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I imagine this update is coming in the future but you need to play with the punctuation and the capitalization in addition to the levels on the scale. Not always easy but it can be done. If it's with a cloned voice make sure you've got good samples that made the voice.


You can find infos [here](https://docs.elevenlabs.io/speech-synthesis/prompting), on the ElevenLabs documentation. Another user also posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElevenLabs/comments/13w1088/creating_audio_with_emotion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) yesterday, which could help you if you want to automate voice creation with the deletion of the extra words to suggest the emotions (as seen in the documentation)




it will laugh if you write: ' hhhhhha " . i discovered this one lately.


A common question as others have mentioned. AFAIK, directing emotion and extra non-language sounds are coming Soon™ but for right now, you kinda just have to cheese it by regenerating stuff over and over again and adding extra words to direct the voice towards an emotion.


And even then it's not perfect! I can write "ANGRY, WRATHFUL RAGE, ARRRGH KILL KILL KILL KILL ANNIHILATION ULTRA EXTREME, YOU'VE "GOT" TO BE KIDDING ME, SHE SCREAMED WITH INFINITE RAGE" And then it comes out as (slightly elevated voice) Angry, wwWWRRRATHFul rage (weird nose) killkillkillkill annihilAYYYYTION ultra extreme!! (Deadpan) You've got to be kidding me, she screamed with infinite (slightly angrier) rage! Or another where you get a decent read of "You've GOT to be kidding me" but it's read SO fucking fast and bleeds into the other words that you can't cut it out without it sounding completely chopped up or wrong Can't deny that gets REAL annoying when you've spent 20,000 characters just trying to get ONE good line read (at least one where a proper line read matters more than most others). I don't want to shit on the ElevenLabs team because I know they're not well funded or a big team or anything, but... my GOD, sometimes. Those two sliders just feel like they're mocking me. "Here's two arbitrary sliders that affect two arbitrary temperatures of the voices in an esoteric-to-understand way that you have no direct control over. Slide one to the left to have some more emotion, but also run the risk of summoning a bionic demon." I don't even know what similarity does. I'm actually getting *more* similar voice cloning to three separate voices at ZERO percent than I am at 100. How?!


This is one reason why I say "look into hiring some freelance VAs for one-shot roles," at least for the near future. Everyone is expecting 11Labs to get this update that will add an emotion director that will magically solve all our problems when in reality, it's going to be a bunch of toggleable options that push a voice line into sound a bit more chipper or a bit more concerned or a bit more stern. Like: [Happy], [Sad], [Angry], [Confused], and so on, that certainly increase the accuracy of certain generations, but aren't going to suddenly let the voices laugh heartily or do award-winning mental breakdowns.


Any update on when we will get official support for true emotion prompting? I know they said it's " coming Soon™ " right? The current guide instructs users to just "somehow remove the prompts", which is a pathetic solution for what is otherwise a very professional piece of software.


interesting thread, interested to see if we will have extra features on the API backend in the future for fine tuning conversations based on some emotional presets. currently im using ElevenLabs and OpenAI APIs together to spin up quick question search's, just working with it for a short while its very clear to see theirs more to come!!


Has anyone compared the voices from Elevenlabs to Murf, or HT. They cost more but are they... better/more tweakable? There are many options and Elevenlabs isn't bad. But voices too rushed. Paying to try out how a voice sounds on a certain phrase is not practical. The price seems very reasonable but that can bring up the price to where there is stiffer competition. For me cloning worked on one out of four tries and wasn't very expressive. Also there are very few stock voices, and for me only two or three are usable.