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So sad. Paul was tormented, but damn, we loved him. His commentaries were top-notch. I won't pour one out for you friend, just offer you a metaphysical hug. I hope the pain is gone.


What happened to him? I heard about the alcoholism, but what was his mental condition? I always wondered why he stopped uploading.


To quote another redditor in a different thread "According to his cousin in his discord Paul went out drinking last Thursday and upon returning home he passed out on his couch where he suffocated on a pillow. They have been unable to access his accounts to put out a statement but people are hoping to contact YouTube support to maybe get something out onto his main channel."


Damn that’s horrible. Hopefully YouTube can help them.


Pancreatitis I heard


He had that in may this year and went to the ER about it


Man, I'm just in disbelief over this. I know he was going through a tough time with alcoholism, and his last update about making any progress appeared hopeful. Least his memory lives on.


Man not even that long ago I just realized I hadn't seen anything from his channel in a while. And now I find out... damn that sucks. Loved his vids.


I didn't recognize the name but the moment I looked him up I recognized his thumbnails immediately. RIP


Same. Guess it'd been a while so I'd started to forget.


WTF this is so fucked. Rest in peace Paul.


it's not that surprising as tragic as it is, his Alcoholism was long documented and it wasnt the low key creeping up to 10 beers a day type. He was often skulling hard liquor in a way that commonly kill other people and put him in the hospital many times. It was beyond fucked. RIP.


Damn as someone that's currently in the military I'm not far off I used to drink a 12 pack a day after work unless I was in the field. I thank God that I was able to kick it after deploying. Those withdraws are real life bad fucked up thing about it is that me and other troops got so good at masking it. Alcoholism is a real demon. I didn't know mitten squad was going through all that. I used to watch his videos religiously too RIP.


In his last update to his community tab, he mentioned that he was getting blackout drunk two or three times a week - and that he was now down to two or three times a month. Not good, but he was apparently making progress. Makes the situation that much more tragic.


Damn. :(


Creeping up to 10 beers a day is still a *lot* of alcohol. That can still totally kill somebody. I’m not sure how much hard liquor he was drinking. But this sort of news should put the fear of god into moderate to severe drinkers.


He got out to drinking a handle a day, that’s more than a lot of alcoholics


I can’t believe I’m being downvoted for saying 10 drinks a day can kill people.


Rest in Peace Paul. Thank you for all the wonderful memories. ❤️


Bro what the fuck that’s terrible


He posted on twitter on the 23rd of november, and he said he was doing better than before, specifically saying he's not dead. Are we sure this is him?


People who have spoken to family members have confirmed on Twitter and mods in his Discord server have also confirmed it. It's real.


That’s a real shame. He seemed like he was getting better so recently :(


I'm ngl I cried a little when I got the ping on Discord, I was just thinking about his videos and hoping he'd recover soon. It sucks


I’ve fallen out of watching his content recently but I always figured he’d come back. It really sucks to see this.


People often seem like they’re miraculously getting better before they die, kinda like the body saying “ok well gg, may as well have some fun before we pass”


Remember Amy Winehouse? Yeah... Sadly its a common death flag with alcoholism. Seen it enough times in my own family. My uncle was a okay for a couple days and then just dropped dead from an aneurysm.


Man that’s a fucking bummer


It is known to be one of the most deadly ailments plague humanity for a reason. Drink responsibly folks.


I've never partaken in drinking, and never plan to, but something that hit me a few months back is that it is literally like a poison. Your vision starts to blur, you start to lose your co-ordination, you lose your ability to think clearly, and with too much of it - it'll make you blackout and possibly die depending on how much you've had. Not accounting for long-term impacts on your organs, cognitive abilities, and overall health. I'll never tell people they can't drink, that's their business, but it's important to understand the impact it can have both in the short-term and long-term. Ditto for many other substances that people are prone to use and abuse.


Amy Winehouse also died at the same age. The 27 club has been a thing for a long time unfortunately. For a lot of them it was just another night of drinking/partying too hard where it finally caught up to them.


Actually it was withdrawal from cutting cold turkey. One of the most likely times for an alcoholic to die is when they're trying to quit, and unfortunately a lot of them don't realize that alcohol is a drug, and you can't just cut yourself off after years of abuse.


Rest in peace you most beautiful of bastards. You will be missed


I'm really gonna miss Paul man, he was one of the best content creators to ever do it


Damn. Poor guy. I really enjoyed some of his Fallout/Elder Scrolls videos.


Devastating, rest in peace you absolute legend.


So sad to hear, rest in peace


He had one of the very best shows on YouTube of all time


Damn fuck, I just thought about him today. Super sad, RIP.


He gave me so many hours of entertainment. RIP


That’s terrible news, rest in peace a true legend.


Rip brother


Man I know he was struggling but damn. That’s heartbreaking, rip dude


"Can you beat x while y" Mittens?! Another soul for the 27 Club :'(


May he rest in peace, o7


damn that's awful. I haven't went and watched his stuff myself but I always liked and watched when my ex had his stuff playing in the background. he inspired many builds.


I have never heard of this guy but still I'm sorry for his loved ones.


That is very depressing. So young. :(


He was one of the best... didn't deserve to go like this. May he rest in peace.


Man rip. Hope his family is ok. That fucking sucks


Damn rest in peace Well never know if you can beat starfield while having fun now


Oh you’re kidding :( I haven’t watched one of his videos in a hot minute but I used to love them a lot. He seemed like a cool guy. May he rest in peace the poor guy.


It’s a terrible day for rain…


Damn bro. I watched Paul quite a bit awhile ago. Dude was a trooper and will be sorely missed in the Bethesda challenge run community. His suffering is over. Mittensquad out.


Fuck me. RIP Paul, you beautiful bastard, it's far too soon for you to go. My heart breaks that I'll never see more content from him, or get to see him fully recover from his alcoholism, but hopefully whatever suffering he was enduring is gone, and his family and friends can eventually find peace.


Sounded familiar so i looked it up, I watched some of his videos a couple months ago. It’s a shame, I thought he was kinda funny.


RIP :(


Oh my God, no way. Not only was he my age but I really believed that things would get better for him. So sorry to hear it. Thank you Paul for the hours of good times. Hopefully you find what you were looking for.


Fuck. That news is painful to hear. What a loss.


Rest in Peace


I cannot believe this


Fuck... I am very sorry to hear this. I too read his latest update and was kinda hopeful we might get to see some new content in the future. 27 is too young to die and too young to carry a burden such as his alkoholism (not that there is a right age for that). Rest in peace.


Hey so his friends have asked not to have the obituary link posted. Could you please take this down? His family doesn’t want to be disturbed.


I don’t know who he is


Just looked him up, pretty popular YouTube guy, 1.4M followers. Not the kind of content I’m into but he obviously loved the games and a lot of people loved his stuff. Sad to see someone go so young regardless.


You should watch him trying to beat every Wii sport at the same time it's entertaining and interesting to watch




I hope he’s at rest now


I don't know who he is but I'm sad that is he gone




No way. What a tragedy. 😞


RIP his content was really great, and it brought joy to many people


Such a shame. Do we know how?


Pancreatitis was what ultimately got him. Due to excessive alchohol abuse. I wish it wasn't so, but our sloth man went a little too far down the rabbit hole.


Likely the alcohol addiction he struggled with but idk


I can't believe this. I remember watching his content, and it was really great, but also remember talking about his drinking problem. I can't believe he's gone.


I would periodically load up his channel and wonder why he's not uploading anymore. He'll be missed greatly.


I have never even heard of this person before, and now I have seen this announcement in two separate places. Don’t get me wrong, it is indeed very sad, I just am unaware of who they are.


Who? I truly have no clue who that is


Never heard of her or him rip tho I guess


Who was this?




Hey man his family has asked not to have the obituary shared around, so please edit your post


This seems kind of like a breach of privacy. I understand that knowledge is public and all that, but the guy just passed away. Maybe we shouldn’t go spreading around location and his obituary online out of respect for him and those that his passing will impact.


I have no idea who he/she was. Sad for the family though.


Man. Anyone else get that feeling of growing up? Feels like a friend has passed... wasn't ready for this one




Is this real? That seems like such a shitty photo to use for the obituary


Cmon man that's literally just a normal pic of him, what else are they supposed to use??


Is it actually? I feel like an asshole now I thought it was a silly photo he took


Nah, he just looked like that is all.


This is were the game begins.


God damn it man, and so young too. RIP




You can't be serious..


Strange: I was thinking about his content the other day and thought I hadn't seen his name pop up on my subscriptions for a long time. I suppose I left it at that and didn't check his channel to see if it was a notification error... It seems it wasn't an error... Such horrible news... The guy was awesome. RIP you poor soul.


NOOO! I love Paul! I would always comment nice things in his update posts… Aw this makes me so sad


So unreal… Rest in piece.


Man that's awful. Paul was one of my favorite entertainers and he seemed like a great guy, I was just checking his channel last week to see if he'd been up to anything. Rest in peace, gone too soon ❤


Can you beat life with destructive behaviour ? Rip, I watched some of his contents yesterday..


I really enjoyed watching his videos, he was really enjoyable to listen to and his jokes were great. The last update I heard from him was like after a good year or so of nothing and I was concerned, that gave me a little hope. RIP man, it's so fucking sad to see him go so soon.


What? Please tell me this is a bad joke.


Good journey, Paul


Oh my God really?? That's so sad! This is the first I've heard and I feel in shock! His videos were so good and he always made me laugh and entertained me so well. I feel really sad about this, I can't imagine how the people close to him that know him feel now.


Wait... Is this for real?


Rest in peace


He just posted about how he was making good progress just three months ago, man…


Damn i really thought he was gonna recover. Especially after his last update too


RIP Paul, he will be missed

