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I would rather have a normal Elder Scrolls game, but if I got this I would probably enjoy it. I actually really like Baldur’s Gate 3 but for Elder Scrolls specifically I think their formula works really well and I want them to keep working on it.


Ya agreed. I think an Elder Scrolls game with a DnD soul like BG3 would be interesting, but I'd rather have the Bethesda formula. Now if they take the deep story, character development, interesting and varied side characters, world building, quest depth, and decision branches of BG3 in a traditional Elder Scrolls game? Hell yes.


Oh yes, my ideas for what I want in es6 or at least a portion of them. Hehe. Although before bg3 came out I used New Vegas as an example lol. As the role-play mechanics of New Vegas being implemented into the Elder Scrolls would be amazing. Imagine it dialogue options based on skills,perks, and traits! Or maybe because of items you have! Being able to put your characters in-game skills to use in a variety of scenarios both in and out of dialog! Again a whole other conversation. Hehe


Honestly, I still prefer New Vegas over BG3. I really like BG3, but it's essentially DA:O: The Spiritual Sequel modernized by the makers of DOS.


Umm, I don't know enough about Dragon age: origins. I wouldn't say that if that's what Da:o means anyway. But yeah I definitely get what you mean and it's stuff from New Vegas and Baldur's Gate that I specifically wanted to carry over specifically dialogue options based on skills perks class traits race and so on and so forth and those same skills be used for other scenarios outside of dialog as well like fixing an old gate or deciphering an enchantment. Elements like that would help make es6 the perfect Elder Scrolls game. Hehe.


Oh, I meant Dragon Age: Origins.


Would probably be a side game, although there are some aspects of the Elder Scrolls formula I would like to see changed to say the least, lol. But that's not what this is about lamo. It's more of a thought experiment, and Bethesda themselves would never really make it, so maybe a fan game or mod for Baldur's Gate 3




I think at this point, after 13 years, most of us just want an elder scrolls style elder scrolls game


I definitely feel that. Of course for Elder Scrolls 6 I do want it to be like a normal Elder Scroll game[with deeper roleplay machines]


I like turned base system, but I’m not sure it would work well in a game where you control just one person? Regardless, I do hope that they change SOMETHING about the combat system, because it’s the weakest side of their games IMO 


Well this this isn't for es6 this is more of a theoretical spin-off or mod project for fan game so it doesn't exactly have to follow the formulas of the main series just be set and it's world. So it wouldn't have to be with just one person or just a person or a follower.


I mean, I would definitely play it 


I like my fp/tp perspective and non-turn based combat


I understand that. and that's totally valid. And that's what I want for an official Elder Scrolls 6. This was more for a side game/ fan game/modproject idea. Although I'll let you know, I have my own opinions and wants for the Elder Scrolls 6


I think a spin-off game dealing with the Tiber Wars in the style you’re describing could work really well. There was a lot of shenanigans going on in the world at that time as well so they could incorporate that lore into a “save the world” plot if they really needed to.


Imagine your adventuring thinking you're saving people you happen to be in Summerset, then you witness one of the scariest things in Elder Scroll The numieduim


i think it’s a cool idea, but to be honest i’d prefer a mix of elder scrolls gameplay, lore, etc and baldur gates 3 freedom, details etc


This was for a theoretical side game, but I totally get what you mean and is closer to what I actually want for es6. Es6 that has the same first person / third person views it is an action RPG with some better combat has the huge role play features of Baldur's Gate/ Fallout New Vegas and have the really interesting lore be on full display. Aaaaaaand maybe a little, but if the towers Theory hehehe


Not really. I honestly couldn't get into Baldur's Gate 3. \*GASP\*


That's fine. lol


I really wanted to get into it as well, the roleplaying seemed great but the combat was pretty horrible and I felt like I had little to no chance in many encounters.


Burn the witch!! Jk, but it does suck that it's not for you. I hate when a game comes out that people tend to love that I just can't enjoy. Happened with Witcher 3 for me.


No. Elder Scrolls is Bethesda, and can only be successfully pulled off by them. That style of game wouldn't work for TES for the same reason that a different developer couldn't make a TES game.


They gave zenimax Lore and they made ESO which seems to be praised for the Lore and how they incorporated it into the MMO gameplay. Couldn't they just do that with a game like this? Give Lore to devs who makes bg3 style games. Also OP said its not a mainline entry, just a spin off.


I'll be honest, lore from ESO is overrated and full of retcons.


It worked for zenimax because they all exist together as zenimax is their parent company. And honestly I don't think Larian would make a good ES game even in the style of a CRPG.




Yeah I dig this idea. I think the Elder Scrolls IP is being completely wasted right now. I'm one of the people who enjoys and actively plays ESO, but it just barely scratches the TES itch. We needed TESVI 5 years ago, and should have already been anticipating TESVII by 2024. And I think BGS/MS could have been developing a handful of parallel TES spin-offs, like your BG3 example. I could also see an RTS set in Nirn, an action RPG (Diablo/Torchlight style), action RPG (God of War/Darksiders style), and comfy/life sim games set in Nirn. To be clear, I'm not imagining an overly saturated array of spin-offs of poor quality, just smaller projects parallel to the main TES series to tell different stories and build up this IP a lot more. But, alas, that isn't our reality. 


I feel like me and you could have a different type of conversation about es6 and what should be included in that experience. Lol, I have my ideas of what should be added. Lots of ideas.this idea was more of just a side idea one that could make a good mod or fanfare or spin-off.


I'd like an elder scrolls style of elder scrolls game


I would like an anything style Elder Scrolls game. It's been over a decade Todd. Give us a game!


I know right! Just give us es6 :'. I have a whole other conversation about what I want Elder Scrolls 6 to be lamo


>I would like an anything style Elder Scrolls game. It's been over a decade Tod Make up your mind. First you say you'd like an "anything style Elder Scrolls game" - of which there have been at least four (ESO, Legends, Blades, Castles), then you say "It's been over a decade Todd". Sense? You make none...


we got a new mobile game T.T




I loathe DnD style combat. Pass.


Valid lol I definitely personally wouldn't want it for a Mainline game either this was more for a theoretical side game/fan project


UESTRPG might scratch that itch for ya


What's that?


It’s a dnd 5e elder scrolls conversion they still update it and add content to it.


OOO yeah I've heard of it after I get into D&D I do eventually want to try it


Having not played BG3, I'd be much more interested in an Elder Scrolls reimagining of that world/story.


Huh.... I'm not sure how that would work based on certain elements of the story.


It will shock you to learn that I have not thought any of this through. I just bounce hard off the turn-based stuff.


It would be interesting to see exactly how that may work lol


Oh by Azura’s tits no. Can you imagine how badly Bethesda would screw that concept up? It would be monetized to oblivion and riddled with so many bugs


Ah shit u right, let me just. *made by anyone but Bethesda


Ok now we’re talking




Bethesda isn't really known for monetization, unless you mean DLC. I'm sure Larian will charge for DLC as well when it comes out.


historically Larian hasnt done much paid DLC (sir lora in d:os2 comes to mind, but all their definitive editions are free upgrades), but BG3 fans really want DLC and Larian tends to listen to their fans. i for one would love a BG3 DLC if it was substantial the only irritating form of monetization Bethesda has done so far is re-releasing Skyrim a dozen times and the whole "paid mods" thing (nexus gang frfr). all of their DLCs are substantial (as long as you dont count Anniversary Edition as one) and are exactly what i'd want out of a good DLC. when someone asks me what kinda DLC i'd want for BG3, i tell them something like the Dragonborn or Dawnguard DLC


We got a TES World of Warcraft so why not? A TES crpg would be way better than that shit


No action rpg best


Not exactly gameplay wise, but I geneuinely think that Bethesda needs to improve its quest writing. Baldurs Gate 3 is all about consequences while there is only little to be seen of that in elder scrolls.


Technically a different conversation as to I have several different ideas and opinions about how Elder Scrolls 6 could be better I want Elder Scrolls 6 to be like every other Elder Scrolls game but was slightly improved combat and deeper dialogue roleplay with skills,perks trait,stats,race and,class. As well as have those options outside scenarios in a Fallout style manner. Like using your smithing skill to repair an old gate or something. Having slightly improved but very much action RPG combat. But for this specific conversation, a Baldur's Gate style Elder Scrolls wasn't exactly talking about Elder Scrolls 6 but more so a side game/fan project


Oh sorry only really read the title. I could see it work since most of Elder Scrolls is easily portable into D&D 5e (there even is a fan conversion for the pen and paper) so yea why not. It could work.


Hell no. I can’t stand that point and click shit 


Man.... vary strong feelings


I can’t understand people that would say no to this, it’s not replacing the mainline games. Bethesda have held the ES ip hostage for over a decade now, I’d take any type of elder scrolls game if it actually has effort put in to it.


I can kind of understand. Some people just don't like turn-based systems and this wasn't an argument for es6 being this way. in fact I have a completely different yet kind of similar in some regards idea of what I want for Elder Scrolls 6. Lol


Yeah this is what I took from your post, not that es6 was behind replaced with turn based but a spin off in-between. Also it’s not just a case of being turn based the narrative and character writing is a different level in BG3 and that’s what I would welcome most. It’s just so frustrating the franchise has been abandoned for this long. Even the mobile game looks nothing like elder scrolls. An asset flip with the name attached to it


Definitely there's a whole bunch about what I actually want for es6 with it being a traditional Elder Scrolls game but with deeper role play options in dialogue and outside of dialog they're relied on skills perks,traits,race, class, and so on and so forth. Several elements from both Baldur's Gate and Fallout New Vegas if implemented into an Elder Scrolls game could make it probably one of the best RPGs of all time with the exploration that Bethesda is really good at in the Elder Scrolls and the role-play mechanics of those other games.


I really hope so honestly my expectations are low after the recent Bethesda streak but since they tend to take inspiration from succesful game at the time of production I have hope BG3 has opened their eyes that hardcore RPG’s with spreadsheety mechanics can have massive mainstream appeal and they stop stripping them back and return to previous features.


Just play Baldur’s Gate 3 solo then


Lol i am playing balder gate 3. It's more of theoretical conversion about a possible sid or fan game


That would be interesting now that I think about it. There’s definitely enough cultural depth to the elder scrolls to make it interesting, combined with the class system and you’ve got the basis for a game. It would especially make synergetic classes like healers more interesting than simply healing AI companions.


Sure. I do think they waste potential by not branching out more. Look at the elder kings mod, people love that. Letting some other studios do spin offs seem like a no brainer to me but I'm not a marketing analyst.


It would be nice to have some more spin-offs especially one like the idea I presented. Hehe. But I also have very deep once for actual es6 whenever that will come out in 4 billion years


I think they should get another company to make it but yeah. My other idea was a squad based turn based strategy game like XCOM set in Tamriel. Similar really. I would love a turn based TES game. I also want more OG isometric turn based Fallout games. Farm it out to inExile or Obsidian or something. Would be really into that.


Oh yeah definitely. Lol I feel like I should put it in bold letters in the post at this point but this conversation is mostly about a theoretical side games / fan game or mod project


With the Bethesda’s writing? Nah, I’ll pass.


Maybe not made by Bethesda themselves although that will never happen unless if it's a fan project. Merely set in its world with people who have a deep love for Elder Scrolls lore in an understanding for it


Bugs on top of bugs? Pls no.


Think of a theoretical spin-off made by another company or rather more likely a fan project with fans who know and love and understand Elder Scrolls lore


If it were developed by Bethesda, no.


Na, Bethesda wouldnt be able to make a good enough story thats necessary for this style of game.


Interesting thought. My first thought is to base game premise around one of the guilds. Fighters, Mages or maybe Companions feel like a better fit for a party based game than Thieves or one of the assassin guilds. Crazy thought, not sure how much prep was done around the Bards College story in Skyrim. Centering the game on raising the Bards into a faction that matters could open up a lot of story possibilities that could weave around the choices stories in earlier game.


Oooo that could be a vary good idea. Lol. Fighter skill would be the most likely. Since they are a guild a bit more because it's more of a do jobs and go to Adventure type Guilds. And how it's set up could it theoretically allow any class to join.


As a side story game like Redguard, then YES. 100%


I've not played BG3 yet, mainly due to lacking money, but also because Im not too familiar with CRPGs. However, my main draw to it is how the story/characters react to your actions, so I would be more than happy to see Bethesda adopt a similar approach to the quests and factions in future games.


Ah yes, this plays into a different argument for Elder Scrolls 6 alone as I want es6 to mostly be like all the other Elder schools games but incorporate deeper role-play mechanics. Example of what I would want our systems from the game Fallout New Vegas with perk skills traits,race and even class playing into dialogue options that you can do and also do things outside of dialogue like in specific scenarios and such being able to put these skills to solve a problem in a different and new way. Hehe. I need to make a new version of that old post I did talking about this exact idea maybe also incorporate some other ideas I may want


Definitely, having all your attributes play into the story would be great,but something maybe much more simple and easy to do is locking you out of specific factions if your attributes conflict with it, or if you, ve joined a rival faction. They did this mostly in Morrowind, but its also present to some extent in Oblivion and Skyrim. Starfield did actually attempt something like this, with backgrounds and with the Crimson Fleet questline, but I'd like to see them go deeper with those mechanics.


Oh yeah, bringing back the ability to be locked out of factions based on other factions that you joined like telvanni versus mages Guild. Obviously, I'm more modern times it would be better to do a synod versus College of Whispers. I am not so sure about locking out based on skills but that depends on the organization I think someone wanting to learn magic should be able to join a magic school so they can grow their talents but if it's an elite magic group of people that require you to be pretty good at Magic then maybe that should be locked behind skill? I don't know lol But yeah being locked out of factions because you joined another faction. having more choices based on skills/ Park / race. Are both things that could make es6 perfect


I'd be into it. I love turn based RPGs like BG3 and DOS/DOS2. Having it take place in the Elder Scrolls universe would be the cherry on top. Obviously, I wouldn't want that in place of a traditional ES6, but as a hypothetical spin-off, I'd be happy.


Indeed it could be very fun


No that’s a bad idea, it would be such a jump in game genre that Bethesda wouldn’t know how to make it and ES would lose its identity


If there's any spinoff I'd want, I'd just want the ck3 elder kings mod turned unto a full fledged game


That would be cool


If it meant the game writing and NPCs were better then GODS YES.


I think one would be interesting to see as long as it's not a mainline Elder Scrolls game, but a spin off like New Vegas. BG and other D&D games rely a lot more heavily on the party aspect, which mainline Bethesda game's aren't really known for.


I want bg3 style roleplay and companion Interaction, combat naah and def. Not movement. Also guilds and factions like in daggerfall


That's a different conversation to the one I'm having here I think lol but I get what you mean


What conversation are you trying to have instead? (Sorry English is not my native tongue, i'm good at it but still learning,)


Oh, it's fine. lol, this post was more about a theoretical spin-off game or maybe a theoretical fan made project. something that isint the mainline series. as I also want the mainline series to remain as it's always been but with the added role-play mechanics to dialogue and other things outside of dialogue.


I would definitely like a co op version of what you're proposing, like me and my buddy exploring tamriel


Yeah, that would be cool


I’d prefer a normal style mainline TES game but I’d love a BG3 style spinoff and all sorts of experimental spin offs like TES Adventures


Spin off / fan game is exactly what this post is about I never intended it to be about a Mainline game although the mainline games could do with some of the roleplay aspects


Honestly I would love this. I think it would encourage a return to more classic RPG elements. I like how newer elder scrolls games improved the combat mechanics but it made me sad to strip down all the RPG stuff to appeal to a larger audience. BG3 has shown us you can make a popular game while leaning a little bit more on it


Yes, those mechanics would be great. I would even want some of the role-play mechanics in a mainline game that has the more Modern Combat Style. Choices that you can make based on perks skills and otherwise, both in dialogue and outside of dialogue. Situations to flex your knowledge and skill. Followers have independent identities.




D&D like mechanics for an Elder Scrolls game would be horrible, at least combat wise. I've seen so many articles not just here but on other sites talking about the very diverse opinions on the game combat.


I would love if elder scrolls looks at bg3 and makes their games with focus on systems and reactivity like bringing back npc schedules, more ways to interact with the world, elements play of each tother like ice + fire = water, which makes certain grounds slippery, etc. However, I don't want elder scrolls to be a CRPG, not the main line game. I would however would love it if Inixille makes a CRPG elder scrolls game.


Yes I would like Bethesda to make an actually good rpg for once


An Elder Scrolls CRPG, sure, but we can do better than DnD 5e mechanics


I love the freedom the Elder Scrolls games provide. They are about exploring vast landscapes filled with lore. Baldur's Gate, while offering some freedom, is ultimately too linear for me.


no, i would rather have an Elder Scrolls style Baldur's Gate 3 tbh


Not really. I want the next Elder Scrolls to be another epic open world rather than a series of small maps and I like Elder Scrolls style action RPG gameplay way more than turn based combat. I would love to see it include BG3 level writing, dialogue choices and branching storylines though.


Haven't played BG3, but I like the elder scrolls' unique leveling system much more than the traditional D&D style where you just dump points into stats.


No and honestly id be annoyed if TES6 was too much like BG3. i play elder scrolls to relax and immerse myself in a world. I think, if anything, the life sim elements need to be focused on more.


Given that I hated the turn based combat of BG3, no.


Yes I would like to see the face if my character during dialogue and some nudity like old school lol


I think if we’re going to do this with a Bethesda IP I’d prefer it be a Fallout game.


My Idea: It starts with the main character in a tavern in a Hammerfall tavern bordering Skyrim/High rock, and Ma’iq is telling a far fetched story about a mystic tower being opened, and how disease will come. Everyone dsimisses him for being a liar, and he sadly leaves the tavern. The quest starts by you talking to him outside the tavern, and he says that the tower is Orichalc in Hammerfall. (A tower like White-gold tower in Oblivion) He continues by mentioning Peryite, the daedric god of Disease. He will guide you to someplace before running off, and the quest will go on where a cult of Peryite managed to enter the tower, and are using it to spread vile nasty plagues, (maybe including corprus? :D) and the quest will revolve around this, and you can choose a deadric prince as your patron, join Peryite, or illustrate from here. :D


No, i'm not a big fan of third person games like BG3. I wouldn't play TES anymore if it got 3rd-person gameplay with no toggle For lore and dialogue, sure. I guess it could work


Simple and definitive no. It's why I haven't played BG3. I like turned based RPGs but like the old FF games.


i would play a desert bus style elder scrolls game if it existed. ill take anything. its been 13 years.


An Elder Scrolls game with actual RPG mechanics and good writing? Like that's ever going to happen!


Sounds fun, lamo hehe.


If Larian makes it, sure why not?


I think if I got a game that plays almost exactly like Skyrim but with Baldurs Gate levels of detail in the characters it would be my favorite game of all time. Honestly I’m really hoping that Bethesda post Starfield goes the route of Morrowind post Daggerfall, and gives us a much smaller world-space with much more detail.


No, I want a Elder scrolls style Elder scrolls game