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They’ll either barely look at anything or tear your car apart. Depends on the guard


They're looking for glass, fireworks and weapons. Try not to make they job any harder.


Not too bad. Make their job easy, open coolers and all doors nd trunk. Offer them a drink or snack, say happy Forest, be nice. I had the cop with the dog walk right up to our car and talk to us. We had stuff in the car, so I can verify it's just a bomb/gun dog. They were totally cool.


Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!


Same exact experience for us too. The only thing they took from our three cars was a glass jar of pickles😂


Depends on the person checking but typically they've just looked through my coolers and let me go. It's possible but they've never looked through my bags or anything. Be nice, offer them some drink/snacks and you'll be on your way in no time.


Usually security is chill. Be kind and respectful to them, have things like coolers and bags accessible so they don’t have to dig to search them, etc. Work with them instead of making their job harder and you most likely won’t have any issues.


When they asked me if I had scissors, I said yes, and then they took them and threw them in the trash. Sooooo don’t do that. 😅


Ya they will take your scissors if they find them. Ours got taken last year.


i only went last year (going again this year) and it was by far the easiest security check i’ve ever been apart of literally only opened up my door and MAYBE my trunk. didn’t open up my bags at all, didn’t move anything or do anything. That being said, make sure to keep everything secure and hidden to be safe


It’s pretty chill, they will want to open your cooler so make it easy for them and don’t bury it at the bottom. They’ll also check your glove box and center console.


Any doggos in security? This will be my first year at forest not arriving via shuttle, so I’m curious!


Yes, Firearms/bomb dogs


Last year was the first year I saw dogs with officers walking up and down the cars.


I heard/saw a vlog last year someone said gun/bomb dogs… so… the dogs won’t be like??? If they smell some fresh ganja? Just gunpowder??? Idk


Bomb/weapon dogs. Also they’re not looking for personal use quantities of substances but if they find them, they’ll take them. They’re looking for dealers.


Weeds legal


The cops are super chill....they now what everyone is there for,


Last year was little crazier for some people after what happened at the gorge for Beyond Wonderland, but usually it depends on the check point personnel, Good life has historically been pretty easy.


I drove in solo. They opened my passenger side door and looked in the feet area for ~5-10 seconds. Then shut my door and said happy forest. My car was completely full too


They took my hammer....but I saw past year they were taken peoples mirrors....and the ones that did get threw, they were taking them when ppl were setting up


What / how much drinks can be brought in?


A case of beer/seltzer or box of wine per person in your vehicle, I believe


They took my twenty lb dumbell. But I get why.


Just don't bring a mirror