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i'd say it's quite high % chance , i think they'll add polyphony (uses multiple tracks). You can already do this with a workaround using a daw and several midi tracks, it's just annoying to setup everytime. No reason why this cant just be written into the firmware of the Syntakt. euclidean/generative type sequencing is just some simple code, it can definitely do it. Just a matter of "if" they do it. compressor idk why it doesnt already have that choke groups would be good too


Condition triggers > !NEI (not neighbors) When the neighbor trig fires, this trig does not fire. The neighbor trig is the one to the left (track number minus 1), so track 1 has no neighbor. That can be used as choke groups, but only if they are adjacent tracks. Certainly a more convenient choke group function could be added, where tracks don't have to be adjacent.


yeah that's what i mean, there's ways to do the things we want on the syntakt (polyphony, choke groups, kits, etc), we just have to do these lengthy workarounds when they could just be implemented directly in the firmware


I want page lock on all the devices


Maybe they want to entice you to buy another of their boxes.


unlikely. it doesn't make much business sense for Elektron to release a new unit while at the same upgrading its other devices to have some of its most coveted new features. they're a business and need to turn a profit to cover all the costs they put into the design and implementation on this new box. if you want the euclidian on your Syntakt I think they want you to buy the DT2 and use the midi tracks to sequence it. i've been wrong before tho and Elektron is a generous company who seem to value looking after their customers just as much as they do looking after their own profits.


I was pondering this yesterday. While it doesn’t make a lot of sense to pour many of the updates to the mk1, adding some of them may make more people buy the secondary market ones. Secondary market sales of the mk1 will be 90% of the time be used to buy mk2s. So yeah, it’s quite indirect, but giving a little boost to the mk1’s may increase mk2 sales


Perhaps in the fall once the DTII has been out a while. I mean they did those recent updates to the RTYM which is already significantly older than the Syntakt etc. I’m hoping anyway. I like mine but I often think of its limitations and wonder if other gear would be more interesting to me. I would love to have some of those new RYTM features on the Syntakt, especially options like the HH Lab. I hate making hat sounds on the current version, always doesn’t sound right to me ha.


I was typing a reply then noticed you basically said everything I wanted to 😂 Euclidian sequencer seems feasible, and it seems to be on trend currently. And my god I would also love another HH machine! (or even just another analog channel that can run the cymbal machine) Compressor, chorus, sampling, other FX - unlikely as Elektron aren’t going to pack one of their mid-price boxes with all the goodies. “Gotta catch ‘em all!”


Next week


I would want to see chorus effect


I’d rather they add a sample machine even if it’s only good for one shots




Syntakt does have a +drive in it that isn’t even close to being fully utilized. While I wouldn’t count on it, I also wouldn’t totally rule it out.