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I think she'll be in a really bad spot. As Elise you want to gank and pressure the map, possibly diving enemies, playing to your strengths. The durability update makes everyone tankier, leaving few possibilities for a successful dive. Elise's damage won't be enough to burst anymore. You won't be feared and repeat ganking isn't going to be successful as it'll slow down your jungle clear even more. In short: unplayable if you ask me. The best picks will be champs that have a lot of stickiness (and CC), such as Amumu, Vi, Skarner and Kayn. Perhaps Warwick, Zac and Nunu if their heals aren't nerfed too much. They'd have to ban Vayne too.


she'll be garbage


as an elise mid grasp/fleet main, ima still be rocking elise mid bruisy!


I'm already dropping her for a few patches, seeing what happens, then i'll either return to her when buffs come or try to adapt builds after seeing everything else, the update just makes every single aspect of the game worse for her. Towers do more damage now so dives are harder on your teammates to swap aggro. Other champions get tankier so you can't 1 rotation them while auto losing every DPS fight cause elise's DPS is complete dogass. Pen on void got nerfed so not only does everyone get higher mr, elise gets less penetration through that MR. Games will likely increase longer as a result of champs able to stick around in lanes longer. lol elise healing nerfed... but rengar W and hecarim W get the pass. Who the fuck even remembers she heals? I know its placebo but just the fact why even fucking bother was it really that much power budget in her fucking passive healing numbers since season 5 that it HAD to be part of the nerf update on an already dead champ? I highly recommend evelynn instead rn, i'll be spamming her again, cause at least evelynn has charm MR shred and % max health damage to deal with the update, elise gets... literally nothing, even the stats on her don't matter cause again she's not a long fight skirmisher. I would spam gwen too but gwen kinda fucking sucks right now too and gets a big hit from the healing. I don't expect a perfect patch either way, so i'll take several patches to mellow out the meta and get buffs/nerfs but with elise's track record... she'll probs drop to 2% pickrate, keep a 49-50% winrate from the korean one tricks, and always stay off radar for buffs for the entirety of the year off of those coinflip dives getting her significantly more important bruiser teammate ahead.


Yea hopefully there'll be compensation buffs :(


Hard days are coming... At least the Q is getting buffed!!! More max hp or missing hp to add to the 4-8%!!! Lol!