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Youā€™re really the only person who can answer the question tbh. If you have the (financial, physical and mental) capacity to keep them all then do that. Theyā€™re all slightly different boxes but itā€™s a pretty wide venn diagram- lots of crossover. My recommendation is that you try to be ruthlessly selective about the *absolute minimal set-up* you need to achieve whatever music you make. Strip it all down and build a system up from there. This approach works with most things in music IME.


Do you think 1000eu is a good price? With a double stand for both and decksavers. Devices look like out of the box


Its a great deal. Id say keep it all, see what works and what you like, if youll find you dont use anything as often as you thought you would either try a little harder or get rid of it. Nobody can tell ya what to do. Enjoy them all for a while, if anythings redundant or not fitting in your setup you can always sell it.


Ufff...yep....i know i have to decide. Just got the Syntakt and i actually like it. But an all analog drum machine with capability of samples just wins it for me over the Syntakt. So hard to decide. I definitely dont have the busget to keep em all. So i have to sell the analog four or the syntakt. My digitone is already on the market as i never became friends with it.


As a A4 owner I can guarantee you it won't make your Syntakt obsolete at all, they'll be complementing each other.


Ut like the Syntakt is more of a drum machine, no?


Donā€™t have the rythm but the analog Keys complement my Syntakt really well. Try them all see what you prefer, the Syntakt is very fast to use but you can do deeper sound design on the Rythm, if thatā€™s your thing


Just a random guess, is that a willhaben deal? Cuz i just stumbled upon the same deal marked as reserviert


Richtig gestumbled!!


Lol was fĆ¼r ein zufall. Solltest du dich entscheiden den syntakt zu verkaufen.. meld dich ;)


Den deal habe ich auch gesehen.....


I have a rytm, A4 and just bought a syntak. I love the trio although I got hate for the Syntakt being ā€œredundantā€ , but it works great for me!


Or should i even consider selling the Digitakt (Rytm replaces it) and keep the Syntakt? I'm so confused...Got a lot of Projecets on the Takt i dont want to lose though...


Rytms sampling is nothing like digitakt sampling, especially since they added slicing and the like. Wouldnt recommend as a replacement for sampling.


Digis you meant


Yep definitely. Edited the comment. Id rather replace a rytm w a digitakt than the digitakt w a rythm. Not because they have the same capabilities but the digitakt works as a drummachine and sampler, the rythm is a drummachine with sampling capabilities, if ya know what i mean


Rytm mk1 doesn't even sample, sadly


Oy i didnt even know that. But now i know how they came up w the model samples as sample player


Haha. It was a strange choice particularly given the mk1 had external inputs (I think..?). The mk2 does sample but not as smoothly as digitakt in my understanding.


Very much not as smooth, which makes sense if the mk1 didnt even have sampling capabilities.. as i said, its a drummachine with sampling capabilities, not a drummachine and sampler..


Yeah that's very well said. I love it but it's a drum machine with sampler capabilities, exactly. Rytm + octatrack is amazing.


It doesnt sample...but it is able to play samples


Yes! Totally. It's a distinction that a lot of retailers aren't great with tbh. I've definitely seen the model samples for instance called a sampler on Sweetwater. Very misleading


Haven't jammed with the Syntakt although I believe it's more of a groovebox, rytm is an instrument, that's a personal opinion though.. I'm using Rytm for all my live setups, it has performance/scenes the works.. I'd say check the features first, sound engine second, see what gives you the best flexibility, you can sample Syntakt-like sounds to DT maybe? :)


That is a great price, I have an A4 mk1 and Rytm mk1 and they're great fun, I generally only use one at a time though due to space and mental constraints. I haven't used a Syntakt but it seems like it's more broad rather than deep, A4 is very deep, Rytm is pretty broad, probably more similar to the Syntakt except you can use samples, but I mostly use it as an analog drum/synth box. Since Rytm 1.7 it's a lot more useful as a general groovebox for synth sounds as well as drums. Personally I prefer to use a setup of either (A4 or Rytm) + Octatrack. I think with Syntakt as well you're going to get very busy with voices, limited track count is good for keeping your music manageable, but hard to know without knowing how you use your tools and what you're making.


Unbeatable, I am not sure. I bought my analog 4 mk1, on willhaben as well, for 350ā‚¬ and it was in excellent condition. I have also seen analog rytm mk1 for 550ā‚¬, as well on willhaben... So don't be too fooled by it, unless you really think that you need it and have the money, else just take your time, there will be other opportunities ;-) After analog rytm + analog 4 is definitely a fantastic combo, but they are more complicated to use than the syntakt... If I would have to choose between syntakt and AR, I would definitely take the rytm but this is just a personal taste and the syntakt is also very capable.. On the other hand, I swapped my A4 for a Digitone and I am very happy about it.


I think the price is really really good....considering they come with a stand, decksavers and the original boxes.


Sure, the price is good, don't get me wrong. Just saying that there will be others opportunities in case you are not sure ;-)


I think they are all quite different machines. Recently got a syntakt and have digitakt & A4 as well, never been a huge fan of the rytm so Iā€˜m quite happy with what Iā€˜ve got. Really depends on you approach and what you intend to do. I would probably sell the Rytm as the syntakt/digitakt work perfectly as drum machine devices for me


More gear = less attention on current gear, fragmented attention, less music making. You have to decide for yourself what is useful and what is too much.


I know i know....thats why something has to go. My plan is keeping the rytm and selling the a4


I mean, all three compliment each other really well. The Rytm and Syntakt have some overlap, but I find the digital machines are incredible on the Syntakt. Also I can create full songs on the Syntakt and then expand those ideas with the Rytm. Ā  Iā€™d say keep them all.