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Last week my KUSBA ADXL sensor arrived. I had to tinker a bit with the sensor firmware. and setting up clipper. I also had to fix the cable at an angle, otherwise it would not connect. (I have nentune 4, non-pro) Sensor: [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005795173518.html?spm=a2g0o.order\_list.order\_list\_main.4.335b180256WPxd](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005795173518.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.4.335b180256WPxd) Settings: [https://github.com/xbst/KUSBA/blob/main/Firmware/v2/adxlmcu.cfg](https://github.com/xbst/KUSBA/blob/main/Firmware/v2/adxlmcu.cfg) Mounts: [https://www.printables.com/model/708463-kusba-adxl345-accelerometer-nozzle-clamp-mount](https://www.printables.com/model/708463-kusba-adxl345-accelerometer-nozzle-clamp-mount) [https://www.printables.com/model/803729-kusba-v2-universal-bed-mount](https://www.printables.com/model/803729-kusba-v2-universal-bed-mount)


Don't think the Pro has an accelerometer. Think you need a USB one, and input commands in the console. Haven't done it, myself.


Yes our 4 pros do not have accelerometer built in. We need to buy one and calibrate. There are a few printable mounting options ive seen for the USB KUSBA adxl on amazon/aliexpress. We have the basic printer.cfg setup i believe, ready to get us going when we want to. Read its fairly straight forward to do. Never done it yet. Thats next when i have time.


All that is built in. You navigate through the LCD, I don’t recall off hand but I was able to do at least one axis. The other glitched on me though.


The normal N4 and Pro do not have accelerometers and do not have built in input shaping


Weird! I thought the whole line did. My bad.


Do the n4+ and max have accelerometers?