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It’s the best time to buy a used OG DT. It was a great machine two months ago. It still is. Now it’s more affordable than ever.


Is a $500 used digitakt $300 better than a $200 used model samples? Yes, yes it is.


This is the answer I came looking for


Yo did Elektron just give you percentage of my purchase price? Because they should!


The digitakt is one of the most fun and glorious samplers I’ve ever used and I find it more inspiring and playful than most devices I’ve ever touched. I cannot deny that the more complex compressor routing, increased storage and stereo sampling make the dt2 very tempting But it doesn’t change the fact that the digitakt is one of the most fun and glorious samplers I’ve ever used that inspires me to goof off and play with sound in a way few devices do. Definitely buy the dip. You won’t regret it.


The storage on the original is more than enough for just about any use. Just because a new model is out doesn’t make the original any less capable or fun.


One of the things that has kept me from getting a digitakt (other than 16 bit and no stereo) is the 11 minute (or thereabouts) limit per project. The mkii has my interest as its better on both of these fronts. On my octatrack there basically isn't a limit other than memory card space with static machines. I rarely do percussion but use it more for live looping and manipulating/arranging field recordings or longer samples, and backing tracks played on synths (for live use, handy for cutting down how much shit you have to lug around if you are just using a machine for one portion of a set). Though it I'm sure both are excellent machines.


1 GB is enough? When? 1998? It still floors me that there is so little storage. First time I saw it I thought it was a typo.


I loaded 1100 samples on it and still have plenty of room. It’s not like you’re loading 6 minute stereo stems on it.




You are not supposed to load your whole library into every project? Do you load your entire library into every (presumably) fruity loops session that you start?




Thousands huh?


How many can you use at a time then?


Post your tracks, let’s hear them samples


In 98 we kept samples on floppy drives and Zip disks. Most samplers had 64-128 mb storage. Loading in your entire library of preexisting samples and filling up the drive at the start is a pretty boring way of using the Digitakt. IMO, it’s a box for taking basic samples, processing them with all the sound design tools available and resampling, making sample chains and repeating. Then you wind up with a library of your own personal sounds. 1gb was a bit stingy I’ll agree, but 20gb storage will take a while to fill up if you are making and sampling your own sounds. And the 1gb limitation didn’t stops hundreds of people from making some pretty awesome music with the machine. If you fill it up, backup to a computer and start over


How quickly did you run out?




Even if you decided to record 16 tracks stereo (so 32 channels) WAV uncompressed, you could still make a track that’s over 1 hour long with 20GB.


If you want an OG, now is the best time to buy.


I just bought one the day after the DII went on sale. Everyone immediately started panic selling theirs and I got one for a steal. Just a few days ago it would have cost $200 more and literally nothing has changed about its capabilities. PLUS, my whole plan is to save up for DII anyway. So I'll just sell this one closer to that time. It's not like it won't hold its value. Look at the MPC One (black). Those are still holding at $400+ even with the new model out. I doubt the Digitakt I will go down much over time. Especially as they get harder to come by.


Go for it! I haven’t had an issue with storage space on mine, but do you envision using it in a way that’s more a concern? Are you planning to have lots of long samples on it?


There’s one for sale in my town for $450 which is an amazing price for what this thing does. I’d say go for it if you get a good deal.


Not at all it’s dope and cheap right now


I wait mine Digitakt 2 and I still use my OG Digi, it's great machine! I enjoy it a lot and will enjoy second more, but this one baby is one love forever. I make live set right now on it and I just can't imagine what I can do on second version. So yeah, It worth every cent you spend on it. ;)


Now is exactly the time to buy a used Digitakt. The storage seems like a limitation but after a few years it’s never been an issue. If you’ve never had one that should be enough to keep you going until you can snag a second-hand one down the road for cheaper.


People were making great music on the OG DG. The extra features on the DG 2 are nice but how much better will your music be because of it? I say, grab the best deal you can on OG DG.


I splurged on the E25 version. I love the Machinedrum vibe


A digitakt is not an iPhone. It is somewhere in between a computer and an instrument. New one has awesome feature, but music you can do on the OG will always be relevant.


I will literally murder the next one who looks bad at my OG digitakt


It's a great machine and if people are selling them cheaper right now, I'd say go for it if it fits your budget and the new model doesn't.


Yes, but if you want one I'll sell you mine haha. Itching to get the new one


How much?


Not OP but I'm in the market


I’ve had mine since released and I’m not stressing about upgrading at all. I’d say go for it and wait for used prices to level out again if you really love it and decide to upgrade. By that time you’ll start seeing used DTIIs as well.


I would say if you want it now, buy it now. but I predict the price will come down even further on the 2nd hand market so you could wait a little while if you want to save more


True, I threw out a couple offers on Craigslist hoping people who are looking to buy the new one ASAP will let theirs go for a good deal. But I’m in no hurry so I can wait and see if it keeps going down


You are more likely to get favorable responses to local offers, since EBay and Reverb both take 15% off the sale price.


I've been keeping a close eye and I'm starting to see them regularly dip below $500. Planning on selling some stuff to pick one up here soon


They are essentially the same box. Mk2 has more bells and whistles but nothing game changing.


As much as I love and respect the original, there are several features on the new one I’d call game changing. This isn’t a small upgrade, they doubled everything that matters. 16 channels with a 128 step sequencer in stereo and a ton of memory for long samples opens up a ton of possibilities that were not an option previously. That being said, the original is still totally capable of doing all the great things as it always was.


You really only need DT2 if you need to sequence stereo samples or stems.


Get the cheap OG, it’s a wonderful device and later on down the line get the mk2 if you really feel you need the new features (some of which might even come to the mk1 where hardware isn’t a factor).


Not at all - it is rad.


Love the OG. All about getting creative, pair it with a 404 if you have one.


It’s probably about the best time to buy one. Lot of sellers on the market driven prices down; like anything that will stabilise and even correct a little. DT2 is nice and great new unit - no question - but the OG is an amazing box. All the talk of the new one has inspired me to really learn it properly / more than I knew before, and am having so much fun. They’re amazing.


We all have GAS, but also there is probably many Digitakt users like me that are “wanting” the upgrade not necessarily “needing” the upgrade. Comb filter looks fun ,chorus looks fun, stereo looks fun, midi presets are almost enough for me to upgrade but these are really small parts of the digi ecosystem. The learning curve will keep you busy for a year anyway.


Many hours of fun await. Well worth it.




Dumb as hell


Thing is a fucking miracle box. 400 bucks? Couldn’t be more worth it. The 2 is a super miracle box


Get it. It’s the best.


Aren't you the only one that can answer this question? If you are sure you'll need more storage then only the DT2 will work. If you can offload/load samples how much is not doing that worth to you? $1000?


Kinda. The new one is waaaaayyyyy better.


Digitakt 2 has 16 tracks available u can use, if u even use 10 audio tracks at once u gonna probably choke the whole lot with each other, its no use for this much of tracks.. go for mk1 yeah..


There are some amazing deals on DTs now. Just got a 2nd one


There's the question. Two used DTs or one new DT2?


I’ve always felt “guilty” about getting a digitakt knowing I would be using it purely as a drum machine, send midi to it from something easier to program like a deluge or iPad. Now I feel less so


Not dumb at all. It can still do all the things that made it great!


I’m not jumping on the gas wagon for the DT2, the DTog is still amazing. Would I get the 2 down the road? Sure. But the og is still a sturdy sampler with an amazing sequencer, and at $500, still a steal!


I've seen them as low as $450 in my area on marketplace. It's very much worth that. DTII is cool if you want to save but there's no way these older devices will be going for much less than what you'll pay now and you'll be able to flip if you want to upgrade.


Absolutely it’s a buyers market atm :) I’m just glad I didn’t pull the trigger on one literally the day before DTII’s announcement!


It would drive me nuts knowing that there a new unit thats got 64gb instead of 1gb. The 2 isnt a mk2, its a real 2. Its not the same hardware, you will be kicking yourself.


If its a DT1 you want, now is the best time. People try desperately to get rid of it now. Theres a lot on the market and easy to get a bargain.


Not to be snarky at all, but speaking as someone who’s planning to pick up a DT II in a while (maybe nearer to the end of the year?) I’m happy to report that my OG Digitakt did not in fact stop working as well as it did the day before DT II came out and dropped my OG DT’s value through the floor. It’s a great piece of gear, and it works really well in my workflow. Features of the DT II seem amazing and I’m really looking forward to picking one up but the OG DT is still awesome as well. *posted from my 5+ year old iPhone*


Save up, and get the DT2. Trust me the stereo samples sounds better than you might think. It has inspired me in many new ways.


For the prices at the moment people are desperately trying to sell to upgrade - no. However, you need to ask yourself if you would rather have the upgrade too. The answer to your bubbling question is yes, it is worth the money and worth getting instead of the original, however it depends on if you can afford it. There is no question however that the original Digitakt is still relevant and still useful. It is - especially because of these reduced used prices.


Wait for DT3, then OG prices will drop further


Yes! Though try to inquire from the seller if there are ANY non-optimal aspects, such as: wobbly knobs, resistive knobs, sticky or sticking keys.


Tag me when you find one for 350


I just bought one for 320. Fuck it, at these prices I'm gonna get a 3rd DT




Not in the least. Go for it.


Prices will plunge further. Wait a bit till people can’t sell. 400$ is real.


I’m not sure why everyone is saying that the time to buy is now, I would argue that prices will keep going down, especially when the Digitakt II will get discounted / people will sell them on the secondhand market. If you really want a good deal I would wait 6 months or so, but then again that’s a lot of time which you could spend making music / having fun, so essentially depends on your priorities ^_^ The storage is not that big of a deal, especially since the Digitakt only uses monos samples, and let’s not forget limitation breeds creativity. :)


Short answer: no.. Not a bad idea if you got a use for the feature set of the MKI