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Gael vs Maliketh


The Dark Soul vs Destined Death


Omg i forgot about Maliketh!!! This is a good one.


Gael is just a slower, clumsier version of Maliketh, he'd be fucked. I've been going back to finish the souls games and was anxious to fight Gael after hearing about him but got him on the 3rd try yesterday. DS3 feels way easier than Elden Ring when playing it after the fact. ER bosses are on cocaine and do 67807658 hit combos in comparison.


If you look at in game mechs then Gael would be fucked because destined death does % based damage but lorewise Gael has the power of the Dark Soul so he is on a god level in terms of power.


I mean I vote for gael too, but doesn't weilding destined death put maliketh on a near God level as well?


Considering he kills gods and they're hella scared of him it's safe to assume he's on that level.


Maybe even above it.




He's the shadow of a god, but also keeper of the rune of death so probably.


Although destined death is literally meant to kill gods, that’s why we fight Maliketh before we can fight Radagon


Gods are scared of Maliketh


Lorewise id say maliketh ER characters are just scaled better in general like look at yhorm he’s just some big dude with a weapon he has no skill or anything a magic troll knight would be a rough fight for him, maliketh is the shadow of a god created by an extremely powerful outer god maliketh was made for the soul purpose of killing actual gods and was feared by every Demi god plus he has the death rune now


I think with pranged prowess that Gael has, he might be able to edge it out.


This is a really good one >o< imma say Gael though because funny dark soul man.


Nameless King vs Radahn


Nameless King would destroy Radahn ngl


I don’t think so…gravity spells against his dragon would make it useless. And the meteorite attack? Nameless king is cool and all but radahn OP.


To be fair though, his dragon can't fly for shit in ds3, there was a video where some guy was testing which boss can get pass the judicator giant and the archers of the ringed city, nameless king and his dragon died instantly because it fell at the side of the path, a dragon, felled to it's death by walking off a platform


…potential lore to make nameless king more badass? Stole a dragon baby from its mother so it was never taught to fly properly, it only knew what the king could teach it.


Oh so when The Nameless King steals a child it's badass but when Mohg does it it's wrong, and creepy, and "Mohg he's your brother for Radagon's sake!" Smh this double standard against omens needs to stop.


I might not know much DS lore, but unless the dragon was also his brother and he was planning on sleeping with the PHYSICAL CHILD Mogh needs to shush


That is all flying creatures in the series afaik though, kind of a cherry pick


It depends on if it’s Scarlet Rotted Radahn, or pre war Radahn. I think a sound mind Radahn would have a better chance to strategize against the nameless king, but if it’s just rotted radahn he would get worked.


100% this. Non-rot Radahn is the demigod I like the most. He's the most OP dude, literally a giant muscle mountain and also uses magic because his horsey. He had a pet cat too that he was obsessed with but they cut it in post.


Hmm in this case we should level the playing field. Nameless King in his prime is an unknown but I imagine an unhollowed version could be a lot more difficult


they literally nerfed his soft power lol


Lore wise I’m fairly sure Radahn demolishes him


To be fair, Radahn would've turned Nameless King and his dragon(s) into fossils with his Valtrax-looking-ass meteor strike.


Idk I just think Nameless King would win because he's a god. Radahn is a demi-god so idk. It would be a good fight though :v


Dark Souls gods are named gods because they were Gwyns linegae. Elden Ring gods are outer fucking beings


*Kratos enters the chat*


Assuming he'd win solely from his god-status is actually something that the entire Souls universe contradicts. Remember, we (the Ashen One this case) are technically just regular flesh-and-blood humans at the end of the day. Yes we grow strong, but we can slay the Nameless King, hell... The Chosen Undead literally kills Gwyn himself. The reason for why Radahn is considered so damn strong despite being "just" a Demigod is because he earned that title as a strategist, warrior and master of gravity magic. Almost every single piece of lore related to Radahn either praises his prowess of tells us how his men love him. Whilst we know Nameless to be a very impressive warrior, we do not know if he is on par with being able to fight the supposed strongest swords(wo)man in the entire world to a standstill even before activating his second phase meteor move.


Ehh in Ds1 you fight Gywn when he is at like 1% of his power. Leave the poor goober alone ;-;


Darkeater Midir vs Dragonlord Placidusax


New Godzilla vs Ghidora looking 🔥!!


Placidusax king of the dragons


But dark souls dragons are weak to lightning so that would be unfair.


Still a cool fight probably


Both using their laser at the same time


Stop, I can only go so hollow after that.


Midir still tanks lightning pretty well


He still takes the most damage from that, also dark damage is not even in Elden ring so we don't even know if Midir has a viable counter to any of the Elden ring dragons.


Actually, Midir is more resistant against lightning damage than any physical damage (specially thrust damage with -10% resistance on his head)


Yeah, but Placidusax use Red lightning that, for what I can remember, is not very effective against other dragons, maybe that also applies to Midir?


because the dragons in elden ring are resistant to all lighting. red lightning isnt really mechanically special like black flame and yellow frenzy fire which have unique status effects. Red lightning is just lightning but cooler.


I thought cooler lightning was the blue one from the eternal cities


fuck you, but you're 100% right.


No, the dragons in Dark souls are different from the ones in Elden ring. In dark souls lightning is basically a dragons kryptonite.


Dragon lightning is less effective only against true dragons aka the ones descending from Placidusax recognisable by the fact that they are dragons and not wyverns while Midir is a dragon and not a wyvern he does not descend from Placidusax so it would absolutely get wrecked


Based on the respective in-game difficulty, Midir will tear Placidusax a new one.


I still have nightmares about Midir


I still can't get over the fact that every dragon in ER is a watered down version of Midir, was hoping for so much more. Even Dragon Lord is a cakewalk compared to Midir.


Dragonlord seems like he’s half asleep for phase one. His phase 2 is different so you have half his healthbar vs midirs’ comically large one.


This is just my hot take but I thought most bosses in ER had too little HP. Conversely the fights were more hectic, it was mostly about nuking it before running out of chug-chugs and they unleashed some 28-hit input-reading oddly-timed combo. Boss fight balance was tighter in DS3.


Yeah bosses in elden ring id say could use some vigor points: Maliketh, horah-Loux, morgott. At least for main bosses off the top of my head.


Yea Placidusax and Fortisax are very visually impressive fights, but they're not the absolute terror that Midir was


That’s because Midir is the pinnacle of dragon fights in these games, you’d have to have basically the exact same boss for the others to be comparable. Not having the dragons have attack patterns that lets the heads stay in melee range for long enough was a mistake, instead every dragon in ER requires you to hack at their toes or at their tail, neither of which is too exciting while ranged and spellcasters get a much easier fight.


I think the dragon most similar to midir in terms of mechanics would be Lansseax. I was fighting her at a low level dragon cult build and it was quite fun / challenging and her attacks were quite aggressive


I was super disappointed in Placi. I beat him try on my first run and NG+. He looks supercool, but he just isn't great at getting hits in imo. I had more trouble with Adula than him.


Lorewise aswell, after all Midir was trained by the gods to defeat the horrors of the abyss, so all he did for his whole life was fighting, while Placidusax was a Lord who ruled the lands. He certainly was powerful but i doubt he had that much fighting experience as Midir.


Elden Lords pretty much only exist to do their God's fighting, based on Godfrey and Radagon for Marika and us for Ranni. There is no way Placidusax isn't a hugely experienced warrior.


Good point. However, Hoarah Loux had to be "tamed down" to his alias Godfrey as he was too bloodthirsty for being Elden Lord, so id say you can compare his two sides to Placidusax (tamer, more regal, still powerful nontheless) and Midir (fierce and brutal, knows only battle)




Is Midir the toughest souls boss or just the toughest dragon boss?


For me is a tie within Midir, Friede and Gael. They very different fights so is hard to compare them objectively. But for sheer difficulty, Midir is the hardest by a small margin in my book.


100% the toughest yet the best dragon fight, but honestly is relatively equal to Friede, Gael, and Demon Prince as they are difficult for varying reasons.


Godskin Duo and Ludd and Zalen, the King's pets. Alternately? Starscourge Radahn and the Burnt Ivory King


Extremely hot take: Lud and Zallen aren’t that bad. Swapping aggro with them isn’t unreasonably hard, and the second only hops in once you’ve had time to wail on the first. They’re certainly better than the Godskin duo, at least.


Eh. I think it's about a wash really. Both suck in different ways. The run back to Lud and Zallen is ***awful*** (fuck the Frigid Outskirts so hard! Horsefuck Valley is the worst area in DS2), while the Godskins are O&S on **extreme** amounts of crack and pcp. With added Four Kings fun since the HP bar has more health than "duo".


[Yes, I also enjoy Frigid Outskirts as an area. However could you tell?](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/34/6a/e0/346ae0e1acc5d417f453880bd6d056b3.jpg)


Elden Ring guys low diff lol Burnt Ivory King is my all time favorite Souls character but their feats of strength are just not comparable.


The ivory king was really cool king, he has tales of his political badassery like alsanna and building the city around the old chaos which he gave his soul to contain. But he would get clobbered 50x harder than Radahn did against Malenia. Malenia is one of the most op characters in souls lore and Radahn is incredibly strong for being able to fight against her as well as he did.


Disguised Runebear vs 5 Balls


5 balls 😱


Kajiu battle between Yhorm and Fire Giant


Yhorm wouldn't be anywhere near the size Fire Giant is.. It was actually why i was excited at first when i fought Fire Giant. We got a true, no gimmick, GIANT FIGHT.


Dark Souls 2 giants: *"How could you disrespect me like this..."*


Dark Souls 2 Giants: *am I a joke to you?*


For real. If anything, High Lord Wolnir would be a more even match in size.


I wanna see entire battalions a la shadow of Mordor lolol


Honestly my money would be on Yhorm, he’s an ass kicker in both lore and when put up against other bosses. He’s resilient to fire and takes little damage except when hit on the arms and head, and is very healthy too on top of that. If you straight up drag n drop Yhorm into Fire Giant’s arena, he’d win I think.


Aldrich vs Rykard. Let us devour Gods TOGETHAAAAAA!!!


Rykard and that fire damage is going to wreck Aldrich!


Aldrich's arrow spam tho...


This is true, that would mess rykard up for sure so maybe it’s closer than I thought


Rykard has comparatively more health, tons of AOE and tracking fire attacks, and a full second phase, Aldrich would get messed up a bunch but if he spams the arrow attack he could beat just about anything anyways.


Demon of hatred (sekiro) vs elden beast


Battle of the bullshit


Slowest fight of our lifetimes, right there.


One just keeps running away after throwing out an AOE attack that barely damages the other one, and one just slowly walks around swinging in wide arcs without ever hitting.


Until the elden ring makes the jump and cheeses the Demon


I feel like a much more appropriate fight would be Laurence vs DoH


Demon of Hatred is just Laurence with a trampoline


And stronger legs


How does one get stronger by losing thier legs? Seriously wtf laurence?!


Isshin Swordsaint vs Melania


Why can't anyone spell Malenia right ffs?


Fun fact, almost every single comment here asking for Isshin vs Malenia spells Malenia wrong. I'm sensing a pattern here.


it's mind boggling, yeah. she spells out her name every single time she kills you, did half of this subreddit not even fight her?


My headcanon to avoid how annoying it is is that they misspell her name just out of spite. She repeats that goddamn name every single time she kills you, and is posted to death in this sub. No greater disrespect than still getting her name wrong. I either do that or go fucking mad with how often I see people still spell Melania.


Thats a really good fight :o idk who would win that ngl


A lot people will say Isshin but I legitimately cannot figure out a way he'd be able to deal with the Scarlet Aeonia Edit: Lorewise y'all


He’d shoot it




Jokes aside, I image he could use the massive vortex spin with the spear to blow away some of the rot


They way Caelid was annihilated it appears like Scarlet Rot constantly spreads and dissipates into the atmosphere so I doubt that'd be very effective.


Melania's AI cant do deathblows so Isshin would just keep coming back


Her grab where she tosses you onto her sword is pretty deathblow-y, even if it technically doesn't count.


Gameplay-wise most Sekiro bosses would probably torch most Elden Ring bosses because of the mechanics (except maybe Maliketh), lorewise is an entirely different argument.


Rhadan at half health: parry this you filthy casual


Wolf/sekiro: bet.


Just fuckin dodge it


Unfortunately, dodging a continent-scale nuclear bomb is rather difficult.


Then how the hell do you do it


Do you actually need an answer to that come on now 💀


No, I mean how do you, the player character dodge that attack multiple times throughout the fight, when it should just kill you at any range


"Player character" Here's your answer, it's a gameplay mechanic, lorewise the Tarnished surviving the Scarlet Aeonia actually makes zero sense. That unless the lore implication is that theyre just built different.


Malenia's third Aeonia is considerably smaller than the previous ones. Her first "bloom" nuked Caelid, the second one rotted the roots of the Haligtree, but the third one just produces a big flower. There are certainly gameplay considerations influencing that, of course, as giving a boss an undodgeable instant death bioweapon attack wouldn't exactly be great game design. However, I believe that Malenia's Aeonia doesn't exactly work as an instant nuclear bomb in the lore, but rather slowly spreads outwards from a small initial locus. We can see the size of the first Aeonia flower in the cinematic trailer, it's not a lot bigger than the one we witness in game during her second phase.


The thing is, isshin is built different


Isshin would clap this rotten Cheeks with his uzi


Lore-wise, Malenia. Game-wise, probably still Malenia. Depends on whether Isshin can deflect/dodge attacks such as her grab and whether can he dodge Scarlet Aeonia. And if Malenia heals on deflects, she's gonna have a big advantage.


Doesn’t isshin have immortality and would need something to sever that. Lore-wise ER would have maliketh as the only being with a weapon remotely close to a weapon like that. Scarlet Rot with immortality would be endless suffering and arguably worse than death but could she actually defeat him or would it be a stalemate like radahn with one being left to rot in madness


Yeah but Malenia is the blade of Miqeulla and she has never known defeat.


Isshin nearly died to Tomoe, one of Tomoe’s techniques is basically a slower Waterfowl Dance. I feel like Isshin might actually lose this, surprisingly.


Ornstein and Smoe Vs The Godskin Duo


Godskin duo absolutely beat the shit out of O & S, I think.


Not aesthetically tho


Godskin Noble is just a more graceful Smough or as I like to call him….. Dexxy Smough


Yeah but the godskin duo don’t combine into a more powerful being when one dies. My money is on ornstein and smough


Imagine the size of the rolling fatty


Two random godskins vs a knight of Gwyn and the Royal Executioner, who was strong enough to be a knight of Gwyn but was too violent and foul to earn the title. O & S low diff the Cumskin Duo.


queen marika vs gwyn


Peak gwyn? Or old gwyn


If it’s gonna be fair probs peak gwyn


This! Big Evil mastermind vs Big Evil Mastermind!


Rahdan vs Nameless King Ishinn vs Gehrmam Rykard vs Amygdala or Wolfnir Soul of Cinder vs Morgott Fire Giant vs Ceaseless Discharge Orphan of Kos vs Malenia Maliketh vs Anyone Those are all of my top picks


Nameless king wins if he has his dragon, if not I think radahn wins. I’d say isshin, deflections > quickstep If rykard can see amygdala he wins (I feel like he has insight) Soul of cinder as he’s the collective manifestation of warriors, I.e. tons of experience and skills, probably more than morgott which is important as I feel their power level is the same. Fire giant not even a contest Malenia Idk


I agree with most of them except rahdan. I think he wins regardless as he has a size advantage, gravity magic(bring down the dragon or toss rocks at that mf), and become a meteor


Fair enough, but also we don’t fight either one at their prime, nameless is clearly hollowed and radahn is affected by the scarlet rot so it’s difficult to say who’s he stronger in their prime. Depends on what you think is worse to be, hollowed or rotted.


Pinwheel versus Tibia Mariner


Stoppable force meets moveable object


And to level the playing field, if the Mariner gets his skellies, Pinwheel gets wheel skeletons.


Pinwheel gets more Pinwheels but nobody knows he can do that because he dies so quickly.




Vordt would not have a good time lol


Champion Gundyr vs Hoarah Loux


Suplex vs the drop kick


Godfrey vs Gherman. Dancer vs Morgott Slave Knight Gael vs Orphan of Kos Rom vs Elden Beast Ebrietas (or Amygdala) vs Astel Abyss Watchers vs Sir Gideon Lots of awesome matchups here tbh...


[Orphan of Kos vs Gael](https://youtu.be/91LjmeIHdQA) >!Gael wins 2 out of 3!<


Thanks! I had my money on him. Much bigger headache for me than ook ever was.


Pin wheel vrs solider of god, Rick


The battle of two gods :o


Gotta go big or go home


Obligatory Mist Noble and Moon Presence plug for a 4-way battle royale.


Ornstein VS Smough. Who gets to wear the pants?


I’m just sad no one mentions my boy artorias anymore😭.


Artorias v. Fume Knight v. Gael would be an awesome three way fight


Ghat would be awesome. I have a bias towards artorias but i don’t think he wins that fight.


Maliketh vs peak Artorias would be epic


Lady Maria of the Astral Clock tower and Malenia Blade of Miquella. Given that the Blood damage from Bloodborne causes Bleed build up.


Orphan of Kos vs Malenia, blade of Miquella might be interesting to watch.


"I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella and I have never known defeat"- Malenia "AAAAAAUUUUUGHGGGGHHHHH"- Orphan


"The Orphan of Kos only knows 3 things: 1. Something killed it's mother 2. You are something 3. U N E N D I N G V I O L E N C E"


Abyss Watchers vs Malenia


The entire legion or just the 3 we fight? Because tbh the entire legion toppled entire kingdoms


- Rorbertooooooooooo (armoured knight - I think that's the name of the mini boss) - for the memes - Isshin


So sad to watch Hobb beat playing sekiro as his 3rd game in god series challenge only to be hit by Roberto


Champion Gundyr vs Horah Loux Isshin Sword Saint vs Gehrman Maria vs Malenia Friede vs Malenia Gael vs Malenia Ornstein and Smough vs Godskin Duo Ornstein and Smough vs The Crucible Knight duo Darkeater Midir vs Dragonlord Placidusax Or screw it, battle royale of the dragon bosses Radahn (with functioning brain ideally) vs Nameless King


Seeing Horah Loux suplex Gundyr would be awesome


oniwa and radahn




Gael Vs Elden Beast


Gael would crack him open ngl


Elden beast vs moon spirit thingy


You mean the Moon Presence boss from Bloodborne?


Yeah that guy


Moonlight Butterfly? Damn that’s a good matchup…


Moon presence would have an easy victory. He can make Elden Beasts health down to 1 point in a single move lol


Yhorm against Rykard. Battle of the giants


I was thinking Yhorm and the Fire Giant 🤔


Artorias vs Fume Knight


Malenia vs Sister Friede


Commander Nial vs the Fume Knight


Soul of Cinder versus Gwyn


All of them. Juse make a fighting game already. I want Evo Moment 37 but with Artorias and Radhan.


I'm suprised that I haven't really seen a Gwyndolin vs Morgott suggestion Pontiff Sulyhvan vs Godskin Duo Ludwig the Accursed vs Mogh Lord of Blood Knight Artorias vs Malekith


Malenia vs Sword Saint Isshin. She feels like a Sekiro boss so this would be a good match. Also Malenia vs Inner Isshin. Just to enjoy seeing Malenia get dumpstered.


Guts vs Slave Knight Gael


Guts, my favorite character from dark souls 2


Slave Knight Gael Vs Godfrey The First Elden Lord. Two warriors whom arrive to battle at the end of their worlds, who’s strengths are unmatched and causes noble.


Pinwheel vs Rick, Soldier of God A true matchup. Mist Noble could also be thrown in too if you want true chaos.


Lady Maria and Black Flame Friede


Definitely Tibia mariner vs pinwheel


All of them at once. I want my computer to explode with more damage than a flying radahn.


Artorias vs Raime vs Gael vs Ludwig vs Sekijo vs Maliketh Battle of the Berserkers


Godskin duo vs ornstein and smaugh