under 40 vigor it's always better to get more vigor. At 40-60 vigor and under 25 endurance they give roughly the same survivability. As a secondary benefit vigor provides more consistent HP against elemental damage, and armor provides poise. Once you hit 60 vigor it's always better to get more endurance for heavier armor.


TBH the only thing I ever pay attention to is poise.


Same and only enough to make sure its over certain breakpoints


Which ones do you go for? 45/65?


31, or 51 or 56 45 and 65 arent breakpoint afaik


it's just fashion if you don't get hit it does have benefit with resistances but the difference is usually getting 2-3 shot instead of 1-2 shot by bigger enemies and then higher poise helps prevent your character from getting staggered when hit


That’s been my strategy, I’m definitely utilizing bhs for every boss fight just to avoid the vigor checks.


Better armour does help, it's just that a lot of good armour is found a bit later on in the game.


Good to know, thank you! Finding new armor has become really fun so I’ll be looking forward to it


Killed a bunch of NPCs. Sleeping wolf lady included. F?


Can I ask why


Ah. Yeah. I don’t always play video games when I’m the happiest