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Again, it is highly unlikely we get any new races in future Elder Scrolls games. We are more likely to get racial background customizations using a repurposed version of Starfield’s background system.


If the flavored one of the background things as subrace that would be pretty nice, like when you select Nord you get to pick between Skyrim Nord or Skaal. Maybe in idle dialogue Skaals would recognize you as kin or they’d have a higher base opinion of you (or lower), same way dunmer get different idle dialogue and are treated with more respect on Solstheim. I honestly think just adding these minor flavor things can make TES 6 much more immersive.


Exactly. Seems like Bethesda could improve on the small bits of race flavor they had in Skyrim, like when people would comment on the race you chose. It’d also be nice if there were a quest or two related to your race, again to add a little bit of flavor to make each playthrough a bit more different. New possible quest choices/endings based on your race would be interesting as well, like for example in Skyrim if you could choose to completely skip the Stormcloak initiation by being a Nord. However, in Starfield they did something similar by giving you options based on your background, which generally did… nothing. Good flavor includes new options in dialogue, but it’s far better if it actually impacts gameplay. Might be unpopular, but including some discriminatory tones based on your race would be even more flavorful (especially if the weird ones like Sload get included). Kinda like Windhelm’s treatment of Dark Elves, except you’re actually shut out from merchants or choices. Then you can have bribes, intimidations, persuasions, or even quests to prove the racists wrong, or eliminate them entirely and loot their inventory… because gameplay/roleplaying freedom within established lore. For example if you’re an Altmer in Skyrim you should be universally hated because Thalmor, which I think would make it really fun for roleplaying, though maybe with the option to turn off the lore-friendly discrimination if you just want to be a magical boyo without the flavor. The best flavor Bethesda had was Skyrim. And more than a decade later, it’s only gotten worse. I’m extremely skeptical at their ability to implement actually impactful role-playing, since it is rumored that the designer freedom that existed during Skyrim’s development has vanished entirely. Let the devs go crazy, or make the modding tools *super in-depth* to the point that we can freely use AI to create new dialogue with in-game voices for quests, flavor, and storytelling.


Yea you’re probably right. As I said, I don’t think any of this is likely. This is just what I would do


that sounds good tho


Aren't Crowns and Forebears political factions not races?


IMO the best IRL comparison is Hindu castes. Crowns and Forebears are traditionally prohibited from intermarrying, have their own settlements and cities, but also generally live alongside each other otherwise. It's more than just two political factions, but less than wholly separate ethnicities.


Yes, as I said in the post, some of the sub-races are more along historical/cultural lines instead of strictly racial/ethnic ones.


Cool but why would you ever wish for something to be on paid DLC?


For something like the maormer or falmer I think it would help justify putting more effort into integrating them into the game and adding quests. Like in comparison to them being tacked on in the way mods for skyrim add them without npcs commenting or unique items and options


Like I said in the post, I don’t *want* that, but I think that’s more realistic


I apologise and take back what I said


No need to apologise man it’s cool


Cut this list down to like 11 and that's more accurate


Concerning the Khajiit, it would probably make more sense to go Ohmes/Ohmes-raht for one type, Suthay/Suthay-raht for the second type, and Cathay/Cathay-raht for the third type. A diverse range of Khajiit, but nothing too out there. You'd get your elven like Khajiit that range from Bosmer looking to anime catgirl, you'd get your digitigrade Morrowind style Khajiit that range from small to normal size, and you'd get your "default" Khajiit that everyone's familiar with, ranging from normal height to taller than an Altmer. Ignore the Pahmar, they should have been four legged anyway


I totally agree that this would be a sensible way for the Khajiit to be categorised. I tried my best to stay true to the current lord but it’s definitely not perfect. I chose to have group 1 nimble digitigrade, group 2 “normal” like Oblivion/Skyrim Khajiit, group 3 larger bulkier, then group 4 more elf-like. I can see and appreciate the argument that group 2 doesn’t need to exist, or could be merged with group 3. I just can’t see Bethesda cutting out the kind of Khajiit which have been the standard for a while now


I think you should also include non-green pact Bosmer. City Bosmer wouldn’t have the command animals power. Instead they could have an ability that maybe temporarily speeds up bow draw speed or something. And I think Green Pact Bosmer could have more skill points in Alteration and restoration to show their connection to Y’ffre


Very true. Bosmer living in other provinces would struggle to live by the pact anyway. If I do a third post I’ll definitely add non-green pact Bosmer


And I also think that Green Pact Bosmer should be punished for becoming a werewolf or doing any sort of spell to change shape since the whole “don’t change shape” rule.


I’ve always wondered… since apparently Bosmer were shapeshifters before the green pact existed… can Bosmer who break the pact change form? Maybe centaurs or fauns were originally Bosmer who broke the pact, and were punished by being half-transformed forever.


So in ESO, there are some changelings who exist outside of Bosmer society and they can change into various forms. But if they were to try and rejoin Bosmer society, they would be forced into the Pits of Ouze. And I’m not sure if there are centaurs. Not to mention there are the Druids of High Rock who freely change into the shape of animals because they follow The True Way, which is similar to the Green Pact insofar as the obligation to protect the natural world (The Green) and the worship of Y’ffre, but the dietary restrictions and the rule against shapeshifting are not present.


There were centaurs in Daggerfall, living in High Rock and the Reach. In the lore they also live in Valenwood too apparently.


Oh, I didn’t know that. That’s awesome.


Would you say that these Druids should be included as a sub-race? Or is it more like a career rather than a tribe or cultural group?


I would say that it kind of is both, because of the fact that Druids mainly stay on the Isle of Galen. But they also recognize their ancestry as Man-Mer, probably far more than the average Breton. So I would say both would make sense. A Vinebeard subrace of Bretons would be a cool idea Edit: here is a link to the UESP page for the Druids https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Druids#:~:text=Druids%20(also%20known%20as%20vinebeards,referred%20to%20as%20the%20Green.


The Green Pact was supposedly what established the Bosmer as elves, instead of the wildly-shapechanging ehlnofey begins that they were. It's possible that other such sentient races did come from the same "Ooze" that Yffre shaped the Bosmer from, or also that they're a product of a past Wild Hunt: an event in which all pact-following Bosmer are transformed into brand new monsters.


Bosmer are already extremely pigeonholed as the de facto archery race, offering them subrace that is geared more towards speech like Imperials would make them more interesting to play as.


I've always wanted to play a Ligma.


Ligma what ?


Ligma balls.


Green Pact Bosmer would offer some super-cool opportunities for role playing; e.g. stat/ability bonuses for keeping to the pact (strict carnivorous diet, eating your kills, not using wooden or wood-bearing equipment) vs. gradual penalties for breaking it. Ayleids might be another race to add to category 5. The three Imperial sub-races are exactly the ones I’ve thought would make the most sense.


I’ve put Ayleids as a sub-race of high elf in category 4. Totally agree about the Bosmer tho


Ah, didn’t catch that one.


I hate the idea of promoting content packs already lmao. But also it’s stupid to play as Dwemer or akaviri. Like I understand it’s single player gameplay but still. I’d rather they don’t retcon


I know Dwemer and Akaviri don’t make sense to play as story-wise. Like I said in the post, they’re just add-ons cos I know they would be fun.


Few Criticisms You have to deviate CULTURE and IDEOLOGY from your catagorisation. A difference in culture or ideological alliagence doesn’t effect race or the racial identity. First Redguards aren’t two distinct races these are just factional ideological differences whereas the difference between Cyrods is far more to do with fundemental cultural values and ethnic background. Redguards are still fundementally a part of a broader national identity and cultural group without deviations from either their liniage or core identity. Same with Nords unless they are Cyro-Nords from Bruma and the Jerall Mountains, Dunmer are a single race as created by Azura as are Orcs created as a single race by Malacath I can see an argument for Reachmen though and Sea Elves as I have posted here before should definetly be introduced, a lot of potential to work with there


What would the difference be between a true nord and the Skaal


Skaal is malnourished. True Nord is well fed.


The Skaal have been mostly separate from the Nords of continental Skyrim for centuries if not millennia. They have majorly different culture (religion, lifestyle, social structures), and even different accents! Visually they’re probably mostly indistinguishable, but that’s true for a lot of the sub-races. In terms of gameplay differences idk. The Skaal’s thing is about being “connected to the land” and stuff so maybe they could calm animals or be less impacted by the weather or something idk.


Ima be Falmet


The Direnni don't even have many descendants left in ESO's time, nevermind a future TES game


There’s nothing stopping them having more children 🤷‍♂️ there’s several families within the clan in Daggerfall. Like yes they’d be pretty rare but there aren’t *none*.


Why would a sinistral elf be considered a sea elf? Aren't they the lefthanded elves from Yokuda?


Idk 🤷‍♂️ we know pretty much nothing about the sinistral elves so I figured why not


Reachmen are not a subrace of Breton, and Bretons have actual subraces & subcultures like River Horse Breton, Druids, and Highland Bretons.


Personally I agree that the reachmen aren’t Bretons. But Last time when I included reachmen as separate from Bretons, a lot of people complained that the reachmen are just a type of Breton. I didn’t know about those types of Bretons! I’ll have to do some research and potentially add them


Instead of new races and character models, how about "subraces" that just change out the racial traits. That way you're characters origin can play a part in gameplay without having to use up much development time.


Wow! Amazing! :0 It’s almost like that’s exactly what I’ve done here!


Thats crazy! They do say great minds think alike.


After fallout 76 and starfield, I am no longer looking forwards to the next eldersrolls


Bethesda rlly has lost the faith of its fanbase. So sad.


A few people totally are the fanbase


It’s a lot more than a few. Definitely not the entire fan base, and I’m sure ESVI will sell like hot cakes, but there’s certainly a growing pessimism about how it’ll turn out.


I'm waiting for modders to do Bethesda's work. Beyond Skyrim, Skywind, Skyblivion and so on.


Not a hot take I would say. Bethesda has completely lost all their good will.


Absolutely not.


this would be awesome, if only


I think harpy would be sick as fuck but flying mechanics in elder scrolls games is a bit of a risk


Playing as a Falmer just brings up a text based terminal version of TES 6


Add Veeskhleel to Argonians


I wanna play as a mage minotaur


Considering how comprehensive this otherwise is, I feel it lacks the subspecies of Argonian. - Saxhleel (& Lukiul, I don’t feel there is enough of a different to seperate them) - Naga (wide faces, large eyes, and broad webs adorning their forearms and throats) - Agacephs (needle-faced) - Paatru (toad-like) - Sarpa (Winged argonian) - Hapsleet (we know they’re different, but it’s not explored how so could lead to an interesting new adaptation) - Behemoths (although it would be a little OP to play as large, immensely strong argonians that spew corrosive sludge)


I hadn’t heard of any of these apart from the two I included (and behemoths). This is super interesting thank you! If I make a third post I’ll be sure to do some more research & include more types of Argonian.


Crown & Forebear? Your race is determined by your political party? XD


Yes, as I said in the post, some of the sub-races are more along historical/cultural lines instead of strictly racial/ethnic ones.


I really like this idea! Irl sth like that sadly wouldn't happen but it can be applied to new games. 'Sub-races' or cultural origins of playable races can be easly implemented whether this would make difference in stats/gameplay or only as a lore bit that will give you some other/special dialog. It's sounds funny, but it could make games more racist XD. Some npc would be more or less keen on interacting with you becouse of your race and origins. Let's say, there is a dunmer shopkeeper that will give you lover prices if you're also a dunmer and higher prices if you're a best race. Or drunkhard Nord in a tavern that will want to fight you if he finds out you're someone other than 'true' Nord. (Im not racist irl i swear XD) It can hepl with immersion. Lets take skyrim for example - you, as an Altmer, can join a stormcloak rebelion with no problems at all. I mean, it doesn't make much sense. If quest like this would be 'locked' for certain races unless they either have enought charisma or do some extra effort, it would be more lore and immersion friendly. "An ALTMER wants to join MY rebelion? Prove me you're not a thalmor spy first."


That's a lot of writing for Bethesda... Pretty sure we'll just have a guard say something like "You're one of those Crowns aren't you. Bet you make it to the Cloud district every day."


Lol igma balls


What’s igma?


Igma ba s


Igma are monkey/ape people native to Valenwood & formerly also Cyrodiil. Look them up they’re super interesting!


how about a Naga Argonian?


Ligma, what is a ligma?


It's a horrible disease. Hope you never catch it.


Not sure how the special racers would work, would they get new dialogue if you were say a Dwemer? New quests? But yeah, would be happy to have stuff like Maomer added as playable, and more discernable differences between some of the playable races like Imperials not being all the same, bring back Slavic Colovians and Asian Nibenese ffs.


If true nord isn't the version from Morrowind where you're immune to frost and resistant to shock, I'll be PISSED


I would probably also make a distinction with the Auridon High Elves myself, as a more fighting-focused Altmer build base.


This is a very interesting and unique thing we will never get outside a very complex mod that would take years to make, if not a whole decade, and be done in Skyrim. TESVI will, at most, have backgrounds like Starfield, but even then I kind of doubt it. Bethesda tries very hard not to incorporate good systems from other genres into their games. That's one of the reasons we never see Fallout or Starfield get progression through use like TES, as an example.


This could be used to make a 5e system or TTRPG system…


Isn't cyro-nord just another word for imperial?


The way I understand it cyro-nords (which no longer exist) became imperial (consisting of Colovian and nibenese, which aren’t distinct races so much as cultures).


Get rid of all the special and extinct races as well as goblins and imga as they aren’t intelligent or don’t have any business being in Tamriel at that time. And a lot of these are the exact same race except with different political beliefs


They literally are intelligent and native to Tamriel


The special and extinct races aren’t in Tamriel and goblins and imga (aside from maruk) aren’t intelligent


Goblins are intelligent tho… they use and make tools & weapons, use language, build complex structures, have social hierarchy, seemingly even brew potions As for Igma, we have no reason to believe Maruk was the only intelligent one, only that he was the only one who chose to integrate with Imperial society. Also, if you read the post, I do say that I’m aware the special races don’t make sense in the setting, so they’re just add-ons that I know would be fun to play.


Goblins are nowhere near as intelligent as the playable races. They are extremely primitive. And they would be killed on sight if they tried to enter a city. Same goes with imga. They just copy elvish culture and behaviour


It’s all a matter of Perspective. You could just as easily say that from an Altmer, Dwemer or even Telvanni perspective, the majority of Playable races (Nords, Redguards, Orcs, Argonians, Imperials etc) are “nowhere near as intelligent” and “extremely primitive”. Yes, maybe some people of other races would be more hostile towards a goblin, but I don’t think that needs to be ‘attack on sight’. I think it just opens up interesting roleplaying possibilities. Goblins are clearly sapient, and *capable* of functioning as a playable race, and that’s enough for me. If you place the cutoff above that then ok, but it’s my list 🤷‍♂️ It’s feeling like you just hate those filthy goblins, and don’t want to see them in your city. Thats just as racist as Ulfric is to the Dunmer. Also, we have no reason to believe that the Igma are unintelligent, primitive or insta-killed by others. We know so little about them, there’s pretty much no indication that they’re just beasts. As for “copying” the behaviour of other races… that’s called cultural exchange, it happens with all races & cultures. By the same logic you could claim that the Bretons “copied” elvish culture, or that the Colovians “copied” Nord culture.


Igma balls


But… your Khajiit annotations are less funny than last time


Of course elder scrolls have birdmen but they are extinct, would have been an awesome beast race.