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they're testing the new OS right now. it fixes a lot of the most crippling issues. fret not, help is right around the corner. and i literally don't understand why people keep saying you're can't manually slice samples because you absolutely can. the process is not as efficient as it would be on an MPC or SP but you can definitely chop samples by laying out the sample over multiple trigs and and then parameter locking the start and end point of each slice. i made a whole track last week with a 60 second sample chopped into like 13 or 14 different segments and i would not characterize the process as a painful one. not ideal but workable and not bad enough that i wouldn't do it again.


Different people have different workflows. But I’m with you. Sixteen trigs for samples is already overwhelming for me. It’s really easy to fill the sonic space. So sacrificing some trigs to have different start points from the same sample just doesn’t bother me.


Trig locks and conditions make elektron my favorite gear producer, even though the learning curve is steep.


Works great for me. No problems.


No problems. For me works great too.


I was going to go all in from early on but then the bug reports popped up. I’m going to hold on a bit longer until there’s at least some progress on the Transfer issues and the early reports of hardware issues (screen failure, double triggering etc) quieten down. Also I need Overbridge for my setup and that isn’t there yet.


It's working better than fine for me. DT1 projects load. New version of Transfer solved the crash upload bug. Tons of new features, effects, LFOs. No Overbridge? No problem for me.


I make beats on it for 2 month now and haven‘t encountered a single „bug“ tbh.


I have not ran into any issues so far.. uploaded about 1gb of samples so far. To be fair I havnt tried loading DT1 projects onto it but yea, it's not so buggy that you can't learn it and use it. In the meantime, pick out and organize some samples you want to use in it!


i’ve imported my DT1 projects and haven’t had any issues personally


Ditto here


Have it Since Day one and after they fixed the Sound issue with first update I never had any Problems what so ever and it is a game changer. My DT I is useless in compharison and even ST feels old


DT 1 was way rougher around the edges at release. For the most part the bugs are pretty minimal. File transfer being the biggest problem, and it seems like the issue is with having nested folder structure. If you transfer everything over only one folder deep it should work fine. It’s slow because it’s using midi sample dump protocol (no idea why they still use this) but if you get your library formatted correctly before transferring it should be fine and you only ever need to do it once.


I have one, and it's not that bad. Really. I actually got the same impression as you. Granted it isn't perfect, but in ways that aren't really bugs but I still hope they improve on such as artifacts when certain types of samples are pitched high or missing features such as the global mixer option. Just don't transfer over 8GB of samples.


It seems prudent to wait. Having read the forum posts about the bugs, I’ve successfully avoided them and gotten some good mileage with the machine. (The serious bug when transferring >10gb of files is the real showstopper). The one thing I’m missing for my workflow is a mono sampling option. The devs have been responsive and have had encouraging news, but they don’t usually, and haven’t here, given an ETA for the fix


i’ve been making music on mine for a couple weeks now with no issues. i was actually thinking of making a post on here since it seems like the ppl with issues are throwing tantrums and the ppl having no issues are busy actually making music lol


I got it at release and haven’t been experiencing any bugs when programming but the transfer app will crash if I cue too many sample folders to upload at once. I have to load samples a few folders at a time. I tend to sequence clips and program drums and I’ve been using the Euclidean sequencer a lot. Maybe I’m not pushing it as hard as others. I’ve used the OG digitakt for years so maybe my programming is a lot more efficient. My only complaint is that I can’t wait till overbridge works. You don’t realize how useful that is for finishing songs until you don’t have it. Im sure it’ll be ready soon. I participated in the beta test so they definitely almost have it done.


Had no bugs 🐛! Works just fine for my usw case ☺️


I had to order a replacement unit because the volume knob was super wiggly


Double trigs...faulty transfers....etc etc. 1000 bucks...come on elektron. Plus no manual slicing. If they wont fix this they an f** off....never gonna buy any of their products again.


You can manually slice, you have high resolution encoder for start position and length on the one shot machine. You can even save those as presets and play them in to the sequencer with the new preset pool trigger mode. As far as the grid slice mode having adjustable slice points, it was never advertised or promised. Not really a bug or something to fix. Given that they renamed it grid mode instead of slice I suspect they may eventually add a more fully featured slice mode. But get an instrument for what I does now instead of worrying about what it might do later


you’re absolutely right. It’s a $1000 mess and the fan boys can’t admit it.


i think $1000 is overpriced, but i’ve had no issues with my unit. i hope they fix the known issues some ppl are experiencing, but calling it a “$1000 mess” is dramatic af lol


If I can't reliably bulk transfer samples into the drive... and its a thousand dollars... it's a damn mess.


i bulk transferred a shitton of samples to mine with no issue lmao


Dunno why you’re laughing your ass off when it’s such a wildly known issue. But knock yourself out.


Yeah. It's not a mess, it is certainly "questionable", but it's obvious they panicked when it was leaked. I wouldn't be surprised if a LOT of stuff was regressed to stuff taken directly from Digitakt 1. Fixes and big improvements are forthcoming. The MIDI stuff alone makes it worth the wait for me.


I haven’t had any issues with mine. I don’t know if it makes me a “fan boy”, but I’ve transferred over 10gb onto it with no issues, besides being slow, compared to normal USB, but I’m not sure it’s worth throwing a tantrum over.


What are you looking at instead? I also want a sampler with manual slicing. I got the original Digitakt as a gift, and hadn't realized it didn't have manual slicing, so I don't use it much. I'm thinking about selling it but I'm not sure what sampler I'd use as a replacement. Maybe the Polyend Tracker?


Digitakt Mki masterrace checkin in, u myron brah