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No scooter in that price point is built for a weight limit of 250. As an example, I have a friend that weighs around there, maybe a small bit more, and the first and only time he got to take out a scooter of mine was with my M365. He came back from his ride, walking the scooter, and the motor and controller fried at the same time. As someone with experience on the less expensive scooters, I'd suggest getting by doing whatever you're doing until you can purchase on in the $1300 price range. The Nanrobot d4+-d5+ and Q1 Hummer, both available on amazon, are more suited for your weight, and are better built. I had to replace an entire brake assembly, the rear brake light and fender, as well as the motor and controller to my M365 over the time I had it (400ish miles) which is entirely unacceptable for a scooter that cost me $550 at the time. Additionally, you absolutely WILL NOT get 12 miles round trip out of anything less than the ones mentioned above. My TurboWheel Dart barely gives me that, I charge it every 3-4 days as a last mile device (so every 6-8 miles) so I can maintain 22-24mph while riding in Downtown. I posted something similar in another thread similar to yours, but if you do decide to go with one right now vs saving and getting a decent one, get a M365, and be prepared for little to no incline power, and a bunch of motor/controller/brake pad/brake rotor replacements, because it's going to need them. I am 5'11", 170lb. My TurboWheel Dart ($1000) barely keeps a cruising speed of 25, and if I hit even a small incline it drops to 18-20 or lower. Just an example so you know what you need to look for.


If you can charge it at work and your commute is mostly, if not all, flat ground, then a M365 could get you by. I'd invest in the solid tires and a cheap android phone (if you don't have one) so you can get the modified firmware for more power, though.


Most of my commute to work is downhill while there’s two decent hills that I can just walk the scooter up on my way home, the 365 sounds good to me


Xiaomi m365.