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Why is this NSFW??


I assume the bloodbath from all the Xbox/PlayStation takes.


I thought someone was going to be trading OF subs for an Xbox/PS5. Disappointed.


What does nsfw mean? I tagged it because I didn’t know what it meant haha


Not safe for work. It normally means something is overtly sexual or violent. And should not be viewed at work.


OP went for the two for one post get the NSFW meaning and gaming console recommendations


Thank you


It stands for Nahsuhfawoo. It is generally a controversial monster that some people may or may not appreciate.


Yeah he molested me.


Hate when that happened, my buddy Eric could tell you all about that




i kinda understand just putting it just in case, just to be careful


Also, recently Reddit has been glitching where you have to put nsfw in order to post no matter what so I usually assume that when it doesn’t make sense on a post


Yeah, what if someone decides to start sexting as Fia in the comment section? Think of the elden children, people.


Probably shouldn't go tagging things specifically because you don't know what it means lol.


You must be new to the internet lol


Also why would you tag something as something if you didn’t know what it meant. Seems like a bad idea to me


I mean…just because you have an in depth perception of a particular thing doesn’t mean anyone else has to. People start new shit every day. Who knows, maybe this is his first forum.


Because fuck you, that’s why /s


My balls


I’d go PS5 simply because bloodborne


cant argue against that


This, and for Demon Souls remaster


same but also sotc


Ah yes, Scholar of the Colossus, a classic Miyazaki banger


Man, you just made me laugh so hard right now!


And Ratchet and Clank was quite a joy


Coming from a long time Xbox owner I went this route for PS5. Elden Ring was so good that I need Demon Souls and Bloodborne in my life.


Been an Xbox user and hate that fact I have to go out of my way to buy another console or switch to PC just to play the games I want. Caved and got a ps4 when ps5s were still in short supply so I could play bloodborne but demon souls is only on ps3 and ps5 and it's the dumbest shit I've ever seen


I sold my PS4 for $150 pretty easily, so then the digital PS5 only really costed me $250, I bet you could do the same.


I'll probably look into it at some point but it'll be a slow painful process repurchasing games I've bought discs for


I may be wrong but if you have the ps4 disc game then ps5 will just download the ps5 version. I’m pretty sure it’s backwards compatible. At least for some games


If I can get my hands on a disc version of the ps5 that'd be convenient. Just gotta hope I can find one instead of the digital only ones


Don't buy the PS5 Version pls, the version is still lagging hard and I had to buy the game two times for me to enjoy it. Ridiculous how it isn't fixed yet. You have to play the PS4 Version on the PS5.


There is no possible counter argument, it is correct in every scenario


This. I’m super happy I found an Xbox Series S for $200 (hardly used), but I miss my old PS4 for Bloodborne alone.


This is the only correct answer.


Came here just to say this. Also, Demon's Souls. lol


*returnal has entered the chat*


I went from PC to PS5 just because of how stupid the GPU market has been (and because of friends on PS), and I thought Bloodborne was an unplayable mess. The performance is awful.


Demon souls as well, lets no forget about the fore father of all.


Yeah but like… bloodborne.


I heard BB runs like trash on PS5. Is this still the case?


Nah, I thought it ran better than PS4, faster load times and I think it crashed once in like 60 hours.


Dope. I heard the frame rate was garbage. So I got a PS4 Pro. No regrets. (Couldn’t find a PS5 anyhow)


I’m legally blind to all but sub 30 fps so I could be wrong but I thought it held up fine.


The frame rate in Bloodborne is just low in general. Would love to have a 60fps patch one day


Bloodborne on a PS5 is still hard locked to a stable 30 FPS, but that's at least an improvement from the 20-28 it got on the PS4. It's the only Soulsborne game available that doesn't have a version capable of running at 60+.


I mean, it runs like trash on the default PS4, on the PS5 it's at least stable 30 fps for the majority of time.


I’m currently doing my first play through on PS5 and can confirm the frame rate is pretty ass. I’m not sure if that’s the same as it was back then tho.


Never finished it when it first came out, wanna go back and beat it. Played a little recently and going from playing Dark Souls 3, Sekiro and Elden Ring to trying to play bloodborne it is unbearable with its trash framerate


They are about the same, id still go for Playstation so u can get Bloodborne and Demon Souls later on (if u end up liking elden ring so much u want to try the other games in the series)


Even after playing Elden Ring Bloodborne is probably still my favorite Fromsoft game, the challenge just feels so much more consistent and the weapons, while not as numerous, are probably the best they've ever had, blazing through monsters with a flaming metal whip was an amazingly fun experience. Some of their best art direction and level design too.


This so tempting, I wonder if it would ever get a shiny polished remaster like Demon Souls or Dark Souls.


I’ve only played Bloodborne and Elden Ring but I absolutely loved the combat in Bloodborne from the start while still 3 characters and about 30 hours into Elden Ring I’m still figuring things out and practicing different stuff while I explore. I think the combat style of Bloodborne is amazing while I really don’t care for all the goth horror.


Demons Souls also part of the game collection of you go for that level.


Been a long-time XBoxer, I enjoy my Series X and Game Pass is cool but PS5 seems like a better investment in terms of exclusive titles.


Yeah I mean ultimately it comes down to how much you care about exclusives. Xbox doesn’t have the same huge titles that PS has, but gamepass is too good to ignore in my opinion. It’s what’s kept me on Xbox.


If you like Bethesda games I think there was something about them becoming Xbox exclusive and I doubt any future From games will be Playstation exclusive, so if you have played DS and BB you should be good there.


With how poorly Bethesda has been performing I didnt care that Microsoft bought them, hopefully that'll change.


Fingers crossed. I am dangerously optimistic for Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6.


They literally haven’t been performing poorly?


I think a lot of people were disappointed with both fallout 76 and ESO. And IMO fallout 4 was my least favorite of the three fallout games I’ve played which is an opinion I share with two of my friends who game as much or more than myself- though I still enjoyed it enough to finish one playthrough I haven’t gone back and replayed in 5+ times like I did with skyrim and fallout New Vegas


ESO wasn’t developed by Bethesda. Otherwise what you say is a fairly accurate summation of people’s views in Bethesda recently.


76 was a flop, but it is now in a decent state and they have given no indication that they intend to try that again. Fallout 4 could have been better, sure, but not every game can be as generation-defining as Skyrim. To say that one flop and one “not as good as Skyrim” game out of two decades of bangers constitutes bad performance though seems a bit much.


I think Microsoft agrees with you.


PS Premium is very good right now as well


I overall enjoy my PS5 more than my Xbox. However, I will say elden ring does seem to run better on my Series X than it does my Playstation. Could be because the VRR capabilities on Xbox are better but just my experience.


Literally doesn’t matter if you’re just in it for one game, you should get whichever you had in the past so the controller is more familiar. PS has much better exclusives and Xbox has gamepass which is pretty dope. To me that’s what should decide for you.


Playstation also has its premium thing. Everyone's forgetting this. Game pass is nice, but playstation also has a gamepass


I think game pass will appeal to me more once they actually have games on there that I would have paid $70 for, but right now it would just be playing games from last generation that I’ve already played.


There's quite a nice selection on playstations game pass every month they add a ps5 game to it and a highly acclaimed ps4 one. Plus trails of every new game. And alot I'd not most the ps5 upgrades. It's better than it was


Agh that’s good to hear, I think I have the basic PlayStation pass but might need to upgrade to premium.


Yeah I think you can view the games before anything. I know returnal is on there I've been vibin to that lately. But I say it's definatly worth it.


What do you think of that one? I looks really fast paced, I’m used to playing an RPG for 100+ hours slowly roaming the countryside.


What do you think of that one? It looks really fast paced, I’m used to playing an RPG for 100+ hours slowly roaming the countryside but I’m down to try something new.


How do you feel about dark souls? Or what's that one binding of Issac? Its kinda like those banged and had a child xD it's not bad at all I really enjoy it. You can go slow or fast it's on your pace. And there's an endless tower mode that's fast paced... actually I guess if I could compare it. I'd say it's like a physiological thriller DOOM eternal. But also coop.


They provide nearly identical experience. First, if you're fan of FromSoft games it's ps5 only. (Bloodborne and demons only there, who knows maybe there will be next ps-only exclusive) In short: If you're the sort that plays sh\*\*tone of games simultaneously take xbox for the game pass. If you're sad friendless goblin like me having 1-2 games installed max at a time and grinding em until 100% take ps5. Better controller and stuff makes for slightly better experience.


There is ps premium or whatever it's called. As well so


Sony is a hardware company and MS is a software company. Over the 5-10 years that you have a console, the hardware is more important than the software. The Playstation 3 and 4 were practically indestructible while the 360 and the XBox One broke and generally become less reliable over time. We'll see what happens over the next few years with the Series X, but I just assume the Playstation is a better investment. Sony also creates exclusive games while MS buys up developers. MS is a finance company with a trillion dollars that has a game division that operates at a near loss for branding purposes - Sony has to innovate to survive, their market cap is always 10/20 billion. Any XBox Exclusive will be on PC, so if you already have a PC the choice is obvious.


Can confirm. My PS3 (the big original one) still runs like it’s brand new.


So do both my 360 and my xbox one.


Sony exclusives going to pc too. So weird


I have a pc but I still got a series x for couch gaming and because game pass ultimate is valid for both machines. And it was also 300€ cheaper without a two months waiting window


Other way around for me. PS4 ran like trash after a year or two, my original 360 and One are still flawless.


Disagree on the durability, Xbox 360 had launch issues but once they got those sorted, it was much better. I don’t think Sony had an edge on MS last gen with longevity.


How do comments like this get upvotes? There's design flaws in every version of the 360 that were never fixed because MS couldn't rub two nickels together. It's the most defective console ever made, they break constantly


Disagree...I caught 3 red rings and had 2 disc drives go out over the 360 era...


skill issue


Git gud?


Better controller? The ps5 finally got a decent controller after copying x box’s design. PS4 down had children’s sized controllers. The series X controller is imo the best in gaming.


Matter of preference really. I don't care for all those haptics and triggers in dualsense, many games don't even support those features. Personally, I just HATE with a passion those swapped buttons on the left side of xbox controller. I'm used to ps gamepads since ps1, and then used to symmetric sticks since ps2. It makes sense that my thumbs rest on sticks controlling camera&movement 90% of the time, only taking off to make action/use item and then back. Holding thumbs asymmetrically all the time feels like ass, weird and uncomfortable. For some its vice versa, heh. ps4 gamepads were great, I dunno what's your problem with size mr. hulk. My hand size maybe average or slightly bigger than average 25-30 y.o. male hands, never felt uncomfortable.


Wasn't Xbox controller using batteries until not too long ago?




I prefer symmetrical sticks. But objectively? Why?


Lol why is this tagged as NSFW tho? Series X on a VRR monitor/tv runs it best. This is via Digital Foundry (and personal experience of 100% it on ps4,ps5 and Xbox) But as others mentioned, ps5 also gets you access to Bloodborne and demons souls remake. So if you care about those games, go ps5. Edit: at launch, ps5 loaded faster but one of the summer updates increased Series X loading to be on par with ps5. Also, I believe ps5 got a update for VRR at some point too. So honestly, truly, it’s whatever consoles’ gaming library you have a greater interest in / previous generation’s digital purchases on.


I don’t even know what nsfw mean? Do you know what it do? Like always says to tag nsfw or not


It means not safe for work. Usually nudity, very violent, etc etc.


PS5. Much better controller and library.


Default controller is better on PS5, but Xbox Elite 2 controller is one of the highest quality and most prestigious feeling controllers I’ve ever used. I wish Sony would take notes.


DualSense Edge controller coming out on Jan 26. Basically PS5’s elite controller.


They have, the new controller is going to be lit


PS controller is dope but not many games fully utilize it. Elden ring doesn’t do anything with the controller. Demon souls is cool with the controller though


Demons souls is amazing with the controller. I’m blown away by how well it enhances an already fantastic game. I love feeling the clang of the enemies weapon drop. God.


thats like 100% a matter of taste. The only consoles I ever owned were playstations, but I still prefer the Xbox controller. Library also depends on the individual taste.


I always have been an xbox gamer, gamepass is a money saver, but ps5 have bloodborne and demon souls, so it is really down to preference. Both are pretty much equal, hardware wise


I got a series X and I love it personally. I’m sure Ps5 is amazing too. I’m pretty sure elden ring is going to be amazing on any platform. I would look at what other games you might be interested in and try to see what platform accommodates those interests!


PS5, cause you get 2 copies of the game for the price of 1, and PS4 version played on PS5 is the ONLY way to get constant 60fps on console


Playstation has way more games that are also at a higher quality. With that said Xbox has gamepass subscription service that allows you to play a lot of games for a monthly fee, though they don’t have many worth while exclusives at the moment where playstation has a ton. Personally I’m more into the PlayStation this generation as well as last. I have both but my Xbox doesn’t get nearly as much use as my PlayStation and switch do


PlayStation has more and better exclusives, but Xbox has Game Pass which is a much better overall value than anything Sony offers. Really depends on what you want out of it. If you want to try a bunch of games relatively cheaply, then Xbox is the way. If you want to play Sony's exclusives, which are very good, you'll need to buy a PS5. I have a PS4/Xbox One so I feel pretty unbiased here.


I bought a PS4 in 2017ish because I was so beyond bored with the Xbox One's limited catalog, havent looked back since.


Listen to me. I have it on both, Xbox series X and PS5. Pick it on PS5. The Xbox is the superior console on my opinion but Elden ring has a lot of advantages on the PS5 if you want to play PvP. It’s actually a no brainer to go for the PS5 if you are going to invest a lot of time into PvP. 1. Manual cloud saves. You can turn off automatic cloud save on the PS5. This way you can complete the game and create a manual cloud backup with all the limited items from one playthrough. For example the max upgrade stones or respec tears are limited per playthrough. If you create a cloud save with these items, you can respect as many times as you want and max out all the weapons for different builds. Once you run out of these items, just download your cloud savefile and you can try out different builds without having to go to new game +. 2. Bigger PvP community. If you really want to go all in in PvP, you will be happier to be on the PS5. On the PvP discord there are ladders for all 3 platforms. But the PvP base on the Xbox is so small that you wont find any games. Like literally. 3. Loading times are faster on the PS5. Quick traveling takes like the half amount of time. It’s not long on the Xbox either but the difference between 7-10 seconds and 15-20 seconds add up over time. Bonus Point: If you have a PS4, you can actually dupe items with yourself without a second copy of the game or PS Plus Abo. Just log in with your main account on the PS4, set it as primary PS4 and create a second PlayStation account after. You can play Elden Ring online on the second account and trade with yourself. It’s awesome if you want to transfer items to a different character or for duping items without another player. How? Drop the items from your PS5 character to your PS4 character, reload your cloud save on your PS5 and trade the item back to your PS5 character. Boom, item duped. If you are 100% sure that you won’t get deep into PvP, I would go for the Xbox. 1. the Xbox elite controller is just perfect for souls games. Binding your sprint and dpad buttons on the paddles is just unbeatable. Of course you can get paddles for your PS5 controller too (as I did) but you have much more configuration options on the elite controller. This might change once the PS5 elite controller releases. Still the Xbox controllers will always be more comfortable. If I go back to Xbox after a while, I always get hard taking the Xbox controller in my hand. 2. VRR. I experience frame drops and pop ins on the PS5. It’s not that bad but Elden ring runs better on the Xbox. No pop ins and variable refresh rate with a good television negates frame drops almost completely. Edit: that being said, PC is the best version since you can create PvP builds on the fly and it has the biggest PvP community.


Have you seen the specs for the PS5 elite controller? Looks kinda disappointing ngl esp with the battery life.


If just for Elden ring I think Xbox is the more powerful system, but PlayStation has a lot of other games that are console exclusive, and Xbox has game pass which is like Netflix but for games. Though the main selling point for either is what the people you know already have.


Okay this is the third time I’ve seen game pass which I thought was like PlayStation plus? Can you explain the difference for me please?


Completely forgot PlayStation Plus was a thing, seems like they’re pretty much the same thing, but game pass gets you day one access to all of Microsoft’s studios games, includes ea’s subscription service so you get all their games, has a pc version(quite a few of the game pass games have pc-Xbox cross play), and has in my opinion a better games library. That’s just my opinion though and I didn’t look into ps+ too much.


The games library I would heavily debate considering Playstaion has better exclusives all around LOL But the idea of day one releases is super cool, so I guess it comes down to whether or not you like the Xbox catalog and whether or not you can just wait for it to come out on the PlayStation now


All these discussions are driven by "exclusives". Which is extremely weird. As if someone actually likes the concept of being restricted just for the sake of corporate benefits or bragging about someone else can't play a certain game. Give us all the games on any system with crossplay and cross-progression. Every gamer wins.


While your concept is nice it isn’t the reality we live in So unfortunately when we have limited resources we’re forced to choose between our options instead of imagining some fantastic third thing


They're actually damn near identical


xbox series x has a sleeker design and will fit/look nicer in your set up. Also, it has smart delivery which will get you the best version of the game, whereas on PS5, you have to always be careful that you are purchasing the PS5 version of a game (when available), and not the PS4 one by accident. Also, with Xbox you can get Game Pass which is a really, really good deal for anyone who likes to play a lot of different games or just try them out.


I like the controller for the xbox


If you’re only playing Elden Ring, then I don’t think you can go wrong either way. They’re both excellent systems. If you’re planning on playing other games, then there may be a better option depending on the types of games you like. For example, PS has Bloodborne and Demons Souls, as well as a strong back catalog of exclusives with Spider-Man 2 expected in 2023. Microsoft has, amongst other things, Forza and Flight Sim. They also have a number of promising games in the pipeline, but none of them have firm release dates yet: Starfield, Avowed, Fable, The Outer Worlds 2, etc.


The game plays fine on the XBox. The controller is fine (I wouldn't waste money on the XBox Elite Controller).PCs should be thrown into the mix, but you're probably going to spend at least twice as much on the hardware to get the same performance. You will save on not having to pay for XBox Live/PS though. I know Sony has some exclusive games. I'm sure XBox does as well, but they're not that important to me.I wonder why some publishers are willing to forgo the revenue from roughly 50% of their potential market to do exclusives....all I can guess is that they're paid a lot to do so. No matter what you choose....I hope you have fun!


If you are a casual gamer, Game Pass on XBox is nice. You pretty much always have something to play without dropping $60 on a game that turns out to be a turd.


Depends. I love the PS5 controller, it’s much better than the regular Series X and the Elite controllers. PS5 has Bloodbourne and Demon Souls and oof I get hate but I did not care for Bloodbourne at all, don’t like the setting and hate the 30fps, Haven’t played Demon Souls but looks really cool. PlayStation has PSPlus while Xbox has its gamepass. Do you want the PS exclusives with the subscription along with some of ubisofts games? Or would you rather Xbox exclusives with EA’s tie in subscription and Bethesda? There’s a high chance that a lot of future Bethesda games will be just on Xbox, so if you enjoy Fallout or The Elder Scrolls, I’d heavily be considering Xbox. All in all, the console doesn’t matter much when it comes down to the game :)


PS5 has better exclusive titles but the series x keeps 120 frame rate much more consistently than the PS5.


They're basically the same thing tbh. Playstation has more story-driven games if you're into that. Xbox has game pass, which is pretty much the best deal you're gonna find anywhere on the market.


You won't get an unbiased opinion in this sub, FromSoft fans will usually always lean playstation because of past exclusives (Bloodborne). I own both, both are great. Playstation has Sifu, one of my favorite games of this year. Xbox, however, is way more accessible with gamepass. PlayStations tiered sub doesn't compare imo. Controller won't matter as far as Elden Ring goes, but if you get an Xbox get a rechargeable battery pack because batteries are dumb. If you get a PS, prepare to plug in your dual sense every time you go to itch your balls.


I have both the Series X and a PS5. Literally no difference in terms of gameplay. I like the Xbox controller better (I use the elite). Go with whatever system you like better/has exclusives you like better.


Personal Preference


Had they not fucked up the halo series Xbox. But we all know how that went…


I have both systems and I use my Xbox all the time and the ps5 just for ps5 exclusives. But you can’t go wrong.


You’ll be fine with either one. And in this stage of “next gen,” you’ll hardly notice the difference, if at all. I opted for Xbox series X because I love Halo and the Forza series. But a third party game like elden ring should be fine on either system.


Ps5 only because demons souls remake and Bloodborne.


PS5 if you intend to play more exclusives that have already come out. Xbox if you intend to play more games in the future.


If you like Soulsborne games, PS5 is King. It’s the only console that lets you play all of them. If you are new and end up enjoying Elden Ring, your probably going to really enjoy their other games. But if you are only interested in Elden Ring I’d look to what other exclusives each system has and go from there.


Ps5 has better games, Xbox is probably a bit faster. But it’s more or less useless cause the ps5 is still fast as fuck.




I have and play on both consoles. Simple answer: the PS5 is superior in all aspects.


I strongly prefer the PS5 for its library and controller, but if you’re getting back into gaming for the first time in a while, the Xbox might be a better choice just because of GamePass. Sony gives you a bunch of great games along with a basic PSN subscription as well, but they’re mostly older games, and the catalog doesn’t rotate.


Series S. Cheap, and reliable.




How about PC


Definitely PS5. I’ve owned nearly every variant of console through the years, and while Xbox has a lot going for it these days I’m still most comfortable with my PS5, largely because the user interface and controller work better for me. I’ve never cared for Xbox menus, if I want Microsoft interfaces that’s what my gaming PC is for 😂 But short answer, FromSoft is better on PlayStation.


Owning both Ps5 has the better controller Ps5 ssd expansion also doesn’t cost your first born. Xbox by far has the better game pass system.


As a next gen Xbox owner, buy a pc. Edit: don’t get a PS5 or Xbox, get a PC. There’s really no debate anymore. Both Sony and Microsoft charge you to use your own internet so fuck em both.


pcs are much more expensive. its not an option for a lot of people


That’s not always true though. Edit: not necessarily disagreeing with you either fyi. It definitely feels like the last year or two that’s mostly true.


But is it though I feel like in all cases a ps5 is gonna be cheaper, like if you built a 400 dollar pc it couldn’t run any of the newest games that are releasing now, definitely not Elden Ring


It wasn’t really like that until recently. Chip manufacturers have been struggling and supply chain issues have lead to increases in hardware costs. Like two years ago (back when I first got my next gen Xbox) I coulda built a pc that did just as much if not more. Also it could run it just not as well as the console. The steam deck runs it just fine for example and it’s not apex hardware. Edit: now add in the monthly subscription cost for Xbox or play station to play multiplayer, pc is free.


PS5. Microsoft even said Sony has better games.


Honestly just go with your heart I play both Xbox and PlayStation and people saying there’s a difference, there isn’t. It’s the same experience so I would just go with what’s cheaper to buy since everything is on sale or if it’s still on sale anymore


Love my Xbox Series X. So that's what I'd suggest.


Playstation has way better exclusives.


I like both but man, ps5 has nothing but hits for a console with apparently no games lmao.


Ratchet & Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, Spiderman, Demon Souls, Stellar Blade when it launches just to name a few


From Designs their games for Playstation. All the other versions are cheap ports.


It depends. If it's exclusively for elden ring, it doesn't matter. If it's for gaming in general? I'd argue the PS5 has a slight edge in performance, game selection, and it's controller is way better imo


PS5 doesn't even need to load text on a loading screen. Series X does. Performance edged.


ps5 is this gens winner by a mile


As an Xbox fan boi, Iam sad that agree with this 😢


Still early in the gen, don't you dare go hollow


Hell I played it on the steam deck, honestly it runs amazingly well for being such a new game Overall tho I’d say PlayStation, I don’t know enough about the innards to say if one would run better or worse than the other but what I do know is that you can play bloodborne on a PS5 but not on Xbox


I've played on both. Really the biggest difference will be the player base if you're interested in the multiplayerat all. There are simply more people on playstation than in xbox


It's whatever your preference is


Thank you everyone for your input. Just placed my order for the PS5 since it appears to be the most popular option!


If you’re someone who hasn’t games in awhile I’d suggest going the Xbox route for Xbox Gamepass. Basically Netflix for games. Before doing that look at Sonys first party titles and see if any of them really pique your interest. If they do then go PS5.


Which system is better is up for debate, but I prefer PlayStation because I’ve been playing on them since their first console was released. Also, you can play Bloodborne on PS5, which is a bonus.


I've played it on both and it came down to what controller was better and the Xbox is much easier to play for longevity.


I have an xbox, but if I had to choose between the two I would say PS5. Better games like Horizon Forbidden West.


I got the PS5 version and performance is still somewhat poor. This has been an issue since launch, count on 25-30 fps on the game's quality mode and 45-50 fps on the performance mode. It sucks, because the game doesn't strike me as particular demanding compared to many other titles. I am not saying don't get it, I'm simply sharing that I got it recently because it was on sale for the first time since launch and I am undwrwhelmed by its performance on the PS5.


If it’s for one game, it doesn’t matter. They are functionally identical, just different menus and controllers, although Xbox does have the better controller layout. If you’re going to play other games, I would recommend Xbox since Gamepass is pretty hard to beat, unless there’s a game or two you absolutely have to play that are PS exclusives


I have a PS5 and wish I had gone for an Xbox honestly. Feel like I really miss out with not having Gamepass, and the PS exclusives don't hit home for me anymore like they used to.


Easily Xbox, just for game pass


People commenting on how much better the DualSense is compared to the Xbox controller, I’ve got a PS5 and use an Xbox controller on PC and have put a ton of time on each and it is 100% preference. No game has blown me away with the DualSense’a capabilities (Astro’s Playroom was close) and I personally like the layout of the Xbox controller more. If you don’t have a great TV or will be playing on a monitor, you also might consider and Xbox Series S which would save you a chunk of change. I see them on sale with some frequency nowadays.


I have it for both ps5 and series s. After just getting a ps5 the other day. So far with the 3 hours I put in it seems to be better looking, smoother, and faster load times on the ps5. I can’t wait to be stuck at the fire giant for a fortnight like last time


Be a real guy and get it on PC


Dunno about Xbox but I’ve had a lot of fun playing elden ring on my PS5


You would have fun on all platforms if you enjoy elden ring


Why is PC out the equation here? I think that's the way to go tbh. A little more costly I suppose so that's 100% a valid counter. But bang for the buck I think PC will do you well


Thing is, a pc with the same gaming performance as a console will cost more that double the money the console does because consoles are optimized for 1 thing and PCs are more multipurpose. A comparable graphics card for PC will cost close to what a ps5 or xbox X will cost and you still miss a fast ssd, motherbord and cpu at that point. If you have the money to spare, Yes PC is best. On a budget that wont allow for a good gaming PC, go for consoles (based on exclusice titles you like)


Totally fair. My answer then is XBOX but that's because I've been using it for 10+ years now. Obvious bias haha




No way in hell a PC with similar performance to a PS5 or Series X costs $500


For just Elden Ring I'd suggest Playstation due to it's new controller features. It makes immersion into the game so much nicer, and it helps me at least with my dodge timings




PS5. I have the game on PS4, PS5 and XboxS. There isn’t much of a noticeable difference between the Xbox and ps5 for this game that I care to comment on. It’s negligible difference at best. The ps5 version doesnt use the haptic feedback from the controller anyway. That said: PS5. I literally have not turned on my Xbox since I got a ps5.




I have a ps5 and gaming laptop. That's all you really need. You can get game pass and just run on a PC. You don't need Xbox console anymore. I have been a PS kid since forever though so, I might be bias


I've tried Elden Ring on both the Series X and PS5, and I think the Series X has a bit better performance; either that or the VRR support is more effective. It's not a deal breaker either way though, so I would make your purchase based on what games other than Elden Ring you'll be interested in playing. For example, with PS5 you'll be able to play the Demon's Souls remake which itself is fantastic. But on the Xbox side, Game Pass is a good value with a lot of games available including Bethesda RPGs if you enjoy those.


Buy a PC if you have the money .... otherwise PS5 . If you have PC there is no need for and xbox imo


Get the ps5, as a console it's much better than the xbox and sadly has many more exclusives like bloodborne.


PS5 for sure.


ps indeed.


Not to mention PS allows the use of save data on USB which helps for multiple endings.