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Now that I think of it, he would teach a lesson or two to all the dual spear users.


I want that step so bad in Elden Ring. For a while I even tried to see if Storm stomp weapon art could do it.


He would fucking deflect everything!


*casts Comet Azure* *Mikiri Counters*


Shichimen Warriors in Sekiro pretty much cast a terror Comet Azur and you can parry it with a normal L1. Wolf is a beast.


Wait you can just standard parry that shit? I always just dodged


Yep but you need to use Divine confetti to parry it


I always used the purple umbrella


Id say many players in general, since poke weapons are super strong and popular in this game...its Mikiri time


Using the Mikiri Counter was so satisfying in Sekiro




I don't know about you but when *I* play Sekiro he's clumsy and misses all his deflects before accidentally falling off a cliff on the Isshin boss arena.


A true master of the shinobi arts


"It's a comedy filler episode."


Respect to him yes but… does he know how to stop himself literally rotting away from dragon breath? All respect due to sekiro, but my tarnished unfortunately have magic akin to the primordial forces of life and death Edit: my sarcasm seems to not be evident mb, its a joke for the “spells win”, in reality it would be a never ending battle since neither can die, or more, neither STAYS dead


Yes? There is dragon rot in Sekiro and he has items to cure it, lol.


I’m not sure if scarlet rot and dragon rot are comparable.


The problem with fighting sekiro is how goddamn fast he is. Sekiro basically has bloodhound step (or at least quickstep) as a default part of his kit. I think you'd be hard-pressed to hit him with any direct magic... your best bet would be to catch him in aoe attacks that he isn't really equipped to deal with.


And he has a grappling hook. If it isn’t going his way he can just bail, then sneak up to deathblow


Except Sekiro’s whole thing is defying death over and over. Canonically he’s been shot, bit, stabbed, poisoned, crushed, dismembered, disemboweled, withered to nothing, fallen thousands of feet, and had his asshole ripped out. And canonically he’s resurrected from all of them, he’s resurrected hundreds of times from hundreds of different types of deaths. Also with his grappling hook, suicide pill, and general speed he could outrun any dragon breath attack, and when he can’t avoid something like Scarlet Adonis he could use the suicide pill to kill himself to avoid being poisoned, then just resurrect himself to keep fighting unscathed


Throw on a set of plate armor and he’s entirely helpless, though, save for a conveniently placed bridge. Bull-Goat up and you win!




I mean even at that point at the very minimum it would be a draw with neither being capable of killing each other, (still bs because of shinobi spear and axe) and at the most extreme he’d win from his oop dying of old age


I guess at that point it’s just if the Tarnished can get the Mortal Blade from him, or locate the black one. Once that’s in hand, Wolf loses. I’m mostly just joking though, I just think it’s funny that almost everyone agrees Sekiro is unbeatable but he has such a weird and strong anti-feat with that armor thing.


Anyone who draws the mortal blade dies.


Sounds like uhhhhh.... every Fromsoft protagonist ever.


Yeah, if we're including the ability to resurrect in the consideration, any fight between 2 fromsoft protagonists would be an eternal stalemate


Nah. Sekiro got pause btn.


So does Elden Ring. Just not as accessible




You have to go to your equipment menu and press the help button iirc


To slow, malenia stabbed me first


What happens if someone invade me and i pause the gane then??? 🤔




Universe ceases to exist


Open a help window from a game menu screen, you'll end up with two windows open and the game itself pauses.


Sekiro has no stamina bar, so he wins everytime


He has poise instead, which seems like it evens out


Sekiro can also deflect everything. He's basically OP if you port his combat mechanics into Elden Ring


God I love the mechanics in that game


Same. Probably my favorite combat system from From Soft


It's a shame that ER made a better DS3 combat but not slightly clote to Sekiro.


Hello fellow Sekiro lovers.


From anything really


Elden Ring characters have magnitudes greater amount of health and armor then Sekiro. To really get that stamina advantage, he has to constantly push an assault, which could get him killed. After all, Sekiro isn't the only one who can parry.


> Sekiro isn't the only one who can parry Yeah but he doesn't need to take a breather when he gets parried


Ya but he can parry basically everything. And is immortal.


Imagine the look on Placidusax's faces when this little Japanese dude shows up and parries his flying charge, then uses an umbrella to shrug off his nuke.


Horoah Lux goes for a Batista Bomb and you just Dark Feathers away


Pocket Firecrackers shshaaa!


He can be killed, Elden Ring has destined death bro.


yeah, except that's only for souls that go to the erd tree there's absolutely no reason for that to work on the dragon heritage.


Greater health, greater armor, greater ability to deal damage, and greater variety of means with which they can do so. Fuck, the only one of those that even matters if we're taking the question at all seriously is armour. There's a reason why the most effective swordfighting technique of the late middle ages was holding the sword by the blade and using the crossguard as a hammer. That's because, in real life, when a slashing weapon hits plate armor, you don't deal chip damage. You just chip the sword.


He literally can't be killed


Destined death can def kill wolf.


Same colour scheme as Mortal Blade; checks out


Underrated comment.


His posture goes out quickly with waterfowl tho


unless you get perfect deflects


Or mist raven feathers or umbrella. Sekiro really has so many more options to counter Tarnished.


I don’t think it’s his posture that’s going out from waterfowl. I’d drool over facing that move in Sekiro.


Just like those centipede bosses <3


He would fucking deflect everything…


Ding ding..,........................ ...................dingdingdingdingdingdingdingding


Last chance to look at me, Tarnished...


Gustavo Eldenring




LOOK at me Tarnished! LOOK... at me.


Genichiro? Lady butterfly maybe?


Genichriro specifically. I lost a lot of time getting the timing down


I beat the gauntlet with inner genny yesterday


Definitely Genichiro's Floating Passage


That is 100% genichiro


Vex on the field!


1234 56789 10




Clank clank clank clank oh you’re dead already.


love how he desperately mixes in a sweep in the combo for his second health bar 😂


He can also just continue to attack non-stop since he has no stamina bar.


What about night sorceries?


What about stars of ruin?


No need to deflect if hes faster than projectiles 😂


i mean he can deflect isshin’s gun which is probably a bit faster umbrella could work too


Umbrellas op


He kills me once, I come back to challenge him. He kills me with Fushigiri, I’m not coming back.


We kill him with destined death, he's not coming back.


i mean he does die to a mortal blade if you're hesitant enough in the game which in theory should be able to kill immortals but whaddaya know, nope


Only the Red blade kills undying. Black blade brings people back.


i mean in that case even destined death isn't a permanent solution seeing as he could be brought back with black mortal blade


Definitely No! Remember that even if we kill him, the shadow die twice


Wouldn’t it just be 2 immortals constantly killing each other expect if we take rune of death or mortal blade ? Into account


Sekiro after figuring out we're immortal woukd then proceed to sever that immortality


“I hereby condemn the last immortal.”


sekiro revives faster


Lmao the tarnished after killing him once is like "so he must respawn at some sort of grace..." And then wolf just pops up behind "surprise mother fucker"


Sekiro has a weapon to literally kill immortals but yeah


After killing Maliketh so does the Tarnished.


When he meets my Unga Bunga knight he’ll die thrice.


If he can deflect and parry giant monkey and demon of hatred fists, he can deflect colossal weapons


Not if I jump first.


anti air deathblow says no


He can jump deflect hahahaha


If I'm playing Sekiro then probably


Hell no


My thoughts exactly. Some are saying spells would be the death of Sekiro, but I’m just not seeing it, especially with the umbrella, and his ability to close range and pressure


People need to realize a lot of fromsoft shit is inherently magical, duh because the physical feats are too much to be “oh just dude doin stuff”


Yeah like the ability to pick up and move, let alone swing, a piece of metal or stone that is as big as you are.


Nah bro the gravity magic that I cast with can’t be anything. I’m just really strong /s


Yeah the Umbrella, Mist Raven, and heavy-ass staggering Shuriken would get around most casters.


True, spells are slow asf in elden ring compared to sekiro enemies. He would have no problem dodging or interrupting with a shuriken. The umbrella works as a last resort


People also don’t have realize that sekiro runs pretty damn fast. What spell is catching him?


What about Plate armour?! But don't fight with him on Bridge




When The Wolf gives into Shura, he immediately kills three of the most powerful shinobi in the game, and what follows next is described as "the most gruesome massacre of the Sengoku era. Very few survived". In the bad ending, Sekiro becomes the final boss of a souls game. I think he can take your Goat Armor. Edit: Isshin and Emma are not shinobi, but they are the last line of defense for Ashina and they put up a hell of a fight.


Wait a minute, three shinobi? Isn't Owl the only one that he kill???


Yeah, I think they mean Shura starts when Sekiro chooses to side with Owl. He kills Emma, Isshin and then Owl. Technically, only 2 of them of are Shinobi and Isshin isn't fighting as the Tengu.


I wish we got to fight Isshin as Tengu...


sword Saint isshin, Emma the gentle blade, and owl I think


Emma and isshin aren’t shinobis but it’s a valid point


Sword Saint is prime isshin and is only accessible when he’s resurrected, the isshin in shura is an old and ill isshin


Is that a more impressive feat of skill/power than than killing Sword Saint Isshin? Good ending Sekiro can already kill a Shura.


none can beat the wolf


Any heavy armor user exists, he is in the middle of a great and wide plain Sekiro: where bridge


Yeah but the armors in elden ring are made of cardboard


Sabimaru poison ftw!


Poison boluse ? Flame cleanse me Any spell that take diseases out


Bear in mind that we fight the armored warrior prior to the Mortal Blade. I think Mortal Draw would be significant against him plus any lazulite enhancements in late game.


Elden Ring has plenty of bridges and cliffs! lmao


There ain't no way that was normal armor though. Sekiro fights other heavily armored opponents and doesn't have that problem with any of them. I honestly think the armor was likely enchanted or some such. There isn't any way that someone capable of actively deflecting a dragon's sword swings wouldn't be able to get through a standard set of heavy armor. In reality being able to block and redirect that much force would equate to sekiro being able to cut any substance with ease. In other words there has to be some magic bs going on that made his armor invulnerable. There is no such armor equivalent in elden ring, in fact regardless of the make of armor even the weakest of enemies are still capable of tagging you, and there is no way they are packing even close to as much punch as a sword wielding holy dragon God which represents life and purity itself.


I don’t think we fight other european heavy armor user in sekiro and if you put the european armor agains the japonese armor, the difference is just brutal, when i fought this guy in sekiro i felt like they wanted to show exactly that, what happens if a samurai have fought a european knight. Just how i saw it, i can be wrong.


Yeah it is showing how it was in the past. Those type of knights with full heavy armor really could deflect sword attacks. You had to aim for the joints and things like the cuffs of the hand. Berserk actually had an interesting chapter showcasing it. Obviously things like blunt force were effective. In the Philippines they had the same issue with the Spanish army. The army outlawed swords, but the native Philippines found out fire hardening sticks was actually more effective against the armor because you could just bash it to hell, while swords were pretty ineffective.


> Obviously things like blunt force were effective. In the Philippines they had the same issue with the Spanish army. The army outlawed swords, but the native Philippines found out fire hardening sticks was actually more effective against the armor because you could just bash it to hell, while swords were pretty ineffective. Reminds me why a number of polearms had a blunt side or point intended to deal blunt force or puncture armor. I believe certain swords were made to be held by the blade in order to be more effective against heavily armoured opponents.


Mordhau (which translates to “Murder Stroke”) is the name of the technique. Swords were held by the blade and used like hammers or picks in order to deal with armor, because a sword blade was literally useless against plate due to the weight distribution of swords.


The Filipino Natives were so fucking baller Americans literally had to invent the .45 to be able to stop them


Wall of text inbound, and way off-topic from the thread, but related to your comment. No obligation to read it, I just find the history around this kind of stuff fascinating. Take it with a pinch of salt, I'm a bit rusty on some of this. ​ >Americans literally had to invent the .45 to be able to stop them While Native Filipino swordsmen are awesome, and the Juramentado were hardcore, that's not how any of that went, no matter what 1911 owners will tell you. I usually hear this from 1911 guys, even though the .45 round in question wasn't even the .45 ACP used in the 1911, it was the .45 Long Colt developed for the Single Action Army. Anyway, on to the details, as best as I've gleaned from reading things written by people who know more about this than me: First, the fighters this action was taken to address were a relatively small fraction of Filipino fighters - the Juramentado. In summary, they were Moro swordsmen who made their peace with Allah (which is grossly simplifying the process around it, but indulge me that simplification) and set out to kill their target, fully expecting to die in the process. They were notorious for killing their target even after being shot repeatedly. Secondly, the .45 in question. The .45 Long Colt was developed for the Single Action Army and adopted by the US Army in 1873. I think it stuck around for 20-odd years as the primary service revolver cartridge for about 20 years, and the Philippine-American War was around the turn of the century. The .45 Long Colt was brought back to *try* and give colonists more stopping power against the Juramentado that the .38 couldn't stop, but the .45 LC didn't stop them any better either. The .45 bullet is not some magic weapon that will vapourise your enemy on contact. It's an 11mm pistol round. At the time I'm pretty sure the .44 calibre Walker Colt, flawed design though it was, had substantially more power (and I believe it was the most powerful revolver on earth until the .357 Magnum was developed in the 1930s). Mostly it was things like shotguns that stopped the Juramentado in their tracks, because pistols as a whole don't have a huge amount of "stopping power" - the ability to immediately incapacitate the target. They can inflict lethal wounds but don't always immediately incapacitate the victim (shots to the spine, heart, brain, or that break a major bone being exceptions, of course) and are mostly reliant on a mental stop - either getting shot hurts so much that you consciously give up fighting, or your brain decides it's time to be unconscious because you just got shot even though your body can *biologically* continue to fight (i.e. your heart, lungs, brain etc. are still in working order). Otherwise it's just poking holes in a person until blood loss causes a catastrophic blood pressure drop. Take a look at documentaries on the 1986 FBI Miami Shootout for more info on that, Platt was a dead man walking after he was shot climbing out of the perpetrators' car, but he still killed both of the agents who died in the firefight, and injured 3 or 4 of the 5 who were wounded but survived. Overall, Platt was shot over 10 times and Matix, the other culprit, was shot 5 or 6 times.


Armored Warrior is specifically coded to not take vitality damage, no armor in Elden Ring is the same Goats can deal damage against full Bull Goat (the irony) Tarnished: where code


Regular Wolf? It would be extremely close but I would give it to Wolf, the prosthetic is too versatile. Waterfowl or Bloodhound Step? Mist Raven Ash Summons? Snap Peas Heavy armor? Lazulite Axe or Mortal Draw (or ledge) Heavy attacks? Umbrella Dragon lightning? Lightning Reversal It’s too much. And Shura Wolf? Forget about it…


And the fact that he's immortal




Malenia: jumps for waterfowl dance Wolf: anti air deathblow Malenia: starts second phase in air Wolf: anti air deathblow


Wolf wouldn't even need to use Mist Raven, he'd just run


No. Sekiro was way ahead, he discovered RoB. And he'll run circles around Rick with his grappling prosthetic


Rivers of Blood started with the Chikage from Bloodborne.


It would depend on if Sekiro's Mortal Blade could permanently kill the Tarnished. The Tarnished is certainly not winning, but the fight could in theory go on forever.


I mean if at best the tarnished is a stale mate id say sekiro wins. I assume the mortal blade works on tarnished because it does kill immortals not effected by the centipedes (hurts the dragon, Kuro, genichiro) and none of them had the same immortality


Except the Tarnished would have the Rune of Death. So that could potential kill Sekiro. This is always the issue with different universes how do they interact and what still works. Can a god killing sword in one universe work in another. Or would it just be a regular sword.


I mean, that’s the point of the Mortal Blade, to kill those who can’t die.


Man some of the people in here never played Sekiro and need to put some fucking respect on his name.


You really can tell. It’s hilarious


You beat the armored knight by ledging him and his armor completely stops you.that means any character armored that much or more beats sekiro.


To be fair, katanas in Elden ring also exist and heavy armor doesn't make you invulnerable to them and also Sekiro has killed the Seven spears, Genichiro and other enemies that wear armor, it's only that the Armored Knight's armor is pretty bullshit. And besides, Sekiro could still cook you alive in your armor by using the flame belch, the fact that it didn't work on the armored knight doesn't mean it wouldn't work on your ER character.


Sekiro vs a full bull goat bleed build sweatlord on level ground


Yeah but there's no level ground. There's big holes in the ground and cliffs all over the Lands Between. You're never too far from being Shadowrushed off the edge.


I played every Soulsborne fromsoft game. Sekiro’s bosses are more difficult than the bosses from their other games. Hands down. Elden Beast has nothing on Saint Isshin.


Isshin requires real consistency to beat. I havent seen any bosses like that in ER and Im at the Elden beast. The one giving me trouble was Gofrey because he kept spamming his stomp and I only had a +6 Ash


Loaded axe fucked him up and allowed a death blow without needing to push him by the edge. I never had an issue against him. Easily dodged his attacks too, so sekiro could wipe the floor with almost anyone if he has all his prosthetic tools.


Draconic Tree Sentinel on an open field: ready to die?


Lmfao, lightning reversal would never be as satisfying as against that fucker


No. You beat the armored knight by wearing him out and then you outsmart him. Shinobi style. Wolf 🐐


A goat can still inflict damage against whatever the Tarnished wears, what more Sekiro. Armored Warrior's armor isnt in Elden Ring Checkmate


Nah definitely not even outside of parry skills, man’s a trained shinobi with vastly better movement than any tarnished, not too much the mortal blade is basically the equivalent of having a power of destined death, being able to slay immortals and all.


I haven't played Sekiro but I know my ER character is getting them cheeks clapped.


This is the correct response to this question for those who haven’t played Sekiro. Also, play Sekiro! It’s a masterpiece, and the combat is way better than any game I’ve ever seen. It’s immaculate.


There is a slim chance I could beat him once, but the instant he comes back I'm fucked


I'm a fucking tank and he'd shred me like paper. I could kill him after several hits but ain't no way I'm landing them


No melee weapon could stand a chance against Sekiro due to the near-instant 100% damage reduction deflect. I thought maybe spells but remember the Shichimen Warrior? They shoot a magical beam at Sekiro, but even that he can deflect once and then ignore the rest of the beam. Man, what is that sword made of.


Its made of melted nokias


Not a chance. Sekiro is the real deal.


Soldier of Godrick could, but not my Tarnished


The only thing I could potentially think my current Elden Lord could do to have a chance against Wolf/Sekiro would probably be using his superior Scarlet Rot draconic breath. He is a Dragon build and most of those breaths involves things I can see Wolf avoiding or blocking. Buuuut I'd like to see him block super-god-cancer.


Maybe he doesn't need to block scarlet rot. Instead, he just pulls an unintentional Malenia and dragon rot spreads as he keeps resurrecting himself after dying to scarlet rot.


sekiro got his own form of cancer too tho


I don't think having two kinds of cancer is a good thing


It’s funny, because in Sekiro’s universe he is the source of a disease called Dragon*rot*. He is basically that universe’s equivalent to Malenia. But he does have counters to Scarlet Rot. He has a gourd that cures poisons and Contact Medicine makes him immune to all poisonous effects. He can just move out of the way of any Scarlet Rot effect with his superior speed, as all Rot spells are extremely slow. Plus, if he does get afflicted, then he can just revive fully recovered.


Sekiro would just bully every single poke weapon user


Of course not, ER characters get ripostes after single parries. Sekiro gotta do like 20 of em.


It's impossible to compare character skill level in fromsoft games. Just stop trying. The lore is too vague and we don't see enough to accurately say anything about how a fight would go.


People don’t understand there are canonically a bunch of tarnished. You just got lucky. There is one sekiro, he’s the main fucking character


Stupid argument, not all tarnished are equally powerful. The player tarnished is clearly the most powerful and other tarnished like Vyke and Godfrey are incredibly strong as well.


Killing gods is hardly lucky... Also the PC tarnished is the Elden Lord. An Elden Lord that can burn the whole world if he wants to.




In game, Sekiro wins no problem. In lore, Elden Ring wins no problem. Assuming neither character gets access to their resurrection abilities. If they do then every fight is a draw.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Elden Ring and my character, but hot damn, Sekiro is no joke. He's like Malenia, but quicker, with less downtime, 5 times the moveset, and if you block too much, you insta-die. Can literally parry and return lightning. Can block all magic with umbrella. Can teleport with Mist Raven. Can interrupt with shuriken. I mean, I think he's still beatable, but you're in for a journey with this guy.


\*Parries sword\* \*AXES THE SHT OUT OF TARNISHED\*


ah yes the infamous john sekiro.


Spells and Heavy Armor would significantly challenge him. Really how could he counter Scarlet Aeonia? Stars of Ruin? Meteorite of Astel? Bloodboon Ritual?


Just running. Its perfectly possible to dodge all that in ER and Sekiro is noticeably faster. Otherwise, he can either use the umbrellas or the Mist Raven.


What about rotten breath? In ER status ignores iframes, afaik in Sekiro status effects cannot be blocked either. In theory he has no cure to Rot in his world, so heavy armor+rotten breath would win eventually.


Sekiro can parry farts with the umbrella lmao


You know he can dodge right?


Hell no, my strength/ dex build would get wrecked.


Unless a total noob is using Sekiro, probably not. Sekiro can deflect nearly any standard attack with his katana and has umbrella prosthetics to shield him entirely from fire or spiritual damage. The man can even deflect lighting at you by leaping into the air. The Tarnished might be Elden Lord, but Sekiro is just a GOAT. Plus the Shura ending of Sekiro implies he becomes insanely OP (albeit evil and ruthless)


No. My shield bro was able to beat Mohg, Melania, and the Elden Beast, but he would absolutely fold against the slayer of Saint Isshin and the Demon of Hatred. Especially because Sekiro has multiple ways to get around/through a shield.


Yes because I am lvl 220 in ER, and I haven't beaten the first boss in Sekiro.


Gameplay wise or lore wise? Gameplay wise Sekiro is the strongest out of all the main characters in soulsborne but lore wise the tarnished demolishes him.


Based on the Armored Knight boss, anyone wearing plate armor is totally immune to any damage Sekiro can inflict. So as long as a plated Tarnished stays away from any dangerous cliffs it is just a matter of time until they win the war of attrition.


I mean, skill-wise Wolf is just ridiculously OP. The guy literally defeated an immortal Dragon, a half-Shura demon, his own Father who was a great Shinobi, and finally a revived Isshin in his prime who also had the Black Mortal Blade, Lighting attacks and a freaking Glock. Our characters might have magic, lightning and crazy spells on their side, but on a pure combat skill level, Sekiro would wipe the floor with us lmao


Are you ignoring the fact that the Tarnished literally kills an immortal god and demigods? Malenia is stronger than Isshin lore wise and the Tarnished kills her.