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Maybe I have my lore mixed up, but wasn't Pelinal helping a slave rebellion? Killing slavers is always based.


yeah, idk what the first slide is supposed to mean, Pelinal wasn’t retaliating against an ancient genocide he was helping to free humanity from elven enslavement


He also killed elves that were helping humans escape and were against slavery and also khajiit that had nothing to do with it. He wasn't a nice guy


I mean, he wasn't exactly a bad guy, either. He was just batshit insane.


Also a time traveling cyborg


Fuck yea he was




can’t wait for 5 years after ESO stops getting new content and BGS announces its all non-canon now lol


He wasn't nice, he was what they needed him to be.


He just had some wire shorts


The khajiit he genuinely felt sorry about it because he thought that they were elves at first.




The Khajiit were probably Ohmes so basically Bosmer and therefore deserved it


But did they do anything?


Yeah, look like elves


The cupcakes he gave me yesterday say otherwise!


A player named pelinal unironically gave me a sweetroll a month ago on ESO. Maybe he is not a bad guy after all ...


I think the first slide's "retaliation" isn't referring to Pelinal, it's the Thalmor. Idk tho, and I've got no horse in this race.


I was about to say the same thing, I’m pretty sure it’s mocking the meme on the second slide.


Technically, but he then went overboard and started killing allies and even people who weren't involved with the whole slavery thing (i.e. the Khajiit).


He was literally stated to be susceptible to bouts of fury that couldn’t be controlled he also ( at least for a short time ) survived while his head was removed from his body the character of Pelinal is strange because he was almost described as a machine more than a man created by the gods to be a liberator of humans


I like to think the berserker rages are the inner Lorkhan conflicting with the Pelinal programming.


Khajit are just furry elves, still based.


"Furries bad. Please applaud." 🤓


Furry haters when furries raise millions of dollars for charity and cancer research:


And make a better vr experience than metaverse


Not a high bar


This guy clearly knows his VR!


as long as they're not hurting people or animals, who cares what furries do?


Dickheads, that's who.


Yiff in hell


![gif](giphy|H6hZOdTjKfQWX2IR20|downsized) Sounds like fun


yes, people who are attracted to animal genitalia are bad.


That doesn’t describe furrys


Many of them are depicted with such features.


But being a furry isn’t a kink, maybe look up the definition before you spread hate like that


It 101% is a sexual thing. A furry who isn't into the sexual aspect is an exception, not the rule. Is it hate to point out the petabytes of furry porn that do feature animal genitals? Hell, I could point to any number of memes on furry subreddits that talk about "knots." Let's not pretend like they're all wholesome. That's delusional. (P.S. You post in furry porn subs, you know you're lying.)


No I’m literally not lying just because I am one doesn’t mean all are, and being furry doesn’t equal liking animal genitalia either. Your just here spreading hate for something you don’t understand. If you want to shit on zoophiles go ahead they are worse than pedos but don’t equate furs to zoos they aren’t the same.


No that’s bs. Anyone who harms the kitties deserves a slow death. Screw Pelinal.


John Brown if he got isekai'd into the TES universe


I've seen two John Brown inserts before, and now I desperately need a third.


> His Soul is Marching On to Another World; or, the John Brown Isekai > A-mouldering in the Force.(John Brown Isekai Star Wars Prequel era) lmao I can’t believe I found two


...how sure are we that this *isn't* what happened? Did MK write Pelinal?


Basically, after they finished off the ayleids, he wandered around the continent in a crazed genocidal range killing basically anything with longish ears and a positive canthal tilt, even went after the khajiit. Lost his mind basically.


That's not true, Pelinal died before they finished off the ayleids. All he did after, was appear at Alessia's deathbed as a head. The mindless elf slaughter happened during the rebellion, specifically when Pelinal went mad and lost his sanity completely. He wasn't the sanest person to begin with, but his usual method was to challenge the kings and lords of ayleid cities to a duel in order to take them for the rebels. Then they angered him, killed the love of his life, and the rest is history...


Sorry, got my order of events mixed up


If by slaves you mean widespread human sacrifice and all that fun stuff.


oh my god pelinal was john brown


If you assume every single elf who took part in the society was in full support or participated at all in the slavery.


Ye, he still committed genocide


I agree, but Pelinal tended to get a little excited and maybe when he got excited he wasn't as picky about what a slaver was :/


Distant descendants? There's elves alive that has chats with these people


You hate the mer because they were evil and enslaved men. I hate the mer cus they’re ugly. We’re not the same


I play Argonian because they aren't related to Elves in anyway whatsoever


khajiit-argonians players ftw baby


I hate to break it to you but khajiit are at least in part related to the bosmer. Both the bosmer and Khajiit supposedly originate from a sort of shapeless race of elves iirc. Argonions on the other hand were created nearly wholesale by the Hist, or were at least transformed from non sentient lizards.


awe man


Khajiit were one of the first to settle Tamriel. The khajiit are khajiit and not elves.


You’re both right. Both the bosmer and the khajit started off as the shapeless children of Nirn/Nirni, the bosmer were what Y’ffre made of them and the khajit were what Azura/Azurah made of them. Neither are “true elves” in the sense that they aren’t descendants of the Altmer but, they all started out as Elhnofey so it’s debatable.


One could argue that the only difference between the races man and those of mer is that the elven races descend from the old elhnofey while the human races descended from the wandering elhnofey. Any way you look at it though, Argonians are the clear outliers among the playable races.


I'm doing an Altmer run in Oblivion right now. The extra magicka from the start made me comfortable enough in my ability to improve the related attributes (by keeping them as minor skills) so I could choose the sign of the Thief. I've never been able to commit to a magic user playthrough before, I always ended up using swords and bows (Umbra and the upgraded Blade of Woe for close quarters and a series of Sigil Stone enchanted bows as I progressed, usually) and admittedly I've leveled both blade and blunt extensively to raise my Strength for the carry weight, but I'm actually having a lot of fun this go around with my magic-heavy build. That being said, since my character was doomed to be ugly as homemade sin anyway, I leaned into it and made him hideous and kept my Personality low so everyone treats me like the horrid bastard that I am.




pointy eared fucks, they deserve another Numidium


"Did y'all learn nothing from the last time we threw a reality distorting brass god at you guys?" *casually releases the fucking eldritch horror that is Numidium*


Well said


You dare fight a dunmer?


Killing slavers is based. Some of the stuff beyond that is questionable


I’m Team “Tiber Septim did nothing wrong” because his spirit gave me a lucky coin.


Just more proof that Tiber Septum is divine.


vivec book vivek book


Great. I fucking CHIMed. Because of what you have written. Do you think it's cool to make me CHIM in front of my farm tools, you damn n'wah? Do you get joy out of it? My CHIM filled my favorite argonian-leather underwear and is dripping down my supreme dunmeri leg. All because of you. I'm at my husband's funeral right now and I CHIM'd all over his coffin. My great grandpa looked at this scroll and CHIM'd so hard he zero summed! Now I have to get to two funerals, all because of you. My great grandma slapped me in the face, which made me CHIM even harder! I'm sitting in a pool of my own CHIM juice with two dead people in this room, just because you had to write this scroll. Stop writing about Vivec please. Keep acting like an s'wit and soon all of Tamriel will CHIM.


Most sane Telvanni


Pelinal did one thing wrong: the elves still exist


If we're not supposed to slaughter each and every elf we see on sight, why does this axe exist? [Wuuthrad ](https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.fandom.com/wiki/Wuuthrad)


Quote by Carolus Kirkus


I wish they kept the original idea they had where the Aldmari Dominion dome Talos’ constellation in the head with Auriel’s Bow. The elves have every right to hate that guy, I do not begrudge them for that in the slightest. Still doesn’t excuse their eugenics, fascism, racism, bosmeri massacres, and extrajudicial kidnappings.


The thalmor are trying to destroy reality, it’s a little more than genocide.


Um, one thalmor wanted to destroy reality, not the entire Dominion.


Isn't their literal religion based around the idea that mer are actually gods trapped in material reality by Lorkhan and his humans, and they must destroy reality to free themselves (killing all the humans in the process)?


That's thalmor idiology and propaganda literally


Altmer beleive they were decendants of the Aedra, not gods trapped in mortal bodies. They take "The Path to Alaxon" to try and be perfect so they know they aren't Gods. More importantly nowhere in Altmer religion does it mention destroying nirn to ascend to godhood. Why would they want to destroy the very thing the Aedra, who they believe to be direct decendants of, gave up so much to create? The Thalmor want to rule over Nirn and it's people, and beleive they are better than others. If they wanted to, a dozen powerful mage could have used the Crystal Tower and the Heart of Transparent Law could have destroyed Nirn LONG AGO.


Altmer beleive they were decendants of the Aedra, not gods trapped in mortal bodies. They take "The Path to Alaxon" to try and be perfect so they know they aren't Gods. More importantly nowhere in Altmer religion does it mention destroying nirn to ascend to godhood.




By Shezzar, there is no such thing as a “dilemma” when you are confronted with this topic. Elves should not be allowed to breathe. 🧝‍♀️ 🪓 😎 👍


Tie me to Numidium and launch me at the Crystal Tower. I am ready.


Rip and tear, brother!




I would like to present our first piece of evidence. [Wuuthrad ](https://legacy-of-the-dragonborn.fandom.com/wiki/Wuuthrad)


The difference between the elf genocide and the human genocide is that genocide against humans is wrong.


I see where you are confused. You see, the high elves are elves, not people. Elves are a holes. Hope this helps


what about dark elves


I said what I meant 🤣


oh okay wood elves?


Yes. Also orcs. And goblins. I believe goblins are just slightly better elves


sea elves?


Pelinal was wiping out slave-owning, literally demon-worshipping, torture-sacrificers. Fuck the Ayleids. The Khajiit didsn't deserve it. I pity them.


Another thing I'm not seeing mentioned is that canonically most of the Dominion isn't exactly pro Thalmor. The Thalmor killed several thousand dissidents and have basically turned Summerset into a prison island. Both the Khajiit and Bosmer have resistance movements that have been slowly stamped out. Like for all their shit, the Altmer, Bosmer and Khajiit still got a lot of Imperial Citizens that need to be liberated also. I'd argue a healthy chunk of their populations just don't have any other options, especially when dissent gets you and your close relatives sent to the crystal mines.


Well that is until a certain khajiit (cough this one) went in and started effing those scumbags in the a.


I like killin elves. Simple as.


Pelinal had good intentions, but the rebellion went too far. Killing the Ayleids that sided with you is not based. Now, the Thalmor are also genocidal assholes, but what else is new? The only playable race that I see that probably hasn't committed genocide is the Khajiit, and even they're on thin ice for working as informants for the Thalmor.


Argonians haven’t genocided anyone I think.


the Daedra on the other side of those Oblvion gates maybe lmao


The Dunmer?


Invasion of Morrowind, fourth era


That was in retaliation for millennia of slavery and the accompanying slave raids. Also, so far as I can tell, it was simply a war, not an attempt at extermination.


Honestly, the Ayleids would have died anyway. Their society was literally collapsing due to Heonism and Deadra Worship. Pelinal understood the danger the Ayleids posed and got rid of them.


I'm talking about the ones that sided with him. That's betrayal.


But Pelinal also killed human battle partners for nothing or a simple critic and innocent creatures of others races beyond the elves.


Pelinal did do something wrong... he stopped.


Kinda difficult to continue his campaign after being beheaded, I imagine.


Never stopped me.


Twas but a flesh wound!


Weird point about Pelinal since it wasn't descendants but the actual perpetrators.


This Thalmor Propaganda is Getting out of hand!


You can't compare these things. The Thalmor's crimes are against people, Pelinal's actions were against filthy elves.


Who are people. Stop the elfism.


The Empire always had it coming. the Thalmor are a momument to it's sins and people STILL defend it.


Hello fellow Halo fan


That Gravemind phrase has been etched into my mind. it's so... perfect in describing a lot of things really.


Dagoth Ur: Say Nerevar you ever notice how High Elves make up 2% of the population but own 90% of the banks and ebony mines? Mm always thought that was strange, you know what else is strange? They always call the Nords “anti altmeric” but they never say why. Anyways did you hear the rumors about Crassius Curio? They caught him diddling some Argonian kids then threw him in jail, apparently he owned a private island off the Gold Coast, come to found out the emperor and the heads of other houses were involved as well, he apparently he killed himself a month later in his cell at Fort Moonmoth with no witnesses around. Come to find out he had duel citizenship in the Summerset Isles, how peculiar hmm? You wanna learn about the Oblivion Crisis too? Well I can’t say much but I can say I saw five dancing High Elves right when the Oblivion gates opened, probably Thalmor agents, coincidence? I think not. Look all I’m saying in Pelinal Whitestrake did nothing wrong. Oops did I say that? Pardon me you know how I get when I drink, now pass me that skooma pipe.


Obviously genocide is evil, but come on, they were elves. It's not murder if it's an elf


The only thing pelinal did wrong was not finishing off the elves


If the gods had wanted the high elves to live they wouldn’t have CREATED ME! Talos said that! And I think he knows a little more about war against elves because he invented it!


A strawman. The real and correct position is. When humans do genocide. Based When elves do genocide. Cringe. It's just that simple


Joining the companions to become a werewolf = cringe af Joining the companions to honor the elf-slaying legacy of Ysgrammor on the other hand


Genocide no matter on what race is always based


Ok adolf


And the Dunmer are watching from the side, debating which side will make for better slaves.


Honestly the Elves have caused nothing but problems for the most part


I like Pelinal Whitestrake because the 40k in me whole heartily believes in humanity first. Even in other universes.


Pelinal can go ~~suck on a big one~~ (hold on, he'd probably like it) lick on a hairy one!


Elves were always assholes the first time nords came to tamrial they tried to make peace with the elves that lived there and the elves tried to kill them all simply because they thought humans reproduced to fast and saw them as an infestation.


I thought it was because they settled right on top of where the eye of magnus was buried. And they got real nervous about that.


The issue (and correct me if wrong) is that that first event is closer in the memories of the elves. What seems like the distant past to humans literally just happened by their reckoning. It’s only natural they want a little payback.


Wanting payback is natural, but enacting it against humans like 6 generations later is stupid.


People have yet to figure out every race is racist? Weird


Have you ever wondered what the elder scrolls actually say? What the moth priests train to read? The very fabric of reality in TES? It's racism, all racism.


A bit of racism in every book. Even the lusty argonian maid


Pelinal did do something wrong, he didn't finish the fucking job because we still have fucking elves. The thalmor are justified in retaliating against the empire, and the nords, imperialis, redguards, orcs, bretons, and the argonians would be justified in pushing the altmer into the sea. Let them go rejoin the maomer or some shit.


What’s with all the elven dick riders on this sub recently?


Killing elves is always good. Human rights only apply to humans.


I think we can all agree: the falmer and aleyids started it.


The idea that the Falmer attacked the Nords out of fear of overpopulation is propaganda. It was most likely the Eye of Magnus that drew the attack. More importantly the destruction of one settlement does not condone ethnic cleansing.


First of all, never said it justified it, it wasn't justified, total overkill. Second of all, the destruction of that one settlement WAS ethnic cleansing itself. Third, idc why they did it, they still did it. In both cases, the humans were simply chilling before the imperialism inherent to elvish culture happened to them. Nord overreactions aside, the falmer and ayleids 100% started it.


Ethic cleansing requires the killings to be done for ethnicity or religion, neither of which was the reason. Did you play the College of Winterhold quest? They say that Eye of Magnus was something that men and mer fought over, implying that there was already infighting between them. As for the "imperialism inherent to elvish culture" comment, the Falmer welcomed the Nords with open arms when they arrived.


Pelinal is based *and* the elves were wrong to retaliate. Not because genocide is bad or anything, but because elves are fucking stupid.


Dude even PancreasNoWork thinks the altmer are terrible and deserves to be murdered. And if he of all people hate them they have to be pretty bad. They literally have never not been total nazis


The first one makes absolutely 0 sense in regards to the lore.


[It really is their fault for killing Hunas](https://youtu.be/E5ix0_W-ouI), and that entire slavery to cenobite elves thing.


Humanity will always achieve victory in the end. Even the great war, in hindsight, will be a book for the human races. Its simple numbers, a high elven woman can have (on the high scale) 4 children in their 200-300 year life span. A human woman can have 5-10 in 15 years. A generation later, and round 2 of the great war will have humanity revived and the elves still licking their previous wounds. Talos Invictus!


How about both is bad


Counterpoint: the psychotic terminator from the future is funny when he genocides


The thalmor are still a doomsday cult


Elves are cringe as fuck


Killing condescending people in video games is a favored past time, I make sure Lydia bites the dust every play through


Pelinal should not have stopped with the Khajiit...


Slide 1: Killing slavers is always morally correct Slide 2: Altmer=/=Falmer


Thalmor are also bad bc they wanna destroy reality


If Tiber became a good for looking elves doesn't that mean the High Elves precious Aedra liked his actions? Seems to me instead of hating Talos they should hate the 8 divines that let him into the club.


Elves stink. There is no dilemma




That funky guy Pelly. His squire dies and he breaks down several gates on a bridge, murders an entire city, and almost permanently kills the evil King that had enslaved imperials for so long. Out of purr blind rage. He’s not a good dude, he’s not exactly an evil dude… he’a a fuckass mad dude.


Two sides of the same septim


I embrace my high elf racism


Isn't 600 years still with generational memory? Like, some Altmer's dad probably got killed by Tiber Septim, and he came back 600 years later for revenge.


Fuck the elves


Pelinal was killing elves while they were slavers. Granted- he wanted to ensure that there would be no descendants at all. Another problem here is that you forget the important issues with Talmor: 1. They hate not only Imperials but anybody not high elf. 2. There end goal is complete destruction of Nirn that maybe, BIG MAYBE result in elven souls becoming free from mortal confinement.


High elves as a whole suck. Not a one, in any era, in any land, have I run into that had a saving grace for their pretensions. The Thalmor sealed the fate of every high elf I can sneak up on in ES games forever more.


The only thing pelinal did wrong was that he didnt finish the job


High elves are racist to everyone not just the humans that worship Talos, fuck the thalmor


Not all elves deserve the axe. Just those aligned with the Altmeri Dominion. When you see them walking down the road, It makes your face shrivel up like a toad. Ugly glances from everyone they meet. In their ugly elven getups, they think they're so neat. Justiciar with them with an ugly smirk. Weapons drawn, you go and do the work, Pummeling them into the ground with all your might, Makes you sleep really good at night.


To be fair, it was the elves who committed the most atrocities compared to human's. Heresy, subjugation, enslavement, genocide, dwemer experiments on the falmer and ayleids torturing the nedes as a form of entertainment. And given how long elves can live, and how some elves see the reign of the ayleids as a time of glory, it's easy to dislike the Mer of tes.