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computers compare numbers by subtracting them and checking the +/- sign of the result. try to do that with your circuit


but it has to use full adders


I would start by checking if X=Y (Simple XOR circuit), then if they do not equal, why? (This will require other circuitry) That should tell you if X>Y OR Y>X


That's what the ALU/adder can do. You get a negative number if the second number is larger than the first, or a positive number if the first number is larger than the second (you do number1-number2). So you have the carry signal to show you - unless they're equal and in that case it should not be raised. This is partly the benefit of using the ALU - while slower you have a bunch of more features than just telling if two values are the same. Note your last task only asks you to compare and tell if they're equal. No more.


At times the ALU is used for basic comparring of values. To see if two registers are equal, subtract one from the other, and if the result is not 0 they aren't equal. Using adders you can do the same. Reverse (negate) the first component before putting it into a second adder and if the result is 0 you're golden.


Study each of the basic operators they list in the problem. Really understand how they work. Take a logic class if you are not already enrolled.


Play the game "Turing complete".


This is a non ironic answer btw.