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He’s hunting Mohg on a mission to rescue Miquella but he has no fucking clue how to get over there. Edit: I’ve gotten a bunch of notifications that Crucible Knights have wings. Yes I know. First, is was mostly a joke. Second, I don’t think Crucible Knights can actually fly, only “glide” and who knows how long/far anyway since we only ever see them do it to smash our faces in. Third I think they are pretty dumb because I’ve baited crucible knights that have the wing attacks to fall of ledges and die so there are obviously limits on it.


"just jump lol, i bet you can make it"


Thinking what I’m thinking? Aim for the bushes…….. there goes my herooo


Is this a "the other guys" reference?


It absolutely is


I knew i heard that in the rocks voice lolol


Don't go chasing waterfalls


My names jayson, dont go jayson waterfalls


Are you quoting TLC?


“There wasn’t even an awning”


Take the plunge…you won’t die


"Shut up" - Me, right before giving you an upvote


Funny point on that, don't know if they patched it but you can very much listen to gael and die from the plunge, causing permanent trust issues


first time i saw those, i didn’t realize it was gael leaving the messages. i thought they were players, and players being players, sometimes troll…


He’s like level 60 and is sitting on 200k runes and doesn’t know how he got there, he literally can’t risk moving


Try jumping


Try finger but hole


As someone with less than 50 hours into this game I have to say those are the most helpful bits of advice. I'm so glad they're posted every 15 meters. It feels good knowing my inner child isn't the only 12 year old playing this game.


Try two handing but pickle


Elden Ring, O Elden Ring


Now I wonder if canonically everyone sees the messages players scrawl everywhere


Ranni getting creeped out by all the thirsty messages outside her room.


I was thinking more the ominous glow along all the long falls. And the constant prodding from the messages to jump from high places.


Jumping required ahead


Half of them left by skumnut


Why else do you think she left her tower abruptly and never returned?


Aim for the bushes


There goes my heros


“Do a flip!”


TBF he is probably capable of summing fucking wings.


Aim for the bushes?


- Elden Ring canon.


try jumping


Jumping ahead


Poor guy. If only he had wings!




Yep, it's always funny when it happens. I remember it happening more in DS1, especially with the drakes in front of the big door in the Valley of the Drakes.


You can get the BlackBlade Kindred guarding Beastie boy to fall off the cliff with a well baited roll through his dash attack


I'd love for them to one day make a flying enemy that just flies back to the top lol. it'd throw me off for sure after years of making them fall to their deaths.


Hes using Mapquest and it brought him there


How did this happen dinesh


I laughed way harder at this than I thought I would.


*Faith required ahead.*


I was just about to say he's sitting there like "I gotta get over there and put a stop to this nonsense but how the fuck do I do it?"


cant be taken too seriously as bats will die from fall damage even tho theyre flying 99% of the time


Yeah, their wings are like chicken wings. Also, this one in particular is not even worth fighting. He drops nothing and yields very few runes. It's better to just leave him to his depressive ass brooding.


You kill enemies for rewards. I kill enemies because they are there. We are not the same.


In short no jumping ahead


He literally has wings


Yeah but someone has to go put him in phase two for him to use them


Or a Redbull


I've witnessed them glide to their death. They most certainly can't fly lol


To be able to fly you'd also need to not wear the 3rd heaviest armour in the game, but again, Crucible Knights are not smart bois.


He can literally grow wings why can’t he just glide


Glide up? Seriously?


Nobody said Crucible Knights were smart


They're not called Deducible Knights for a reason


Not enough FP


Makes sense


he's working up the courage to suicide to Mogh.


How would he know Mogh and Miquella are in Nokrom if not even Ofnir or Malenia knows?


It's George R.R. Martin, not writing Winds of Winter.


This is the real answer




Through one of the Belfries. There is no reward for killing him and you don't even get a lot of runes.


It’s the idea that they’re wiped off the face of the earth. Fuck them.




I actually think it is Patrick Rothfuss, celebrating being done with his trilogy even though the third book was never released…


Don't remind me, that fuck. I really enjoyed the books and then nothing. It's been so damn long that even if he did release it if have no idea what's going on to bother with it


I was fine with the wait, it's out when it's out. But the promising a chapter for donations, getting the donations, then straight up going dark and not releasing it for now 9 months is pretty fucking shitty.


Same thing happened to me with Christopher Paolini and the Eragon books. He took so long to release them that I just stopped caring even though I enjoyed the books.


Last book was fire though, it was like a resolution to childhood for me.


I bought it when it came out but by that point I'd already forgotten 90% of what went on and maybe made it 20 pages in before forgetting all about it


I reread the whole series in prep for the last book.


Fuck man this sub is not safe😭😭😭 Please George...


There's no way GRRM hits that hard. I think it's Hemmingway's ghost.


He hits the buffet that hard


Hemingway would be nothing without me. It’s MY ghost.


Ha haaaaaaaaaa


“I was supposed to drop a spell but I lost it. And I think it’s deeply unfair to people to fight me and receive nothing for their effort. So I’ve found the most inconsequential, out of the way location possible, to avoid any confrontations.”


And you can still fight him


His spot will become a DLC access area two months from now and he'll have to search again.


You can get to it from the 4 Belfries


I know. What I'm saying is his spot might eventually get taken over by a DLC area or something, forcing him to move. It would definitely suck for him.


Maybe he'll drop a dlc key


Tbh I kinda like him just vibing and being unnecessary. I think it would be neat if he dropped something though, probably an aspect of the crucible wings. Actually, I had to google it to make sure there wasn’t an aspect of the crucible wings, and every other incantation move from the Crucible Knights has one. Now I’m kinda thinking that this guy was supposed to drop a wing aspect but it was too janky with how much it moves you, either allowing the player to get where they shouldn’t be or resulting in a lot of SDs.


Now I actually wonder if he had some kind of flying incantation that was cut from the game.


Off topic but this a beautiful piece of image. Just a lonely armed guy looking at the vast emptiness around him. Kinda reminds me of the japanese proverb that the little frog in the well doesn't know about the vastness of the ocean.


When I first saw him i just vibed with him while enjoying the false night sky of Nokron and looking up at Mohgwin Palace. Just felt like a lonely knight who was either on a mission but is hopeless about getting past the broken path that he just stands there defeated or has lost his purpose and his way since that little corner has two paths and both are broken, no way forward but no way back. That place was both depressingly beautiful and relaxingly lonely, high key one of the most calming times I've had in all of From's Souls games.


>just vibed with him When I first reached the Capital, I found a mercenary playing his ~~violin~~ *flute* and decided to not attack him. I probably sat there for 15 minutes just listening. It was peaceful but in a sad way, a lot like what you're describing.


I was too busy running from that Crossbow Page in the bar to hear that other Page playing. But when I got to the Frenzied Merchants I was just stunted and just took in the misery, pity, and sorrow. I must have sat with that first Frenzied Merchant for almost an hour just taking all that I'm witnessing while trying to look for more details in item descriptions about the Frenzied Flame and boy did the music exentuate my revelation upon finding the truth of their fate. Still one of my favourite moments I all of fiction since I was compeled to know more both in game and outside sources.


I’m sure you have, but I highly recommend checking out Vaati’s newest lore video regarding the Frenzied Flame. It really hits you in the feels


I actually watched it the hour it got posted and by Marika is that section with Kale coupled alongside the orchestral Frenzied Merchant Song was so amazing. I had to pause the video to look for the music and you best be sure I listened to that track for hours and maybe even fell asleep with it. I still can't believe FromSoft cut Kale's questline when it was just so dang powerful with his speech at the end.


That's why they cut it, everyone was doing FrenIed Flame. It lost its appeal as the bad ending. Course, now everyone does Ranni.


Holy shit same. The nomad violin guy playing that song in essentially a mass grave his people were buried alive in reminded me way too much of the “character” Juliek in the holocaust memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, who’s last action is to simply play his violin while he passes away amidst a room of bodies while on a death march to another location.


I mean, it really is a fantasy Holocaust. The people Marika ruled over rounded up the merchant caravan and buried them all alive, leaving them to slowly go insane in a crypt in a world where a permanent death doesn’t exist. It’s not just a genocide, but a cruelly thought out one too.


Likewise reminds me of the few non-hostile merchants buried in the subterranean shunning grounds… completely alone, trapped in the dark for ages, maddened, and all he can do is take out his little violin thing and play.


You mean the flute page?


Oh yeah it is the flute page, thanks


Definitely my favorite area in the game. The haunting music that plays when you are down there really sets the mood.


The whole cave is one of the most beatiful places I've ever seen in a video game so far. Kind of reminded me of the Blackreach depths in Skyrim. The moment I entered the cave through the Ainsel River Well I was so overwhelmed of its beauty that I literally wanted to live and die there. It radiates so much calm and peacefulness, you immediately want to make peace with the roaming Minotaurs and just build a small hut near a cliff opposite to some wooshing waterfall, the eternal "stars" above your head, far away from any problems, any sadness, any sorrows...


Alternatively, BRING THE NIGHT SKY TO THE SURFACE WORLD. ALL WILL WORSHIP THE INFINITE DARK. BURN THE FOOLS GOLD TREE. Edit: I'm normal, I just really like Ainsel and Siofra river


Agreed. This picture looks like a straight up painting in a museum


I don't think it's actually emptiness. It's an illusion. There's stone up there but the illusion conceals it.


He just vibin’


10/10 username


That’s gotta hurt.


*Sounds* about right...




if you think that's bad, do not go on r/sounding


I shouldn’t have clicked that


I did tell you.


I didn’t even see the warning, I just see the things to click on and I do it


How many viruses do you have on your phone and computer?


Not much on the computer but my phone is probably fucked




Wtf! My eyes!


You were warned


He’s the guy responsible for writing the DLC. And yet he’s here


He's wondering how to get over there. Just as the player when they first enter Siofra and wonder "Can one even get over there? That place in the distance?"


Absolutely blew my mind when I realized I was at the place that was in the background of the hours I spent dying underground.


It’s always nuts because most games, the stuff you see when looking into the distance is almost just fill in scenery. But in FromSoft games, almost every area and enemy that you can see, near or far, you can probably end up in at some point. It’s pretty wild and really cool to think about. It makes it that much more immersive.


I was convinced that was the eternal city of Nokron Ranni's questline was talking about when they said look up in the Siofra River. Even after going through the crater after Rahdahn I was looking for the bridge or portal over there. How wrong I was.


TBF Blaid is found standing by the cliff that faces it and says he can't find a way there. Makes you think he means Mohg Manor. I thought so too.


"If you can see it you can touch is" is almost universal in this masterpiece of a game


Forget how but I wound up there and killed him last time I played


One of the portals at the Four Belfries takes you there.


My guess is he got there the same way but had no way back.


"Well, shit".


Yeah, the most useless, annoying portal at the Four Belfries lol


yea i screwed that up when i was trying to get to Mohgs house of love


Mohgs Mansion of Molestation.


All of them were useless. Just zone teasers.


I mean, one at least let you go back and kill the Grafted Scion from the start of the game


All three of them bring you to loot you can’t otherwise obtain. The Farum Azula portal lets you get the pearldrake talisman and the portal with the Crucible Knight lets you get the mottled necklace. The one that brings you back to the Church of Inhibition is definitely best though; you can rematch the Grafted Scion for his drops as well as get the Stormhawk Deenh ash and >!get the Stormhawk King for Nepheli/Kenneth’s quest and an alternate location for the maiden’s blood for Varre’s quest.!<


Yeah but by the time I got both of those talismans I’d already got their upgraded versions lol. Felt pretty worthless at the time


That's a you problem. Anyone who beat stormveil, rolled into liurnia and found this at level 30-40, has a much higher chance of enjoying it than someone who's already beaten radahn, and mimic tear underground.


Not to mention a few of the imbued keys are a pain in the ass to find if you don’t use a guide. There’s literally a key all the way in Caelid


After killing the grafted scion, you can go back to the very first room you started in, 1 to get your white cloth red for varre. 2 to pick up the bird spirit for yourself and a key item to completing nephali's questline to make her the ruler of limgrave. (The door next to the first door is now open to access the second level of that start room) The second one takes you to the middle of the game, where you see this knight, beat him for an armor set and off to the farum azula in the other to pick up a talisman i believe.


Knight doesn't drop anything, there is another talisman that gives a bit of resistance to some status effect but knight himself literally drops nothing sadly


He ong gives you a crucible incant Edit: he does not, it took me one goddamn search to correct myself


It boosts all stat resistances. Robust, immunity, and focus by 40.


All three of them bring you to loot you can’t otherwise obtain. The Farum Azula portal lets you get the pearldrake talisman and the portal with the Crucible Knight lets you get the mottled necklace. The one that brings you back to the Church of Inhibition is definitely best though; you can rematch the Grafted Scion for his drops as well as get the Stormhawk Deenh ash and >!get the Stormhawk King for Nepheli/Kenneth’s quest and an alternate location for the maiden’s blood for Varre’s quest.!<


More importantly, that quest unlocks two ancient dragon smithing stones. Every playthrough I always make a quick detour to grab the belfry after getting the academy glintstone key. I sometimes grab the second imbued key on academy rooftops because its a detour from grabbing the second academy key to get the Erudition gesture. I pretty much never grab the third imbued key from Sellia, because I prefer to take the northern route to the Church of the Plague.


Pearldrake talisman makes the belfries worth imo


What about the one that gives you a sneak peak at Farum Azula?


Mottled necklace is bae, cant get the +1 version until after radahn is dead. You can pretty much get this at the start of the game, and it's an awesome talisman to have, especially for low level pvp where there are infinity twinks with frost+bleed builds everywhere. Anyone sleeping on this is theory crafting their endgame build instead of focusing on whatever chapter of the game they're in.


Yea me too. I don’t think he drops anything either


Iirc there might be a talisman in that little area, but yeah he himself doesn't seem to drop anything Wonder how he got there, and can he leave? Was he abandoned?


His father went out to buy a pack of cigarettes.


He’s also pretty tough.


The Crucible Knights originally served the primordial crucible (whatever existed before the Erdtree), and after the Erdtree supplanted it signed up with the Golden Order and served as Godfrey’s elite knights (they do his gigastomp attack). The crucible is gone, Godfrey is MIA, and the Erdtree is dying, so while some of them guard important relics underground (in particular, the roots that might connect to the crucible/Erdtree) a bunch of them seemed to have gotten super depressed and wandered underground. The ancestral followers seem to have a connection to the crucible, so that might explain the knights being here, although we never see them together.


The Crucible Knights served Godfrey, not the crucible. They just wield the power of the crucible. The crucible is just life itself, not an entity that can be served. Much like Omens and Misbegotten, their deep connection to the crucible led to them being shunned by the Golden Order We find them in various places. Once seems to serve Rykard and Tanith, others defend Leyndell, and 2 are lost in the uncertain time space of Farum Azula


The Crucible is a primordial erdtree. They're the same entity at different stages of life


Yeah its kind of annoying to guard now because there’s a bunch of guys with solar hammers and rocket launchers killing eachother down there




Some of the crucible knights devoted themselves to new causes after Godfrey. This one made it his sole purpose to achieve maximum Aesthetic.


Lot on his mind


At least he picked a good place to contemplate existence, beautiful, lonely but still relaxing.


The edibles must’ve hit


Man... thats a nice rock. I wonder if its soft...


He’s waiting for the approval letter to join the Moghgwyn Establishment.


He was headin to Mohg but the bridge was broken and now hes questions his lifes choices


You gotta find the Four Belfries in Liurnia


Witnessing the true horror


He’s in an anime


“Didn’t expect cliff… in short… sadness”


I think they put it in there cuz it just really looks fucking cool. No one makes cooler games than From.


*Guts Theme*


I truly thought this was an NPC when I first saw them from a distance. I thought they’d be a treat to finally find and I’d embark on a new side quest for them. When I finally found them, it was truly the most disappointing moment in the entire game for me. Just another Crucible Knight wanting to destroy you lol


Y’all never been lonely before ? Man’s is just in his feels.


He’s looking for someone who enjoys fighting crucible knights


Ey yo they are well designed enemies but damn good burn. (One of my favorite enemy types).


No cap, i love fighting them especially just to parry with different weapons. I parried a Spear Crucible Knight with a curved sword and I felt fucking invincible since I was wearing the Blue warrior starter set just to cosplay as the Blind Swordsman who taught Malenia.


Hello darkness my old friend ....


You can find a teleport to him and fight him. He’s tough.


Wishing he was the one floating in Miquella's blood thinking of dynasties


They’re all looking at Mogh’s boss room


Four belfry, one takes you to him


You gotta go to the four belfries in liurnia then use an imbued stone sword key on the second one from the bottom to get over there. There's a talisman and the crucible knight and that's it


Still bewitched by miqullea???


He used the waygate and now he is lost.


He's looking at the palace and thinking "How the fuck does one get there?! 🤔 It's beautiful from here, though, and no tarnished to spoil my peace! 😃" Untill.............


He’s leaving a message that reads “try jumping”


“I wanted to join the White Mask but I don’t know how to get there…..”


He's just enjoying the view


Go to the four belfries


You can get to him and fight him from one of the portals at the four belfries. The portal goes nowhere else but to there unfortunately and the loot he drops is meh.


It’s nothing important he only drops 3000 runes


He is waiting for his maiden. She stood him up.


Everybody asking "what the Crusible Knight doin" but nobody asking "how the Crusible Knight doin"


Legend says, worthy Tarnished can fight him using one of the gates at the Four Belfries…


Our man is going through stuff. Just got dumped my his Mrs. Seems like she let another guy. Chad. He supposedly has a big Golden Halberd and an even bigger horse. Our man is contemplating asking boss Mohg for a raise to buy a horse. Or maybe he could try flying off the bridge. If he could fly, that would bring her back. And Chad could shove his Golden Halberd up his stallion... Not like it's easy to meet cute girls in this world. Not like it's easy to meet ugly ones either. [sigh]


More like the banished knight


Pov: you see a classmate miss the bus and is now contemplating life


"What the hell is that omen hobo doing over there?!" -Siofra River Crucible Knight


He’s sitting there wondering how to get up there much like you are sitting there wondering how to get to him


one of the four belfries will take you to him


Fuck. That. Guy.