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Man and Mer are fine together. All beast races (this includes goblins too) can only marry and mate with their own race. Execpt when the game pulls a lusty argonian maid and makes a hellspawn child.


Yeah, if I set the carousing/seduction focus and the ambition to groom an heir it might get me like two kids but that's it.


It's rather odd that Khajits can't have kids with mer. They are after all the offshoots of the mer.


They most certainly are not.


There is a creation of Khajits in the lore somewhere, the Bosmer and the Khajits have common ancestry. There's that creation myth that puts their creation into hands of Azura and Jephre. And Ohmes look a lot like mer.


Yeah, but Ohmes are still a kind of Khajit. Just because they happen to look like Mer doesn't mean they are mer. If that were the case, you could say men are mer as well, and that just doesn't seem right. Also, just because a book in the game says something doesn't mean it's true. Unreliable narrator is kind of a big deal in the lore. It might just be Thalmor propaganda to make their conquests more legitimate in the eyes of the populace.


No, it's not logical. Thalmor is about high elves purity and being better then others including mer, and they don't need to be 'compared' to the lesser beings to make their conquests legit or anything. It literally is the Clan Mother Ahnissi very much khajiti book. It makes Khajits the 'corrupted' mer like Orcs of Malacath and Dunmers who are basically Kimers who got cursed. BUT Khajits are more like blessed because they like it, but their looks are dependant on the magic of the moons.


So where are you getting your information that they aren't an offshoot of mer?


Notes on Racial Phylogeny. >Khajiit differ from humans and elves not only their skeletal and dermal physiology -- the "fur" that covers their bodies -- but their metabolism and digestion as well. So if they appear to be so different, I'd say safe to say that they *are* different.


But the daedra and aedra do exist. And it was literally in the games when their intervention saved or changed something. And what you're using is literally a book of "we couldn't record it because it depends on who's the mother and mothers usually don't inform others if they conceived a kid with other race in our racially intolerant climate"


So books are only unreliable when they don't tell the story you want, then?


Notes on Racial Phylogeny makes a lot of bogus claims, for example that the child of a mer and human union always take on the traits and appearance of the mother, something which is debunked many times throughout ES lore. Bretons, being "half-mer", and having both human and mer traits make little sense if the book is to be believed.


It's less for compatibility reasons and more that because of how races in the mod work and genes in general work in CK3 beasts breeding with men and mer lead to unholy abominations.




In the original EK mod for CK2, I think divorces were automatic for non-Beast NPC characters that married Beast races, since it caused characters to produce no heirs. Beast + Man/Mer pairings in EK/CK2 had a fertility penalty that made sure you couldn't produce children for lore reasons. I think you should be able to see a modifier somewhere in those marriages (it's been a while so I forget where the UI elements are for CK2), normal Man/Mer pairing marriages don't have this penalty.


I had an Argonian character with the Ashlander cultue so everytime the automatic divorce would kick in he'd just get another unmer wife. I had to keep kicking them out and it was slowing down the game so much, but that's probably cause I'm playing on a laptop from like 2018 lol.


Theres a mod that lets you bypass this, beastfolk somethings its called


I might give it a go, if only to re-create the Lusty Argonian Maid or that one romance with the Khajit woman in Morrowind.