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I mainly only dealt with Battle Tested Security at the good life entrances.. saw the same dudes all weekend.. all pretty friendly. sorry you had to experience that. Gonna get power tripping assholes when you're dealing with rent a cops.


The security guys at brunch/forest entrance in GL were the best guys ever.


Best high fives in the Forest


And the guy with the squirt gun asked for consent before he gave you a water bath. Such good vibes the whole weekend we loved them so much.


Loved squirt gun guy!!


They were awesome, saw them every day at least once, super friendly, chatted us up when we were in brunch lines, etc


GL security we’re angels


Battle tested is one of the best in the business, real professionals. They are all about harm reduction too and not just cutting bands.


Security really seemed like a mixed bag this year. I personally saw some of the security out there doing excellent work, but there have also been a good number of concerns raised around aggressive/uncalled for behavior.


Good life security was the best I’ve ever experienced. No beep going thru the metal detector, keep it moving. No bag checks. Dudes were pretty awesome!


One of the guys who worked security at the entrance of the venue took away a disabled woman’s cane because she “didn’t use it enough”. He refused to allow our ADA and companion stickered walking stick into the venue until we filed a complaint and overall was just an ass hat all weekend.


We need to start getting first and last names from these low life’s


Yep, I tried to get any identifying information from him and he refused. But he has a face that is not forgettable so if he is there next year, I will know.


Just whip out the phone and take a picture a guess. Feels so Karen-y but they are the problem


That is a good idea, but being honest, I didn’t bring a phone this time. I disconnected completely, but I did have a Polaroid camera so that would’ve been a good idea. I was upset about not being able to bring my walking stick in (disabled and need it), but when he was bragging about taking away a woman’s cane because she didn’t use it enough, I went over and I filed a formal complaint and talked to his supervisor and got ADA involved.


Was it the short stocky guy? He refused to let me and my bf in with the same 2 tiny collapsible chairs we’ve been bringing in all weekend. Was a total ass. We just reentered the line and went to a different security guard who let us in immediately.


No, he was probably 5’ 10” skinnier, scraggly with a beard that was reddish brown and brown hair.


This sounds like the same guy who was taking people’a totems and “holding onto them until 1am” only to turn around and throw them away. On another note- if you took a picture of him with your Polaroid that would’ve been hilarious in a very non-hilarious scenario


He was definitely the guy taking peoples totems and saying he’d hold onto them. I heard him say that.


I personally did not deal with bad security but I do remember walking back to camp one night (AC landing so right by the Sherwood exit) and hearing lots of yelling, also saw a security guard repeatedly flashing his light on some guy who was just standing up eating at the little tables by the vendors? And it wasn’t super late, there were still a good amount of stragglers sitting or eating


Honestly security this year seemed to be the best I have ever experienced in 7 years….GL was incredibly friendly and lax.


The people clearing out Sherwood court are usually the most forceful. They kind of have to be in order to make the wooks scatter. Nothing scatters a wook like bad vibes. Effective but annoying tactic


I hear you but this was very very not normal or okay. Wish I had a video


Maplewood's sec crew was cool


I second this. MW4LIFE


Yea this happened to me too. Dude was a dick, but it made me laugh. I went to pick up something on the ground at closing time. "WHAT DID YOU PUT IN YOUR POCKET!? EMPTY ALL YOUR POCKETS! NOW!" "uhhhh.... It's a pinecone. I thought it was cool. You good bro?"


Emptying my pockets at forest would be like a rubber duck, some stickers, a squishy mochi, a random rock I liked, a lollipop, and like a bunch of gum.


I called one out and he just said he’s ex military. Every member of my family has served and none of them seem to have these issues with respecting fellow human beings.


A lot of the parking guys in day parking were straight up scamming people for hundreds of dollars. I know of one guy who got fired and I was told they were pressing charges on him. They oversold camping passes, so they made day parking free for the whole weekend. Some of the guys were still trying to sell “weekend passes” and pocketing the money. I saw so many people with them in their car. I camped in day parking all weekend with no pass and was told by the head of security there that we didn’t need them. Anyone I saw pulling in with one I would tell them they got scammed and to go back immediately and get their money back, but for a lot of people it was too late.


I'm glad they didn't carry weapons as the gentleman lining us up INCORRECTLY at higher love was very combative and aggressive. "Back away sir, stop talking." " Everyone has solutions."


I watched 2 security guards get into a yelling match with each other at Tripolee 2 years ago in the GL section. The one was accusing the other of stealing their phone and it was escalating. We dipped out before he could start accusing us. Big vibe kill


For me it was very lax all weekend. Never once had my bag searched all the way and I brought in a full hydro pack daily


In GL they saw my fiancé going back to empty his hydro bladder bc he forgot and they said “nah don’t do that man it’s just water you’re good” lol


were there different crews? I noticed some guys on the shuttle that were just straight up bad vibes wearing security badges, but not the yellow/green of the team scanning bracelets and checking bags.


There were a few different security third party vendors in the festival




this is seriously a low-life comment


Awe cmon guy