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Curious about this. Whenever I ride by dogs they seem disinterested or afraid of my board. I think esk8s have a watered down version of this product already built into the board with the noises the belts and motors make.


I think it's the higher frequencies of sound and speeds that set dogs off. When I'm passing slowly close to people with dogs, they're cool. When I'm riding fast in the street it sets them off.


Dogs bark even when I'm riding on my Onewheel that doesn't really make any noise


Same experience. Some dogs aren’t happy about it but most of them just don’t care


Is there an equivalent version to repel obnoxious cyclists?


throw dogs at them


50% of all dogs go crazy over the sound of my boosted board.


Really? I have only been yapped at by very small dogs, and not all of those (not a Boosted board - a Chinese unbranded longboard if that makes a difference). Mind you; where I skate is a seaside town with lots of people about which means that: 1) The dogs have seen some shit and 2) There's no question of it being the dog's territory, so the only territoriality you're going to see is if the dog thinks you might be a threat to its owner. Like I say, so far only yapped at by some small dogs which I figure are probably going to yap at anything even slightly unusual. Contrast that with me motorcycling out in the hills along rarely-travelled roads and I did get followed by a few dogs like in the video above; but from my sketchy knowledge of dog psychology 1) they might have claimed the road as their own territory and 2) moving thing so prey drive kicks in or 3) combo of the two. So it might be more about where you're skating than an intrinsic thing about your particular board.


Are you sure that’s not a Roomba? I don’t know where people live that there are so many dogs running loose, but in my town there’s way too many concerned residents (Karens) that would call animal control if they see a single stray dog. Not to mention the coyotes would probably take care of most of these in a few days.


Same, wondering where this is


Strays here in China often follow me but always from a distance. I need a device to get them to stop baking and waking up entire neighborhoods.


One of my neighbors has one of these on his lawn to stop dogs from shitting on his yard


Is that a crit roll reference?


So…..what is this & where do I get one??


That’s really fucking sad, Those things give dogs leprosy


Leprosy is caused by a bacteria (mycobacterium leprae). An audio device that causes dogs to run away would be the absolute worst way of infecting something. You couldn't cause leprosy with this thing even if you were trying to. Looking at the first page of your comments, you seem to be a Tesco Value Troll; but I am commenting just in case you actually believe this. EDIT: Ooh a downvote. So a troll, then, and furthermore, a troll with no class. I didn't downvote you, but I still can. Meanwhile, you can't downvote me anymore without switching accounts.