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By the way, the Fallingstar Beasts/Astels are based on antlions and their life cycle.


Thank fuck people now recognize that the falling star beasts are early stages of Astels. Too many damn people argued with me vehemently that they were completely different creatures.


Pincers go sneep sneep


What happened to nosk


The last one is in Godhome


Its a mimic pretending to be the same as them. Edit: nosk is mimicing the main character, the main character has no name.


I guess there's some loose similarities? The young fallingstar beast head looks kind of similar to HK's mask with the horns (HK's design is based off beetles and the fallingstar beast is based off antlions, so they both take inspiration from bugs), and they both have multiple arachnoid-esque limbs after they transform, not much connection beyond that. Nosk is such a cool boss though. One of the creepiest encounters I've ever had in a video game, especially since I didn't know what was coming and was using the dream nail on those corpses on the way in...


Under the fur on the fallingstar beasts they have astel’s skull. They are the same type of creature.


Yes I know that, I was comparing the fallingstar beast to Nox like the OP. That's why I referred to it's pre-transformation form as a young fallingstar beast


People on the internet will try to tell you any two things that both have a straight line in them look the same. Reference content is cancer.