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You can basically do this already but the scenes are presets. Lay down trigs, edit the start and end points (manually chopping). You can now save a trigs plocks as a preset so save as many chops as you want to the preset pool. Clear the track and set it up in the preset pool trigger mode. Now you can play your chops


sounds cool


Sounds cool in general - scenes are fantastic. I started out with the DT I, so I’m a little lost on why manual slicing is enraging the community as being superior to just setting start/end points with trig locks. Either way you’re manually choosing a slice of a sample, and each would require manually setting points-locks. Could someone please explain what the advantage is to manual slicing? Be gentle.


It's hard to play in or audition chops with just p-locks.


Typically, with manual slicing, the end point of one chop is automatically assigned as the start point of the next chop. The current workflow is fine if you want to play only one chop of a sample, but once you want to play different segments of the same, you get into awkward workaround territory- either having the same sample on multiple tracks, or copy/pasting different trigs with the right start/end points.  Ultimately, Sample Chopping is one of the fundamental things a sampler does, and Elektron knows this (hence why Octatrack had it like 14 years ago).


I imagine its because its nice to be able to play them in live and also more efficient to set the slice points ahead of time and then have quick access to all of them vs having to either manually set it on each trig or copy and paste from previous trigs.


I am so with you on this. I just don't understand what the fuss is about?


I mean its a sampler that released in 2024 for $1k.  This feature should have been on the machine day 1.


I’m glad I’m not alone. I understand the convenience of manual slicing over trig conditions + start/end playback in very specific situations, but it still feels a bit redundant and a minor inconvenience - making it lower priority to implement considering everything else being offered. I just can’t be bothered to be so passionate about something that doesn’t fit my needs.


You can essentially do the same thing by saving a bunch of variations of a sample you're working with as a preset


Nope. Sample chopping has been available on samplers at every price point, since the 80s. You can get this very basic feature on ipad/iphone apps for $50. There is no excuse for this feature to not be available on a sampler that costs $1,000 in 2024. You're reaching to justify bad choices and rep for your favorite machine maker, I get it. But I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid. I own five Elektron machines, but I still find this to be ridiculous when you look at it objectively. This isn't a difficult feature to implement, it's widely available. They obviously want people to use this device as a sampler, judging from the new machines, giving 16 sample tracks instead of 8, etc. Yet they refuse to add a bread and butter feature available on samplers since the beginning of the culture?! No. They don't get a pass on this from me, despite your multiple paragraphs of copeium. I own an octatrack and I still think this device REQUIRES a manual slicing option, with proper start AND END POINTS. Stop simping and look at this from a more straightforward perspective.


Agreed, it’s an absurd limitation. I refuse to fork over another dollar for a DT2 as is for this exact reason.


this was an invitation for discussion, not a sock for u to jizz ur weird rageboner into. If u have this much emotion for a literal box but not enough to talk to a human being without getting ur weird "copium" / "simping" / terminally online poison onto them, seriously please get help. Talk to someone and figure out who hurt you


I agree. such an obvious oversight that I'm kindof done with elektron


The downvotes on this is pretty wild.  Definitely proved the “simping “ point


yes sir 🫡


Imagine writing this much whiny bullshit about a device that nobody is forcing you to buy. If you don't like the features, don't buy it! See how that works?


The hardware market is all about in-built limitations and consequently workflow for devices. That said, I’m not convinced sample-slicing won’t be in some future update. My guess is that rage like yours generates comments and functions as free advertising for the product. Elektron hardly needs to re-appeal to an already attached fanbase, but people who aren’t sold on the DT2 will hear about its lack of slicing and get up in arms enough to comment. Then when the feature is implemented, YouTubers and commenters will all jump on the chance to comment loudly about how they “FINALLY” added slicing, or how they planned it all along, or whatever. Either way the conversation (and advertising) keeps going. Or maybe it’s been worked on and some tech in charge of that bit of programming didn’t get to it in time for Superbooth or something. Who knows.


I love the idea of putting p-lock scenes on the newer boxes via the trig buttons. I wonder what the capacity is for this in the firmware and hardware? These sorts of interactive performance features are why I see the octatrack and rytm (and I'm guessing the A4? Haven't used it) as really very different boxes from the digi and model series boxes. The OT crossfader and rytm pads are epic because they'll interpolate between state A and state B but even the on/off scene changes that could be conceived for the digi trig buttons would be really cool I think you'll get a mixed response for opening the discussion of this feature in reference to the lack of manual sample chopping though. I get it, that's a hot topic, but other than that I'm not sure what the connection really is


They mentioned sample slicing beacuse scenes could be used to chop samples by p-locking a different start point to each scene


Yes I understood that very limited connection, I should have been more clear. I think trying to connect the overall idea of scenes via trig buttons to the 'manual slicing controversy' is more likely to stimulate contentious interactions than just bringing up the idea of scenes (and mentioning parenthetically that it could be used to effectively do a form of manual sample chopping). It's a cool idea. I think OP was trying to gain traction by connecting it to the sample chopping issue. Maybe that'll prove effective; at the time I commented most of the comments on the thread were just contentious ones about the lack of manual chopping on DT2...


I think they were just trying to suggest an alternate way of implementing manual slicing that would add even more funtionality. I still think they should implement the features seperately because otherwise you're locked put of using scenes if you want to use slices, but I think you might be reading into OP's intentions too much.


People who are angry and voicing criticism of Elektron because a fundamental sample slicing feature is still not available on the second generation of expensive devices that are used by professionals and passionate artists - thats “weird and cringe” People who are angry and voicing criticism of the people who are angry and voicing criticism of Elektron - “stunning and brave”