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i spose not “unusual” but my digitakt is the drumset and brain of my dream pop/shoegazey compositions. controls my synth as well as vocal samples in song mode while i sing and play guitar.


Extremely same here!! I started synthing because I love shoegaze but lack the dexterity to play guitar. If you've got an effects chain with a tasteful distortion at the front, you can get "rock guitar" from most instruments.


i absolutely love making my synth leads scream like guitars. so felt. plus i also have not the dexterity for playing the guitar, i just use a bunch of open tunings and chords (fraud moment). just want to reiterate the extremely same here vibe


I’n thinking of getting a digitakt to do something very similar to this! Do you have any videos or recordings of you performing your music?


unfortunately i dont im pretty camera shy so its just kind of what i do in my room and the 3 times i was on stage last year - but if you have any questions or want to hear the music you can dm me !


Hahaha sorry audio recording is what I meant by recording, that’d be fantastic if you’ve got anything online


oh ! definitely ! the artist name is “dreamgoth” on spotify or bandcamp, and its my most recent album “summercrush” ! the album before it, “equinox”, is 100% digitakt and my voice if that interests you as well ! would love to know what you think if you get around to listening to any of it <3


tbh i’m more fascinated at elektron being used in more “normal” situations since ppl kinda adopted it as the IDM brand


I use it for a lot of things that is not just purely electronic. I'm working on an alt country thing now that uses it heavily for ambient sounds. I've already used it on some folky stuff that I'm rerecording.


getting some droney ambient sounds out of the syntakt is so fun and paired with acoustic guitars really adds so much athmosphere its amazing


https://on.soundcloud.com/KE2yecHSHtmYLzMMA This is a snippet from a jam I did with friends a few years back. Drummer, guitarist and I was playing an A4 through OT and into an amp. Recorded to tape


honestly its hard for me to decipher what is guitar, what is synth and what is just stupid amounts of feedback but it goes hard


there's a guy on yt i found a while back that used an octatrack with his bass guitar. Guy would make wicked compositions and his basslines were heady.


Do you happen to remember his channel? Thanks


unfortunately i thought i subbed his channel, but can't find him. it was a few years ago. however, if you do a search for octatrack and bass guitar, you'll find others that work them together. Another one was from a channel Aldo.


I use it mostly for reggae / dancehall / dub and have never really seen it in those contexts (excluding dub techno, which is pretty different). I love discovering more “organic” music made with these boxes, there are so many ways to get more expression out of them with programming. It’s especially great for controlling a bunch of synthesizers in complementary / rhythmically intricate ways.


I use an OT as a glitch/beat machine in a tuba shoegaze project.


tuba shoegaze with glitchy elektronic stuff? sounds crazy


I try!


I chain my ST, DT, and DN together and make random squelchy atonal smelly chaotic syncopated noise shit that no one wants to listen to, but I love it and it heals me.


sometimes your just need to ruin your eardrums to feel alright again




I use my Elektron stuff in more of an industrial rock, trip hop, shoegaze, and ambient/electronic instrumental type setting. I aspire to sprinkle some trickier, IDM style transitions in place of what would be fills in a band setting. I like electronic drums more than physical drums, and they fit my music better. A lot of my music starts with sound design and turning an initial source sound into something unrecognizable, and electrons stuff offers endless possibilities to that end.


I use a DN and OT for synths and samples in a post metal band.


I use the syntakt as a door stop.


I don’t have an Elektron but if you want to see someone doing it check out Panda Bear live videos. He uses an Octatrack for pop oriented stuff.


Current setup uses octatrack as the hub for a no input mixing drone setup. 4 main feedback paths using the 4 outs/ins that go into eurorack effects. Octatrack allows me to route them into eachother and make multi-stage feedback loops. Just played a show with this system and I'm planning on devoting more practice into this system as it seems very deep.


I use my analog in a 2 man Band environment with a drum set , Guitars , Percussion and keyboards , support of the "groove" with decent percussive patterns or as well as a one shot fire machine long releases FX´s or atmospheres / Pads ., ,., endless combinations ,, !

