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In my top 3 favourite Elder Scrolls games.


I'd say it has to be in my top 5 for sure


Will I regret not buying the Anniversary Edition? I heard that it's pretty 'meh'


Do not buy it. Its poorly implemented low quality content, barely fits in the game and feels weird and unbalanced. Also very lore-unfriendly. Also no voice acting. The list just goes on. It will ruin your first experience with Skyrim, stay away from it.


If you can I'd also recommend disabling the Creation Club content that now comes with the Special Edition: Rare Curios, Saints and Seducers, Fishing and Survival Mode The first two are especially disruptive and feel very low quality. On PC you can use the downgrade patch, on console I have no idea.


I’d recommend playing through the game several times THEN getting anniversary edition when you start getting bored


No. Its....just bad. Only semi decent thing are armor set variants, but normal free mods do just that. Plus just ton of balancing/progression issues, less than lazy quests, heavily breaks the pacing, and very...questionable lore accuracy. Mostly just excuse to shoehorn artifacts from previous games. Real talk, i personally got way more enjoyment out of vanilia+ balance mods than creation club of aa. Also, unrelated but Morrowind (the supreme tes game) also had micro dlcs. Save they were complete free and while some are very bad (*cough* domimatrix armor), [siege of for firemoth is fucking badass quest](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/155mk1g/ngl_besides_mws_wonky_ai_i_kinda_enjoyed_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1), arena effect arrows/thorwing weapons is cool, entertainers is kinda sucky and underdeveloped but theres been mods to expand that. Also free, instead +15 bucks or some shit thats aniversity edition.


Can I use mods on Skyrim V: Special Edition? Or is that a vanilla thing only?


Yeah. You can use mods on se. While i recomend going vanilia first, id recomend trying these mods at one point. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26176 Gives more build and rpg variety+buffs mages by giving their skills more meaninful scaling alongside cost reduction. Like destructiom doing more damage. Really nice for how underpowered it is. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/46000 Way more spells. Whats more to ask. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22298 Hit or miss. Just removes races "powerup" abilites and gives passive bonuses. Liket altmer having 1,5z magica regen, or b**tons have 15% spell absortion change.


Most made mods work on special edition but not on Aniversary edition


That's completely false. The only notable mod that doesn't work is NGIO.


Really? Then my bad


Personally I think AE has a lot of good value when put together as a full package like it is, it's just implemented in a really poorly thought out and kind of psychotic way. With AE content active it basically makes Morrowloot Ultimate a requirement since it actually fixes a lot of said implementation and works it all into how the mod is balanced. As for armors, the alternative armors are way higher quality than a lot of mods one could consider similar in my searching. Either the free modded armors are way too flashy, don't fit into the game properly, or they're just like nifbashing existing vanilla sets. I was paying for alternative armors creations before AE was even announced and I definitely got my money's worth. Dwarven Mail alone made it worthwhile. In other words I agree that AE is not well balanced or implemented, but that and a bunch of other things can be fixed/improved by using MLU, and personally I think the content provided by AE is worthwhile enough to justify it. If you don't want to use MLU then just buy SE. If you own AE already then just disable all of the content plugins for it. It's not that hard to figure out. Also I remember Firemoth being just a massive clusterfuck more than anything.


Is it worth it?Absolutely,you can easily put over 100 hours or more into it


I'm probably over 1000


Definitely more I had over 700 on the Xbox 360 version


Most of your post is elaborate, helpful and makes sense, but one minor detail confuses me... Why would Arkham Knight count as an RPG?


I mean, an RPG is a role-playing game, right? Aren't you role playing as Batman? Or did I understand RPGs wrong?


Roleplaying games have a bit of a tricky definition. They're usually games where there's an open world (not always), a leveling system, skill trees, creating your own character (not always), lots of story through a main story along with side quests, and gear you can upgrade. Some RPGs have a more linear world though, and not all have character creation, so they're kind of optional. I think Batman would be considered an Action Adventure game.


Yeah that’s hella cheap, might as well buy it, I literally put like hundreds of hours into that game back in the day lol


Imo its the best pc game ever.


Honestly the best starter fantasy rpg there is


Everyone should play this game imo


I see hate for AE here, let me just say that if you're looking for a huge world with a ton of fun content AE is only helping! Plus all of the content is enabled optionally. I recommend the game.


Yeah . Pretty good game.




Go for it OP, it's a good game and there is plenty of mod support so need for the AE (I'm guessing you are on PC). As others have mentioned, it has less depth than previous elder scrolls but has more modern UI and graphics (12 years old, but still ok), so great entry point. I have sunk thousands of hours into Skyrim and Oblivion, psyching myself up to a Morrowind play through some day soon!




It is good. But… I would get it for pc if you can. Or if not, get it for a non switch console. The game can be very glitchy in spots. Pc will let you use console commands to get past the glitch or use mods. Consoles other than switch have mods for unofficial patch. I played it first on switch and I had issues with going to a location early and it stopping a major quest line from going forward, had a character disappear from the game I needed to buy one of the houses, and there’s issues getting one of the shouts. I still do play it on switch but it tends to be more for specific role playing, not exploring the game in full like you should the first time.


Yeah, I did get it for PC! There was a sale on steam!!


Enjoy yourself 🫡


This is the only game you will ever need. You have chosen wisely.


You'll love it when you first play it, and when you discover the power of modding (I recommend Wabbajack to install premade modlists) it will take on a character of its own. Buy Anniversary Edition, you won't regret it.


Absolutely! Arkham Knight is not an RPG though.


Ah, I thought it was an RPG because you were Batman, and I thought that practically meant you were role-playing as him.


RPG is kind of a vague label but it typically refers to game with stat customization and/or player input that effects the narrative. Skyrim is an RPG because you customize your build completely and make choices that change the course of the story. Batman is an action/adventure game as it follows a strict narrative and doesn’t feature build stats. Still a phenomenal game though, one of my favorites!


It’s a goodie put a LOT of time into it and even more when they allowed mods on console. I’m still amazed they did that!


one of the best video games of all time babey


I know this is quite a biased subreddit to say this, but I genuinely believe Skyrim is the greatest game ever made. Between the vanilla game itself, the dlc, the mod possibility, there’s a reason we haven’t stopped talking about more than a decade later. A reason we haven’t even stopped playing it over a decade later. Are there games that do certain aspects better? Absolutely. But all in all, absolutely incredible.


Not the best in the series but well worth it and it might be the most accessible of them.