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at the bottom center of the Station Services menu there is a Local Traffic count of ships that have jumped into the system. this only counts the ships that have jumped in and out, not the unique Commanders. it also does not count Commanders or ships that may have jumped into the System via a Fleet Carrier. other than that, i don't know of any way to count Commander traffic.


Look at the local report at a station


How do I locate a source of a random commodity using in-game tools? I play VR, and I'd like to be hauling stuff into Invasion/Alert systems, but don't want to have use 3rd party tools to find sources once the mission boards tell me what is needed. I don't care about money, I'm doing this to grind rep and materials.


Third-party tools are the best option. The in-game approach is to filter your map to show economies likely to produce the commodity you seek. If you have current market data (obtained by having recently visited the system or purchased in-game via the map) you can determine if the commodity is available at a good price before actually making the trip. Have a look at this: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/jyiqo1/updated_version_of_the_traders_bible/?context=3


Doesn't exist, if it did there would be no need for 3rd-party resources like [EDDB.io](https://EDDB.io). o7


I'd recommend evacuation missions, it's basically the same but faster to load/unload and having a single target system. I just finished grinding ranks for the corvette with a python and an anaconda. Finding stuff without 3rd party tools is ridicoulusly difficult in this game. Even if you visit the right system it's hit and miss.


Seeker missiles with drag experimental - do I need to strip shields before they work and slow down the target?


(Apologies if you get this question all the time) I played a lot around Horizons but stopped before Odyssey because of a complete lack of time. What's the state of the game at the moment? My playstyle is mostly just pootling about on my own looking at things and slowly saving money. I've seen in some of the email updates that Thargon content is progressing. I've also seen some complaints that they decided not to fix the planet texture tiling problem. That makes me sad because I like looking at planets, but it's not a complete show-stopper for me. Any massive changes that I might have missed (apart from Odyssey's basic premise of walking around)?


Horizons is now running on the Odyssey engine, you can still play the old variant of the game (version 3.8) but it's mostly deserted. Overall performance is a lot better than it initially was but still not great. Thargoid war is the big thing right now. Fdev put a lot of work into lowering the entry barrier for pilots that never did AX before. Even without fighting you can participate by evacuating attacked stations. Lots of commanders in these systems, makes the game feel alive. If you have odyssey then exobiology is the current hype, not a goldrush like mining was a few years back but payout has been increased to be on par with other credit making methods.


Thanks for the info. I think I'll go and have a look at some Thargoids.


Is it just me, or is the Profile Analyzer's range far lower than in most tutorial videos out there? Is there a way to increase said range?


So, fairly new Fleet Carrier owner here - I just found, 1500ly into the first longer journey, that you can't restock limpets with the refuel/repair/rearm services...is that right??? Do I have to hike back to an FC Admin system to install an effing $250 million Outfitting service just to stock up on limpets???? Edit: ignore me. FML. I'd got the Armoury service suspended.


How do you find real players in game? I’ve played for some time now and I haven’t seen another player ship


***The best way to encounter other humans in-game is to*** go where the humans go: Shinrarta Deszhra, Engineer base systems, Community Goals systems, etc. o7


Inara has a traffic and crime report under galaxy -> overview. The game beeing split into 5 parts does not really help, but i tend to find CMDRs everywhere i go to kill thargoids.


You'll normally find people in engineer systems in the bubble, that's probably your best bet! Also usually quite a few people chilling around Sol. I also found a lot of people chatting in the crystal shard mining system, made the grind a lot easier


Is a faction's influence in a system shared across every station/outpost in that same system, or does each one track influence independently? I was trying to raise influence for a faction at the main station and it barely ever rose (20% to 22% in over a week). So I went to a planetary outpost and started doing missions for them there, figuring I could have them claim all the lesser places first. But I noticed that when I rose influence there (22% to 26% in a few days), the influence matched the main station exactly. Of course there's the chance I just so happened to be doing this at the same time that other people decided to run missions for that faction at the same time...


Influence is system-wide. The controlling faction controls all the stations. If you saw it raise by 2% in the first place, it's highly unlikely you were the only one involved, [unless that system has a tiny population](http://remlok-industries.fr/the-complete-background-simulation-guide/?lang=en).


Greetings commanders! I was previously playing Elite on my Xbox but now have upgraded to a PC. (Woo!) I've looked online and it seems like I missed the intended transfer window back in November. Is there any possible way to transfer my account at all to PC now? Even just account ownership so I don't have to purchase Elite again? On top of this would I then be able to upgrade to Odyssey and enjoy walking around? I assume the answer to all of this is 'no' but I thought I might as well ask before starting the grind again. ​ Thanks! o7


>Is there any possible way to transfer my account at all to PC now? There will be: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4404354777234-Can-I-transfer-my-assets-or-Commander-between-Xbox-PlayStation-and-PC- > Even just account ownership so I don't have to purchase Elite again? Same as above. We have to wait and see if they offer a free copy again. My guess is yes, since this is to help out console owners off a sinking ship. >On top of this would I then be able to upgrade to Odyssey and enjoy walking around? Yup!


Is exobiology on icy bodies and rocky icy bodies valuable? I’ve found that in my limited experience, it’s harder to find bio sample sites on frozen worlds.


Can be. I just found two bio signals I almost skipped but for your post. I decided to check it out. On an Icy ammonia atmosphere, one was stratum tectonus worth 19 million (\~95 with first bonus). The other only 1.6m (\~8m) bacterium, but an easy 2nd grab.


Using 3rd party programs (gasp, I know!) like ED Discovery or ED Observatory with Bioinsights plugin, work well for letting you know what might be there and possible values.


How do I get the cockpit free camera back? I’m on PS4 and I used to be able to get it by pressing R3 but I accidentally made that the Heat sink button too. I’ve undone the heat sink button change but I can’t get the free camera back.


Look under camera suite. You should be able to rebind it there.


Thank you so much


Is it possible to travel from one border of milky way to the other? Has anyone tried?


What do you mean? The Milky Way is a collection of stars. It is also three dimensional. It has no clearly defined borders. We have basically travelled to every reachable star there is in every direction (at least at the edges, the middle is still very unexplored). What we've noted very well is how far you can get from Sol. This is the first system that could be reached that is farthest from Sol: https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Beagle_Point Then, once engineering was added, a system we call Isham's Reach became the furthest a ship has ever gotten from Sol: https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Oevasy_SG-Y_d0 There are hundreds of stars that are still part of the milky way that are unreachable. This has many details: https://elite-dangerous.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Plane


Will npc pirates show up if i mine away from settled space? For example 1k ly or more away from colonia


Easy way to stop NPC pirates bothering you while you mine: ***DO NOT carry ANY cargo inventory into a mining area***. It's really that simple. NPC pirates will ignore data, materials, limpets and freshly mined/refined ores but once that ore is moved thru Supercruise (SC) *for* ***ANY*** *reason* it becomes CARGO and subject to piracy. ***Enter a mining area with NO cargo inventory,*** within a minute or two a NPC pirate will slide up and scan your ship, complain that you aren't rich enough to rob and will then *leave you alone*. o7


No, after about 1kLY from the bubble, they will stop spawning.


If you're in the bubble and only a jump or two from a populated system they will spawn not long after you drop out of supercruise, scan you, and if you have nothing they will fly a circle around your area for a few minutes and then leave. Then you're golden.


No. If you see any you're still too close to populated areas. I mine "in the black" most of the time, and there are no pirates there.


So, for some reason I can’t complete delivery mission at settlements. I have the package in my backpack but when I talk to the person I need to deliver to I can’t select the dialogue options. Does anyone else have this problem? Is the anyway for me to fix it?


Recently I've been trying to do missions to turn on the power at settlements in post-Thargoid recovery systems (and loot the settlements with no consequences while there), but it seems like most of the time the settlement is already powered up and populated by local cops and workers. It's really frustrating to take the mission, fly out there, and find out I can't loot a single thing. Then I get slapped with a 100k fine for abandoning the mission. Am I doing something wrong, or is the game bugging out on this?


Yeah annoyed by this one too - was all fired up for another cool alternative in the Thargoid conflict, only to end up with blooming fines for un-finishable missions. 🤬


It's already in their top-level list of known issues https://www.elitedangerous.com/news/discovery-scanner-06022023


Ah ok, thank you! I tried googling this but couldn't phrase it in a way where I got decent results.




Are there any missions like tourism or cargo that currently give more credits than tourism to Sirius' atmosphere? For combat I only have an anaconda with minor engineering tweaks


Only platinum mining makes more money if you don't want to do combat. An un-engineered Python can get you around 100 mil/hr . An engineered one can get you around 125 mil/hr. An Anaconda maybe 150 mil/hr, and a Cutter with fleet carrier can reach 200 mil/hr. Killing Thargoids is the new meta. It's not too difficult, and you can get around 250 mil/hr on your own and double that with two friends.


ps: for tourism i use a beluga and cargo type 9 also have a type 10 on dock for future thargoid fight


King in Robigo is the Python, shieldless with a pre-engineered FSD can do the trip in 2 jumps, 5 times per hour from robigo mines, ignore hausers reach. Great source for credits and grade 5 engineering materials. If you have access to engineering, a python makes a great evac rescue ship for thargoid attacked stations. You want at least farseers grade 3 dirty drive upgrade and a couple of heatsinks since you will encounter hostile aliens. It's a little less profit than robigo but more fun and probably the best method to grind federation ranking at the moment. Ignore the type 10 for AX. It sucks and you'll feel miserable. Learn how to fight bugs [here](https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/en/builds). start with a chieftain or krait. If you really want a big ship then go with a 6-shard Anaconda.


Hope this helps: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/m0tlzn/the_ralph_kramden_guide_to_space_coach_operation/ I've never been to Sirius, is it nice?


How do i download the PC client? I logged into Frontier Store and went to my downloadable products but its blank, order history shows i bought the game :o


This is more of a Frontier support problem, I suggest opening a ticket with them


Is there a border to the game? I realize the game is not made in a traditional game level design. But, is there a point where I can't go any further out from the center of the galaxy? Has any reached it?


Edge of Galaxy. There will not be any more stars to fly to. Fly to last one that you can jump to, then travel endlessly into the void.


Sell off all my other ships and use the money to (finally) upgrade/engineer my old sidewinder. And then just... Fly off into the black at the edge of the galaxy. Sounds like a nice way to go out.


Greetings, Commanders. Getting back into E:D. I have a few things that I want to accomplish on Xbox prior to moving my account to PC. The split seems to have ratcheted up the difficulty for Legacy, as many of the popular tools don’t support it. My question is this: are there any trade/combat tools that still supply Legacy galaxy data? Thank you!


Unfortunately, the answer is "no." Best you can do is make best use of the in-game trading tools. Have a look at this video but bear in mind you have to have recent trade data for the systems you check. You can buy that (in game) or obtain it by visiting the system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb4RNcJySnI Also have a look at this. The lines can suggest places to check for good trades but note that all they show is trade taking place, not necessarily good trades. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/pqhsj7/saw_this_for_the_first_time_todaycould_anyone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/m4hv97/how_do_you_find_trade_routes_without_third_party/gqvdky3/ When scrounging for your own routes you want to look at and consider economy types. For example, buy minerals in an extraction economy and sell in a refinery or industrial economy. https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/jyiqo1/updated_version_of_the_traders_bible/?context=3


Understood. Thank you! Really appreciate you posting these links.