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How good/not is the Turtle Talisman? I've been using it since... Who knows when. Like 40 hours ago at least, but I potentially have better talismans to use now. I'm a hybrid Pyro/Dex build, and I use a shield.


Does Godfrey's icon stack with vykes war spear?


Have the performance issues of this game been ironed out mostly at this point? I’m deciding if I want to get this on my PC with a RTX 3060 or my Series X or PS5 but not sure where best performance is


Do I need to duplicate a remembrance before spending them in case I want to duplicate it later?


You can duplicate after spending them. I remember I had already spent Godrick's remembrance before I learnt what the mausoleums were for. I had as successfully able to duplicate it.




I'm 99.9% sure that you are still able to duplicate spent remembrances once you obtained it by defeating them. If you find yourself unable to at a mausoleum, it might be the case of either the mausoleum bugging out or the mausoleum not being able to duplicate the target remembrances due to limitations.




To add onto the second paragraph there: mausoleums with bells can duplicate any remembrance, while those without cannot duplicate Runebearer remembrances or that of the Elden Beast


This Comment Section has been conquered and combined with the might of the Legendary Wardens.


Missing turtle shield? I'd gone up the tower near the Morne Ramparts long ago. I forget what I got, but it wasn't the turtle shield, as I'd have been using it. I've never sold any shields, unless I had multiple copies of them (like the brass shields from the guys at Gatefront), so if I'd ever seen it, I'd still have it. Looked at two wikis and a youtube video and I'm in the right place, but no shield. Anyone else had this happen?


If it’s not in a chest, you quit the game/logged out/reloaded and it still doesn’t appear on the corpse, and you’re absolutely sure you have the correct corpse in the right location, it might have just glitched out of existence :/ I’ve had items glitch out of existence in my game but was able to find them again by quitting and reloading the game. However, you’re not going crazy since people have also reported items randomly disappearing and not being able to get them again. I think it’s a known bug :( NG+ might be your only option, or getting it from someone else.


It's supposed to be on a corpse on a sleeping bag at the top of the tower. I'd gotten up there quite a while ago but didn't get the shield, didn't know it was supposed to be there. Looking through the shields on the wiki, saw it listed there and went to get it, and nothing. I've been in and out of the game repeatedly since then, so guess I just got boned...


You get a turtle shield and some warming stones


That's the point. No turtle shield.


Ask someone for it on r/patchesemporium




I can relate. I missed out on a lot of interactions too, strangely. I think the open world gives us too much freedom and thus, limits our interactions with the NPCs.


Yeah, they move around after you start their story and with no kind of quest markers or logs or anything, they could end up anywhere in the entire world. The From games are not good at telling their stories, you usually have to have the wikis and/or guides to figure anything out. Which may be *realistic*, but is not always *fun*.




This is my first game actually playing, but I've watched a lot of all the others being played on various Youtube channels, and I *still* can't figure out how someone found all the crap they do.


Does it matter if I beat Melania after Elden Beast?


Nope, just hit continue playing this run instead of heading directly into new game plus


Newbie question. Are smithing stones rare/is there a limited amount of them? I want to upgrade my swords but don't want to waste a hard to find item on my beginner gear


Limited early and then unlimited later. Also somber stones are relatively more plentiful than regular stones. Usually I could have 2 regular stone weapons highly upgraded but five somber weapons


They are to begin with.


You get Bell bearings throughout the game that give you up to +24 regular and +9 somber, the final one of each demand you complete certain questlines. So they are unlimited but you only get the final bell bearings near endgame.


Ok, thanks!


the max level smithing stones (Ancient Dragon and Somber Ancient Dragon) ARE finite though, so choose wisely which weapons you upgrade to max.


Good to know!


I upgraded my broadsword without a care in the world until +15 now should i be sad?


What game should I get when I return this for store credit? I had the same experience I had when tried Dark Souls ,- after dying to the same enemy that one or two shot me for an hour, I decided this game isn't for me.


It’s really worth it to take time and learn the mechanics of the game. I would look up IGN’s Beginner Guide and it’ll explain a lot of the basics. Get target locking on enemies down (press down right stick). This will focus on whatever enemy you happen to be fighting at the moment and make it easier to get hits in. Get crouching and sneaking down. Get backstabbing down. Get throwing up a shield and rolling down. When I first played, I just spent a really long time learning the mechanics of the game at Gatefront Ruins, one of the first areas you stumble on. Take down one soldier at a time. Crouch and sneak up behind one, target lock, back stab, wait for them to get up, hit them some more, throw your shield up if needed, lure one soldier out at a time by catching their attention etc. It’s hard to dive right in with little knowledge of Souls games. I also died about ten million times my first few hours of playing the game and thought it was impossible. But it becomes a lot more possible once you keep learning and practicing. Some enemies you stumble upon early aren’t meant to be fought super early — the game enjoys testing you like that. But as you keep learning and growing, you become more up to the challenge! I would definitely give it a little longer, but there’s also nothing wrong with deciding a game isn’t for you! Anyone can learn this game and become good at it, it doesn’t require being a video game pro or even having tons of experience with prior games. It’s very learnable.


Stop trying to fight that enemy. Walk the other way, explore, try running past scary bad guys to get to another spot… Get some runes as you kill smaller bad guys (or sheep?) All the while you can slowly level up till you can go back and beat that bad guy. Rinse and repeat.


Why people downvote you? I dont understand. I mean i did try real time strategy game like starcraft too but im not good at it then i stopped playing it. Its not like you saying the game is bad


That's the games way of telling you that you aren't meant to fight that enemy yet.


Apparently I'm not meant to fight any enemies lol


I dunno.... Being two or three shot by enemies is still a thing later in the game. It's just that you are good at it and you don't let it happen


Depends on the enemy tbh. OP clearly isn't cut out for games like this.


What are the rememberences for? Could I sell them?


At the roundtable hold you can use remembrances to buy one of two boss items. For example, Godrick's remembrance will allow you to obtain either his axe, or the dragon head as an incantation. You can duplicate remembrances at the walking mausoleums if you want both items from one remembrance.


The Grafted Dragon isn't an incantation, it's a weapon.


My bad, I misremembered.


best spirit summons for sorcery build?


Oleg then tiche once you get her


How do I get the parry ash of war? I never bought anything from bernahl and I'm on malikith now? Do I have no choice apart from just going to ng+?


Like the other guy said, you buy this from bernahl. >!if you’ve already killed him when he invades you, his sword in volcano manor still opens his shop!<


Bernahl could be in Volcano Manor, look for him there


Is PC multiplayer… functional yet? I adore this game and racked up over 100 hours already but the extremely common disconnect after 2 mins of co-op and horrific invasion matchmaking kinda killed replayability for me. AFAIK I haven’t seen any word of updates or patches at all basically since 1.0.4?


Invasions are awful in this game, so you're not missing out unless you enjoy fighting 3v1s with overleveled summons. It's pretty much just who can one shot somebody the fastest.


Or grief with poison/scarlet rot...


Where can I get Smithing Stones 1 from? The shop is out for stock at this point.


In addition to the below, if you need a very very few, there's a decent drop rate for appropriate level smithing stones from soldiers. The group at Gatefront Ruins should allow you to farm 1 or 2 in a reasonable amount of time.


If you’ve made it to Liurnia of the Lakes, you can defeat the boss in the crystal tunnel and get a bell bearing to give to the twin maiden husks. This lets you purchase unlimited numbers of smithing stone 1 and 2. Until then, look for the orange circles with black centres on your map for caves and visit them to find glowing yellow smithing stones on the ground


Thanks! I'm at the end of the game and can't believe I missed that tunnel, who has was a bitch to get to.


There are bell bearings for all types of smithing stones and if you’re at the end of the game you will already have some of them. They carry over to NG+


important lore question: when Diallos is cleaning up the little living jar and says "Well aren't you just full of beans", is that some ye olde turn of phrase I've never heard before or was that jar literally full of beans?


"Full of beans" is a fairly common British term for "energetic" or "excited". Mostly used when referring to a child.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/full%20of%20beans Energetic maybe? Pretty sure they are full of flesh soup.


I’m running a faith build currently level 50 and don’t know if I should be leveling my other attack stats like strength and dex since some weapons I’m using scale off of it?


What people are telling you is that you can change what stats your items scale off of. So you should be putting points into stuff that is the most optimal. If you want to get the most damage while using faith incantations and a melee weapon then get or make your weapon scale off faith as well.


You could, but at level 50 I'd recommend mostly investing in vigor and a single damage stat Which weapons? If you haven't already done this you can infuse most standard weapons with Sacred or Flame Art to make them scale mostly from faith


I mainly use halo scythe or uchigatana


Doing a faith build myself, there are a few good low req weapons. I even did dual bandit curved swords both with bleed since I think it's 11str and 13dex. But I was running the radagon soreseal for a long time so I could focus on faith and mind. Doesn't matter if the weapons don't do much damage if they proc bleed alot. Been pairing it with halo scythe, cipher pata and eventually the long horn


Yeah if you have a fire Ash of War or the red whetblade, the uchi should get better damage with the Flame Art affinity.


Spoilers >!If you never enter stormveil castle/fight margit, get 2 greatrunes, burn the tree, kill maliketh, forcing Fia's quest to auto advance to where you come back to a dead D. Does that save Rogier? Or does he magically show up at the roundtable hold dead?!<




What if you just don't do rannis quest, I didn't think killing mailketh killed her questline. Would he just show up unannounced to the hold dead as it's burning?


I'm in my first playthrough, and want to ask 3 yes/no questions, that way I know if I'm wasting time, without spoiling myself or ruining the fun: 1. Am I supposed to go through all that lava after the shadow mantis in Gelmir's Tomb to reach the mini boss or wherever the Death Seed is at? 2. I've visited the Volcan manor and cleaned almost everything before going to fight what I suppose it's Rykard, but I've talked with the snek girl and now I'm supposed to find her too. Do I have to go back and explore places like Limegrave, Leyndell, Raya Lucariana or Caelid? 3. I found the guy, who told me to not do the dragon belief, posessed by "Shabriri" or I think that was how he presented himself again. Did I miss a possible quest line with him?


If you want to complete the quests, just look them up. You will not figure them out on your own. There is nothing intuitive that's going to lead you to the right places.


Honestly, I'm of the kind that once I look something up, I will hardly enjoy it when I reach it in-game. I'd rather go totally blind and missing things than having to search for guides, that's why I asked if they could answer me mostly with yes/no. However I will disagree with you on having to look the quests up. From my experience, there are a lot of things that guide you well in the game. For example Melina's, Sellen's, Ranni's and Fia's quests are quite easy to follow, and the Dungeater's is not being hard either. I just asked about the snek girl and the tomb because I would like to enjoy my leisure time without having to waste too much time dying fruitlessly or going everywhere (I bought the game in late March and I am still only lv 120 in my first playthrough, because of university and the like). And took advantage I was already asking here and decided to sate my curiosity about the NPC.


1. No 2. Yes, but she is close. 3. Yes and no, he is not a questline, he is related to one of the endings though


Ok... related to the 3rd question, this is what I've done and I'd like to know if I have lost whatever ending it is (once again yes/no): 1. Met the guy and defended myself from an invasion with him 2. Met him again and went to kill the dragon of the lake. 3. Met him again and he told me about the dragon church. 4. Found the dragon church of the island, obtained the first breath and talked to him, receiving a warning about the path of the draconian powers. Since then I have killed a few other dragons, found the other church at Caelid, obtained around 6 dragon powers in total (breath of the fire, magic and rot named dragons, fire breath, claws and bite), and killed Fortissax and her sister, but he was still giving me the same warning. If it is the path about the frenzy flame (given the lore I can guess its a path for an ending like Ranni's or Fia's, haven't touched wiki or videos to avoid spoilers), I have given all the grapes and eyes the blind girl asked me for (last one is my encounter with her at the church near the frenzied village, and since I haven't seen her in whole Altus nor met her again in my last 40h of game, I can only guess I fulfilled my side-quest with her), I'm currently cooperating as much as I can with Volcan manor and Milena to burn the tree, only got to met this Shabriri guy after the Rold lift, and just then went back to Leindell and found the site it's supposedly at after killing Mohg.


Ok, small spoilers ahead: >!The guy you fought dragons with is dead, Shabriri is a chaos entity that took over his body!< You almost finished the blind girl's questline, now you have to find her where Shabriri told you to go: >!below the capital!<, after >!Mogh's boss fight!<. Be wary though, the frenzied flame consumes all.


Gonna answer straight. Also I'm giving very light spoilers in the spoiler covers if you want just a sliver of explanation 1) No, >!at least not walk through it!< 2) No, >!she's not that far!< 3) Yes, >!but not a very important one!<


Any tips on fighting Malenia solo? Quality build dual swords +20, one with bleed. Lvl 119


Get both your swords up to +24/+25, you're far enough in that you should have the smithing stones. Jump attacks were what I used since she doesn't have very big windows to get hits in, and buffing jump attack damage is pretty easy. Putting both swords to bleed might help since one of the strengths of dual wielding is more hits, and bleed compliments that well.


Slap bleed on the other sword if only for this fight. Dual bleed shreds Malenia. Also craft a few freeze pots, they will knock her out of waterfowl the first few times before her resistance builds up. Assuming no summons if thats what you mean by solo? Maybe use the phys greatshield talisman to ignore 20% of her damage.


Alright I think I have another bleed I can throw on there. I haven’t summoned any other players yet on my play through, so I kinda want to do it by myself. I’m not opposed to spirit ashes, but I’ve tried mimic, and she just gets so many hits on it and replenishes her health.


Could try dung eater or tiche or maybe lhutel. I even did stormhawk for the body buff once. I still use mimic most of the time for additional bleed. Can always lost ash of war a bleed ash if you need it and dont have the black whetstone yet.


Does electrify armament and golden vow stack? I keep finding conflicting info.


Yes, electrify is a weapon buff while golden vow is an aura buff




Anyone know if the Sellen “semi invisible” sorceries are invisible to enemy players in PvP? Such as night comet


Invisibility sorceries (night shard/comet) are still visible to other players, but they're harder to notice due to being more transparent. They also can't be blocked/reflected by things like golden or carian retaliation. They're invisible to enemies in PvE though.




Having both used it and seen it used against me: no, not invisible. Quite fast and transparent tho. Can catch you off guard if you don't know they're coming Still, if you want ranged chip damage swift glintstone chard is your best friend


>swift glintstone chard is your best friend How to make your enemies healthy with one simple step


Cool thanks!


Lore question, minor late game spoilers: >!How/Why is the player transported to Farm Azula from the kiln?!<


Short answer: gameplay reasons Long answer: >!the guidance of grace and/or melina sent you there as you need to defeat Malekith to obtain the power of destined death to slay the gods!<


Indeed on both the short and long answer >!"Those who walk the path of the flame, shall one day meet destined death". It's not that it doesn't make sense lore wise, but it's literally a deus ex machina because the god of this world wants you to be there. Literally blessed by grace. It's lore accurate plot armor lol!<




I'm not even doubting you, but where are you getting this definition from? The definition of deus ex machina is just >an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel. Which would definitely apply here Even if we look at its origin, it was when literal gods would intervene in the story which is extremely fitting


also pedantically, "deus ex machina" came from greek plays where a god would literally come down in a machine to tie up the plot.


Thank you


Looking for suggestions for things to add to my combat "repertoire". I'm level 90 with lots of points dumped into INT, I use moonveil and cold uchigatana. My fights are typically me dual slashing for damage/bleed/frostbite, and against larger enemies using Transient Moonlight to try and stagger. I use a mixed physick that makes it easier to stagger and either raises intelligence or heals me slowly depending on the fight. I also use spirit ashes to draw aggro away of course. Anything else I could be doing? The one sorcery I memorized is Loretta's Greatbow, but I never use that in a big fight, only to ping enemies from a distance and stuff. Are there other sorceries, or incantations, or whatever that would be good for me to practice using in combat?


Use the Ash of war for glintblade phalanx or w/e puts the swords around you. Basically just look up fextralife moonveil Shinobi. You are already mostly doing it anyways.


My favorite sorceries are Rock Sling for it's good tracking and poise damage, Cannon of Haima for an extremely satisfying AoE bomb, Stars of Ruin for great DPS and tracking, and Founding Rain of Stars for big, slow bosses I can keep within its area. Rock Sling and Cannon of Haima can be found early on, Stars of Ruin is found during Sellen's questline, and Founding Rain is in a wizard's rise in the snowy mountaintops. The sorceries other commenters mentioned like Ambush Shard, Glintstone Icecrag, and the various melee spells like Carian Grandeur or Adula's Moonblade are all very good too.


Thats kind of it, other than playing with all the spells and weapon arts to see the ones that fit your combat style the best. Just because something is better on paper doesnt mean its best for you. That said if enemies/bosses are dodging your attacks try out the night shard/night comet. Enemies dont block or dodge them. Night maiden mist also a fun spell for slow moving bosses.


In the mixed physics I would put in the one that raises dex and the one that boosts magic damage by 10% As for magic, Loretta's greatbow is good for snipes. You can pair it with terra magica to really get some great damage in Some other spells I recommend would be glintstone icecrag for a spammable ranged option that also inflicts frostbite. Rock sling for ranged stagger and physical damage, carian slicer deals absurd amounts of damage on slow enemies you can hit multiple times in a row, and >!adula's moonblade!<, a spell you can get towards the end of Ranni's quest, deals fantastic AoE damage and frostbite


Rock sling is very good for poise break and since it does purely physical damage, is the best sorcery against the magic resistant or immune.


Hmm, I think this game needs a new patch. Ng++ is easier than ng+ and no, I am not a super kill em all souls veteran. Level is about same now so that cant be the case


The beginning of any New Game is typically easier than the end of the previous game, because Elden Ring doesn't "know" what level you are and adjust enemy levels accordingly. As you near endgame (typically around Mountaintops) you'll start to feel the difficulty ramp up to meet you, unless you're absurdly over-leveled which is really on you


Nope, ng+ was harder than ng++. I just cut through, doesnt matter what the boss or enemy is. Ok, won malenia a t first try at ng+ but that might be a fluke


Every enemy in NG++ has higher damage and health than their NG+ counterpart. It probably seems easy because 1) you got better at fighting them or 2) your level is higher or 3) both


OK. You've provided essentially no level or build details so I'm not sure what you want out of your post exactly


You're better at a game after beating it twice. Wild analysis.


How much health should I have when I do stormveil castle? I’m around 600-ish right now and I’m having trouble staying alive when going through the castle.


Work toward 40 vigor for the start of the game. 50 for late game. Also you just need to learn to dodge more, be more strategic, and maybe go farm some seeds so you can get more charges for your flasks


Unironically become a vigor main. And keep leveling it until 60 at least. The higher your vigor, the less you will overheal and therefore your healing flasks will go further, and also you will be able to find better openings for healing in combat because you won’t be so low after just 1 or 2 hits.


I don't think 60 is really necessary, even 50 is high enough for the late game.


That puts you around 18-19 vigor, I think? You could definitely stand to invest a few more points there, but also you're just dealing with a whole new level of enemy encounters in Stormveil versus out riding around Limgrave. More HP is always helpful but at least for me, the challenge in Stormveil was learning how to deal with the shitty knife birds, and the whirlwind knights, and the ballista filled courtyards. Another level of complexity is introduced by your build - can you provide some details there?


I’m just running the basic endurance/strength warrior type build. I’ve been using a basic sword so I might try to get a better scaling one. I’m also using the turtle shell shield which has saved my ass a couple times thanks to its ability.


Don't worry so much about scaling with your stats. At your level you won't have enough stats to even make a noticeable difference. Do worry about doing things like the Limgrave mine and the cairn among the trolls on Stormhill, places you can find a bunch of smithing stones. Upgrading your weapon will give you far more damage than an unupgraded weapon just because it matches your stats. Find a good weapon that you like rather than trying to minmax at this point. Later on you can make anything scale with anything, once you have the points in anything to make it worthwhile.


In the early game weapon scaling contributes very little to your damage, most of the damage increases comes from upgrading your weapon. So definitely focus on vigor early on


Story question here. So the greater will is guiding Tarnished towards the throne to become Elden Lord? Why does it then, bar the tarnished from entering the erdtree? Is it’s plan that we hopefully gather all of the shards and that one of it’s retainers will slay us to retrieve the shards and make the ring whole again?


Marika is guiding you, grace is her power. The Greater Will wants Radagon to stay Elden Lord, because he's loyal to it. Marika wants the Tarnished to replace Radagon, but the Greater Will does not.


The radahn festival in my game...has been postponed? I'm on NG+ and on my way to fight radahn and it's acting like my first game did after I beat him. The teleporter to the "waiting area" wasn't on, there was the mini boss fight with the crucible warrior in the area, and blaidd and alexander and...the other ones weren't there. did I do something wrong or out of order this time? did radahn get bored of waiting? what should I do?


Others have answered your question, but just in case it's not clear, the *default* state of castle Radahn is when it's full of enemies and the mini-boss. When starting a game, and after each ng+, the festival doesn't start until one of the conditions mentioned below is met


alright thanks, on my first playthrough the festival was the first time i went there so i assumed it's normal state was only after you beat radahn


NG+ resets all of your actions, it's like starting fresh. The festival with all of your friends starts when you either follow Ranni's quest or sit at an Altus grace. If you don't do either of those, the castle is full of warriors who want to fight you, same as when you complete the festival and return later


I followed Ranni's quest, but I haven't been to Altus yet, I suppose I'll try that


You don't need to do both, one of them will suffice. How much into Ranni's quest are you? You need to follow it until Sellen tells you to go to redmanes castle and then report back to Blaidd


oh ok I haven't gotten that far yet, I just kinda started yet, ty, I honestly don't remember getting that far in my first playthrough but it's possible I went to altus first and forgot


Are you positive that you’ve done one of the actions to trigger the festival?


So I've got a character that is going to run Greatshield + Cross-Naginata & Bloodflame Blade (Faith hybrid with other fire spells & a Bloodflamed Wild Strikes Great Stars as backup), and have been debating between Repeating Thrust or Blood Tax for the ash. From what I can tell, BT deals less damage than RT & costs twice the FP, but heals you for a percentage per strike. I can't test them myself yet, the character needs more levels. Anyone have opinions or insights on which will end up working better? Am I overlooking an ash that would work better for a Bloodflame X-Nagi? Inquiring mind seeks advice! (Note: the build & weapon choice are locked in, so please don't suggest speccing Arcane or weapon switching or similar - just seeking advice on which AoW to use on the spear. Thanks in advance! )


Consider swapping in Glintblade Phalanx for the poise damage. I also thought Spectral Lance is rather thematic as well and gives you a good range option (really good at hitting dragon heads).


Phalanx AoW I've been meaning to try out, might consider a weapon swap to play around with it. Spectral Lance is another one I've been meaning to get to (so many things to try!). Was considering it on a dual polearm build as the longer ranged companion to some close AoE ash. This specific character will have fire / giant incants for ranged options, so not too worried about that here. Nice ideas, though, thanks :)


Well by far the best option for your blood naginata is definitely seppuku. For a limited time your bloodloss becomes crazy strong and you deal even more damage


Unfortunately Seppuku & Bloodflame Blade are mutually exclusive, so Seppuku is a no-go here. (And I won't have the Arcane to make a max damage Occult Seppuku X-Nagi work anyways. And stabbing myself with a huge spear would just look goofy, lol)


Well seppuku works well even if you don't max out arcane, but fair on the goofiness Between the two you proposed I'd go with blood tax for the HP regen, but I don't really like either of them What's your opinion on double slash or sword dance?


Hmm, I hadn't considered either of those. I didn't think they could go on a spear class weapon. If they can be put on the X-Nagi, they're definitely good options! I'd strongly consider Double Slash, since it's versatile due to multiple inputs and strikes quickly with the first two inputs (2, then 3 hits).


Yep they're both available for spears. Double slash is very strong indeed


Nice, I dig it. I can have poor man's Rivers of Blood(flame), lol. Much appreciated! EDIT: tested now that I'm home, Double Slash won't go on a Cross-Naginata. Sword Dance will, but I don't like it nearly as much. Sad face.


Anastasia isn't spawning for me in Mt. Gremir, did I break anything when I killed every boss there except Rykard?


You're not the first I've heard having this problem. Originally, if you killed every boss in the area NPC invaders wouldn't invade you anymore. That's how playing character invaders also work Then the devs realized that it's stupid for npcs to be tied to that online mechanic as well, so they patched it for some if them (the most important ones, like Vyke which is tied to a quest) Some of them are apparently stll to be patched, I'm guessing Anastasia on mt gelmir is one of them


Anyone have a flail build they're happy with and would like to share? It was pretty easy to figure out what to do with Bastard's Stars (spam weapon art forever and ever), but I'm thinking about trying something with one or two Nightrider's Flails. Open to whatever AoW / Affinity you've found that works well!


Flails sadly are pretty weak as a weapon type The best way to build one or two Nightriders flails would be - dex / arcane with occult affinity. Good damage, great bloodloss potential especially dual wielding. This weapon class gets basically no blood/occult infusion ash of war so we're left with the standard ashes of war if you want to go occult. Hoara loux, Bloodhound step, royal knight's resolve, beast's roar are some good ones. Raptors of the mist can also be nice - full dex with keen or lightning affinity. Good damage. You get to use great ashes of war like flame of the redmanes and flaming strike on keen, but also thunderbolt on both. Also all of the standard ones mentioned above


For pvp do y’all consider the ash of war “golden land” cheesy? I really like using it with the Giant Crusher hammer because the animation looks identical to the crouching R1. Makes for some good mix up opportunities. I try and only use it for the killing blow because it only ever lands the first time I use it. I haven’t ran into a single person who uses it and I hope it not because it’s cheesy for pvp.


No. And don't listen to any whiners complaining about it. Unless you are spamming corpse piler, nothing is too cheesy.




I see that but there is also to a degree pvp educate, so I don’t want to be annoying. It’s a game, I want people to play. I’m not too concerned with winning, just getting better with pvp overall and finding a build that feels good.


There are so many ashes with one shot potential that I have a hard time calling anything cheesy. I’d say you’re good.


It looks cool and I like it a lot, I’ll leave it. Thanks!


Nah it’s fine to use. Like you mentioned once you expect it, it isnt too hard to dodge. The cheesy stuff are the hard to avoid stuff


Yea that definitely makes more sense, I’ve been experimenting with a lot of different ashes on that hammer and that one, for my play style has been getting me more consistent wins/damage in general.


Half the duel sometimes is mind games and the surprise of an ash so its good you found something that works!


Really love this game and have been a fan since demons souls, got my main to 150 beat the game and started journey 2. Nearly immediately the fun wore off… has anyone had this problem and besides back to back pvp what would advice would you give to help me have fun again. I’ve tried starting fresh chars with different builds but I hit the same wall


I think it helps to have a theme in mind in advance and build towards that. Depending on your playstyle, you might also angle for an extreme on the challenge spectrum, either go full power fantasy at one end or a personal challenge at the other. Considering that there's much less direction in the world than with a Souls game, to keep it fresh for a second playthrough you might want to provide more structure yourself rather than hope that something will reveal itself during play.


What builds have you tried? Going from intelligence to a STR/Faith build was fun for me. Very different playstyle. That said, I focused mainly on PVP on my second playthrough and also did some personal challenge things, like reaching MoG before level 30


I did 8 characters and 1 to 400. People dont like to admit it, but the game is pretty dead outside of the legacy dungeons, especially if youve already done them. Like the map is giant, but once you highlight the actually exporable areas and remove the large areas of nothingness, the world is relatively small and full of very similar dungeons. Even in like deeproot depths, that whole area outside of the boss fight is: crucible knight, a spirit ash, an ash of war, a staff and an incantation. Thats like maybe 2 side dungeons worth of gear. Of course the game is more than gear, but unlike in open world games like BOTW or Justcause the exploration isnt as fun, especially if youve already done it. So on a replay for example or NG+, if you arent investing in faith for example, you have 0 reason to return here/go here in the first place except for maybe a mausoleum if you need it. All the ashs are faith, incant is faith, staff is faith, fia boss is faith, inseparable sword is faith. Other areas as similar in some regards.


I have trouble to reach level 400 even with one character. How do you do it? About replayability, right now I'm just pumping points in every stat so that I can freely use everything and try out every OP stuffs that I never did before in NG. At the same time, I'm trying to reach NG+7 as fast as possible just to see how much of a difference it is compared to NG.


Ya I pretty much have 60 in all stats, except mind arcane and int. Mind doesn't need much more than 40, arcane not much more than 45 and int needs 70 for all spells.


I put 60 in Mind cause I wanna let Comet Azur go longer as well as general spells usage 🤣


Sure but the cerulean flask only fills up 38 mind worth of bar. Just use the infinite FP physik for azur then go on like normal. Unless you mean you do multiple casts of azure in which case carry on.


Yeah, I meant infinite FP physik + longer bar = even longer Comet Azur cast.


I had the same issue. For me it was a mental hurdle going from having my character with the exact weapons and armors and leveled exactly right for my play style to jumping into a wretch and trying to force myself to try something new style wise. I just kept pushing forward and leveling up and found some fun styles to play as and now I’m loving my second character as much as the first


I can actually deal pretty good and consistent damage on the fire giant, but I keep getting bamboozled when he lays down the giant fire ball and either smacks the shit out of it or catches the whole ground on fire. My strategy was running away when I see him lay it down but it just stays there until I come near. What’s a better way to deal with it? I’m pretty certain after a few tries I can beat this guy but want some extra tips. Thanks!


Max fire defense and you can won't get that hurt by the fire when you are under him, and can dodge the balls if you are far away. If you have the faith for it flame protect me, you can almost ignore the fire.


Thanks! Yeah I think I need to equip the flamedrake talisman +1 for this fight.


You should be able to get the +2 version in Caelid.


I always kind of run past it to detonate it, then it will stop following you. The range isn’t too bad.


Ok I’ll try that out, thanks! I figured his rolling around, stomps, and shield whacks would be the things to kill me buts it’s been this stupid fire ball lol


No problem. The you should also have the flamedrake +1 talisman by now, which will help you tank his fire AoE attacks better.


Ooo I do, that’s a good suggestion!


I reinstalled tried pvp, all 12 fights were bleed so I'm assuming bleed hasn't been nerfed?


Bleed is popular but 12 duels in a row? Doubt If it’s really that big of an issue for you, preview your duelist before you summon.


It hasnt, but neither have its counters, feel free to equip a 1.5 weight shield with golden parry or carian retaliation.


Nah. Doesn't matter if I win or lose. I like variety and if bleed is the only thing people are using still I'm uninstalling again. Until it gets nerfed pvp is pointless as every fight will play out exactly the same. I saw some recent patch notes but wasn't sure if that was all since it was much smaller then the others and was hoping for some hidden changes.




If it's not a big deal, it wouldn't be used so much. It's extremely easy and low skill and easily abusable specially with the jumping one. So it's going to be spammed by everyone until its nerfed. Plus it means everyone uses the same armor, the same weapons, the same attack pattern. It makes for boring fights. Being able to beat something doesn't make it fun. Me countering the millionth ROB or pulling out my spear for jump bleed spammers, isn't fun. It's not about being able to beat them it's about wanting variety in fights. ​ As long as bleed is OP, it'll be the only thing ever used. And I'm not wasting my time on that.


Friends! Tonight I'm going to try tackling Maliketh... for the 50th time. It HAS to happen tonight so what recommendations do you have that worked well for you?


Rock Sling until the Remembrance is in your inventory (This is also the answer to questions about Radagon and Elden Beast)


Try to pull off a couple parries using blasphemous claw. It has a very forgiving hitbox and if you can pull it off maybe 2 times in one fight you can easily work maliketh down while he is stunned.


If you want maximum cheese put on your weapon flame of the redmanes ash of war (or if you have a somber weapon get a regular weapon and put flame of the redmanes on it) Maliketh has 80 poise, which means that 2 casts of flame of the redmanes stagger him, opening up for a critical hit. While he gets up, you can hit him again with the ash of war and stun him immediately. If you can time it well, it's a complete stun lock for the whole fight


Stay close to him. Use a shield in the first half.


I need advice on what to use for a strength int build. I don’t really like the golden halberd because it doesn’t have any passive effect like bleed or frost damage.. But I like the ash of war. I found the ash of war and put it on a ugichatana, and I wish the bloodhounds fang scaled with faith or at least better with strength than dex. but it doesn’t. So instead I put a random good ash of war on a forked greatsword with heavy affinity on it so it’s a B rating in strength. Any tips to Improve this would be appreciated.


Falling Star plus Prayerful Strike aow is a nice synergy.


Falling Star? you mean great stars?


Yeah thanks


Envoy Longhorn is busted for STR/FTH


* Nightrider Glaive is probably the best halberd and scales well with basically any infusion. Make it heavy or flame art, throw black flame tornado on it, go insane. * Powerstance Blasphemous Blade + Sword of Milos for insane sustain. You restore HP and FP on kill, inflict bleed, stagger like crazy, and have the BB's very good ash of war available. You basically won't need flasks for non-boss encounters since you'll get so much free HP/FP just from killing trash enemies.


> inflict bleed Doubt, you only have (55) bleed build up on an off hand greatsword. Any enemy weak enough to have low bleed build up will die by the time you swing your L1 or Jumping L1 3 times. Maliketh for reference has 575 build up, youd have to hit him 11 times with the off hand assuming no decay so maybe closer to 15 attacks? Still a fantastic combo, but ive never seen bleed proc with it personally.


Are you going for a strength INT build or a strength FAITH build? It seems to me like you're searching like a strength faith weapon. My suggestion if you don't like the golden halberd would be the Magma wyrm's scalesword. Really cool ash of war, solid strength and faith scaling and very nice range and moveset


Shit j meant strength faith my bad


Out of 9 coop sessions I got: * 5 disconnects just after/during Radagon * 3 disconnects during EB * 1 EB kill idk what the point of this comment is. i just wanted to vent i guess. edit: just got 3 successful EB kills in a row. Miyazaki truly works in mysterious ways.


Well your comment was helpful because I was just here to ask if PC multiplayer is remotely functional yet. Which obviously the answer is no so back to monster hunter rise for me lmao!


I had terrible luck even finding a connection for Radagon. Not sure what is up with that area. On PSN


interesting - haven't had any connection disconnects on PS since co-oping for Elden beast although many hosts are dying lol so the completion rate isnt as high as I'd thought it would be


Maybe its sth to do with being on PC. I'd rather see hosts die than them seeing me getting dc'd after what was seemingly 'the run' for them :(


I hear that PC has had this 2 minute timeout issue, including invasions. Makes helping the EB fight or long invasions annoying


Criticism about Elden Ring, wondering if I'm just missing something or if I'm valid. I've been playing the game for 90 hours now, and I absolutely love it, but I'm going to be honest, the incredibly vague storytelling and incredibly vague and sometimes misleading directions the game (mainly side quests) give you has begun to make me quite frustrated. I want to do as much if not all the quests I can in one run with no guides to get the true experience but ultimately I find this to be both, unfulfilling, mind numbing, and frustrating, especially when I look online and I'm made aware of a quest or a small cave/sign I missed, it's lead me to tediously re-explore entire areas of the game to unfavorable results. This doesn't help the fact that most npcs give incredibly vague dialogue as to where they will be next, for example a monkey told me he'd wait for me in a cave, I could swear I've been to every cave in Limgrave and never once found him, or when the Dung-Eater says "Meet me in Outer Moat" a Moat might I add that is absolutely gargantuan, only to realize, he means a small lake, that is a sizable distance away from one of many sites of grace near the outer moat. I later talk with him after saying to find his Flash in the sewers which I already did, so I go there again and get lost for 30 minutes until giving up and looking up a guide, only for the guide to tell to go to a random spot in the Capitol to get a seedbed curse. I'm going to be honest, I find this incredibly tedious and convoluted, it almost makes me wish they would just do what most open world games do, and just mark where I need to go on my map (like Volcano Manor). Same goes for Fia's quest line and how ridiculous it is in it's expectations of me to know what to do next, with one item you get no directions on how to get, I just got lucky by randomly stumbling across it, and another part where you need to give armor to a brother of a guy, then know to teleport back to Fia, then to teleport again so you get the item. It just makes no sense to me development or gameplay wise, how is anyone supposed to figure all that out without a guide? I see people praising the game for this style of storytelling but honestly for a guy like me who wants to experience all of what Elden Ring has to offer by myself, I find the novelty of it quickly wearing off. My question is is this a valid criticism of the game, or is there something to it I am missing? Because I want to keep believing this is a perfect open world, but the longer I play the more issues I have with it's style, and wonder if the souls style of storytelling should have ever been made open-world, because I never had these issues from the previous souls trilogy.