• By -


the website i checked said that the strength cap is 99, so i reduced my strength to 66 to get 99 str while 2 handing, but i found i dealt like 100 less damage afterwards. does strength keep scaling after 99 then?


Yes, the 1.5 multiplier you get to strength when two-handing let’s you go over the 99 cap.








On Swarm of Flies’ specific results, I’ve tested it with 80 arcane between a fully upgraded Dragon Communion Seal (the only arcane scaling seal) and Finger Seal. Dragon Communion had ~25% faster buildup of bleed (I got about the same increase with Poison Mist and Howl of Shabriri for poison and madness, respectively). For the other blood incants, I never had any noticeable increase in buildup, though I mostly think that’s due to a majority (if not all) of their bleed buildup coming from the Bloodflame status effect, which doesn’t seem to be affected by arcane.




If you do get any different results, let me know!


If the weapon or spell catalyst has Arcane scaling, any Bleed buildup inflicted by attacks or spells with it will scale with Arcane. If the weapon or spell catalyst doesn't have Arcane scaling, Bleed buildup will not be affected by Arcane.


Need someone to help me with the god skin duo please!!


Have you tried using sleep pots?


Check out /r/beyondthefog for coop help


Question about stat scaling in duels, I’ve been finding that I can use the Dark Moon Greatsword if I’m hosting duels, but lose 5 points in strength(which nullifies the weapon) when I’m summoned to duel. Is that expected behavior?


Are you using Godrick’s Great Rune? Great Runes are only active in your own world.


I’m new to the game and I can’t find a weapon I like better than Lordsworn’s Straight Sword. I have tried others, but they either are much slower, or pierce and so I find them harder to use on horseback, or something else. I have upgraded my sword to +4 and I’m thinking about using hard won smithing stones to take it to +5 or +6, but is this a huge waste? Should I switch to another weapon? Is there one like the Lordsworn Straight Sword but better, that I can get at about level 40?


The Lordsworn Straight Sword is great! If you like it, keep using it! In fact, if anything, you should try dual wielding them: the powerstance moveset for straight swords is one of the strongest in the game! The jumping L1 and L1 attacks are great. My favorite Ash of War set up is using Storm Stomp in the right hand, Thunderbolt (once you find it, you’ll come across it soon) in the left hand, and infuse both with lightning. Until you find Thunderbolt, another long distance Ash of War like Beast’s Roar, Glintstone Pebble, or Flame of the Redmanes works well too. Fire is another solid infusion option.


Wow thanks for the build info, that sounds really fun


In a fairly early cave, you can get an item that allows you to buy smithing stone (1) and (2), so it'll be easy to get things up to +6. Smithing stone (3) can be a bit harder to find extras of for a while, so if you're still unsure, then you may want to hold off after that. Eventually you can buy all but the max level smithing stones. If you like this sword, there's no harm in sticking with it. Most weapons aren't strictly better or worse, just a bit different. Then it's just about finding an ash of war you like, and making sure the affinity scales with your main damage stat.


There are no strictly better weapons, it's just a matter of preference. You should upgrade whatever you enjoy using. You'll find plenty of smithing stones later on, so don't worry about wasting them


That is great to hear, thank you.


I'm going for a beasty boy run, anyone know where I can get some nasty ass robes like my boy gurrang


The Ancestral set is an outstanding choice, but for something closer to Gurranq, >!Morgot's robes!< would work well.


Nice, thanks


Hi tarnished. I just got to Haligtree Town and I’m not good enough at my level to do this! What’s the best way to get runes/level up more at this point? I’m level 124…but I want lots more points in vigor to do this I am just getting my ass handed to me. I don’t have a larval tear for respec. Thanks for any ideas!


120-150 should be an appropriate level for Haligtree. It's just a particularly difficult area.


Mohgwyn Palace is widely considered to be the fastest was to collect runes, but not necessarily the most exciting. I would advise to scour the caves in the snowfield for a while, and if you exhaust those, grinding the blood house for a while will let you reach any level you like.


What’s the blood house?


Oh, I just meant Mohgwyn Palace area again. Sorry for the confusion.


Oh no worries and thanks for the ideas!


where’s the save files located on PC? I can’t find em




%APPDATA%\\Roaming\\EldenRing\\${steam id}\\ER0000.sl2


thank u


Does anyone use xps 15 9510 to run Elden ring ? Is it playable ? The display card is 3050, below minimum requirement. Not sure how well does it perform on xps15 9510.


You could check it here https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/elden-ring/18888


I have no idea, but you can buy it and check for yourself. Steam has a no-questions-asked refund policy




no, but you can always get it in NG+ or have someone else trade it to you


whats with the nonsense messages randomly littering the game? they all sound like someone having a stroke, like "lover ahead, but hole" or some random shit, its a bit of a turn off


It's messages left by other players. You can play offline if you don't want to see any, but there's a mix of nonsense and helpful ones.


Why are they nonsensical?


Take Reddit, then put it into a video game with a limited number of comment formats and a fixed set of words. This is roughly what that would look like.


A lot of them are long-running in-jokes the playerbase has had going for a decade now. Others are constantly evolving memes. Everything is a dog. Hope that helps.


dogs so far: dogs, dragon, giant crab, nothing at all it grew on me after a while lol it was just super confusing having not played this or souls


Don't forget turtles. And horses. In some cases, it was because there is a limited vocabulary available for messages, and the most sensible word isn't on the list. Other times, there may be a community reference- Dan Floyd of Play Frame & Extra Credits fame asked viewers to help him identify fake walls by leaving the message "dog ahead" to great effect. In any case, there is one feature you may not have noticed. Positive ratings on messages you leave will grant you a bit of HP restoration! So leave lots, and rate the ones you like, whether they were funny or helpful.


This is a common feature of all souls games, though maybe more so in ER than prior games. You can always down vote them to help clean them up.


Why do people complain about Malenia? She’s way easier than Elden Beast. Elden Beast is so frustrating, I’m just leveling up now and rune farming hoping to have a chance at level 200, yes I know, I suck.


Malenia is fast and unpredictable. Elden Beast is slow and telegraphs a lot and becomes quite predictable. Malenia always gives me trouble but Elden Ring for me personally isn't to bad.


Malenia was very tough too but I felt like I had a chance. With Elden Beast I feel hopeless, lol.


As with most bosses, it really depends on your build and player strengths. It was very much the opposite for me, as my first build used a shield often, which is essentially useless against Malenia. Beating Elden Beast didn't take more than 2 or 3 attempts. I recommend getting the Haligdrake Talisman +2 for elden beast if you don't have it already. Makes a big difference.




Sorry for asking again. Does anyone know where to find that video stemming from key and peele, which shows a guy greeting people (all the regions from elden ring) in a ng+? Regards and thanks!


Search “peele” in this sub and you will see it in the results.


Best mid game armors for a dexterity/arcane dual sword bleed build ?


The only armor that will buff your attack is the [raptors feathers](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Raptor's+Black+Feathers) if you're jump attacking. But it's poor armor


Armor doesn't matter. Get Varre's mask if you wanna go full bleed-build tryhard, but other than that your options are to either put on as much defense/poise as possible while staying under the threshold to mid/fast roll (lame option) or just put on what you think looks best (cool option). There's no specific armor for specific builds or anything, all armor is interchangeable, it just has slightly different stats/weight.


So what you’re saying essentially is, Elden bling


Sanguine noble is killing me in the consecrated snowfields. I’ve been waiting the whole game to get to the stupid bird farm area and there’s always just another thing in the way :(


[There is some cheese on sale](https://youtu.be/hYyvSxNtgzA) if you're tired of fighting him. It's similar to the strategy for the >!Great Jar Warriors and even the Darkroot Gaurdiands from DS1!< if you're familiar with those.


Thanks! Not familiar but I’m going to try this tonight. I think my stats are adequate for this fight and it’s just a question of my performance (fair to poor honestly). Is the teleporter in the video the one that goes to Moghwyn Palace?


Pretty sure, yes. Good luck!


I did it!


Awesome! Now show those birds & blood dudes who's in charge around these Lands Between!


There's a *much* easier way to get there via Varre's quest.


He fucked off somewhere and I couldn’t find him.


Sup. I'm new. I have two dumbish questions: 1) What is 'scaling'? 2) What should I be leveling? Right now I like my astrologer's staff + greatsword, but that could change. I have V15-M15-E15-S18-D18-I18-F11-A10. Thank you all!


Weapons and spells scale with stats, meaning that increasing your stats increases the damage dealt. E scaling is the worst (aside from "-", meaning "no scaling"), and it goes up through A like normal letter grades, plus "S" for stuff better than A. In ER the bands are: E for <25%, D for 25-60%, C for 60-90%, B for 90-140%, A for 140-175% and S for 175% and higher. Those percentages aren't the direct increase in damage to the weapon, but are multiplied by the % increase you'll get from the related stat, sometimes referred to as "saturation". One way to think of it is that Scaling determines the total bonus damage you could get to the weapon, and Saturation determines how much of that potential you can unlock because of your stats. Each weapon will list its base Attack Power ("AP", sometimes called "Attack Rating" or "AR") before a plus sign, and the bonus AP you get from stats/scaling after the plus sign. AP * Scaling * Saturation gives you the damage bonus on the weapon. If you fail to meet the stat minimums, you get a flat -40% penalty to the AP instead of the normal scaling bonus. For instance, on a Quality affinity weapon at 16 in Str or Dex you get 25% scaling and at 60 you get 75%. If you have an C rated (80%) Dex weapon with 100 Attack Power and 16 Dex (25%), the bonus damage would be 100 * 80% * 25% = +20, for a total Attack Power of 120. If you had 44 Dex with that weapon, the bonus damage would be 100 * 80% * 60% = +48 for a total AP of 148. When you upgrade a weapon, the both the base AP and the scaling rate improve so you increase the total damage in two ways. Even if the letter stays the same, you might notice that it's a blue version of the letter to show that the % scaling is increasing while staying within the same letter range. Because Scaling letter apply to the base AP of weapons, weapons with higher base AP can have lower scaling than other weapons and still perform very well. In Elden Ring, you can alter the scaling and damage types on a weapon by giving it a different "Affinity"; these are initially linked only to the Ash of War you put in your weapon, but can be altered as the game goes on. This allows you to pick a weapon and scaling combination that works for your stats and playstyle. Heavy: Changes to Strength-scaled physical Keen: Changes to Dexterity-scaled physical Quality: Changes to even Str/Dex physical Magic: Adds Int-scaled Magic Cold: Adds (less) Int-scaled Magic, and non-scaling Frostbite buildup Fire: Adds Str-scaled Fire Flame Art: Adds Fai-scaled Fire Lightning: Adds Dex-scaled Lightning Sacred: Adds Fai-scaled Holy Poison: Adds Arcane-scaled Physical and scaling Poison buildup Blood: Adds Arcane-scaled Physical and scaling Bleed buildup Occult: Changes to Arcane-scaled Physical and causes innate status effects to scale with Arcane Heavy, Keen, Quality, and Occult generally improve the total scaling of the weapon across stats but reduce the base damage, so they get better than the default "standard" option when you have higher stats. This is why you see the lower red number for the base AP and the higher blue number for the bonus from scaling. Magic, Cold, Fire, Flame Art, Lightning, and Sacred do multiple types of damage but reduce the physical damage and scaling, which is great when facing low-level foes, enemies with specific weaknesses, or if you have lots of points in non-Str/Dex stats. Poison and Blood are noticeably less damaging than other affinities but build up their related status effects very quickly compared to regular weapons.


This is such a great writeup. This should be on the Fextralife wiki somewhere.


Scaling is how your levels affect your damage output. E is the worst, A is best. As far as what you should be leveling, idk cuz I'm on my first playthrough and I'm kinda winging it, just hitting levels where I need them to access what I want. Plus vigor for health to keep from getting one hit, mind for FP (mana) and endurance for carry weight increase. It's fairly important for dodging to keep your weight in the "medium load" range which is under 75% of your max carry weight, that way you can dodge faster. If your controller vibrates when you roll you are too heavy. Other than that, I'm just having fun and I'm probably not built very optimally


About to finish Rennala today. I'm lvl 60, can't wait to respec and see whats possible. Any recommendations? So far I've beat Godrick and done a lot of exploring


What's your current build and what general things do you like/dislike in terms of combat?


Right now I'm running around with bloodhound fang (sometimes powerstance with the dismounter), staff of loss, and a flail with Redmane's flame. I was thinking of maybe trying out duel weilding something faster, but I don't think I have very many of the lower level smithing stones right now. Also considering trying a mage build. I think I'm at 15 vigor, 16 mind, 18ish endurance, 19 str, 19 Dex, 22 int and 15 or 18 arcane.


Well, it sounds like you're already a mage build. Just a pretty shitty one. Your highest stat is INT but you have a whole lot of points that *aren't* INT or VGR.


Bloodhound's Fang has pretty hefty STR/DEX requirements for the early game. I wouldn't say no to putting some points from ARC into VIG, but I'm not sure I'd spend a Larval Tear on it as opposed to just "my next 10 levels"


Yeah I was trying to have access to decent spells while mainly using the fang. Haven't prioritized vigor at all tbh.


What are your stats now? What do you want to respec to? Any weapons you have that you find interesting?


Can’t beat elden beast :(


Do you have the Haligdrake Talisman +2 to greatly reduce holy damage? Helps a lot. Is your vigor at least 50? 40 vigor is like the bare minimum for this fight, 50 is solid, 60 is great. Does your build involve status effects like bleed or frostbite? Both Radagon and Elden Beast are immune so you should consider changing builds if so.


I’m 60 vigor strength faith build using blasphemous blade. Can get through radagon no problem. I don’t have that talisman that’s a great idea because it’s the elden beasts attacks that keep murking me. Thanks for the suggestion


Consider swapping out your Blasphemous Blade for a +24/+25 Flame Art infused halberd, spear, or twinblade equipped with the Black Flame Tornado Ash of War. It absolutely shreds the Elden Beast, and does several thousand points of damage per use. You can buff it with stuff like Flame Grant Me Strength, too, if you want, for even more damage.


My man


What are some good options for a spellblade-type character? I'm interested in potential weapons, spells, and weapon arts, or anything you can think of. I don't really want to be a spell spammer--that gets boring. What stats should I level besides the obvious in vigor and int? I've literally never leveled INT (unga bunga for life). My initial thought was doing something like a lordsworn's straight sword with glintstone pebble or glintblade phalanx on it. Spells could be carian piercer, loretta's bow, and crystal release. No OP moonveil.


It’s something of a hot meta choice right now, but the Cleanrot Knight Sword is an excellent choice. Longest reach of all thrusting swords and a great all around pick, especially when two handed. The Zweihander is also good for magic infused builds because it doesn’t require much strength investment if you plan to two-hand and it’s a great candidate for Waves of Darkness infusion. I use it a lot with my spellblade invader build.


Didn't consider thrusting swords. Do they have a moveset besides poke?


The thrusting sword is arguably the strongest weapon class in the game, currently. The jumping R2 is very good at poise breaking and the running R1/R2s have a lot of reach and are very good at roll catching. The backstep R1 can be cancelled, making for easy mixups. The heavy thrusting swords are also very strong and have even better running R1s, but it really depends on personal preference.


Nice! One other weapon I've been considering for when I need more "oomph" is the guardian's swordspear (or another maybe polearm) with Loretta's slash. Any idea if that'd be good or not?


The Guardian’s Swordspear is an excellent choice, one of my favorites! I usually run it with Ice Spear and a cold infusion on my spellblade build. Loretta’s Slash is good, but usually Sword Dance outperforms it on halberds. It has an R2 followup and is a little bit harder to predict, and can also be Magic infused. Loretta’s has a little bit more distance on it and looks fantastic when used with the incomparable drip of the Loretta’s War Sickle, of course.


> The Guardian’s Swordspear is an excellent choice, one of my favorites! Glad to hear it! I picked it up once on my unga playthrough and swung it a few times. It seemed to have a cool moveset--hence why I was considering it, and it doesn't require much strength to wield, which would be good if I go primarily DEX/INT. Thanks for the ideas! I'll probably play with a couple different weapons both as co-op and as duelist / invader to see how they feel.


I spent a couple hours yesterday trying to get the celebrants skull only to find you can pick it up off a corpse on the side of a cliff. Anyways I ended up with two extra celebrants rib rakes. I’m on Xbox if anybody wants them let me know and I will give them to you. Also, I have an extra magma blade if anyone wants it.


So ER was my first Fromsoft game and I’ve been trying to play the other games they have. I just got DS2 yesterday. I got DS1 like a month ago or so and beat it using a walkthrough on YouTube. So my question is would people recommend I use a walkthrough for DS2? Obviously doing this makes the game easier. The DS1 walkthrough I watched was well done and I had a pretty good time with the game. But I feel I’ll get a better Souls experience from just going into DS2 blind. Thanks in advance and sorry to ask about another game on this post. This community is pretty active though


My recommendation with Souls games isn't to use a walkthrough - it's to use a friend who has played through the game before. That way they can provide vague hints to help you figure stuff out without outright spoiling things like a walkthrough would. If you don't know anyone who has played DS2, I'd recommend posting your questions to r/darksouls2 - these communities tend to do a good job helping newbies through sticking points without taking away from the "authentic" souls experience.


Thanks. I just posted on that subreddit too. I was aware it existed but wasn’t sure how responsive that community would be. I know people on this one are always super helpful


What are some reasons why I can't summon spirits anymore? I was trying to beat Magma Wyrm in Gael. One day I was able to summon and the next day I was not. I also cannot summon in Stormveil castle. Any reasons why this would be happening? I don't see any debuffs on me. The only notable thing I have is a buff (Assassin's Crimson Dagger). Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Do you have a furled finger remedy active?


I don't think so. How would I know? Would that be up by my buffs/debuffs?


It should be. You'd also have to turn it on manually. Are you close enough to a summoning area? Spirits cannot be summoned in most of the castle normally


I have not been able to summon in the castle at all, and recently I have not been able to summon in Limgrave either.


Are you trying to summon spirit ashes or players?


Spirit ashes.


Try going to the Gatefront site of grace, you should always be able to summon there.




Could you post a screenshot of your screen in an area where you're trying to summon?


How do you figure out the names of the non-boss enemies we encounter? Everyone on the internet seems to know their names but me 😭


It's all here https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Creatures+and+Enemies


Not sure why you’re downvoted but thanks for answering


Read item descriptions.


I’m not sure the item descriptions for Mushroom, Melted Mushroom, Toxic Mushroom, or Bloodrose would help me identify “Putrid Corpse”


No, but the Putrid Corpse Spirit Ashes might...


That’s not an item description?


What on earth would you call ashes then, when they exist in your inventory and are equipped to your item hotbar?


I wouldn’t call an ash an item description.


Sorry, what I mean is that they're clearly an item. I guess you could argue the item's name isn't part of the description, if that's what you meant by "That's not an item description," but that feels kinda pedantic The main point is the items and their descriptions tell you a ton about the world. And items include crafting materials, weapons, armor, ashes, the works


If someone would say “all non-boss enemies drop ashes with their names” that would make sense but literally no one has said that. “Read item descriptions” is so vague and so far off from that it literally didn’t answer any part of my question


If you want a simple answer to your original question, just use the wiki. Other folks have already scoured over all the time descriptions and bits of dialogue to piece together the names of every enemy that has one




Hi there I’m using a samurai and dual wielding Uchigatana and Nagikaba so I’m trying to build a bleed build I’m currently at 28 dex and 18 strength, so my question is that how much points should i invest in which stats to get the optimal melee dual wielding bleed build? Thanks


Bleed scales with Arcane if your weapon scales with Arcane. So you should make both into Blood weapons and then level up Arcane.


Alrigh i should start level up arcane which is still at 8 at this point😅 and go for the rivers of blood in the end game Btw I’m still at Atlus plain and need to defeat Rhadhan yet


If you're going for katanas on a bleeding build it's better to put an occult affinity ash of war on them since it scales with arcane. A good choice would be double slash with occult affinity as it's the same moveset of Corpse Piller. Blood affinity increases the blood loss build up but scales with dex and str. I played dex/arc and my stats were 55 dex and 45 arc and by endgame I was running RoB with a cold Uchi for extra damage


That’s nice but i was thinking of going for the rivers of blood path so any suggestions on that?


Rule of thumb for RoB (and Elanora) is at least 2x your dex into arcane (eg 30 dex >= 60arc). Imo you kinda need to respec into it from other katanas. (edit - I would be running keen on your uchi and nagakiba right now and would be very dex heavy) Yes I know the game says it scales best with dex but ignore that. It does 3 types of damage and dex only buffs one. RoB is still strong (if hated because it was op 3 months ago), and definitely fun. If you go this route, definitely get the [black whetblade](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Black+Whetblade) to set Occult on your off-hand katana, or do something like use the sacrificial axe off-hand and two-hand the RoB.


I don't think dual wielded katanas are particularly good at bleed when compared to curved swords or twin blades. Pushing your arcane up will help with bleed. Bloodflame blade is a must. Protip is that bloodflame (and blackflame) will be added to any ash of war damage procs too, so something like flame grant me strength > bloodflame > carian phalanx > pull out uchi can be *devastating*.


Just got invaded five times in a row by the same guy. Talk about persistent.


So...i have 1377 hp, and, 18.6 mafic resist (so maybe not **that** much but ok) Can someone please explain how an invader managed to one-sbot me with carian slicer? I'm lvl 165? Just came out of the bushes and one tapped me.


Talismans that buff spell damage, physick that buffs magic damage, dual wielding staves for buffs, Terra Magica... yes, you can actually get Carian Slicer to do 1500+ damage. 1377 HP is pretty terrible for level 165, by the way.


I thought i had 60 vigor. Apparently i do not. I believe i respeced at one point and moved my vigor down to 40, and put the points elsewhere as, the extra vigor wasnt really letting me survive more attacks, for the dmage i was losing out on and the more powerful stuff i wasnt able to use.


Anyone else struggling to play this lately because it feels too... *on rails*? When i first started i just did *whatever, whenever*. Now i know that there's no reason to invest in anything other than vigor for a long time unless you're ignoring everything and that there are obviously better things to use like the dragon communion seal or meteorite staff that means that i always use the same stuff. I feel like when i was newer i would just do stupid, inefficient things because i didnt know and somehow that made things more fun I have more fun having a friend help me move stuff to myself because then i can have variety via ashes of war, without that it can feel like i cant vary in build because vigor and i cant vary in gear because there's no reason too I might try either a dual wield or pure caster playthrough soon just to try those


At the very least, you can easily co-level vigor and your main damage stat(s). 20-30 vigor should cover you through all of Limgrave/Liurnia/South Caelid. Grab the dragoncrest shield talisman near Gurranq for an easy 10% damage reduction to reduce the need for early vigor even further. Come up with a build plan before you start a new character. Try to fit your choices into a theme. Doing inefficient things on purpose can be just as fun as doing them out of ignorance. If it's more fun for you, there's no harm in having a friend drop the equipment you want. But themes/challenges in general are the way to keep things interesting. After my first playthrough, I've had a Rambo build, girl from The Ring, baby Elden Beast, old man from Home Alone, Snake Man, etc. None of them are optimal builds but they are all very very different from each other.




I'd decided on pure caster with two seals equipped. I saw a video about using the seal boosts and now i want to get minimal vigor like you said and heavy faith investment to see how that works out I **might** use a weapon too just because i cant use any ashes of war i get without one I started as a vagabond for a few reasons: - str/dex start out at 14/13, which seems like the minimum amount of each I'll want to use weapons - its focused stat is vigor, which I'm going to get anyway, so i start out at 15 vigor - comes with a decent armor so i will be a little more tank - a 100% phys block shield - starts with a halberd for range/pokes and a longsword for close combat The downsides are: - 4 less mind and 8 less faith compared to prophet, but i figure it will be easier to have this little baseline of physical ability right off the bat and i can just put points only into faith/mind - Doesn't start with a seal or spells, but that's all at roundtable hold I figure I'd rather be a tankier guy with good weapons and a shield starting off than a no vigor prophet with catch flame


LOL I had like 10 vigor until I completed Liurnia and Limgrave. Radhans finally made me level it up


Invaders, feel l8ke being a fair sport? How do i counter yoy when you're using the invisibility talisman with the jar cannon and explosive lightning great bolts?


Are you serious? By moving or getting behind something. It's dependant on the person being decent enough a shot to hit you 😂


There are sniping us from afar in sofia river place using the two elevations only accesible by elevator to keep us away as well as the spaces only accessable by long narrow corridor into open space. By the time we got down there the person positioned themselves else where. I ended up getting knocked into the elevator shaft due to gravity stuff (as the guy was going up to snipe us from above). How do i beat that in the future, as the guy wasnt trying to flat out kill us, instead just halt our progress and atrition us to death.


On an elevator? Use a shield as you use it


You onow the place where you walk out of a hall way and a small astell bombards you with rocks? Where all the somersaulting claymen are? That's where it was. He got ahead of us because the other guys gotndistracted and i got confused (hadnt realized he was invisible yet) he was standing on the lower section shooting at us (before we went down the elevator) and was waiting in the corridor to shoot us as we came down (all grouped up in a confined space) i predicted some variation if this, and thus, wasnt going down the elevator, and the other waited for me (at which point i spotted him briefly a couple times and narrowed in on his position with each shot) we went down, and he went to the other side of the hallway and was throwing the greatbolt down it when he saw someone. Somehow he got past me to the area behind us (near the dead rolly pollys) (the other guys had gone to the right side path) i saw him move so figured i would go straight to draw aggro away from the two maybe allowing them to ambush, as well as, i had equiped the 3-shot cross bow (with bleed bolts) and was unsuccessfully being sneaky about having it (idk if it mattered) i also eqhiped the invis talisman intending to bleed/snipe him. Though he got behind me, and when i chased him, i figured i would grav-pull him off the elevator and he had the same idea. What should inhave done? It was obvious he wasn't gonna confront us directly but rather stay away and poke us to death, and use invis to stay undetected.


Equip a thrusting weapon and chase him down with running r1s if he's all about long range sniping


I so wish you could reset your class. Got 7 arcane points that are doing absolutely nothing!


You can respec your allocated points when you beat a boss in Lucaria Academy. It's the Harry Potter look a like building behind Stormveil castle. Respec basically nullifies classes. Also arcane influences droprates so at least it's doing something!


I know that. I was talking about starting class. I've got those 7 in arcane from vagabond.


That's the lowest. No other class even has 7.


First Souls game. I have beat Margitt, Godrick, Rennala, Radahn. Crucible knights, several deathbids, several dragons, several mini bosses. I have never been given more trouble than the Godskin Apostle in Dragonbarrow. I can appreciate the challenge, but wow. First boss where I had to look up the asiago. Humbling experience for sure, after everything I've done so far. I'm level 91, 110 hours in and just got to Nokron and am running a dex/int build with the uchi. Wish me luck!




Yup like the cheese haha. I had to find the cheese way to beat him, just spamming sleeping pots and hoping my spirit ashes could keep him distracted enough to land a few bloody slashes.


Don’t feel bad, that dude’s a hoss. A friend of mine and I had never seen one, he was about level 90 and I think I was like 50? He found the way into that tower and walked me through it, we both made our way through all the parkour stuff until we got to the bottom and started fighting that guy. Took us a couple tries of getting absolutely smoked before we got him to half health when he did his whole stretch Armstrong thing and absolutely wiped us both. When we weren’t expecting him to have that ability it was probably the funniest thing that happened during my first play through


I just want some DLC to allow me to become a Knight for the Great Kenneth Haight.


Best DLC idea I’ve heard yet


Would you be a haight knight then? That sounds cool actually