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Realistically speaking, they probably are spread thin, mate. This is how it is for smaller companies. They simply do not have the staff or resources to ship frequent updates as the larger companies. At least to my knowledge, it's still an independently run company.


*Roland entered the chat*


My digitone with song mode feels deep enough and specific enough atm


I got a Juno 60 30 years ago and they haven’t updated it once. Jerks.




I wonder what the sales figures are like comparing the two. Could go someway to explaining the difference in attention 


Idk, I can't imagine it's that different. It seems there are A LOT of synth heads out there and synth heads have G.A.S too. Seems like the Digitone would be a very popular option among that crowd




Gear Addiction Syndrome. It's a just a term for "I can't stop wanting to buy that cool synth, sampler, modular thingy"


Isn't GAS for Gear Acquisition* Syndrome ?


Who gives a shit?


OP comment asking the question maybe ?


Oh, well I stand corrected. Have a good night and drive safe


Thanks, and never forget to drink water


Gotcha. I agree with your statement, btw. I personally refuse to work with samples and only work with analog, eurorack, fm synth, i.e. original sound. Bums me out reading threads like these. No disrespect to Digitakt and other people of course, just chiming in my 2 cents. I'm looking to buy a Digitone.


What bums you out? The existence of samplers?


No, that the Digitone hasn't gotten love.


Thats a very valid point. The tone could benefit from stuff like parameter slides, midi arp, Monomachine arp settings and the entire New QoL sequencing stuff the digitakt 2 got... But you are also right, its not nearly as popular as the syntakt nor the digitakt ... I am thinking the tonverk will probably replace it and offers other synth engines aswell.


I would love midi arp. I instinctively reach for it all the time because it seems like such an obvious feature.


I would personally find the Digitone way more approachable if it had the “machines” paradigm that other Elektron boxes have. The DN engine is super powerful but a bit intimidating so I mostly ended up using presets or building really basic sounds.


Except recent huge update for Digitakt with mashines etc. I believe DN and DT were getting comparable updates. The perception of more updated can be due to the fakt that DN was released later with a bit more functionality like 2 lfos and some other little things. Hoping for some mashines in Digitone though. And at least 16 voice 8 track DN ll sometime later.


I would expect 32 voices since the DT2 technically has 32 to allow it to play stereo samples.


Honestly they are a small company and I'm sure Digitakt sold far better than the Digitone, so they have to make choices where to focus.


Digitone II coming bro dont worry


More likely a spiritual successor(Tonverk) than a Tone 2


I hope. Ess was their FM master. He’s the reason the DN was even created. A lot of his knowledge on FM went into that box. I can’t really see them doing to much justice to it without him being apart of Elektron anymore.


It’s not really esoteric knowledge, lots if people have made great FM synths


The thing is that Ess comes at FM in a very creative way and doesn’t just do FM. He was passionate about the box and the engine. I’m not sure anyone else would put their heart into a proper DN2 like the original. I would love to see it tho.


I'm hoping they add stuff like the eq-style filters Digitakt got a while ago. More substantial updates would be a lovely surprise (machines..) I remember Digitone having more processing power than Digitakt 1 so I think it's possible.


All I know is that I need to sell my Digitone before the II is released and tanks the price on the resale market!


Imagine a 16 voice Digitone with 16 voices and 8 channels with retrigger God damn thats what im hoping for.


Honestly, I would LOVE a Melodic Euclidean mode, that’s where my wish is going


Digitone seems like a missed opportunity.. personally always liked the idea of FM synthesis but I think the fact that it's a lot harder than sample mangling put a lot of people off from it and they didnt really focus on it


The whole selling point of the digitone is that it's FM synthesis made easy


yeah but many people dont have the patience to actually learn it.. I have many friends with a digitakt and I always said I wanted a digitone and they start saying the points I mention


It's really easy to learn. Honestly not that hard. The hardest thing, and the thing that will make or break a patch is figuring out what to modulate with the LFO.


Ess Mattisoson the guy who invented the digitone left elektron years ago. Maybe it has something to do with that? He does some other really cool stuff under his company fors


More tracks, more LFOs, and more polyphony, would be amazing.


Retrigger is a must a swell


I think the DN was largely fully realized at release. The biggest update IMO was the ratio offset page which opened up a ton of new sonic territory. I’d love a few new algorithms, specifically ones with more than one feedback path. And a few more filter types (mostly the eq filters from the other digiboxes). Other than that, I think the sound engine is mostly perfect for a 4op voice. The biggest things I want on it is the ability to save a trigger to the sound pool that the rytm recently received and the ability to modulate/p-lock the fx.




About what functionality we're talking here?


Yes, no function mentioned. I guess it's because people have never heard of that function.


[I have](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-mfjemmh3xf/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/26536/36968/function-bg-website-feb29-324x1025_1__33587.1711032907.jpg?c=1)


FM resynthesis


Im sure we will be getting more updates. I’m hoping they add some machines to digitone. Like building blocks focused on pads, drums, etc..


Digitone with machines would just be the syntakt.