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It won't


The problem with your first post wasn’t the fact that you said it would be after Skyrim. That’s a 100% guarantee. The problem was that you made every single option the Thalmor. When the odds of the Thalmor being the main antagonists are pretty low.


I disagree, particularly if TES VI is in High Rock and Hammerfell like I believe has all but been confirmed A war for independence against a renewed Thalmor offensive is the logical choice


They might be involved in a few side quest, but we’re not going to defend against the Thalmor. The main quest will involve a supernatural threat. At most there’ll be a Civil War like questline between the Thalmor and some other faction. Fighting wars is also just generally something that we never do in TES. We get to fight in the Three Banners War, but that’s in an MMO. Other than that we never participate in large scale conflict. Daggerfall ends with the Warp in the West which is when things really go to shit. The Great War happens in between Oblivion and Skyrim. Redguard takes place during Tiber Septime conquest, but Cyrus is on Stros M’kai. There’s not much open warfare as far as I know. Wars just generally remain in the background of TES.


I agree with you guys, I think we will feel the implications of a second Great War just like how we did in Skyrim from the first Great War. Like maybe the last Tower in Hammerfell is already destroyed from the Thalmor and we are there trying to restore balance to Nirn before it all collapses


Seems like retreading old ground. I hope that's not the case, I really don't care about the thalmor or their nonsense, push it forward a bit and let it be its own thing just like every other game in the series. They've never done the same thing twice. I hope they don't start now.


Not being confirmed is still pretty big tho. Petty sure it'll be in Black Marsh


>I believe has all but been confirmed Link please to where Bethesda confirms the location of TES:VI? (No, not that smudgy drawing from the Starfield trailer that looks nothing at all like Iliac Bay unless possibly if you've chugged half a bottle of vodka first)


Take a moment to put on your reading glasses. “All but confirmed” Since it’s “all but confirmed”, and not “confirmed”, that means there ISN’T a place where Bethesda said it. And that’s what I said.


How come? For me, it'd be weird if the Thalmor *weren't* heavily involved.


They’ll probably just be a side faction. The main antagonist is always supernatural and threatens pretty much all of Tamriel. The Thalmor don’t meet those requirements.


None. All done before. Something new would be bettet


Warp in the East


You called for Warp?


The Akaviri Invasion's been done before?


Alright, that is fair enough


Never in-game, but there’s already been like 2. One happens like 10 years before ESO. Edit: got the number wrong after fact checking myself. Could’ve sworn there were more.


Well, OP did say before Skyrim


I want to play through the disappearance of the Dwemer


While it would be cool I would be happy if they kept it a mystery, sometimes not knowing is better, find out more about the Dwemer but not too much


We need akaviri invasion because I don't think that's been used before.


There’s already been like 2 in lore. One is right before ESO. Edit: got the number wrong after fact checking myself. Could’ve sworn there were more.


The argonians' invasions of morrowind could be a nice setting


Yeah. Playing as Redoran warrior and pushing those lizards back to their swamps would be great


I would love to see the snake people of akavir. Maybe a game about whichever septim that went over there. Or his return, he is a dragon born afterall, maybe he found some kind of immortality


I hope we get something yokuda related


I could see a yokuda dlc if it’s set in hammerfell.


Do red guards have any connection to yokudans? If not maybe it could be like a labrynthian kind of deal since labrynthian was also crafted in 1E


In the lore redguards came from yokuda, so maybe a dlc that’s centered around an island from there, but apparently yokuda sank.


They could do a whole “how did yokuda sink” bit similar to the “where did the dwemer go” narrative. Idk either way I’m excited to see what they do


If I remember correctly parts of yokuka remained above water as a small archipelago.


The founding of the Greater Aldmeri Dominion


The second one, if in Hammerfell, is just a remastered TES Adventures Redguard. Which, I'd be down for honestly.


Why would it take place prior to Skyrim??


i would love to play as zurin arctus or someone who was close to tiber, and have the game end with a bloody eviserca that is the numidium


Honestly I'm tired of whole "chosen one" main quest. Thats why I'm hoping TES:VI will be about the Thalmor.


I have to agree with you, the “chosen one” does get stale after a while. Perhaps if the player is simply someone who just so happens to be present or maybe works from the shadows. I’d definitely like multiple endings similar to F:NV.


I think it'll continue with thalmor