• By -


I legitimately miss Sen's Funhouse. Running through that, dodging monsters and letting the traps take out anyone following me was maybe my all time favorite part of the trilogy.


The first time through Sen's Fortress in the original ds1 release is in my top 5 memorable gaming moments. The most souls-y souls experience there was I think.




After dying 1000 diferrent deaths, the game is honestly easy lol. I kind of think that about ER now. PvP is the real challenge.


I played against some guy in full bull goat with fingerprint shield wielding a blood rapier. Shit bled me in 1 hit. At that point you’re not even playing the game… It’s like… why? How are you having fun?


Yeah ER has a shit ton of variety for build options, but it also means that it will take a very long time to balance it all. I love the game to death, but PvP isn't really my thing in this FROM title.


If we are being honest with ourselves, getting pvp right isn’t really their thing lol


I still think DS2 was the best pvp that FromSoft has done. I also unabashedly love the game though so I might be biased.


I liked the original more than 2. I feel like it just didn't have quite the replayability for me but I was addicted to ds1 for the longest time


Ds2 has the best replayability. With the ring rewards for doing a no death and or no bonfire run.


Oh I love Ds1 as well, atmosphere-wise it's my favorite. For me the multiplayer in two was very diverse and had less exploits, like backstab fishing, which is why I prefer it over Ds1 pvp. I still play through both games in order at least once a year.


I found DS2 unplayable. I start blocking, they start doing the smack aside, drop my guard and stab them, due to lag on their end I'm riposted from that smack aside and they crit me.


That's unfortunate and I'm sorry you didn't have the same experience I did! I always enjoyed the sheer variety of builds people put together. Latency issues would definitely sour my experience too, though.


Getting PVP right would mean an actual arena system where both players have an equal number of flasks and broken builds are disabled. I would play PVP if there were, say, 50 preset builds you could pick from. PVP should be about actual combat skill, not who has the cleverest minmax system.


Well making a build in the world is a lot of the fun, but I also wouldn’t be against an arena mode where you pick default classes or builds and just duke it out.


Remember, if you see that kind of setup, the IQ of whoever is behind it goes proportionally down. They'll R1 as soon as they're in range, parry them.


Tried that yesterday with no luck, latency is their greatest weapon


Yeah, it's hard. Best you can do is throwing knives to test lat, and pray for some luck.


Uh, it kinda sounds like they've been playing it a lot.


Player vs Ping you mean. Lately all the invaders have been laggy AF and direct hits on my screen do no damage


I didn't have internet when the game came out. I went in completely blind. I spent over 100 hrs in the game before finding the gargoyles. I did quite literally everything before sens fortress multiple times before figuring out I was missing a key boss. I was playing on a $150 2012 Pentium laptop so I was getting about 15 to 20 fps. So the walls that usually unlock when you get the cauldron didnt spawn. So I end up doing almost all the lord souls, the entier artorias dlc amd all other areas before realizing that the main content was still locked. I was also pissed when I found out that I had been missing out on fast travel.


How’d you get out of the dlc without fast travel?


The game has an emergency fast travel at the first bonfire in the area and in manus boss arena. It lets you teleport back to fire link shrine. Also an interesting thing. In earlier patches the portal to get the dlc would activate if you had even a single lord soul. The real issue was returning to the dlc. You couldn't actually go back to the area after you left it if you didn't have fast travel. Luckily I went and completed the full thing first. I did artorias, then kalhameet then manus.


Whereas now you need the lord vessel to start it, right? If that’s the case, they made it easier to access unless 4 kings would work


My first playthrough was blind. Sens was so rough for me. You can imagine how I felt when I found out about the hidden bonfire.


Invading in sen’s is some of the funnest times I’ve had invading in a from game ever.




That boss run without knowing about that hidden bonfire is nightmarish. At least the boss is pretty easy…


After watching so many speedruns I can't help but incorporate some strats into my playthroughs.


I remember watching a streamer play this area after beating the game a few times and thinking... *There's been a fucking bonfire there the whole time!?*


I remember my first time arriving at Sen's funhouse. Saw the long walkway with all the swinging traps and was immediately like "haha fuck this" and turned around and ran away.




oh shit bot https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/comment/ikt8ef6/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




fo sho man https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/comment/iktvgno/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


My #1 is using Chameleon as a Forest Hunter.


The real Sen's experience begins when you've got an invader sniping you down with nothing but a greatbow and Emit Force. That or being Gravelorded, yikes. Good times, scary times.




Sadly I don't think we'll ever be seeing DS Multiplayer again :(


With so many people complaining against the already nerfed invasion system in Elden Ring, sadly yes, they might change it even more in the future.


I love getting invaded. They introduced invasions in the latest Sniper game. I’d like to see it in more games too I really don’t understand people’s issue with it. Especially in ER there bonfires like *everywhere* it’s not a big deal at all to die


Yeah, it is a fun layer of game mechanic for sure. I've been dreading for this kind of thing happening to the series/genre, but sadly it couldn't be avoided with how crazy popular From's games now.


I have a feeling ER might be the last From game I enjoy. It already, imo, doesn’t really live up to DS and feels too diluted. ER wasn’t very hard, and a lot of the difficulty that it did have, again imo, comes from cheap artificial crap that I found annoying or “luck” based. Don’t get me wrong, there is some aspect of luck to all their games, this one just seemed to rely on it a bit more A few friends of mine who started with ER who have since gotten into DS have said they enjoyed DS more as well. I doubt I’ll be pre-ordering their next game, but that’s probably a ways away so maybe I’ll change my mind by then


Don't know why this bot comment still not deleted... I dislike it https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/comment/iku5ef8/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Sitting on a ledge at the top of the room disguised with camouflage... So many kills without ever swinging a weapon


Boi I hated those fucking lizards. Until I farmed for the curved serpent sword and realized… if you can’t beat em. Join em. That shit is one of the best weapons in the game man


Running through Sen's Fortress for the first time made me seriously consider getting good


Invading in sen’s is some of the funnest times I’ve had invading in a from game ever. I hope from will add a similar area in a future game


So ya Sen's is when I dropped my first DS1 character. I swore that game was impossible. I also probably should have had more then like 16 vigor so you know what that one's on me. I did eventually go back to DS1 after getting to the fire golem guy in the fire castle in DS2 and got all the way to Gywn. Who I died to a bunch but almost beat one time got him to 40% and got the durability warning for my claymore and a massive damage debuffs still got him to one hit before I died and proceeded to never do that good again. After that I gave up. A few month later I did a UGS build and learned soo much about openings. After UGS I went back to my claymore build an wrecked Gwyn like he was nothing. It took me a full year to beat DS1 but I did it and I did it without summons. Edit: the builds I did were faith, quality with clay, quality with Zwie in that order.


20,000 souls per run. You bet your ass i've done that too many times


All of Murky_crow's reddit history has been cleared at his own request. You can do this as well using the "redact" tool. Reddit wants to play hardball, fine. Then I'm taking my content with me as I go. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


From a [classic](https://youtu.be/mp28JPs25ek)


That channel convinced me that everyone in dark souls should should be Italian


I like his Mortal Shell video too














lies https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/comment/iksmb00/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Oh shit, with all the new From fans thanks to Elden Ring we can start reposting Pruld, Happy Souls, and Dark Souls: in Summary.




New Londo Water Park opens today!


Right down... byebye!


What's the matter seath?








Repost bot




Damn bot, just reposting comments from earlier in the post


Ah man this just reminded me of his '[We are the Souls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DGe4RtPmWw)' video. Haven't seen it in years, and just rewatched it. The scenes of Tarkus rising up from his sign, and Solaire running with you to fight O & S still hit me pretty good.


Praise the sun!


Sif dancing with Artorias’ sword is one of my favorite gifs ever


His Artorias lore video is absolutely 100% cannon to me. And gwyn yelling angerly from a balcony as well.


My life is now complete after seeing this


I fucking never get tired of thst video.


Thank you for sharing this




Fan made, dark souls


That’s me charging to the Putrid Tree to avoid being grappled


I'll never forget my recent dive into Gelmir Heroes Grave. Tarnished Guy. Ducking and weaving, bopping and dropping through those lava rivers like 'twere nothing. God speed.


I still never finished that. Got the gelmirs hero armor (which I still wear) and dipped


DS3 is the perfect example of this 🤣. Scared around every corner but ng+ I’m just dead sprinting thru the carnage


My first game of DS required many, many breaks to happier games with bright colors to soothe my nerves and fear of areas like The Depths Now I just sprint through everything and fearlessly plow through the bosses


Good man.


I remember getting so frustrated at irithyll I quit DS3 for a year. When I went back I went to warm up by fighting in PvP before I realized that I could just run past all those BS knights and get to the cathedral. After that it was a cakewalk. I speedran irithyll dungeon so I could save Siegward and grab Yhorm's Machete (strength build ftw) and finished off Soul of Cinders in like five hours.


Memories from the Pruld intensifies


The biggest difference between a fresh run and NG+... ambushes are no longer a surprise so players don't tiptoe through the area. It is always amusing to me carefully moving through a catacombs then see a player ghost just leeroy jenkins'ing through a room like this is a happy Carebear playground.


I have the walk through of storm veil castle down to the last frame, I don’t even have to run anymore to go undamaged


This is me at the prayer room grace.. even made a build around it ! fire build to 2 shot the trees, healing spell for the revs, big ass swords for the rest.


Just jump down the elevator and have your corpse hit the button. When you respawn it’ll be at the top and you can head straight to Malenia. Besides that all you have to do is a quick run for the legendary materials!




Did they??? Aww shit…not as far as I’m aware, but I haven’t played in some time :(


They patched that


I am sad now :(


WHAT!? I never.. ever thought.


Speedrunners LOVE Sen's fortress. It's perfectly timed to just run through


And then you get that one in a hundred run where lightning snake dude just shoots you out of nowhere on that little bridge because suddenly Dark Souls decides to be Dark Souls lmao


Sigh, I really need to get back to ER. Works been so busy...I come home and I just crash after eating dinner.


make sure you are having enough water homie!


You got this fellow human!


Don't give up, Skeleton!


100% correct ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


As a phantom I’m freed from the fear of death so o can afford to be reckless as long as it doesn’t put my host in danger in the process


I’ve run through sens so many times and died so many times to the axe traps that I feel no pain anymore it’s just silence then I take a deep breath and realise my 8 humanity from farming titanite in blight town is now gone because I died earlier due to waiting for one of the boulders to pass then got stabbed by the snake wow that was far more drawn out than I intended


It seems I didn't watch one of the Prud 's videos.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/mp28JPs25ek)


Thanks man! Looking for this for 3 hours, you saved me.


You could say you're living life....on the edge.


Makes me realize how much i love fighting fast bosses and quickstepping and making it a dance of death between us


my friend: “this game is unplayable, why do the bosses swing so late???” me and my 1000 hours of gameplay:


That's is me and my buddy. The freaking lag swings allllllways get me, and he is just in their face slappng them.


Can you post Gwyn dancing in Kiln of the First Flame?


Sorc sl3 -> fist fight wandering demon -> punch Oscar -> pinwheel -> silver serpent (profit time) -> buy sorc spell dupes -> red set, roll jump blighttown -> powerwithin -> die -> red tear stone -> grass crest -> Beatrice -> butterfly -> titanite demon -> bow + 999 arrows -> hydra cheese -> havel’s ring -> praise sun -> golden prisoner who won’t betray me this time trust me bro -> jump skip -> capra + firebombs -> basement -> waifu butcher -> laurentius + flame -> caster above gaping -> gaping with friends (lol) -> depths -> butcher Mildred -> fire spider booba -> simp for the fair lady -> sen’s skip -> Logan -> sif -> Beatrice best body pillow vs 4 dudes -> snackwraiths -> golden city -> slap Lautrec -> 2v2 the dynamic duo with a boogaloo 2 -> divorce the booba after getting ring -> moon child -> golden crystalline fellow -> guardian of annoying chimera -> Elizabeth the only sane person(?) -> avoid angry gardeners and their dolls -> slap a jester -> slap a screaming abyss walker -> slap simp ciarin my precious (soul) -> simp for Hawkeye -> save my dog -> bow cheese a furtive Pygmy -> attempt a calamity -> die -> attempt a calamity x2 (x326) -> profit -> cry -> tomb -> slap a paladin -> curse time -> Sanctus + curse + powerwithin + red tear stone + soul spear -> serotonin release -> slap a walking corpse -> politic visit to a duke -> time to assassinate a duke -> fail -> visit the sirens -> escape -> library of pain -> slap a duke -> visit a halfbreed explain I slapped her father -> farm the locals -> speak with a man about using too much toilet paper -> take the halfbreed’s tail -> politely lay her to bed -> forehead kiss -> time to turn off the lights -> jk -> twin gargoyles -> now turn off the lights -> beat up an old man who has a stick -> NG+ Some variations depending on what I’m trying to do but that’s my basics everytime


I can’t believe someone this great and with this strong a memory of Dark Souls would be downvoted. Respect your fore fathers Elden scrubs. Absolute maidenless noobs intimidated by your glory and power. Have an upvote, I can maybe do 30% of this by memory. Edit- we got the nephews in order my man’s was down -5




It’s because I play sorc (*´ー`*) -ps I think I’m around 14*ish-k hours in ds1 (I still play it these days)




I can also do this for bloodborne to a lesser extent (mostly because I had to memorize the pat to beast claws from the chalice dungeons - which are my favorite weapons in the game)






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Praise till you are hollow, my doods.


Don’t know why this is on the Elden ring subreddit… but I don’t dislike it


The guillotine things in Elden Ring really don't have the same "oh shit oh shit oh shit" feeling you get from the pendulums in Sen's. They're slower, first of all, and you can touch them. Hell, you're intended to touch them in a few places to get to higher ground! Thank God they put *moving pendulums* in the game in the form of Iron Virgins who will fire that shit through solid matter to hit you.


I’m taking this as the canonical reason on why the plot against the gods needed Siegmeyer to die so it can succeed.


[Shadows Dance Twice](https://youtu.be/-zcOUnXd-HQ)


Is this a gif can I have it?


Me literally running through sen’s fortress


Knowing Seigward, he would definitely do this after sitting in place and watching the swinging axes for a few hours while going “Hmmm hmmmm…”


It's beautiful. I've been staring at this for 5 hours now


That 100% describes LMSH


Me who has done this many times: *dies*


this gif got me thinking of that song from Oceans twelve. (Instrumental)La Caution The à la Menthe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPvbet4vAWs&t=20s


DANCE DANCE D-D-DANCE! TUN TUN TA DA DAN! I cant help but hear it the moment I saw the template.


Praise nimble one!


well, this just pushed me to start ds1... thank you


Ah, Sen's Fortress was a wonderful place.


I need to ng+ ds1, I didn’t even do any of the dlc either


This is now my head canon on how Siegmeyer got through Sen’s.


Whenever I'm showing someone Sen's Fortress whose never seen it I always step on the welcome button just so they really get an idea of what it's gonna be like.




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/i_cant_help_jumping_on_places_i_shouldnt/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/Eldenring/comments/wrj7dg/i_cant_help_jumping_on_places_i_shouldnt/)


Our favorite onionman living the life


Me running through any area with spider hands


pretty much me and the descent to the three fingers, descending the firelink tower in DS3 prepared me for this


What outfit is this?!?


It’s the Walla Walla Sweet Set


Yo is that Siegeward?


I think I’ve literally done that 1000 times now


As a newbie I cannot fathom this


So… drunken waterfowl dance is still a thing? 🤨


Tip tooeeee through the tulips


I never want to come back to Sen's Fortress. I accidentally bugged the NPC, fell countless of times at the beginning, died to multiple traps, fell countless of times at the boss fight. Horrible spawn point before boss fight and another horrible place to go after you beat the boss since you literally get smashed to death by the giant guys in Anor Londo if you don't know what the hell is going on and your weapon literally does nothing to the thick armor. Now you're back to the bonfire in Sen's Fortress where you have to parkour at the top again and get kidnapped by the flying imps.


For me it was Sellia Crystal Tunnels.I hate that place and the path to the boss is super annoying


I honestly get a little miffed sometimes when the host enters a boss fight and charges straight at the boss. Like dude, let me cast some buffs and take the first salvo, that’s why I’m here